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From Addict to Disciple: Recovery Is A Life of Daily Grace in the Holy Spirit
From Addict to Disciple: Recovery Is A Life of Daily Grace in the Holy Spirit
From Addict to Disciple: Recovery Is A Life of Daily Grace in the Holy Spirit
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From Addict to Disciple: Recovery Is A Life of Daily Grace in the Holy Spirit

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About this ebook

As a recovering addict, I have discovered that I must rely on God's grace to get me down the road to recovery-a daily, moment-by-moment walk with Jesus Christ. His grace is undeserved favor and cannot be earned. God's grace is a free gift to each of His children. It's my choice whether or not I receive H

Release dateAug 31, 2021
From Addict to Disciple: Recovery Is A Life of Daily Grace in the Holy Spirit

Isaiah Thomas Matthews

Isaiah Thomas Matthews was born on May 19, 1964 in Dixon, IL. He graduated from Polo High School in 1982, and from Sauk Valley College with an A.A.S. degree in 1990. He currently is a Bible student at Global University with the intent of becoming licensed and/or ordained. Matthews has been married since June 1, 1991, has one daughter who was born on April 3, 2001, and has been a recovering addict since 2006. He has been a born again child of God since 2004. Matthews has suffered through two car accidents. The second one left him with a permanent disability. Instead of being angry and bitter, he decided to seek the Lord in the midst of his pain and suffering. Matthews has suffered with an addiction to pornography since age 11. He battles addictions to food, sports, sugar, and work. Needless to say, he found Jesus Christ and discovered that he is a writer for the Kingdom of God, which was not his plan for his life. Matthews initially sought to be a weatherman, then a professional bowler, and then a high school math teacher, all of which were not God's plan for his life. God's plan included sharing with others what Jesus Christ has done for him and what the Lord wants to do for all of those suffering through addictions. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! It is the author's prayer that each reader discovers the unbelievable peace, joy, and freedom that is found in our great and awesome Lord, Jesus Christ!

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    Book preview

    From Addict to Disciple - Isaiah Thomas Matthews

    January 1

    Love One Another

    Read or listen to John 13:31-35

    Key verse: So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other (John 13:34 NLT).¹

    When people look at you, what do they see? How about when they look at the Church? Do they see Jesus? Do they see us loving one another? Do we love them? These are all tough but necessary questions to ask. Perhaps the most necessary questions to ask are, Lord, how do You see me? and How do You see us? There’s no unity and personal empowerment to love God, one’s self, and others without the power of the Holy Spirit working deep within our hearts. Peter claimed that He would never deny Jesus. He denied Him three times in a matter of minutes. Peter was trying to operate on his own strength. He was not relying on God’s power, which was promised later in the form of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We, too, will fail miserably when we do things our own way and in our own strength. On our own we fall into sin and addictions. With the Spirit’s help we are no longer sinners struggling to love God, but we are transformed into lovers of God who struggle with sin (Roberts)². And we now love ourselves and others because He first loved us. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from God’s powerful, loving arms, for there is no force in the universe greater than His love. Hallelujah!

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, brand new day. We will rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. What a privilege it is to be Your chosen child for all of eternity. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love, amazing grace, and Your Holy Spirit. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts with the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit we shall be transformed into Your likeness and You will renew the world for Your glory. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we are new creatures in You. We are no longer addicts of a worldly kind, but we are instead addicted to Your love and beauty. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this new and exciting life that we now have in You. We love You, Lord, and we praise Your holy name. GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised. Hallelujah! Lord, in Your tender love, listen to our prayers and praises. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on John 13:31-35):

    Have you received gifts from someone and felt like they wanted something in return? How did that make you feel? Are you giving to God and to others cheerfully and willingly? Or are You giving to God and to others begrudgingly? Ask Jesus to give you the power to love and to give unconditionally, just like He does.

    January 2

    Love God’s Word

    Read or listen to Psalm 119:161-168

    Key Verse: I have obeyed your laws, for I love them very much (Psalm 119:167).

