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Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy: Underpinned by the deep, symmetric wisdom of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Graham & Emmy Noether
Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy: Underpinned by the deep, symmetric wisdom of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Graham & Emmy Noether
Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy: Underpinned by the deep, symmetric wisdom of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Graham & Emmy Noether
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Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy: Underpinned by the deep, symmetric wisdom of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Graham & Emmy Noether

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EXPANDED 4th EDITION: Largely unnoticed by the general public, three intellectual giants of the 20th century, Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, mathematical physicist Albert Einstein, mathematician Emmy Noether and the pioneering value investor Benjamin Graham, revealed the central role of symmetry in what we call reality.

The most symmetric form is the Circle. Nature largely builds its diversity and abundance on circular motions and cycles. Yet, our linear economic model does not respect the central role of symmetry (balance, harmony, unity), and consequently disregards the holistic benefits of Nature’s positive circular motions.

The book details how Nature, the cosmos, universally communicates in the super simple language of symmetry. It examines how Rav Ashlag, Einstein, Noether and Graham along with other scholars from around the globe, unveiled that symmetry is the creative principle which can build a prosperous future for Man, Artificial Intelligence and Nature together, via a symmetric, positive, eco-intelligent and climate-smart Circular Economy.
Release dateFeb 17, 2021
Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy: Underpinned by the deep, symmetric wisdom of Rav Yehuda Ashlag, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Graham & Emmy Noether

George Hohbach

George Hohbach is the author of the Einstein Superstar Code trilogy. He has also co-authored several illustrated action-comedy novels for the younger demographic inspired by the eco-intelligent Cradle to Cradle design principle and the Circular Economy. In addition, George Hohbach has composed several pop songs pertaining to the novels.

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    Why Symmetry Runs The Positive Circular Economy - George Hohbach



    Symmetry is super simple. It just states that two things are the same, i.e., identical or equal.

    We can, for instance, imagine two identical spheres, that are the same, equal or symmetric.

    Accordingly, this is what simple symmetry looks like if stated as a purely mathematical scheme:

    This simple mathematical equation of 1=2 is, as we shall explore in the following chapters, all you need to build an entire universe such as ours.

    The cosmos (Greek for order) is, therefore, the simplest thing imaginable.

    Albert Einstein initiated the emergence of the understanding that simple, beautiful, harmonious and balanced symmetry is the core role in Nature, i.e., the entire cosmos.


    The Vital Premise of Science & Nature

    Spearheaded by Albert Einstein, physics revealed the core role of symmetry in Nature (the cosmos). Human society now realizes this is, indeed, the central premise, in order to find an eco-intelligent way of life in harmony (balance, symmetry) with Nature.

    Modern science begins with Galileo Galilei. His scientific contribution, that eventually guided Albert Einstein to his own revolutionary and groundbreaking success, was based on simple symmetry.

    Nature (…) makes use of the easiest and simplest means for producing her effects…

    Galileo Galilei

    (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 2001, p.460)

    Galileo Galilei realized there is symmetry between an observer being at rest and an observer traveling at a constant (symmetric) speed in a straight line. In both situations, the same (symmetrical) laws of Nature are valid. (These two reference frames/coordinate systems are called inertial reference frames, and the relationship between them Galilean relativity).

    … the great book of nature (which is the proper object of philosophy) is the way to elevate one’s gaze (…) and is accordingly excellently proportioned (…) The constitution of the universe (…) for coming before all others in grandeur by reason of its universal content, it must also stand above them all in nobility as their rule and standard.

    Galileo Galilei

    (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, The Author’s Dedication to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 2001, p.3)

    Isaac Newton also walked in the footsteps of Galileo and used Galileo’s findings to achieve his own scientific breakthroughs, too.

    Simple Symmetry again played the key role, be it the sameness (symmetry) of the two masses of each massive object, the inertial and gravitational (heavy) mass, be it that all the laws that Newton made famous, such as the laws of motion and gravity, exist in a harmonious (conform) way, or be it that gravity unifies all, and makes all one harmonious, balanced and hence symmetric whole.

    Symmetry in Newton’s thinking also entered the scene via his conceptual understanding of space and time, as separately existing absolute phenomena. Being absolute means always being the same, that is, symmetric.

    Nature is pleased with simplicity …

    Isaac Newton

    (Principia Mathematica, book III, 1687)

    James Clerk Maxwell showed scientifically that the speed of light in empty space is constant, it is symmetric (always the same). In empty space, light moves in a straight line at a constant speed.

    … Maxwell’s equations have a special mathematical symmetry: the values of quantities in the equations can be changed in a way that leaves the equations’ form unchanged (…) Einstein (…) Crucially, he suggested that the symmetry of Maxwell’s equations applies to all the equations of all other universal mathematical laws of nature (…) if someone proposes a fundamental law that does not have this symmetry, then sooner or later experiments will find the supposed law to be wrong. Einstein was later proved right…

    Graham Farmelo

    (The Universe Speaks in Numbers, 2019, pp.49-50)

    … to comprehend is essentially to draw conclusions from an already accepted logical system.

