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Evolution, It Never Happened
Evolution, It Never Happened
Evolution, It Never Happened
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Evolution, It Never Happened

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This book is about Evolutionary Biology and Medicine, and the findings were garnered from scientific evidence base research and proved that all current evolutionary theories are faulty. Darwin is wrong. Transmutation of Species is spurious. Natural Selection is misconstrued. Mend

Release dateDec 1, 2020
Evolution, It Never Happened

Patrick Amadasun

Dr. Patrick I. Amadasun, Ph.D., DM., has a background in Biology and Medicine. He did his Doctoral studies in Finance, Economics, and Management at Georgia State University and University of Maryland. He is a life member of Phi Kappa Phi and a member of the Academy of Management. He was former Chairman of First Continental Insurance and seat on the Board of several Corporations. He has been a consultant for numerous corporate entities, including a nation. He is an erudite scholar and has authored several works of scholarship.

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    Evolution, It Never Happened - Patrick Amadasun



    Dr. Patrick I. Amadasun Ph.D., DM.

    First Edition

    US Paper Warehouse, Inc.

    10990 Galen Place

    Johns Creek, Georgia 30097



    It never Happened

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-7355241-6-0

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7355241-7-7

    Hard Cover ISBN: 978-1-7355241-8-4

    Copyright © 2019 by Dr. Patrick I. Amadasun

    Library of Congress – Registration No.: TX 4-919-623

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-7355241-6-0

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7355241-7-7

    Hard Cover ISBN: 978-1-7355241-8-4

    Printed in the United States of America

    Dedicated to all peoples of the world, especially Christians that endeavor to seek scientific truths which were garnered from evidence based research. Creations in the universe are perfect and endearing.

    About the Author

    Dr. Patrick I. Amadasun Ph.D., DM, has a background in Biology and Medicine. He did his Doctoral studies in Finance, Economics, and Management at Georgia State University and University of Maryland. He is a life member of Phi Kappa Phi and a member of the Academy of Management. He was former Chairman of First Continental Insurance and seat on the Board of several Corporations. He has been a consultant for numerous corporate entities, including a nation. He is an erudite scholar and has authored several works of scholarship.

    Table of Contents

    About the Author

    Chapter I: Introduction – Before and Beyond Darwin

    Chapter II: Protozoa–Is There Life Here–?

    Chapter III: Phylum–Porifera – Some Orderly Evolutionary Trends

    Chapter IV: Phylum–Cnidarians–Some Lost Relatives

    Chapter V: Phylum–Platyhelminthes–Some Wriggly Relatives Found

    Chapter VI: Phylum - Aschelminthes – The Slimy Relatives Are Discovered!

    Chapter VII: Phylum–Mollusca – Our Shelled Cousin Pay A Visit!

    Chapter VIII: Phylum-Annelida Our Chitinous Cousins Pay A Visit

    Chapter IX: Sub-Phylum–Crustacea – Our Colorful Cousin Send Some Greetings!

    Chapter X: Phylum, Arthropoda-Subphylum, Uniramia Our Winged Cousins Revisited

    Chapter XI: Phylum–Echinodermata Friendly Nephews Are Here

    Chapter XII: Phylum Chordata–Subphylum, Vertebrata–Class, Pisces– The Bony Nieces Send Messages From The Deep

    Chapter XIII: Phylum, Chordata–Subphylum, Vertebrata, Class, Amphibhia, Our Sturdy, Grumpy Aunties Send Their Love!

    Chapter XIV: Phylum–Chirdata–Subphylum, Vertebrata–Class, Reptilia. The Scaly Uncles Paid A Visit!

    Chapter XV: Phylum–Chordata–Subphylum, Vertebrata–Class, Aves Our Feathered Grandparents Send Their Love

    Chapter XVI: Phylum–Chordate–Subphylum, Vertebrate–Class, Mammalia. Our Sisters Are Here To Stay!

    Chapter XVII: Could Man Have Evolved From Apes?

    Chapter XVIII: The Theory of Absolutism


    Introduction – Before

    and Beyond Darwin

    False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness. Charles Darwin

    There have been various hypotheses and theories proposed by different scientists and religious organizations with the intent to explain the origin of life; also, how living organisms evolve and interrelate on our planet. In this book, brief information on the various thoughts on evolution was presented in this chapter and forms the basis for the direction taken in this text that enables the illumination of a novel evolution theory based on some interesting research findings.