    King David was known as a man who was after God’s heart. This passage shows why this is true, not only for David, but for any of us. We, too, can be men and women after God’s heart. David struggled with sin, just like all of us. David’s addiction was to God and doing His will by loving and obeying His commands. We can follow David’s footsteps and trade in our addictions for a hunger and thirst for God and His Holy Word.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, brand new day that You have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts, to change us from the inside out into Your likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts with the fire of Your unfailing love. As You send forth Your Spirit, Oh Lord, we shall be transformed—we will delight in Your Word. With the Spirit’s help we will be able to rejoice in You and Your Word, for You, Lord Jesus, are our greatest treasure. We thank You, Lord, that we are Your treasure. Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will love Your Word and we will praise You unceasingly. Lord, because we love Your Word, we will have Your peace that surpasses all understanding and will not fall away. Yes, Lord, we are obeying Your Words because we love them; we love You, Lord, very much. Yes, Lord, we will obey Your commands and laws by the Spirit’s power. Hallelujah. GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised. Lord, Your Spirit will renew the face of the earth as only He can do. Thank You, Lord, for this new and exciting life that we now have in You. We are no longer addicts of a worldly kind. We are a new creation in Jesus Christ. The old has gone and the new has come. Lord, You must continue to increase and we must decrease as we die more to self, all for Your glory, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider:

    Do you love to read and study the Bible? Do you take joy in doing what is right? How much peace of mind and heart do you have in your life?

    January 3

    The Ten Commandments: Love God and Love People

    Read or listen to Deuteronomy 5:6-21

    Key verse: You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me (Deuteronomy 5:9).

    What can we say about the Ten Commandments other than they are tough to keep. All of us have broken, and keep breaking, them. It’s a great thing that our salvation doesn’t depend on whether or not we keep the Ten Commandments. Our heavenly Father knew that we couldn’t obey His laws, so He made the only provision for saving us from our sins that He could—He sent His only begotten Son to be the perfect sin offering on our behalf. What amazing love and amazing, outrageous grace.

    Let’s pray: Thank You heavenly Father for this beautiful, brand new day that You have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, that we are rich beyond measure just because we are Yours. We are children of the one true King—a royal priesthood. There’s no such thing as poor princes and princesses. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Your likeness. May the Holy Spirit show us all just how much we need Jesus, and we Thank You, Lord, that we are Your portion. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize the hearts of Your faithful and fan into flame the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, we shall be recreated, no longer addicts of any kind except addicts of Your beauty and love, and You shall make the world brand new. All for Your glory, Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Deuteronomy 5:6-21):

    What sin are you struggling with, or being delivered from? With the Spirit’s help, we will be set free of sin and addiction’s powerful hold. What sins do you need to confess today? What things are you still putting before God? Now is a great time to get rid of the idols. Is there anyone that you are not forgiving? Have you forgiven yourself?

    January 4

    God is the One True God

    Read or listen to 1 Kings 8:54-61

    Key verse: Then people all over the earth will know that the LORD alone is God and there is no other (1 Kings 8:60).

    What a great prayer Solomon prayed. How many of us are doing enough kneeling? How about praying with hands raised in the air? Any of us can pray. We are commanded to pray! There’s no limit to how much time we can spend talking to and listening to God. In fact, the more, the better. There’s no One more important to talk to than God. Solomon knew the Lord personally and made claim that He always keeps His promises. God will do the same for us, too.

    Let’s pray: Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts with the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, we will be overflowing with power and love and transformed into Your likeness. You, Oh God, will make new the face of the earth one soul at a time, all for Your glory, Lord. Lord, as You fill us with Your Spirit we will gain the desire to do Your will in everything we do and we will gain the power to obey all Your laws that are written in Your Word. With the Spirit’s help we will become holy. Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, brand new day that You have made. We will be glad in it because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Your likeness. Thank You, Lord, that we are no longer who we were. We are no longer addicts of any kind, for we are a new creation in Christ. Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord, for this new and exciting life that we now have in You. GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised! Hallelujah! Lord, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on 1 Kings 8:54-61):

    Who have you asked to pray for you? Who is keeping you responsible for the things you say and do? Are you praying for others? If not, now is a great time to start. Notice that prayer is supposed to be God-centered and others-centered, and not self-centered.

    January 5

    Time to Wash

    Read or listen to Revelation 22:12-21

    Key verse: Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life (Revelation 22:14).

