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Justin Washington: The Truth and My Father
Justin Washington: The Truth and My Father
Justin Washington: The Truth and My Father
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Justin Washington: The Truth and My Father

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This book is 25 percent truth and 75 percent fiction. Just know that no matter what you do in life, someone will learn the truth. Good or bad, after they do, life will continue. So the question is this: What will you do when the truth is told? Take a page from the book of Justin Washington, and make the best out of any situation.
Release dateApr 21, 2017
Justin Washington: The Truth and My Father

Harold Jerome Mitchell

The author is a forty-year-old husband and father of four beautiful children. He is from a small town called Summerton, in South Carolina. Writing has always been his way of expressing himself. It started when he was in high school, when he would spend hours writing poems and short stories. Now he has decided to make a bold move and step up to publish one of his stories. In doing so he hopes to inspire others, no matter how old or young they are, to pursue their dreams.

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    Justin Washington - Harold Jerome Mitchell


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    © 2017 Harold Jerome Mitchell. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/22/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8959-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8957-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8958-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017906310

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25


    E DWARD JUSTIN WASHINGTON IS ONE of the best defense attorneys in South Carolina. The road to his current life has been a painful one. Justin had to grow up without his mother. She was shot when he was five years old. The rumors surrounding her death haunted Justin during high school and had continued all through his life.

    Justin was in middle school when he decided to become a lawyer. At that time, he wanted to be a prosecuting attorney. That was on account of his mother’s death. One of the rumors was that there had not been enough evidence to hold his mother’s killer. Justin had studied hard and never played around with his education from that point on.

    Justin had never let her death stop him from being the best at whatever he did. He had always been an honor student. He’d had a great upbringing. He was an only child. His father was the mayor of the small town they lived in, and he was rich. As a matter of fact, his father was a millionaire. Justin often got what he wanted. He had three best friends he would always hang out with. They loved being around Justin. If anything went down the wrong way, they knew they could count on Justin to get them out of trouble. This was especially true of Steven, who was always getting into trouble. That was one of the reasons Justin was such a great talker. He was always talking their way out of trouble. He put up such great defensive arguments that most of the people they got in trouble with just let them get by. What’s more, Justin rarely told lies. People had a lot of respect for Justin, and in return Justin showed respect to them.

    Justin and his father, Ernest Washington, had a great relationship. They could talk about anything—well, at least as far as Justin was concerned. He told his father everything. Ernest, on the other hand, didn’t do the same. You see, Ernest had a few secrets of his own. Ernest knew the truth about Justin’s mother, Sarah. He just didn’t know how to tell Justin or even whether he should tell Justin.

    Justin often asked Ernest about it, but he would avoid the questions. Deep in his heart, Justin knew that his father knew something. How could he not, when he had been the sheriff at that time?

    It was becoming clearer to Ernest that he would have to tell Justin something about his mother. So he made a promise: he would tell Justin about his mother when he graduated from high school. Justin agreed to that. That was when he was only fourteen and had four more years of school to go.

    Chapter 1

    D URING HIS FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORE years, Justin didn’t even think about the promise his father had made. He was having too much fun with his friends when he wasn’t studying. Justin put his education above all. After studying, he and his friends did all the things young teens would do: party, drink, and hang out at the lake. Justin and his best friends, James, Steven, and Monica, did it all.

    Well, almost all. Justin was the only virgin of the group, and he didn’t mind. He was waiting for the right one and the right time.

    He enjoyed being with his friends and going out. His friends never had to pay for anything when they were with Justin. He always had enough money to buy what everybody wanted. His father saw to that. Ernest kept Justin happy so his mind wouldn’t wander back to his mother. For that matter, Ernest never got married again. He didn’t want any reminders around for Justin to dwell on. The house staff was all the help Ernest needed to help raise Justin. They did a great job with Justin when his father wasn’t around. They taught him how to give and receive respect. He loved them as if they were his own family, and they loved him the same way.

    Justin knew he was loved, but nothing could take the place of his mother’s love. That much he knew and would always feel. He could still remember how she used to sing him to sleep at night. He even remembered the way she smelled when she wore her favorite perfume. That always lifted his spirits when he thought about it. That and Monica.

    Monica would talk to Justin as if she were his mother. Of course, she did that with all of them. She thought she was smarter than the rest of them. Her grades averaged just a point above Justin’s, but he let her get away with it, because she was an uptight little thing. That and she was so damn fine. Justin often wondered why she even hung out with them. James and Steven thought they were a couple of players because they had already had sex. They had even had sex with two sexy-ass girls at the same time. That gave them the big head. Monica got into it with them all the time, but they always ended up remaining friends no matter what names were called. All Justin could do was laugh and thank God that she didn’t mess with him.

    Deep down in her heart, Monica knew Justin was hurting. She knew that Justin missed his mother, but she never spoke of it to him. She never crossed the lines of their friendship. Their friendship meant more to her than anything. She just sat back and lusted over his well-built and toned body from time to time. She often imaged Justin making love to her and having his way with her. Monica was a little freaky, too, but she kept it well hidden. She kept a diary, and in it she wrote about Justin. Well, at least she wrote that when she was having sex with other guys she imagined that they were Justin fucking her. She knew that was the closest she could get to Justin.

    Justin sometimes noticed Monica watching him, but he chalked it up to her being overprotective and his best friend. He never saw her in any other way. As far as he was concerned, Monica was a little sister to him. James and Steven, on the other hand, wanted to tear up Monica’s sexy ass. They would make jokes about it, but they would never really take it there with her.

    They all knew friendship came first. That’s what they knew they could count on above all else. They all came from single-parent homes. So they just agreed to do whatever it took to make each other happy. They vowed to always be there for each other, no matter what.

    Chapter 2

    I T WASN’T UNTIL HIS JUNIOR and senior years of high school that Justin began hearing more rumors about how his mother had died. There was talk of her running around on

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