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The Dwarves of Caynard
The Dwarves of Caynard
The Dwarves of Caynard
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The Dwarves of Caynard

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Jason's drug addiction has spun out of control forcing the LBI director to send him out of The Library to investigate the deaths of dwarf miners. Along the way he discovers that this is part of a bigger plot launched by Eversphere and the ancient dragons to lure him out of the safety of The Library. Not only is Jason at risk, but so his his part

Release dateSep 15, 2020
The Dwarves of Caynard

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    The Dwarves of Caynard - Victoria Lynn Osborne


    I really enjoyed the fantasy aspect of The Priestesses of Levet. The world building is super fun. I love all the various creatures, and magic. It is a well throughout, and the comprehensible magic system makes this book a great read. The descriptions of the areas and the creatures are beautiful. I was able to see what the areas looked like. This kind of world building is what makes me love fantasy so much. I want to feel like I’m part of this crazy world, and I definitely did.

    The mystery was complex, but never boring or hard to follow. Victoria Lynn Osborne knows how to write a mystery that leads you in multiple directions and delivers a solid answer you didn’t see coming. That is the most important part of a mystery, in my opinion.

    Our main characters; Jason, Mortyiene, and Edwardynah are all great. Of course, because this is the third book in the series, we don’t get as much background information on them because we already know them from the previous stories. I enjoyed the mentions of events from previous books that impacted how a character felt in this journey.

    Overall, I enjoyed The Priestesses of Levet. It was two of my favorite genres (fantasy and mystery) combined almost flawlessly. I highly recommend checking this series out!

    Publishing History

    Jason and Mortyiene Mysteries

    The Student Librarian

    The Bankers of Zurix

    The Priestesses of Levet

    The Dwarves of Caynard.

    The Great Wyrm Saga

    Red Sails in the Morning

    Green Tunics of Noon

    Golden Fields of the Afternoon *

    The Fire Mountain Chronicles

    Whispers in the Woods

    The House of Fire and Rain

    The Seattle Ospreys *

    *Forth Coming

    The Dwarves of Caynard


    Victoria Lynn Osborne

    A picture containing drawing Description automatically generated

    NOTE: If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as Unsold and destroyed to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this stripped book. This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    The Dwarves of Caynard ©2020 by Victoria Lynn Osborne

    Published by Azure Spider Publications LLC

    1051 NE Pepperwood Grants Pass, OR 97526

    Library of Congress Control Number 9781647700058

    ISBN: 978-1-64770-009-6

    ISBN: 978-1-64770-010-2 ebook

    First Edition September 2020

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to my late muse Jane. May we meet again on the other side of Bifrost.


    As always there are so many people to thank. My profound thanks go to Taylor Schroder who is my ever patient beta reader. My cover designer Stephanie Martin who creates the fabulous covers. The men and women of Scribophile who gave me support and encouragement. My mother Frances Osborne that is always supportive and provides a safe home for me. There are more but I can’t remember them.

    Part 1


    Bretand swung his pick at the side of the tunnel. A great vein of gold shimmered in the dim light of the tunnel. Dwarves were not hampered by the dark, they thrived in it.

    This rich vein of gold would allow them to purchase more security. Caynard was a dwarven city that had been under siege for a thousand thousand years. The dwarves hung onto the city, struggling to keep themselves motivated.

    He eased a chunk of ore out of the wall. The weight of the ore told him that it was rich in gold. For centuries the dwarves of Caynard had mined mithril, a rare silver ore that made mithril chain, a light mail that repelled all but the strongest attacks. But mithril was hard to find.

    It was known among the dwarves that veins of mithril were deep in the bowels of The Gloaming, near the Lake of Fire.

    This portal to infernal and abyssal dimensions was where so much of the evil had come from. Mining that close, only protected by a thin wall of rock from endless hordes of vile netherworldy creatures, was only done by the strongest and stoutest of dwarves. Gold was safer. It was mined in the upper tunnels that were used to pay off Melisandra.

    Melisandra was a dragon when the Sapphire Islands fell, and the dragons divided. Though most were bent on global domination, the High Venerables had taken vows to protect the land. But they were few. Melisandra was ancient, having hatched shortly after the Great Wyrm War and didn’t want this once-peaceful world to fall into chaos.

    Bretand hammered at the vein. In addition to the vein of gold, this one also had a chunk of ruby about the size of his fist.

    The cart drover ambled up, the cart on tracks. He attached Bretand’s cart to the train and left an empty cart for the dwarf. The cart drover, singing an old drinking song, went on his way.

    The lanterns in the cave flickered. Bretand paused, sensing the air. It’s nothing, he muttered, returning to his duties.

    The light flickered again. He whirled around, pickaxe in hand.

    The tunnel was deserted, and long shadows played on the walls. Bretand stood there. His breath came in harsh gasps.

    The shadows were still, but the faint hint of a breeze flickered the nearby lanterns.