    Jesus is time in itself. He is timeless. The Holy Spirit is everywhere at once: past, present, and future. He knows what we’re going to do, what we’re doing, and everything we have ever done… and He still loves us beyond measure. Our part is simply to be gut level honest with Him. It’s OK to be a sinner who desperately needs His love and forgiveness. In fact, desperately needing Jesus Christ is the best problem that any of us could have. Blessed are those of us who allow the Lord to wash us and cleanse us of our sins through confession, humility, repentance, surrender, and obedience to His commands. Blessed are those of us who hunger and thirst for righteousness—who hunger and thirst for Jesus, for they shall be filled with the fire of His love.

    Let’s pray: Come, Lord Jesus, and baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now and fan into flame the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit we shall be transformed and empowered to walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the sinful desires of our flesh. Father, thank You for sending the promised gift of the Holy Spirit who lives deep within our hearts to change our hearts of stone into ones of love alone. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Revelation 22:12-21):

    What are you dreaming about? Are you dreaming of everlasting life with Jesus in heaven? Can you imagine a perfect body with no aches and pains? Can you imagine a kingdom where there is no sin, no sickness, no pain nor suffering?

    January 6

    Jesus’ Church Needs You

    Read or listen to 1 Corinthians 12:12-26

    Key verses: For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit… But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked. That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it (1 Corinthians 12:13, 18-26 KJV).³

    Paul is telling the Corinthians that each believer has an important role in Christ. The same is true for us as well, since we are part of Christ’s body. We need each other, and Christ is counting on each one of us. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead and anointed Paul and Barnabas lives in us, and has anointed us to do the good works that we have been created to do. We can’t function properly if we are fighting one another. Love and humility are the two forces that will bind Jesus’ Church together. We were sinful, powerless addicts when we were prideful and selfish. In Christ, we are called to be loving, humble, and self-less. Only by living a surrendered to life to the Holy Spirit will we humbly walk down the road of recovery with Jesus.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised gift of grace, the Holy Spirit, living deep within our hearts, changing us from the inside out momentarily into Jesus’ likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit anew right now, and stir in them the fire and the power of Your mighty, unfailing love. Father, as we continue to receive Your Spirit, we will continue to love and to care for one another as You love and care for us. May the Holy Spirit bind us together in Your love, now and forever. Father, because You love us, You will always listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on 1 Cor. 12:12-26):

    Are you taking credit for any of your success in life, or do you give God the credit? How has God gifted you to help build Christ’s church? Are you asking God to show you how He sees you? Have you shared lately just how wonderfully powerful God is?

    January 7

    Be Full of the Holy Spirit

    Read or listen to Romans 5:1-11

    Key verse: And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love (Romans 5:5).

    This passage is a great reminder of the wonderful things that God has done for us.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, brand new day that You have made. We will rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we never could, as He died a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as the final payment for our sins. Thank You, Lord, that it is finished. Hallelujah! The debt is paid. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for. Hallelujah! GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised! Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the gift of the promised Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to replace our hearts of stone with ones of love alone. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts with the fire of Your unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, Oh God Almighty, we shall be fire starters for You as we boldly proclaim Your name before others. Thank You, Father, that by the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, we will be able to love our enemies—other sinners who have yet to find their way to You, Lord. O, how You love us, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for not giving us sinners what we deserve; but instead, You give us what we need—You, Lord! How great is our God? He is mighty to love and is mighty to save. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this new and exciting life that we now have in You. We were once dead in our sins and addictions, but now we are alive in You, Lord Jesus. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Romans 5:3-5):

    How patient are you with your healing and deliverance? What habitual sin do you struggle with? How forgiving are you with others? Is there any sin that you have not confessed to God?

    January 8

    God Is Our Refuge

    Read or listen to Psalm 91:1-8

    Key verse: This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him (Psalm 91:2).

    There was a time not too long ago that we were among the wicked. Even though our fleshly bodies are decaying, our inner man is being renewed in Christ Jesus with each passing moment. What separates us from the wicked who are still slaves to their sins and addictions? We must never forget where the Lord found us and what he has saved us from. We must never take the credit for the things that Jesus has done and is still doing. We didn’t choose Jesus Christ to be ours, He chose us to be His! We were once lost but now are found. It was by His amazing grace that He has saved wretches like us—and He wants to save all wretches like us because He loves us all, sinners who know we are sinners. Truly, it is only by grace by faith in Christ that we are saved for His pleasure and purposes for all eternity. What an honor and a privilege it is to be called a child of the One True God and King!