    Albert Einstein

    (Foreword to Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei, 2001, p. xxix)

    Albert Einstein knew that constant lightspeed in empty space (vacuum) was not compatible with the concept of space and time as separate and absolute phenomena. Einstein’s genius was now to take simplicity in the form of symmetry seriously. Using beautiful, harmonious, most simple symmetry as his guiding star, Einstein discovered that the symmetry of being at rest and moving at a constant speed in a straight line is fundamental in Nature, which meant the constancy (symmetry) of the speed of light was part of the definition moving at a constant (symmetric) speed in a straight line.

    A further finding was that space and time are neither separate nor absolute (to guarantee the constancy of lightspeed in a vacuum). Einstein showed space and time are one phenomenon. Spacetime. The spacetime interval (spacetime distance) is symmetric, as it is the same for all observers: Whether a person is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, the spacetime interval is always adjusted (via length contraction and time dilation) such that the observer measures the constancy (symmetry) of the speed of light in empty space.

    So, in all inertial reference frames (now including constant lightspeed), the laws of Nature are the same, just as Galileo had discovered. This is a core finding of special relativity. Initially, Einstein wanted to call special relativity Invariance Theory, since invariance means not changing, or being symmetric, just as the laws of Nature are in all inertial reference frames.

    With the discovery of general relativity, that described gravity as the warping of spacetime, Einstein scientifically revealed that the laws of Nature were also the same in accelerated reference frames. As Einstein put it himself, the path to his understanding of gravity was his happiest thought, his equivalence principle. Equivalence means sameness (symmetry), and one of the key insights, besides that of gravity and acceleration having the same (symmetric) effect of warping spacetime, was that being at rest and acceleration (caused by gravity for a person in free fall in a uniform gravitational field) are indistinguishable and hence the same (symmetric). In essence, all observers, independent of their state of motion (reference frame/coordinate system), are on an equal footing. They are symmetric, as they will observe the same (symmetric) laws of Nature everywhere and all the time. Hence, spacetime is symmetric. In other words, the description of the laws of Nature is independent (symmetric) of reference frames (coordinate systems), which is called covariance (another name for symmetry). This finding, that the laws of Nature are the same (symmetric) everywhere and all the time, was underpinned by Emmy Noether’s theorem, which exposed an additional symmetry connection: the one between the continuously symmetric laws of Nature and the conservation (symmetry, invariance) of certain quantities (like energy or momentum).

    Noether’s theorem directly connects symmetry to physics and vice versa. It frames our modern concepts about nature and rules modern scientific methodology. It tells us directly how symmetries govern the physical processes that define our world. For scientists, it is the guiding light to unraveling nature’s mysteries…

    Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill

    (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, p.21)

    Via his theories of relativity, Einstein was able to show that spacetime, energy, mass, the constant lightspeed and gravity are one balanced, super fine-tuned unity. The cosmos is a wonderfully harmonious, symmetric whole. All its aspects, such as spacetime, energy, mass, constant lightspeed, gravity, do the same thing, by keeping the laws of Nature symmetric, therefore making all symmetric.

    Emmy Noether’s connection between continuous symmetries (as in the laws of Nature) and the conservation of certain quantities (as in energy or momentum) later helped physicists Yang and Mills, to come up with an understanding of the non-gravitational interactions based on symmetry.

    All interactions (forces), be it gravity or the non-gravitational forces (strong, weak or electromagnetic interactions), can be explained via symmetry in the form of so-called gauge theories. These gauge symmetry shemes stand for the fact that certain concepts (gauges), be it the spacetime interval or, with respect to say, electromagnetism, the phase of the overall wavefunction of an electron, are kept symmetric (locally the same, invariant) by Nature.

    Simple symmetry is the central feature of Nature, even if there are still open questions. To understand that symmetry is fundamental, it helps, as we did, to write down the concept of symmetry (equivalence, being equal, sameness, being identical) in the most abstract fashion. Two phenomena, the first and the second, are equal.

    This gives us 1st=2nd, or even more abstract: 1=2. Since number 2, the 2nd aspect, refers back to the 1st aspect via the equal sign, it becomes clear that number 2 always encompasses two aspects at the same time, number 1 and number 2. This tells us that each single aspect (or unit) always stands for two parts (units), which instantly leads to an explosion into infinity. So, the purely mathematical concept of symmetry includes infinity and is hence the most general, or abstract, that is to say, simple statement possible. Symmetry is an all-inclusive, all-encompassing unity.

    And in science, INFINITY allows us to make general statements as needed.