    It follows, therefore, that the purpose of this book is to ascertain if the various existing evolution theories and hypotheses have any factual and scientific basis for their conclusions; and, present an alternative narrative that was derived from evidence base research. To this end, small experiments were carried out and presented in the following chapters. The conclusions from these experiments will forever change biology and evolutionary thoughts; and, will completely disprove Darwin and other evolutionary theories. It will cause a brouhaha in the scientific world – that, evolution never happened. Furthermore, the research findings formed the basis for a new evolutionary theory created by the author and referred to as Amadasun’s Theory of Absolutism (see Figure 1.1).

    Figure 1.1: Picture of the Galaxy.

    Firstly, let’s delve into the beginning of life on our planet and examine the various evolutionary thoughts in the scientific world. The origin of life has been so much shrouded in mystery that most scientists, including biologist, astronomers, geologists, etc., and different religious groups, have developed different theories in an attempt to explain this phenomenon. Religious organizations have hypotheses that were generated from the Bible which support their underpinnings in their attempt to explain the existence of life in the universe as written in the book of Genesis. Their theory was that life originated in this universe within seven days by a creator.

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep; and, God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters. Genesis: Chapter 1.

    This belief led to the creationists’ theory that the origin of life was by divine ordination. But, then, is there a basis for this belief? Are there any scientific evidences to back this belief? (see Figure 1.2).

    Figure 1.2: Picture of Blue and Black Milkyway.

    Scientists, generally, have disagreed with the creationist science because the belief is not supported by scientific evidence that could be tested by: (a) materialism – scientific explanations that are grounded in material cause and do not violate natural, law; (b) testability – that the predictions made cannot be tested against the material world; (c) that their belief is unchallengeable, even in the face of new scientific evidences that prove otherwise.

    In other words, the creationist theories are hearsay that is not supported by scientific facts. But, could scientists be wrong? Are there new scientific facts that support the Creationists’ beliefs? Let’s keep reading as some interesting research findings are presented in this book.

    The belief of most scientists is that the origin of life can only be explained and comprehended in the context of evolution. This theory expressly states that all organisms are related through a descent from a common ancestor. This theory has become the core foundation of biology. It relates the animal kingdom in terms of physiology reproduction, biochemistry, and other functional systems of the organism as being inter-related and demonstrates an evolutionary trend on how life came into existence.

    Is this theory correct? Has this been fully proven to be scientifically factual?

    Regardless of the philosophical beliefs of the various theories, the Darwin’s evolutionary theory has become the dominant scientific theory taught in all educational systems worldwide as being the theory that best explain life in this universe.

    The geneticist, Theodosinus Dobzhansky, aptly supports this view in his declaration that, Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.

    If indeed we all evolved from a common ancestry, who or what then, was the first ancestor of life? How did that ancestor come to life? Was it created, or, did it create itself? Was it accidental, or was it divinely ordered?

    The Big Bang Theory tried to explain this phenomenon in terms of organic matter by focusing on the planet Earth through the examination of its geological data which reveals that the earth is about 4.6 billion years old. The theory suggest that the earth was formed from the coalescence of gases and debris from exploding supernovas, and started as a molten core of nickel and iron surround by silicate rock. Scientific and geological data stated that the earth was a barren planet surrounded, or filled, by toxic, reducing gases, ammonia, methane, and hydrogen.

    Interestingly, there seems to be a correlation of this early beginning from the Big Bang Theory and the explanation presented in the bible. In Genesis, the first book of the bible, it is quoted as such: _ now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep. It appears that the formless and waste referred to in this passage of the bible supports the creationist theory and show consensus to the geological data of the Big Bang Theory which explains that the earth, initially, was barren, filled with toxic, reducing gases. What a significant correlation! Another correlation was again shown in Genesis. The passage continues: and God’s active forces were moving to and fro over the surface of the waters___. The Active Forces here show correlation to the array of steady bombardment of cosmic and ultraviolet radiation of the initial planet, earth, as expressed in the Big Bang Theory.

    This theory further explain that after the earth’s cooling, there were a lot of chemical and physical reactions taking place and the molecules formed did combine to form organic compounds and later form the living cell! Is this theory conclusively factual? Could life have evolved, or, originated this way? Why was this combination so orderly? Why was this combination so consistent? Why are there no different forms of life that are fully formed from other chemical elements instead of consistently organic elements? Why have we not fully observed such phenomenon again in the universe, thereby, creating another planet with live organisms on it? It has been over 4.6 billion years since this occurrence took place; why don’t we see, or observed more of this phenomenon on a yearly, monthly or daily basis? If this phenomenon is right, why don’t we have zillions of planets filled with lives? (See Figure 1.3).

