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The Scars Of Gaia
The Scars Of Gaia
The Scars Of Gaia
Ebook417 pages6 hours

The Scars Of Gaia

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In the war torn world of Gaia, only two nations have survived the years of conflict. One covets power and strength, while the other covets science and knowledge. Both believe that they alone follow the true path of God.


James, a poverty-stricken merchant in the nation of strength, struggles to provide for himself and his mother. In his travels, his life will become intertwined with Claire; a scientist on the wrong path from the rival nation of knowledge. They meet on a day like any other, but events will transpire which alter the course of fate.


Together they will discover answers for their own lives, while also uncovering deeper secrets within the world around them. Can the two of them help bring compassion to a world of arrogance, oppression and brutality? As they begin to unravel the thread of truth and myth, they will be forced to ask:


Can compassion heal The Scars Of Gaia?

Release dateMay 28, 2021
The Scars Of Gaia

R.P. Lauer

R.P. Lauer would say that he is not a writer. Instead he would say that he simply had an idea one day and ran with it. That is his story and he will stick to it. So what exactly is he then? R.P. Lauer is first and foremost a husband and a father; anything else would be secondary. At the top of the secondary list would be a web coder, having spent more than a decade hand coding sites in Notepad. His love of coding stems primarily with programming and problem-solving due to the logic involved. Otherwise, his interests are too varied and nonspecific to be of any use listing.His debut novel may end up his only full publication; it was always intended to be a one-and-done story. And he has stated that as it took over forty years to come up with his first actionable plot idea, who knows if and when a second idea could strike. He has played with the idea of a direct sequel to The Scars Of Gaia, but unfortunately, only time will tell if that idea comes to fruition.As of this writing, he lives in North Carolina with his wife, three children, two cats, and dog.

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    The Scars Of Gaia - R.P. Lauer



    The figure sat at his desk, staring from one monitor to another; a solemn look etched on his hard, wrinkled face. He had just finished outlining a plan, so it was clear what must be done. Delaying the inevitable would serve no purpose, and he knew that, yet he still could not bring himself to act.

    How can I live with this? he thought. How can I justify this action? He studied the monitors in front of him carefully. But can I live with myself if I do nothing? How many more need to suffer for my failures?

    No, he thought firmly, there’s still time. This can still be prevented… They can turn it around.

    Tears began to fall down his cheeks as he closed his eyes. Taking several deep breaths, he struggled to regain his composure. Upon re-opening, his eyes moved immediately back to surveying the monitors before him.

    Please… Show me something.


    The Merchant

    A man sits on top of a large reptile. Attached to the reptile is a cart with four wheels, and a sword sticking out of the top.

    Hey Mom, I'm heading over to the barracks to see Nate, and then I'll be leaving for Acumen. Do you need anything while I'm gone?

    Just your safe return, Debbie said. Her tone was calm and casual, and an outsider wouldn't detect anything other than sincerity. To James, however, there was a deeper meaning to her words.

    He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, while she sat at the table eating breakfast. Are we really going to do this again? How is it that you still don't trust me?

    Without even looking at him, she responded in the same tone, I do trust you. Unfortunately what I trust is that you'll get yourself into real trouble someday. Sensing a rebuttal, and before he could make any kind of reply, she elaborated. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, or maybe taking on a beast that you can't handle and should have left alone. In other words, my dear, what I trust the most is that you'll eventually get yourself hurt. Or thrown in jail – again.

    James rolled his eyes, crossed the room, and bent down to kiss her on the cheek. The crops won't need to be fertilized today, but you should go ahead and water them a bit more than usual; the ground is already dry from the New-Day Rain. I'll be back late, so I'll probably see you in the morning.

    Don't forget about services tomorrow. You can't be late you know.

    I know, Mom, I know.

    With those last words and before his mom could get in any final remarks, he was already out of the kitchen, down the hall, and through the front door.

    Outside in the cold and dark morning air, James headed for his shed to finish loading his merchant's cart. Packed nice and tight were various fruits, vegetables, meats, and a moderate supply of crafts which surrounded a centerpiece; a beautifully crafted broadsword and a sign that read:




    In the distance, the low chime of the town clock signified two hours until First Light. Right on time, he thought as he looked over his merchandise. Now that he was ready to go, he proceeded out of his cramped shed and out to the road, which led towards the town gates. He was extremely grateful that Nate had agreed to meet him at the barracks off the main road, as that location was on his route. Otherwise, James would have had to go out of his way to meet his friend at either Nate's house, or the military Command Center where he worked; both of which would have extended his already lengthy journey.