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, that You are our God and King, and we trust You with our lives. Thank You, Father, that You have saved us by Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and every day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ shed blood. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we could never pay as He died a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as the final payment for our sins. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for stepping down from Your throne and for abandoning Your home just for us sinners. O, how You love us, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for. Hallelujah! GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised. Hallelujah! Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to live deep within our hearts to change our hearts of stone into ones of love alone. Thank You, Father, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we will be able to love You, love ourselves, and love and pray for those who have hurt us and for those who love us. Thank You, Father, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we will be able to love in the way that we are loved by You. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Psalm 91:1-8):

    In what ways are you depending on Him like a child depends on his parent? In what ways have You sought God, for there simply is no one out there that can help you? How has God shown you that He always keeps His promises to protect you?

    January 9

    Be Humble and Not Proud

    Read or listen to Romans 12:14-21

    Key verse: Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all (Romans 12:16).

    Can you remember when your anger got the best of you? If someone stepped on our toes we instantly were plotting revenge. We cursed them and prayed evil for them. We were too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. Why? Wasn’t it because of our selfishness? We were slaves to me, myself, and I. When we focus on ourselves we will fulfill the desires of our flesh and not walk in the Spirit. Thanks be to God that we are no longer slaves to our sins and our addictions.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Jesus’ likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit, right now, to overflowing, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. Father, as You pour out Your Spirit, we will be able to pray for those who have hurt us and have sinned against us. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we will not plot revenge on them but will pray for them to be blessed by You, God, for they have sinned against You first and foremost and You are their judge. Father, we pray for their salvation and well-being because You love them just as much as You love us. Father, as You send forth Your Spirit we will be empowered to enjoy the company of ordinary, lowly people because You will teach us how to love them and to pray for them. Thank You, Father, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we will be teachable and humbled, realizing that we don’t know much at all, for all wisdom comes from You, God Almighty. Thank You, Father, that by the power of the Holy Spirit we will be able to give to the hungry and give to the thirsty what they need, for silver and gold have we not, but what we do have we will give away—love, mercy, grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Father, that by the Spirit’s power, we will be able to not let sin conquer us, but we will conquer the devil by doing good in the name of love in Christ Jesus. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Romans 12:14-21):

    Are you letting God’s love, and not your own, control your thoughts and your actions? How are you doing at loving those who don’t love you? Are you able to pray God’s blessing over them? Whom do you love that you have hurt with your sins, addictions, and compulsive behaviors? How are you letting God’s love enable you to seek healing and forgiveness for hurting them? Have you been able to humble yourself and tell them that you were wrong? Ask God for help because He wants to restore every important relationship in your life, especially the one between Himself and you.

    January 10

    God Knew Us First

    Read or listen to Isaiah 49:1-7

    Key verse: Listen to me, all you in distant lands. Pay attention, you who are far away. The LORD called me before my birth; from within the womb he called me by name (Isaiah 49:1).

    Aren’t you glad that God knew us before we were born? What does this say about our citizenship? We came from heaven first and foremost. Otherwise, how did God know us? Heaven is where He dwells and heaven is truly our eternal home. God sent us to earth to be His weapons of love, healing, and compassion to this lost and hurting world. What a calling and what a purpose He has for us.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and every day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we were once lost in our sins and addictions, but now we are found. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we could never pay, as He died a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as the final payment for our sins. Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and for causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Your Son’s likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize the hearts of the faithful and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. Father, as You pour out Your Spirit, we will be empowered to bring glory to Your great and holy name. By the power of the Spirit, we will be honored and strengthened by You, God, to do the work that You created us to do here on earth. Thank You, Father God, for choosing us to be Yours. What an honor and a privilege it is to be a child of the One True God and King… Thank You, Father, for giving us work to do that has eternal purpose all in the name of love. Thank You, Father, that Your Spirit will make us bright lights in this dark and sinful world. Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit will enable us to bring salvation to the lost in this dark world. O, what hope we have in You, God Almighty. Thank You, Father, for giving us the hope of eternal life spent with You—the God who loves us beyond measure. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Isaiah 49:1-7):

    Are you giving to others expecting to get something back from them in return? Or are you giving to others expecting to get rewarded by God? How have your relationships changed since following Christ down the road to recovery?

