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Drop the S: Recovering from Superwoman Syndrome
Drop the S: Recovering from Superwoman Syndrome
Drop the S: Recovering from Superwoman Syndrome
Ebook132 pages

Drop the S: Recovering from Superwoman Syndrome


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Women have long been told that they can be, do, or have anything they want-as long as they're willing to pay the price. Enter Superwoman Syndrome and a generation of highly educated, successful, stressed out, professional moms. Women physicians, attorneys, and professionals are now responsible for their o

Release dateAug 10, 2021
Drop the S: Recovering from Superwoman Syndrome


Patsy Stanley is an artist, illustrator and author and a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She has authored both nonfiction and fiction books including novels, children's books, energy books, art books, and more. She can reached for questions and comments.

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    Drop the S - TBD

    Dr. Crane shares details so intimate that I felt like I was eavesdropping. Reading her book, I realized how insidious this syndrome is, sneaking into our lives one achievement at a time. Then the nightly glasses of wine start equaling the number of worries, and we get lost in the haze. This book delivers a message that it’s okay to not be everything to everyone. The world will survive without having to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of having it all. Her words gave me the courage to say, I don’t have to be a caped crusader! Thank you for your bravery!

    —Dr. Kathleen Satterfield,

    Dean, Western University of Health Sciences

    College of Podiatric Medicine

    A very identifiable must-read for every woman who’s afraid to admit that she’s struggling with the demands of life for fear of seeming inadequate. Dr. Crane strips herself of her Woman of Steel persona and courageously shares the most vulnerable aspects of her life, leaving us with coping strategies, answers, and a powerful overall message that it’s perfectly okay to be human.

    —Dr. Micaela Dartson,


    Owner/Operator Two Chix Flix, LLC,

    President, Ladies in Film and Television Pink Smoke, LLC

    So inspiring and really makes you reflect. We all try way too hard to be it all and do it all. Dr. Crane’s honesty is so refreshing, but you can’t miss the serious message. I found myself stopping and thinking about the things I can change, the things I need to change. It will motivate you to drop the S!

    —The Honorable Laura K. Hill,

    Mayor of Southlake, Texas

    "Dr. Marybeth Crane is an accomplished professional who I have admired as long as I have known her. In Drop the S, she pulls back the curtain and lets everyone see that things are not always as they appear from the outside looking in. She gives you an in-depth look at how her over-active lifestyle of trying to balance home and work was compromising her own health. She also reveals what she did about it and how she reclaimed her healthy and balanced life. This book provides a roadmap for anyone who feels that trying to do it all might be taking a toll on their own lives."

    —Diane Jackson, Co-founder Top Practices

    "In her new book, Drop the S, Dr. Marybeth Crane has given a name to the wired, tired, relentless circle of urgency, the not-enough-time-to-do-everything lifestyle that so many women experience. Dr. Crane shares her experience of how stress overload caused issues with hormonal imbalances, cortisol levels, and adrenal fatigue—and how the effects on our bodies and overall health are significant and debilitating. Drop the S is a great read, providing readers a path to better health, body, mind, and spirit. Anyone looking for tools for a better life will enjoy this book."

    —Linda Werber, Entrepreneur and Health Coach

    "So many of us women regularly do four or five jobs and think it’s normal. Then we wonder why we are tired and irritable. Dr. Marybeth Crane describes the physiology behind our fatigue along with a step-by-step plan to reclaim our health. Drop the S is a must-read for any woman who thinks they can do it all."

    —Nicole Bell, Executive, Entrepreneur,

    Author of What Lurks in the Woods

    "Every woman struggles with balancing it all. Drop the S is a heartfelt story about life’s struggles, perseverance, and finding peace. Dr. Crane’s journey exemplifies how a strong, courageous woman can come out of top!"

    —Colleen Schiermeyer, Engineer, Educator

    In a world that seems to be encouraging women to always do more, have more, be more, compete more, Dr Crane offers an honest and loving reminder to take a breath and love ourselves. We can have it all, just not all at the same time.

    —Penney Pollard, Pollard Aircraft

    I have always said it is easier to be a man. The hardest job in the world is being a mom, but what’s even harder is being a mom who supports the household emotionally, spiritually, and even financially. The Superwomen Syndrome is real and if you are suffering from this, then you need to read this book by Dr. Marybeth Crane. She understands the problem because she was afflicted with it for many years. Now, she teaches you how to overcome and cure this dis-ease. This is an amazing book and one that needed to be written long time ago.