    Not long after departure, his heart sank as he saw an all too familiar sight: one of the Forsaken, lying like a lump curled up against a wall – probably trying to stay as warm as it possibly could. He couldn't tell if it was alive or dead, male or female, Gaian or Mediator. But either way made no difference to James.

    As he got closer, he slowed down until he was right next to the pile of blankets. He stopped his cart, gathered up a small stash of dried meat and some vegetables, then gently placed them inside the blanket of the sleeping figure. As he did so, he could tell that it – no, she – was in fact breathing.

    He was about to be on his way when she woke up. Her eyes popped open, revealing she was in fact a Mediator. Black, elongated oval pupils, and striking bright emerald green irises, set on a bed of pale green sclera – like no other living thing in Gaia. She stared back at him, fear quickly engulfed her face as she jolted backward.

    Quickly, but quietly, James whispered, No, no. It's ok. I'm just giving you some food. Please, don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you.

    The Forsaken Mediator froze in place, stared at him, and blinked; she did not speak.

    I'm leaving now, he said as soothingly as possible while slowly crouch-walking backward. You're ok; just try to stay warm and safe. Also, there are only a few hours left until First Light. You should probably get going soon if you want to stay out of trouble.

    For a brief moment, it looked like she was going to say something; she had reached out her hand towards James, but she quickly paused and then retracted it back inside her blankets. There was still a look of fear etched on her face.

    He felt bad for frightening her. He simply couldn't pass by without trying to do something, even if that something was just a small amount of food. But now James could spare no more time, nor could he afford any more risk; he quickly got back to full speed and continued his journey.

    As he approached the town barracks, which stood in between his home and the front gate, he spotted Nate standing ready to greet him.

    Morning James. Follow me. Nate led the way down a small alley behind the barracks. Keep an eye out, will ya?

    As James kept a lookout, Nate fumbled underneath the cart, found the hidden compartment and shoved some paperwork inside, then closed it up. He then proceeded to attach the harness from the cart to the waiting strongback – a large four-legged reptile primarily used for transportation and pulling heavy loads. Strongbacks are the slowest method used for transportation, but they still move faster than any person can walk or jog.

    There, you're all set. Be safe.

    Before I go, do you need anything? James motioned towards the contents of his cart.

    No, I'm good today.

    Ok. Why don't you stop by the house when you're off work? Check in on my mom? I may be back rather late tonight.

    Nate nodded.

    And while you're there, help yourself to whatever.

    Nate hugged James and quickly headed back towards the barracks, while James climbed up on the strongback and motioned for it to move in the direction of the front gate. Upon arrival, he stopped just inside of the area designated for inspection as two guards approached him, one holding a clipboard.

    Name? Residence?

    James. Block-C.

    Ah, yes, James, one guard said as he finally noticed who had approached. "Another pointless trip to them, I presume?" His tone was dismissive, but James didn't care.

    While one guard performed the inspection, calling out inventory items and quantities, the other wrote them down. This was the part that always made James extremely nervous; if a guard were to find that compartment underneath the cart, it would be the end of not only his own freedom, but Nate's as well.

    However, after a few short minutes, the inspection was over; his secret was maintained, and he was on his way towards the outer gate. There he would have to yield to yet another inspection before leaving the Deice Imperium.


    It was several hours later, and James had already passed his final inspection without incident. He had traveled northwest along the main path circling the Hazard Zone between the Deice Imperium and the Acumen Empire. Acumen itself lies almost directly west of Deice, but due to the area that is known as the Hazard Zone, which separates the two nations, travel is not direct. Onward he traveled outside of the thick line of trees that surrounded the inner area along the main road.

    Finally, he was approaching the outer gates of his destination. After a pit stop along the way, his secret compartment had been emptied, and his cart of goods was even fuller than when he left his home. He was also dressed more elegantly than before.

    As he got closer, the guards of Acumen's front gate stepped out to greet him.


    James slowly and carefully reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out the paperwork that Nate had stashed away. Then he handed them to the guard closest to him.

    Ah, the Upper Borough. Mind if I check out what you have before they get a crack? the guard said in a friendly tone as he handed back the paperwork. All that James could see of the man underneath the uniform was his eyes; Acumen guards wear bulky armor that only contains a single rectangular hole from which to see. I doubt I can afford any of it, but I do enjoy browsing.