    January 11

    God Chose Us to Be His

    Read or listen to 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

    Key verse: We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people (1 Thessalonians 1:4).

    Aren’t you glad that it wasn’t God’s plan that we be slaves to sin and addictions?

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for this beautiful day that You have made. We will continue to rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for choosing us to be Your children. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we never could as He humbly came to earth to die a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as the final payment for our sins. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for. GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised! Hallelujah! Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and forever causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Jesus’ likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize the hearts of the faithful and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. Father, as You pour out Your Spirit we will be faithful in all we say and do. By the power of the Holy Spirit we will be able to survive in the promise that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving us hope of eternal life spent with You—the God and King who loves us. Thank You, Father, that by the Spirit’s power we will be able to imitate Jesus in acts of love. Thank You, Father, for loving us enough to save us from the pits of hell. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on 1 Thessalonians 1:2-9):

    Are you acting out your faith in Christ daily, or are you planning way ahead? How are you showing love by giving up your time and energy in order to help those in need? How is hope in God getting you through your tough days? How have you experienced liberty from sins and addictions that is only experienced by the Holy Spirit’s renewing power? Have you fully turned over your life and will to God? Are you telling others about the wonderful things that Jesus Christ has done for you? If not, pray for opportunities to do so.

    January 12

    Remember the Lord

    Read or listen to Jonah 2:1-10

    Key verse: As my life was slipping away, I remembered the LORD. And my earnest prayer went out to you in your holy Temple (Jonah 2:7).

    There was a time in our lives when we were running away from God just like Jonah did. When, you might ask? Weren’t we running from God when we were slaves to our sins and addictions? It seems like it was easy to run to them because it was easy to medicate in them for the pleasure and stress relief we got from them. However, there was no true satisfaction and wholeness in these false Gods. As our lives, like Jonah’s in verse 7, were slipping away, we remembered the Lord because He never forgot us. His Holy Spirit chased us down violently just to embrace us. Aren’t you glad that His grace fell down and captured your heart?

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit who lives deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Jesus’ likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, Oh God Almighty, we will be forever saved from the grips of sin and death. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to pray passionate prayers that You will hear and answer for Your delight and glory, Lord God Almighty. It will be by the Spirit’s power that we will offer ourselves as living sacrifices to You with joyful hearts. And by the Spirit’s power we will keep our promises to You, Father God. Thank You, Father, that everlasting life comes only from You, the One True God. Thank You, Father, that the joy of the Lord is our strength, now and forever. Lord, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Jonah 2:1-10):

    How are you doing at living out God’s purpose for your life? In what ways has God rewarded you for obeying Him? In what ways have you paid the price for doing things your way? How has God led you from your sins and addictions? How far did you have to fall before you realized that your way wasn’t working out so well? How long did it take you to give God a chance?

    January 13

    Joy In the Lord

    Read or listen to Luke 1:46-56

    Key verse: How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1:47).

    Mary was just a typical teenage girl when God rocked her world. Can you imagine being chosen to be the mother of the chosen Messiah—the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? Her family and friends probably were very jealous. Then she got pregnant out of wedlock, which by Jewish law meant that she could have been stoned to death. Nothing could stop God’s plan. After the Lord’s angel, Gabriel, revealed God’s plan to Joseph, he understood and took Mary as his wife. God has a great plan for each one of us too. He likes to make disciples out of addicts and the chronically ill—out of anyone who will allow Him to be their Lord and Savior. Just like Mary, God has chosen us to be His beloved children. What an honor and a privilege it is to be part of God’s family. Just like Jesus Christ, we are heirs to His Kingdom of love and eternal life. How blessed we are!

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for the gift of the promised Holy Spirit. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, Oh God Almighty, our hearts shall praise You and be glad in You. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we shall receive Your love and mercy and be humbled so that You are exalted, Lord God Almighty. As You pour out Your Spirit Lord You shall continue to make the world new, all for Your glory. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Luke 1:51-55):

    How has, or is, God showing you that His plans are not your plans? In what ways are you finding joy and happiness? Are you finding joy in Jesus Christ or from some other source? Do you have more sins and addictions to give over to God? Lord, show us what is wrong with our lives and show us where we need to change. Amen. Who has the Lord placed in your life that is poor and struggling with addiction? Thank You, Lord, for the people that You have placed in our lives. Help us to love them in the way that You love us. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    January 14

    Focus On Jesus Christ

    Read or listen to Philippians 4:4-9

    Key verse: And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8).