    —Dr. Peter A. Wishnie,

    Author of The Podiatry Practice Business Solution

    Director of Physician Programming at Top Practices

    "Drop the S is a book for women young, old, or in between. It serves as a tap on the shoulder, a red flag warning. So often women fall into a Superwoman role because we see the needs of our family, friends, or business, and we step up to the plate and do what needs to be done because it needs to be done, and we CAN do it—without considering the personal cost. Dr. Crane’s book is a reminder of what can happen when we put the S on our chest and begin to lose ourselves and the life we desire to create. Thank you, Dr. Crane, for sharing your story as it is a life ring being tossed out to the multitude of Superwomen all over the world."

    —Tina Del Buono, Author of Truths from the Trenches,

    Practice Management Consultant

    "In Drop the S, Dr. Marybeth Crane has shared an essential resource with other successful and powerful women just like her who are desperately looking for a way out of the trap known as The Superwoman Syndrome. It is also required reading for the men who love and want to support them.

    I’ve known Marybeth since 2007, and I’ve been honored to be a small part of her journey to great success. She retired, right on time and on her terms—just as she had planned to do fifteen years earlier. The personal cost to her was too high and could have ended her life early. But that didn’t happen. She used that same tenacity, smarts, and good old-fashioned work ethic to solve this, her greatest challenge. And now, this healer is sharing her story and brilliantly detailed advice and insight with her sisters.

    Please read this book if your own journey to great heights of success is feeling too difficult or even scary. Please gift this book to anyone you think might benefit from hearing such a raw and honest story of achievement and failure, only to find the path back to peace and self-love."

    —Rem Jackson, CEO Top Practices

    Author of Podiatry Prosperity

    Thank you, Dr. Crane, for your transparency and vulnerability. You have addressed a topic often ignored yet very real. You have opened a door for other women to admit they can’t be superwoman. We can’t care for others if we don’t take care of ourselves. It’s a must-read for all women, but especially those wondering why they can’t find joy. For those women who struggle making it through another day. For women who don’t like who they have become. You give hope!

    —Traci Bernard, President,

    Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southlake.

    Dr. Crane seamlessly weaves the poignancy of her story with the realities facing professional women everywhere who are struggling with the Superwoman cape. As a fellow Superwoman, the struggle is very real and every day. I truly appreciate the heartfelt guidance Dr. Crane provides to help those of us that struggle as she has. This is extremely valuable insight and a book well worth your time.

    —Veronica Elliott, RN, MSN,

    Methodist Southlake Hospital

    "A powerful story of triumph from the angst of a young woman in rural Rhode Island to the challenges of becoming a successful physician and mother. This book outlines the difficulty in recognizing the thoughts that control us, in recognizing our weaknesses and the battles we all face, and to learn to deal with the issues and overcome them to find peace in one’s soul. Drop the S is an enjoyable read that we all can relate to."

    —Dr. Bruce Werber, Past President of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Entrepreneur, Researcher in Regenerative Biologic Therapy

    Marybeth, you’ve always been an inspiration to the women of our profession. I didn’t think it was possible but with the honesty, courage, and acceptance I read on these pages, I admire you more. You have written what many of us feel, and you’ve made it so real! Your best career choice ever was to drop the S and pursue your first F (or 3)! Fit, Fifty, and Fabulous!

    —Dr. Michelle Butterworth,

    Chief of Staff, Williamsburg Regional Hospital, in Kingstree, SC, Past President of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Past President, South Carolina Podiatric Medical Association

    Kudos to Dr. Crane for being vulnerable enough to share her personal story with you. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I see this problem every day. I hope this book will help you identify any issues you might be facing and seek the help you deserve to get your life back!

    —Dr. Jeni St. Onge, author of

    Health Hacks with Dr. Jeni podcast and blog,

    Chiropractor certified in Functional Medicine

    "Drop the S is an inspiration, a reference, a guidance. The Superwoman that we wanted to be so much comes with a heavy weight. This book is a must-read for any businesswoman who, like me, is also a mother, a wife, a friend, a housekeeper."

    —Gisele Saenger, BA, MISM, PM,

    co-Founder, ParaDocsMRC

    Author of The Business Side of Podiatry Revenue

    "Drop the S is a real inspiration to me because you put into words all the things I’ve experienced over my fifty-eight years but couldn’t articulate. It helps me to not feel all alone. I can’t tell you how overjoyed I am for the bravery you’ve exhibited in writing your

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