    Yeah, sure. I'll even knock off fifteen percent if you find something! James said with a smile while both guards eyed his wares.

    One guard went back to his post after just a few minutes, while the other had clearly spotted something. How much for this? The guard was pointing to a small dagger made from animal horn and bone, wrapped in a scaly kind of leather.

    Well, that would normally be about 40 pieces, but I can let you have it for 30.

    How about this: in exchange for the dagger, I'll get the hostler to give you a full day of boarding your strongback, free of charge? I'll even make sure he gives it the full treatment?

    You got yourself a deal!

    James took the dagger and presented it handle first to the guard, who motioned to the other to open the gates. It actually was a great deal for James; weaponry wasn't a hot seller here in Acumen – especially in the nicer areas – and boarding a strongback could get very expensive.

    Once the gates were open, and the first guard had pocketed the dagger, James was escorted to the hostler. Not long after that, James was off, pushing his cart on the way to the Upper Borough – one of the better places in Acumen to sell his goods. This part of the journey always made him envious as the security was by far more permissive than in his own home; there were no actual inspections, and he only had to deal with one guarded gate between the unclaimed territory and his final destination; apparently the citizens of Acumen had enough self-control to stick to their own sections. His life at home would be so much simpler if Deice's security were equally accommodating.


    The day was coming to an end with evening just on the horizon – Last Light still about an hour away – and James was packing up what remained of his goods. Overall it was a pretty good day, though not quite as lucrative as he had hoped; his best deal was still probably the one he had made coming in. But he had made more than enough extra money to justify the trip, as well as the difficulties associated with it.

    As he set out for the hostler, he was unaware that he was being followed. And quite unfortunately for him, his route took him through an alley that rarely holds witness. Halfway through, he heard a sound alerting him that he was not alone.

    He turned around as quickly as he could; however, it was not quick enough. A loud THUD broke the silence as a bright white light engulfed his brain and eyes; the force of the blow threw him backward to the ground. He worked as fast as he could to regain control of his senses. When he opened his eyes, through the haze of his injury, he saw two burly figures towering over him. One of them was slightly taller, the other was slightly wider. Closer and closer they crept, readying for another attack.

    James' heart pounded as his adrenaline began to surge. He knew what would come next if he wasn't careful. Not HERE, he thought, hoping upon hope to keep control. This was not a good place to let that happen after all. But just as fear began to take over, a loud CRACK pierced the air, and the wider one fell. As the man became one with the ground, James could see the source of the crack; a woman who looked vaguely familiar to him was standing behind the two men. She was holding what looked like a metal pipe and poised in a stance ready to strike again.

    The taller man jumped to the side and twisted his body to get a better look at what had caused his partner to fall, while still making sure not to turn his back on James. Though he was noticeably confused by this turn of events, he was also clearly not ready to give up, looking to attack whoever was closest. Through his pain, James took this distraction to steady his very being. With an arch to his back and a push from his forearms and feet, he sprang back up ready to engage.

    The mystery woman was quicker though and had already sent a powerful kick to the taller man's side. She then followed that by sending her other knee to his head, sending him backward.

    Now the wider man was almost back on his feet. James, not ready to let anyone get the upper hand on him again, put his entire body into a punch to the man's head. The blow forced him back to the ground as his face implanted into the dirt. With all the power he could muster, he dove as he embedded his elbow deep into the man's back.

    As quick as he could, James had returned to his feet. The wider man pushed himself to his side, gripping at his back and groaning in pain. James sent his foot as hard as he could straight into the man's face. Making sure that this attacker was no longer fighting, he turned his attention to the taller one, and it became clear that the woman had already neutralized him.

    James hastened to grab his bearings as best he could when he noticed the woman move; was she now moving to attack him? Even after she had just saved him? No. She bent over both men in turn, checking for movement from the look of it – as well as something else that James could not see. Then she moved towards his cart; she was robbing him! He opened his mouth to yell, but before any sound came out, she spoke to him in a hushed tone.

    Not now, she whispered. Get the other side! The woman had bent down to pick up the front of James' cart. She was not robbing him, but was motioning for him to help her carry the cart. Though confused, he bent down and picked up the back, and they both lifted. Together they did a sort of half shuffle, half trot down the alleyway, around some corners, and finally to a dark, deserted area.

    You're from the Deice Imperium, aren't you? You're going to need to leave, and quickly. Did you come here on a mount?


    Ok, let's get you back to the hostler, she whispered. James opened his mouth to say something although he knew not what, but that didn't matter anyway because she cut him off. Not now. We can talk later. First, we need to get you out of my territory.