    Some days it is hard to be full of the joy of the Lord, especially when one is in pain, unemployed, homeless, in prison, in the hospital, or all alone. Paul wrote the epistle of Philippians behind bars, yet he was full of joy. How? Jesus Christ was all that Paul had and Jesus was all that he needed. The joy of the Lord was Paul’s strength and His joy is also our strength. Before we found our way to Jesus, we found joy in our sins and our addictions. But these things never really satisfied us, did they? True joy comes from being filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for this beautiful, brand new day that You’ve made. We will continue to rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and each day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood on our behalf. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we could never pay as He willingly died a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as payment in full for our sins. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that by Your amazing grace our sins have been cast as far as the east is from the west! Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for! Hallelujah! GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised… Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave, and for causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Jesus’ likeness. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. Father, as You pour out Your Spirit we will be able to think about the good things that You have done. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, we will constantly think about how beautiful Jesus is, for He represents all that is good and lovely. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to pray always and will be too blessed to be stressed. Thank You, Lord, that Your peace that surpasses our understanding will constantly protect our hearts and minds. Thank You, Father, that by the power of Your Holy Spirit we will be able to apply Your Word to our lives and bear fruit for You. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Philippians 4:4-9):

    What do you see God doing in your life? How about in others’ lives? How much time per day do you pray and study the Bible in order to know God and His will for you? How much peace and joy are you getting out of your relationship to Jesus Christ?

    January 15

    The Greatest Love

    Read or listen to 1 John 4:7-14.

    Key verse: This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins (1 John 4:10).

    When we were slaves to our sins and addictions, we loved ourselves and our idols. We had friends, who were fellow addicts, but did we really love them, or did we just use one another? Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we now can love God, love ourselves, and love others. It is only by the Spirit’s power that we can love at all.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we could never pay, as He died a horrible, sinner’s death on a cross as payment for our sins. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You! Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for! O, how You love us, Lord Jesus! GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised! Hallelujah! Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to prove that we live in Him and He in us! Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, God Almighty, we will continue to be made in Jesus’ likeness, and You, Oh God, will continue to make the world new, all for Your glory. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on 1 John 4:7-12):

    Who near you are you reaching out to in love? Are you giving up your resources and time expecting nothing in return? Or are you doing things for others expecting them to repay you in some way? Let love and compassion be the motivator of what we say and do.

    January 16

    Paul, the Great Speaker

    Read or listen to Acts 13:13-23

    Key verse: So Paul stood, lifted his hand to quiet them, and started speaking. ‘Men of Israel,’ he said, ‘and you God-fearing Gentiles, listen to me’ (Acts 13:16).

    God performed many powerful miracles against Egypt and Pharaoh that ultimately freed the Israelites from them. God was the only way that the Jews were going to be set free. Not only does God free us from our enemies in the flesh, but He frees us of our spiritual enemies of sin, addictions, and destructive behaviors, as only HE can do. Our God is the all-powerful God that can do all things!

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for freeing us of our sins and our addictions. Thank You, Father, for this brand new life that we now have in Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised Holy Spirit who lives deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Jesus’ likeness. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be a people after Your heart, Lord God Almighty. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in us the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, God Almighty, we will continue to be transformed and You will continue to make the world brand new, all for Your glory. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Acts 13:13-14):

    Are you letting your sin and shortcomings stop you from ministering to others? Are you letting your sins stop you from loving God, yourself, and others? Remember, if we let our sins stop us from being ministers of Jesus Christ then no one would be a minister.

    January 17

    The Promised Holy Spirit

    Read or listen to Acts 2:23-38

    Key verse: Peter replied, ‘Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 2:38).