    Once it is realized that, in relation to number 1, number 2 is mathematically speaking, larger, or more, or the additional, then it becomes obvious that both gravity and quantum mechanics are expressions of symmetry and hence everything else, such as spacetime, or energy, are, too. Number 2, representing MORE/INFINITY, is the creative term, that is part of all-inclusive, holistic UNITY (number 1).

    A few examples of how symmetry underpins different aspects of Nature:


    The small UNITS in the realm of quantum mechanics, the quanta of action, are always connected to the MORE TERM of symmetry, so they are, for instance, at MORE or SEVERAL places at the same time, and their overall wavefunction depicts that these small units are MORE HERE than THERE, which can be translated into probabilities (being MORE likely here than there) that add up to 1 (UNITY, i.e., 100%). MORE (#2) can mean being open, or uncertain (MORE than certain). That is the uncertainty principle, the core of quantum mechanics. Therefore, even the seemingly most serene spot (UNIT, certainty) of empty space depicts MORE, like pairs of virtual particles that pop in and out of existence.


    MORE (#2) can also be understood as energy. Energy is the ability to do work, that is, to do MORE, against resistance, which is the concise UNITY aspect (number 1).


    Since MORE/ENERGY (number 2) refers back to number 1 (UNITY, being ADDED UP), MORE (energy) ADDS UP (concentrates, makes all round). This is the warping of spacetime (ADDING UP, UNITY) that is equal to MORE, the total energy density (all forms of energy including mass, etc.) of a system. ADDING UP produces UNITY, smooth, curved spacetime (geometry). Since MORE means MORE (and not just a little bit), gravity only becomes noticeably effective on the large scale (that denotes MORE relative to the small scale of quantum mechanics). So, once there is enough MORE, that is, accumulated junks of mass (via electrostatic effects) on the large scale, gravity starts adding all up.


    The symmetry equation of 1=2 also translates into spacetime. The mathematical concept of number 2 or MORE stands for COUNTING/CYCLES/TIME. The notion of number 1 represents UNITY/ADDED UP. If one implements the ADDING UP of the symmetry equation of 1=2, then one gets 3D-SPACE: 1 + 2 = 3. This is the same as COUNTING 1, 2, 3, as in TIME

    . Space is 1 + 2 = 3, and the 3 dimensions have a perpendicular relationship to be MORE, to be as far apart as possible. Since space (UNITY) and time (MORE) are symmetric, and hence one, spacetime presents itself as the 4-D spacetime continuum. Spacetime itself pops up out of unity, nothingness, the void, which is the most fundamental state of symmetry, as all aspects/possibilities (MORE) are completely the same, indistinguishable (UNIFIED). So, MORE (energy, all the infinite possibilities) is hidden from sight, which is why physics shows that the void (empty space, nothingness, UNITY) is full of energy and possibilities (MORE).

    Albert Einstein was the first to take symmetry seriously, and by doing so revealed its core role in Nature’s design. So even when things appear to be different to our senses or to our understanding, such as the disquiet space in the realm of quantum mechanics, overflowing with wild quantum jitters, undulations and fluctuations, seemingly incompatible with the smooth large-scale space, symmetry tells us that these differences do not actually manifest distinctions. Both phenomena are symmetry expressions and hence, the same. This is Nature’s self-similar self-organization on all levels.


    Since symmetry, due to its MORE term (#2, the Additional) that is open, includes infinity and due to its UNITY term (#1) simultaneously all-inclusiveness in its wholeness (represented by the entire equation of 1=2), the aspect of the mysterious (MORE than unity, MORE than certainty, MORE than being computable) is part of the overall harmony, balance and symmetry of the cosmos. There is MORE than can rationally be understood. This mysterious wholeness (UNITY=MORE/INFINITY) can and must, however, be felt in an inspiring fashion to fully appreciate the marvelous, holistic (all-encompassing), radiant beauty of the universe, of Nature.

    "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

    Albert Einstein

    (What I believe; Forum and Century 84; October 1930, No.4, 194- 194; note: bold Author)

    The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science (…) A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestation of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms …

    Albert Einstein

    (The World as I see it, a collection of writings by Albert Einstein, 2006, p.7)

    The scientific findings in the field of biochemistry and neuroscience can be seen as a confirmation of the vital importance of emotions, just as Einstein highlighted.

    "… the process of (…) literally transforming mind into matter. Emotions are the nexus between matter and mind, going back and forth between the two and influencing both."

    Candace Pert

    (Molecules of Emotion, 1997, p.189; note: bold Author)


    The paramount role of symmetry has not been integrated well enough by human society. This can be seen by mounting environmental problems (pollution, of which global warming is a part, loss of biodiversity, destruction of natural cycles, and so on) that are all caused by the destruction of balance (symmetry).