    Together they went through alleyway after alleyway, on a heading clearly designed to keep as isolated as possible, which was anything but direct. Eventually she stopped and motioned to put the cart back to the ground.

    Ok. Take a moment, as quick as you can, and catch your breath. You can't look like anything is wrong. I have no idea how long it will take those guys to regain consciousness. Claire, by the way. My name is Claire. I'm assuming that was what you were going to ask me back there?

    Um, among other things I guess. I'm sure I'd have gotten to that one eventually… I'm James. Thank you.

    James took deep breaths as quietly as he could until he felt under control. With his thumb up, he began pushing his cart trying to act calm.


    Claire led James and his cart pulled by the strongback outside the limits of Acumen territory, having gotten him past the guards rather easily; she must be a person of some importance as she simply said a few words, showed something to the guards, and they just waved them by. James did his best to keep quiet and follow her lead, but his curiosity was bursting.

    Once they were far enough along, Claire finally stopped.

    Ok, listen, she started. I don't know how often you sell your stuff in Acumen, but if I were you, I'd stay clear for a few days at least. You don't want to cause any trouble.

    "But why do I need to stay clear? They jumped me, remember?"

    "Do you truly think that my government is going to care? Do you think they would even listen to you on the street if it even looks like you – an outsider – may have been up to no good in our borders? They'd arrest you on the spot! And by the time everything was sorted out, anything could happen to you.

    I hope I don't have to tell you how rocky relations are between our nations. I really thought you looked smarter than that.

    James felt annoyed and wanted to say something, but after what this woman had done for him, he figured it was best to just shake it off and be grateful.

    Possibly sensing she may have gone a little too far, Claire's tone changed. "I should be able to take care of this. My family is pretty well connected, and I highly doubt those guys even had permission to be in the Upper Borough in the first place. I took their scans before we left, so I'll be able to run their identifications once I get home. If I am right, they'll be in jail before long. But you really do need to stay away until I can make sure it's done. Give me your correspondence details, and I can send word once it's safe."

    James hesitated. This was not something he was keen to get into. His face must have betrayed him because she broke the silence.

    "Look, whatever it is that you are hiding, I assure you I can find out on my own. If you are up to something, I will find out… you'd only be delaying the inevitable."

    James studied her face while he thought about it. She had just helped him after all; he could trust her with this, couldn't he? With a look of shame, he said, Blue Sector, Block-C.

    Claire looked him over, and James could feel her stare piercing him. "So you are up to something? Your clothing does not reflect Blue Sector. And you yourself shouldn't even be allowed into Upper Borough… She paused a moment, and then her stern expression broke. Well, you seem a little too timid to have been causing any trouble, and your stuff is pretty good quality. A smile came across her face as she said, I suppose I can ignore this minor breach of policy… this time anyway."

    Thank you, again. James tried to wipe the shame from his face, but he was sure he was only making it worse. He cleared his throat, and hoping to change the subject, said, You fight well; that's not something I would have expected from someone like you.

    Why? Because I'm a woman?

    "No, of course not! If you knew my mom, you wouldn't even suggest that; she could probably kick my ass… But you – you're from Acumen. You guys are all about science and knowledge. You aren't… What I mean is, strength isn't exactly…"

    "What? You don't think someone can be smart and strong?"

    James opened his mouth but then closed it almost immediately and began to fidget.

    "Intelligence doesn't make you weak, you know. That kind of ignorance is dangerous, James. We may focus on knowledge, but we too can fight, and we too can be strong. We just don't flaunt it or prioritize it like your nation. She glared at James for a moment, then said, You shouldn't be so quick to make assumptions."

    I… I'm sorry. I didn't… James' eyes had dropped to the ground, so he hadn't noticed Claire's expression immediately change; what was once sharp and rigid had quickly shifted to realization and then a deep shame of her own.

    No… she said softly. After a slight pause, she made sure that their eyes met before continuing. "I-I'm sorry, James. I was about to give you this extremely sanctimonious speech, spewing about how much better we are for not making assumptions.

    But the thing is, here I am getting mad at you for that, when my people aren't any better. We have our own history of making assumptions, and I am just as guilty of that – which I believe I just proved.

    Confusion washed over James' face as he asked, What do you mean by that?



    "The Domain of Benevolence. If you were to ask anyone from Acumen what went wrong there, they'd say their emotions – their compassion – made them weak. I believed that at one time myself. But I was wrong about that… my people are wrong. Compassion is not a weakness. Showing emotion is not a weakness.