    Before God’s grace found us, or we found Him, we were lost in our sins and addictions. Our world would get shaken when we couldn’t get the next fix. Looking back, how diligent we were at filling the empty void in our hearts with whatever felt good. Truly, that void was and still is meant to be filled with the love, power, peace, and joy of Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

    Let’s pray: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for this beautiful, brand new day that You have made. We will continue to rejoice and be glad in it just because we belong to You and to Jesus. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy that is new today and every day. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, that we have right standing with You because of what Jesus did on our behalf. Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Father, for sending Jesus to pay the debt that we could never pay as He died a horrible criminal’s death on a cross as payment of our sins. Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Father, for sending the promised gift of the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to soften those hearts of stone only to give us hearts of love alone! Hallelujah! Our God does great things. GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is GREATLY to be praised! Hallelujah! Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. Father, as You pour out Your Spirit, we will always be aware of Your presence and will not be rattled. Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit will direct our paths and we will live a life worthy of our calling. Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit will give us the faith necessary to live a life that is pleasing to You. Thank You, Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit who leads us down the road of recovery and repentance and leads us back to You—the God and King who loves us! Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Acts 2:37-39):

    In what ways do you see that you can’t save yourself and need Jesus to save you? Can you sense the Holy Spirit at work in your life? If not, keep asking God for His Spirit until you receive it. Do you know without a doubt that you are forgiven of all your sins through Christ? In what areas of your life do you still need to give to God? Don’t be afraid to confess your sins to God.

    January 18

    God Punishes His Beloved Children

    Read or listen to Hebrews 12:1-12

    Key verse: For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child (Hebrews 12:6).

    Has anyone ever found a scolding pleasant? As a parent, I don’t enjoy reprimanding my child. At the same time, I know it is necessary—it’s my responsibility to teach her right from wrong. God is the same way. He allows certain things to happen to us that will strengthen our faith in Him. The pain He allows tends to draw us closer to Him, and as a result He draws near to us and intimacy is increased. God has all the answers that will prosper us. His plans for us are perfect and we can trust that He knows what He is doing.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, for loving us enough to punish us by allowing our addictions. Thank You, Father, that those addictions and compulsions were never as satisfying as You are. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for teaching us and guiding us down the right paths as You make us holy. Thank You, Father, for constantly showering us with Your unfailing love and Your amazing grace. Thank You, Father, for not giving us what we deserve, but for giving us what we need. Father, in your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Hebrews 12:1-11):

    Want more faith? Simply keep asking God to give you more. The Holy Spirit will help us to put to death our sinful nature. This putting to death is known as the sanctifying process, so don’t get discouraged if you sin now and then. Simply confess your sins and keep repenting as You trust the LORD. Ask the Lord to point out the things in your life that offend Him and allow Him to take them and You will gain much peace and joy.

    January 19

    We Are God’s Righteousness

    Read or listen to Romans 8:1-11

    Key verse: And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God (Romans 8:10).

    This passage gives us all a reason to be forever grateful to God for the great things He has done for us. How GREAT is our GOD?! Jesus paid the price for our sins which would have cost us everything—our eternal lives in heaven with the God who loves us beyond measure. It wasn’t the nails that held Jesus on the cross. It was His great love! Let’s praise Him.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for humbly coming to earth to pay the debt that we could never pay as You died an excruciating, deforming, humiliating criminal’s death on a cross just for us. How is it that our Lord and King should die for us? Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we matter to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You see each one of us as someone worth dying for. Hallelujah! GREAT is the name of JESUS CHRIST, and HE is greatly to be praised! Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord Jesus, that we are not sentenced to hell because we are Yours forever. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Your likeness and to free us from sin’s grip that leads to eternal separation from You. May Your Spirit continue to renew our minds. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the peace and the unspeakable joy that Your Sprit brings. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this new and exciting life that we now have. We are no longer addicts of any kind. The old has gone and the new has come. Such a marvelous mystery that the King of the universe lives in me. Come, Holy Spirit. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your great love. Pour out Your Spirit and we shall be transformed and You shall make the world new. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Romans 8:1-11):

    Are you still feeling guilt or shame due to your sins and addictions? Do you truly believe that God has saved you from the pits of hell through Jesus’ shed blood? Who has the steering wheel of your life; you or God? Keep praying that God will keep you filled with the Holy Spirit.

    January 20

    The Blood of the Lamb

    Read or listen to Exodus 12:21-32

    Key verse: For the LORD will pass through the land to strike down the Egyptians. But when he sees the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe, the LORD will pass over your home. He will not permit his death angel to enter your house and strike you down (Exodus 12:23).