    Figure 1.3: Picture of Extinct Dinosaurs.

    If we apply the law of thermodynamics which states that all closed systems–whether chemical, physical, biological, and other such systems–tend over time, to become increasingly disordered, or become entropic, then: Why does the living cell, a biological system, seem to violate this law? Why are the living cells so orderly?

    Could these theories on the origin of life be faulted by the preponderance of available scientific evidences that suggest that the orderliness found in living organisms and in the planet earth does not show consonance with the Big Bang Theory? The dissonance observed in these theories cannot be mitigated by deductive or, inductive reasoning that are backed by observed facts or, could be inferred from certain observations that should have happened, but never occurred?

    It therefore, follows that the origin and diversity of life in this universe has not been fully explained by science in a manner that will finally remove the controversy or the conundrum surrounding this phenomenon.

    If we accept that the origin of life is as stated; how did it evolve? And, if indeed there was evolution, how does it function? How is it organized? Why does it take place? What role does it play in human originations? Let’s briefly probe into some various evolutionary theories and see if they were able to provide answers to this conundrum.

    In 350 BC., Aristotle broached the Scala Naturae theory and suggested that species are incapable of changing and there is no mechanism for evolutionary change. Aristotle may have been proven wrong on evolutionary change; however, could he have been right in his suggestion that species are immutable? In 1305, Ramon Llull adopted the Great Chain of Being theory which supported Aristotle through Christian lens.

    Caspar Wolf proposed the Vitalism theory in 1759 which has a foundation in various theories from Ancient Egypt. He believed that species can change and the mechanism of change is the life force in the embryo. This theory was quickly discarded by biologists as untenable in 1828. Similarly, Asa Gray advocated the Theistic Evolutionary theory in 1871. He believed that species can change and such changes were brought about by various deities. This theory was also rejected by biologists in 1900 for lack of scientific proofs.

    The theory of Orthogenesis was first advanced by Karl von Baer in 1859 and later supported by Pierre Teirhard de Chardin in 1959. The theory suggests that species can change and the mechanism for change is through purposeful creation and the inherent progressive tendency which has a foundation in spiritual theory. Biologists also discarded this theory. But, is it possible that these scientists could be on the right path?

    Lamarckism by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1809 was a theory that agrees that species do change and mechanism of change was by the use and disuse of inheritance of acquired characteristics. This theory has been rejected by biologists. Likewise Catastrophism by Georges Cuvier in 1812 was rejected due to the fact that it lacks scientific fact and rejects changes in species.

    D’Arcy Thompson in 1917 proposed the theory of Structuralism which supports species change that is brought about by self-organization and physical forces. It marked a beginning of the view that cellular self-organization could explain evolutionary change. Interestingly, before Thompson, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire in 1831 suggested the theory of Mutationism which supports species change that occurs through large mutations in the sudden production of new species under environmental pressure. The theories suggested by these scientists seem to have scientific value and have not been fully discarded (see Figure 1.4).

    Figure 1.4: Picture of Progressive Evolution.

    In 1859, Charles Darwin advocated Darwinian Evolutionary theory which supports species change that is brought about by natural selection, but lacks mechanism of mutation brought about by genetics. In 1968, Motoo Kimura proposed the National Theory of Molecular Evolution which suggested that species change was brought about by genetic drift at the molecular level and supports Darwin’s natural selection at the higher or phenotypical level. Consequently, the domineering evolutionary theory that is supported by biologists is the Darwinian Evolutionary theory.

    But, then, is Darwin right? Let’s explore Darwin theory more and see if there are gaps and fissures in this theory.

    Charles Darwin played an important role in trying to explain the theory of evolution. At the time he wrote his book, evolution was a very controversial subject. It still is. During that period, Darwin’s findings appear to be very logical and realistic. These findings became the foundation of current evolutionary theory which helped in shaping the evolutional trend of life diversity as adopted by most biologists, and as taught in all schools and colleges.

    Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species by Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggles for Life, was written after his trip to the Galapagos Islands. He tried to explain evolution as being a characteristic of the living world. He fully stated that all organisms are descended from a common ancestor, and we all belong to the same genealogical network. Secondly, he stated that the process of evolution, or, descent with modification, is constantly taking place from generation to generation. According to Darwin, the motor of change in evolution was the principle of natural selection. In other words: (1) since resources cannot accommodate the potential growth of population, there will be competition for resources, or, The struggle for existence; (2) the characteristics of the individuals are heritably passed on to their off-springs with the characteristics most important for survival being given more prominence; and, as a result of

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