    Obviously none of us know exactly what happened to them; that was so long ago, and stories get twisted over time. But whatever led to their downfall, I doubt it had anything to do with showing emotion alone.

    Claire looked away for a minute, seemingly pondering something in silence. Then she returned her eyes to James'. I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. I shouldn't have been so defensive; it's something I need to work on within myself.

    It's ok. I shouldn't have been so quick to assume anything either. It's not like I've ever taken the time to actually get to know anyone in Acumen; I'm just there to sell my merchandise. Speaking of which… He reached inside his cart and pulled out a flute made of bone then handed it to her. "Take this. I remember you looking at it earlier in the day. I knew you looked familiar."

    She grabbed the flute and examined it. No, I can't take this, she said, handing it back. If I had wanted it, I would have bought it.

    "I know you considered it… you did want it, I could see it in your eyes. If that couple hadn't been there, I would have persisted, and you would have bought it. There's no way you could resist my amazing charm. James smiled in an overly embellished way, but seeing that she did not appear to be amused by his joke, he regained a more serious tone and continued. Come on, it's the least I could do for your help. Please… allow me to give you this. I don't like being in anyone's debt."

    Claire took the flute, looked it over thoroughly, and said, "Ok, be serious. It's not that good-a flute. You're going to have to do better than this to get out of my debt." She gave a piercing stare, then winked. James – once he was sure she was just joking – gave a weak smile.

    She reexamined the flute. After a few moments of looking it over, she put it to her mouth and played a soft but buoyant melody. Then she smiled and stuck it in her jacket pocket. Then she looked at James and said, Thank you, it really is of great quality. So, think you'll be ok from here?

    Yeah. I'll be keeping an extra careful ear to the ground. Don't forget to send word once things are safe. Or if anything comes up that I need to know about.

    No problem. And here… Claire reached out her hand and presented James a card of some kind. If you need to get a hold of me, you can send a message through the Science Division of Upper Borough. But only if you absolutely need to contact me, and be extremely careful about what you say… there is no privacy when communicating through official channels. Be careful.

    James took the card, put it in his pocket, and nodded. Thanks again, and you be careful as well. With that, James turned to begin his journey home, while Claire headed back towards Acumen.

    It was getting late, much later than he had anticipated when he first set off from Upper Borough. His original plan was to do some hunting before heading home and refilling some supplies, but it was doubtful that there would be time for that now. Unfortunately, he still had to make a stop at his secret workshop deep within the Hazard Zone. He could not return to the Imperium in these clothes, nor with any of the extra items he picked up this morning as there would be way too many questions if he did. Questions that he was not prepared to answer.

    After some time, he approached a crossroads where continuing east would take him home, otherwise, he could head north or south. Traveling north would lead to a hunting area in unclaimed territory, just outside of the ruins of the Domain of Benevolence. Going south, however, led down a barely recognizable, overgrown path leading to the Hazard Zone; an area people would typically avoid at all costs. He briefly glanced around and then motioned for his strongback to take the path that no one travels. He headed through a small break in the thick tree-line and on to what must have once been a normal road.

    The thing about the Hazard Zone – in James' mind anyway – is that the myth, the reputation itself, seemed to be worse than the reality. It's not safe by any means, but where in Gaia is? It is true that some of the creatures are slightly more dangerous than what you'd tend to find elsewhere. And there are places where gravity itself completely changes direction. Then there are the places where the rubble gives you a particularly ominous feeling, as if the ghosts of some ancient battle are watching over you. But even with all of that, the way it had been feared by so many made no sense to James; it never seemed as bad as everyone made it out to be. That is why he made a second home for himself there – in a manner of speaking.

    Of course, most people probably steer clear simply because the religious texts warn of the dangers lurking within. But James never put much stock in the religious doctrine.

    However, due to the events that transpired today, and now being so pressed for time, this was going to be a very different experience compared to usual. Normally James is very slow and cautious while heading to his workshop, but this time he just didn't have that luxury. And unfortunately for him, that is exactly why he once again failed to notice that something – or someone – was following him.

    After some time, he made it to another split; here there was a path leading to the left, and another to the right. He got off of his strongback, grabbed the reins to lead it, and went straight.

    The trees and plants were extremely dense, and the ground was almost dangerously uneven; it was truly a miracle he found this place when he was younger. Guiding his strongback, he eventually found himself in a clearing that opened up out of nowhere; his home away from home. He had just moved aside a large rock slab that revealed the opening to a cave when he heard it; something was moving around not far behind him.