    God saved His people by the blood of the lamb above their doors. Today, God saves us by the blood of the Lamb of God as He resides on the doorposts of our hearts. When the final judgment comes, God will see His Son Jesus’ shed blood on His children’s hearts and will pass over them and punish those who reject the Lamb of God.

    Let’s pray: Thank You, Father, that the Holy Spirit seals the deal to our salvation. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts and stir in them the fire of Your great, unfailing love. As You pour out Your Spirit, we will be sanctified and You will continue to make the world new. Thank You, Father, that Your Spirit gives us a new and exciting life in Christ Jesus. Thank You, Father, that we are no longer addicts of any kind. The old has gone and the new has come. Thank You, Father, for Your Spirit who gives us new life in Christ. Father, in Your tender love, listen to our praises and our prayers. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Exodus 12:24-27):

    How are you doing at practicing what you preach? Are you walking the walk or faking it until you make it? Are you teaching your kids about Jesus Christ?

    January 21

    Life-Giving Faith

    Read or listen to Romans 1:8-17

    Key verse: This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, ‘It is through faith that a righteous person has life’ (Romans 1:17).

    The Great News of Jesus Christ is that we don’t have to go to hell for our sins and shortcomings! We can live forever in paradise with the God who loves us if we so choose. This is outrageous grace. Paul sets a great example for all of us to follow. Day and night he prayed for God’s people all over the world. He was eager and He preached the Good News wholeheartedly wherever he was. Paul had a radical, life-changing encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (see Acts 9). Saul the Christian killer became Paul the Christian apostle and author of most of the New Testament. Most of us in recovery have experienced a radical transformation because of Jesus’ great love for us. Because of Jesus we are not who we were, we are a new creation in Christ. We are no longer addicts of any kind—except addicted to Him. Jesus also anointed Paul powerfully and used him to impart spiritual gifts to others through prayer and the laying on of hands. God uses people in the same manner today. This happens when the believer is Holy Spirit filled and not full of himself.

    Let’s pray: Dear heavenly Father, thank You that we are Your righteousness only through Christ’s shed blood. Thank You, Father, for raising Jesus from the dead, forever conquering the grave and causing death to lose its sting. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sending the Holy Spirit to live deep within our hearts to change us from the inside out into Your likeness. Lord, You must increase and we must decrease, with more of Your Spirit in our hearts, minds, wills, and lives, and less of us, Lord. Come, Lord Jesus. Baptize our hearts in the Holy Spirit right now, and stir in them the fire of Your mighty, unfailing love. Pour out Your Spirit and we will be sanctified and You will make the world new. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on Romans 1:16-17):

    Are you keeping a list of people who have wronged you? Have you forgiven them? In what other ways do your past mistakes have a stronghold over you? What are you feeling guilty about? Are you ready to give your past over to God’s care so that you can move on with Him?

    January 22

    Work Toward the Great Reward

    Read or listen to 2 Timothy 4:1-8

    Key verse: And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).

    How’s everyone doing at telling others about Jesus every day, either by actions or by words? Don’t we fall way short? We must remember that as disciples of Christ we are teachers whether we want to be or not.

    Let’s pray: Dear Lord, make us ready through the power of the Holy Spirit to preach the Good News of Christ to everyone around us, either by words or deeds. Lord, may the Spirit empower us to patiently instruct everyone around us in Your Word, not for our sake, but for Yours, Lord. May the Holy Spirit speak through us as we surrender to Him so that the people around us are convicted and changed by Your Word and Spirit. May the Holy Spirit give us courage and boldness so that we are not afraid to endure hard times for You Lord Jesus. Lord, may the Holy Spirit anoint us for the good works that You have given us. Lord, may we have in us more of Your Holy Spirit and less of us. Lord, may the Holy Spirit empower us all to faithfully battle the powers of darkness until the end. Lord Jesus, may we all look forward to the great reward that You will give us on that glorious day! Hallelujah! In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

    Points to Consider (from the Life Recovery NLT Bible study notes on 2 Timothy 4:1-8):

    Who told you about Jesus Christ? Be sure to thank the Lord for that person. Who have you told about Jesus? Lord Jesus, give us the boldness to tell others about what You’ve done

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