    Since the symmetry equation 1=2 is inherently cyclical or circular, as the two aspects can continuously trade places in a harmonious fashion, and the circle is the most symmetric form (one can rotate it infinitely many times without causing change), Nature on planet Earth works in a balanced unity-network of cycles (metabolisms). This achieved unity (symmetry) of Nature, that depends on circularity, is being destroyed by the linear economic model. Being faced with the mounting dangers that this erosion of circularity generates, human society is currently coming to terms with the fact that symmetry (balance, harmony, circularity, holism) is, indeed, central in the cosmos. The linear economic model has to be transformed into a holistic, eco-intelligent and climate-smart, circular economy without delay.

    Humanity should have taken Albert Einstein’s discovery of the core role of symmetry more seriously.


    On the LARGE SCALE, the MORE term, that #2 stands for, becomes CERTAIN, CONCRETE, as MORE = LARGE. Gravity adds up (UNITES, CONCENTRATES !!!) MORE and turns it into concrete objects (Units, 1) like stars.



    …there is only one word which really solves the whole puzzle in all its forms.

    Albert Einstein

    (Out of My Later Years, a collection of essays by Albert Einstein, 1995, p.64)

    Let’s start this book with something cute and immensely constructive for ourselves, and Nature as a whole on Planet Earth: Bees.

    Bees rely on clear communication and precise information to thrive. They ensure everyone is on an equal footing, so that there is a great sense of unity amongst all members.

    …a balance of tasks [is] achieved, by straightforward communication.

    Bert Hölldobler & E.O. Wilson

    (The Superorganism, 2009, p.176)

    Unity among all members of a group means they are in a state of so-called SYMMETRY or sameness. They are, in the case of the bees, equally well informed, and that allows them to DO THE SAME THING: deploy their different, diverse talents to enable their society to thrive with Nature.

    One might say that bees are super clever and amazingly intelligent. They speak and understand Nature’s language of Symmetry.

    The genius mathematical physicist, the amazing super giant of science, who revealed the central role of SYMMETRY in Nature (the entire cosmos) in a groundbreaking and revolutionary way was no other than Albert Einstein.

    Already as a young boy, Albert Einstein, was convinced that Nature could be understood as a simple mathematical structure.

    As a boy of twelve years making my acquaintance with elementary mathematics (…) I became more and more convinced that even nature could be understood as a relatively simple mathematical structure.

    Albert Einstein

    (as quoted in The Tower, 13 April 1935; Einstein to the Princeton High School reporter Henry Russo)

    This guiding idea (simple mathematical structure) later turned out to be symmetry (sameness, oneness, being equal). Symmetry not only served Einstein as the guiding principle of greatest mathematical simplicity and beauty (harmony), it also, as his theories of relativity uncovered, turned out to be the core principle of Nature that underpins the entire cosmos (Greek for order).

    Since symmetry (equality) is omnipresent, it can be regarded as the LANGUAGE OF UNITY OF NATURE—just like the eco-intelligent bees demonstrate.

    It is a glorious feeling to perceive the unity of a complex of phenomena which appear as separate entities to direct sensory observation.

    Albert Einstein

    (Letter to Marcel Grossman, 14 April 1901, Collected Papers, vol.1, doc.100)

    Unity, of course, implies simplicity, being abstract and general and hence fundamental to all:

    Based on our experiences so far, we have reason to be confident that nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical concept.

    Albert Einstein

    (On the Method of Theoretical Physics, 10 June 1933, Author translation)

    The essential thing is the aim to represent the multitude of concepts and theorems, close to experience, as theorems, logically deduced and belonging to a basis, as narrow as possible (…) there is only one word which really solves the whole puzzle in all its forms.

    Albert Einstein

    (Out of My Later Years, a collection of essays by Albert Einstein, 1995, p.64)

    There are (…) enough pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in hand to know that symmetry is fundamental to all of it. The abstract concept of symmetry and its relationship to the physical world is enduring and here to stay.

    Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill

    (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, pp.20-21)

    "From the highest of the worlds, Atzilut, to the physical, material world which is called Asiyah, the forms are absolutely equal in every detail and manifestation."

    Rav Yehuda Ashlag

    (The Wisdom of Truth, edited by Michael Berg, 2008, p.103)

    The BIG PROBLEM is that humans are not very good at speaking or recognizing SYMMETRY, Nature’s UNITY LANGUAGE OF UNIVERSAL EQUALITY, let alone understanding its harmony, balance, unity and equality.

    One 20th century scholar, who impressed me with his ability to speak with simple clarity, in the language of unity and symmetry, is Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag. With great ease and elegance, he was able to convey how unity presents itself systematically (i.e., via what kind of all-underpinning and all-inclusive structure) to humanity.

    Thus the entire nation must accept a structure in which the entire earth, and everything in it, is allocated and dedicated to the Creator.

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