    Instinct kicked in, and with one swift, fluid motion, James reached out to his cart, grasped the handle of his broadsword, and spun around towards the sound behind him – blade first. And there, standing where he had entered this clearing just moments before, stood Claire unflinching; even with the blade of his sword just inches from her face, she did not move.

    What the hell are you doing out here, James?


    Shocked, James lowered his sword and stood there for what seemed like hours, silent and mouth open. When he finally snapped to, all he could do was go straight to defensiveness. "Never mind me, what are you doing here?"

    I followed you to make sure that you got home alright, and then you ducked into the Hazard Zone. To be honest, that made me think I had been wrong about you. She paused a moment and studied his face before continuing. At worst, I had figured you could be some kind of scam artist. Now I'm wondering if you're some kind of criminal!

    No! I'm no criminal! James hesitated, then began to squirm. I mean… Not… Not really. I'm not a thief! I don't hurt people… James' eyes were now looking towards the ground, and shame was clearly written all over his face.

    "But you are guilty of something, aren't you?"

    James' eyes met Claire's. "Look, I'm just trying to survive. My government makes that impossible if you follow their laws. They tax me on everything! They keep tabs on every item I sell, and every piece I make! They barely leave me enough to scrape by no matter how hard I work! So I get forged papers to let me into the nicer parts of Acumen. That way, I can sell my goods for more than they'd be worth at my class level. James couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. Why was he telling a stranger all of this? And what was worse was that he couldn't seem to stop himself. Lower-class citizens always get less money for the exact same goods as higher class citizens. So I spend time here hunting and crafting to make some extra pieces by selling the spoils in Acumen; pieces that Deice will never know about. They can't tax what they don't know existed in the first place.

    "You see, they take a full inventory of my cart anytime I leave the Imperium, and then again when I return. Any items no longer in my possession are assumed to have been sold, and all items have standard values. Whatever they believe I made gets taxed appropriately. Twice! My home sector takes its cut, as does the Imperium itself!

    "So yeah. I am a criminal. And if it were just me, I wouldn't be doing any of this. But I'm trying to build a better life for my mother – she's had it hard enough. I know that that's no excuse, especially to someone like you… you being part of a system that…"

    Hold on, Claire cut in, "I am not a part of that system. I'm a scientist… I seek knowledge. I do not make any kind of rules or laws. I have nothing to do with how much people are charged, or taxed, or treated. Not to mention, what happens in your Imperium has nothing to do with me in the first place. We aren't savages like… She hesitated. Well, what I meant was… we don't treat people like…"

    Again she faltered, seemingly trying to gather her words more carefully. Okay – yeah, we're not perfect… We could certainly treat outsiders better, especially in our justice system. I've never agreed with those procedures. But what you're talking about, how your nation treats its own citizens; I can't even imagine having to live like that… She took a moment, clearly trying to lose her defensive tone. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you…

    James turned his back to her for a moment in an attempt to slyly wipe away the tears that had built up. I-it's ok. Th-thank you.

    After too many moments of uncomfortable silence, Claire took it upon herself to break it; So… are you going to show me around? I feel like there must be one hell of a story behind this place.

    James turned back to look at Claire, who was now smiling at him. He walked over to his cart and returned the sword – which was still in his grasp – back into its place. Welcome for the change of subject, he said, Well, I guess it started when I was a kid. My father had just died, and I kind of lost it… I ran away, and I just kept running. I ended up getting lost in the Hazard Zone for several days, but I don't really remember much of the entire experience. Outside of flashes that make no sense, the one thing I fully remembered was this place. I think I was here for a few days maybe. But I don't remember leaving, or how I was found, or anything like that. As he was talking, he grabbed a number of items from his cart – various craftwork – and carried them with him.

    "As soon as I could, I went looking for this place. I was never even sure that it actually existed, but I wanted to know. I needed to know. When I was younger, I would find ways of sneaking out of the Imperium borders, and I would look for as long as I could be away."

    While talking, James had taken the reins of the strongback and tied them to a tree, disconnecting it from the cart. Then he moved towards the cave he had uncovered just before Claire showed up. Eventually I did find it again, and it looked exactly as I remembered. It was a weird sensation. And the place was amazing! Claire furrowed her brow in an expression of puzzlement. "Well, I thought it was. I guess when you live in such poverty, with Forsaken all around you, people

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