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Her Rancher Bodyguard
Her Rancher Bodyguard
Her Rancher Bodyguard
Ebook229 pages5 hours

Her Rancher Bodyguard

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Her Texas Protector 

Bodyguard Boone Wilder isn't keen on his latest mission: watching over a pretty politician's daughter. Boone is from quiet Texas Hill Country, and Kayla is a showy city gal. But once safely settled at the Wilder Ranch, Boone watches Kayla enjoy cooking with his family, caring for his relatives and bottle-feeding calves. There's more to her than he ever knew. Still, the former soldier's wounds are way too deep to let Kayla close. But when he discovers that someone wants to hurt Kayla, Boone must risk his heart to protect what he cares about most.
PublisherLove Inspired
Release dateJun 1, 2016
Her Rancher Bodyguard

Brenda Minton

Brenda Minton lives in the Ozarks. She's a wife, mom to three, foster mom to five and grandma to a princess.  Life is chaotic but she enjoys every minute of it with her family and a few too many dogs. When not writing she's drinking coffee on the patio, wrangling kids or escaping for an evening out  with her husband.  Visit her online at

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For this genre, this book is fairly well done. I haven't quite figured out Boone. Apparently he grew up on a ranch, but then went into the military (for reasons that didn't seem to be explained in this book), was injured, and is now back at the ranch helping to keep it going now that his father has slowed down due to chronic disease--but also working as a bodyguard through a company he set up with two friends, something he's apparently doing for the money it brings in to help the family and ranch. I do love Boone's family though. They seem close and loving, though they do give each other grief sometimes. Kayla surprised me. She seemed to have been a bit of a spoiled rich kid but is now rethinking her choices and trying to figure out what she wants out of life. Other than a propensity to want to run away rather than face things--she seems to have some good ideas about what to do with her life--becoming a teacher. I never figured out exactly who Blane was or how he knew Kayla. I'm guessing he's referring to events that happened in Mexico--perhaps those events were covered in a previous book in the series--but if you haven't read those, it does leave you a bit lost. Boone and Kayla are likable characters with good hearts.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Kayla Stanford needed protection so her father hired Boone Wilder. Boone is not real excited about looking after the politician’s flashy daughter who seems to have a penchant toward trouble. When a threat occurs on her life, Boone takes Kayla back to the Wilder Ranch where he, his partner, Daron McKay, and his family can keep a close watch on her. Kayla is a city girl and doesn’t want to be at the ranch but she soon finds herself enjoying Boone’s family and even the ranch activities. As she helps out, Boone begins to see another side of her. Although they are very drawn to each other, past experience causes each of them to guard their heart. Will they learn that sometimes there is something more important than guarding ones heart?This was a great addition to the Martin’s Crossing Series. I enjoyed returning to the familiar place and seeing, again, folks I’ve come to know. The Wilder family was fun and very protective of one another. Boone has known the Martin’s all his life and you see his interaction with Brody Martin, Kayla’s half brother. That was fun. Boone deals with guilt as well as a wound left behind from his Military service. I thought that was well done. Kayla also deals with hurt from the past that makes her bitter. It was interesting watching these two deal with each other. Boone’s mom is a sweet, wise woman and it was sweet to see how she handled and influenced both Boone and Kayla. There was a bit of a danger which I thought was a good addition to the story. The verse listed in the beginning fit very well. Romans 8:35 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? This could be read as a standalone and you wouldn’t feel lost but reading them in order gives great continuity to the series. I enjoyed my time in Martin’s Crossing and think you will too!*This complimentary copy was provided by Harlequin through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*Some Favorite Quotes:“You have a dog.” He laughed. “Yeah, I have a dog. And I have Daron McKay. Both of them shed, smell and leave messes.”“She stepped into the circle of his embrace and he pulled her close. It was a brotherly, comforting hug, but it included his strength, his scent, his warmth. Before he let her go he kissed her near her temple. She drew in a breath at the gesture, so sweet. “You’re dangerous, Wilder.” “No, ma’am, I’m about as dangerous as a newborn puppy.” She laughed at that. “Yes, exactly. Everyone wants a puppy.”