    Bretand turned back to his task. Dragons needed gold, a lot of it, even those that didn’t exploit and enslave.

    A slight breeze ruffled his hair in the depths of the mine. There should be no breeze, he thought, whirling around and staring into the inky blackness.

    Warily, he returned to his duties, mining the elusive ore. The only sound was his pickaxe striking the walls of the mine. The dark, dank smell of a mining shaft filled his nostrils.

    The breeze caused him to jump again. This time, he whirled around. A figure separated from the shadow, a three-bladed dagger flashed in the flickering lamplight.

    Bretand grabbed his neck and sank to the floor. His lifeblood seeping out from between his fingers. His pickaxe crashed to the rock floor, and a streak of scarlet marred the gold vein.

    The figure dropped the dagger and melted back into the shadows. Returning to the darkness, it made its way out of the tunnel.

    Chapter 1

    Jason’s eyes were clogged with sleep when he awoke. Next to him was a warm, soft lump. He rubbed his head and swallowed a glass of water that he kept near the head of his bed.

    Who are you? He shook the form.

    Mary, she replied, the scent of old sweat and alcohol leached off her.

    You need to go, Mary. Jason crawled out of bed. He was naked, and things low in his body danced and jerked. He staggered over to his bathroom and peed. Why can’t I remember her? he thought.

    Edwardynah entered through the door and leaped up onto the counter, her whiskers twitching. You did it again.

    Jason brushed his teeth, trying to get the cotton out of his mouth. Did what?

    Got drunk, took your pills, and woke up with a low woman in your bed. Even now, she is looking for your stash. And you left it out for her to find.

    Jason strode back into his chamber and grabbed a robe off the hook. Get out.

    Please, luv, just another bump. The girl clutched his sheet to her chest.

    The smell of old sex and cheap booze filled his room. He would need to air it out before Mortyiene came by. Mortyiene was not above her own extra recreations, but she was in control of them.

    The woman glanced up at him and dropped her sheet. She was tall and lanky, bony even. Track marks marred her arms, and her teeth were brown.

    I can give you what you want? She ran her fingers suggestively over her body.

    Lady, there is nothing you have that I want. Get out!

    Edwardynah leaped onto the bed and hissed at the woman.

    Your cat doesn’t scare me. She started to play with herself. Her playground yielded up a yeasty smell.

    I fucked that, he thought. I must be desperate.

    Give me another bump, then I will go. I know you have more. She rummaged through his nightstand.

    Jason grabbed her arm and tossed her to the floor. Get out.

    The girl lay on the floor, a bruise coming to her cheek. Tears were in her eyes, and she glared at him. I thought you were a nice guy. You are, after all, the Investigator.

    You thought wrong. You do not even know me, just my office. And I am well rid of you.

    Edwardynah watched, her golden eyes taking in the scene. Jason.

    What, I’m getting rid of her, he snapped.

    Be careful.

    Mary scrambled for her clothes. A dirty linen kirtle and blouse. See if I ever let you near me again, she hissed.

    Fine with me. Get out.

    Mary turned her back to him and belted her kirtle, her blouse under it.

    Jason turned to his wardrobe to retrieve clean robes and overrobes.

    Watch out, Edwardynah yowled.

    Jason turned just in time to see the dagger arc toward him. He grabbed her wrist and wrenched it behind her.

    She struggled, more strength belying her emaciated frame.

    He twisted her arm, and she dropped the dagger. Flinging her to the floor, he stood over her.

    He kicked the dagger out of the way and glared at her.

    Do you know what the penalty is for attacking a member of the LBI?

    She rubbed her raw wrist and glared at him. I could make you happy. You didn’t have to hurt me.

    You attacked me with a fucking knife.

    Jason bent over and retrieved the blade and put it on a table.

    Mary hugged herself, her arms wrapped around her body. Sobs wracked her as tears streamed down her face.

    Jason sighed and crouched next to her. Get some help. Go to the infirmary, tell them I sent you. The pharmacists have created potions that deal with addiction.

    Mary turned her tear-streaked face to him. Why don’t you use them?

    Jason sighed, his stomach lurching inside of him.

    That is a good question, Jason, Edwardynah quipped. You have just as big of a problem.

    I only take meds to sleep, Jason justified.

    Bull shit, both Mary and Edwardynah said at the same time.

    Your drinking has gotten out of control ever since Scarlett turned her back on you, Edwardynah finished up.

    My relationship with Scarlett is none of your business. Jason glared at the cat.

    Who is Scarlett? Mary asked, confusion clouding her eyes.

    A childhood friend of mine that I had a falling out with.

    I wonder why. Mary gathered up her purse and studied the contents. At least you are not a thief.

    Well, I am just trying to forget.

    Forget what? Mary asked.

    Another friend. But when I awaken, her ghost still haunts me.

    That is another thing Jason, I thought you made a pledge to Adelaydah? Edwardynah sniffed the sheets. These need to be washed.

    Jason glared at his cat, and then his eyes fell back on Mary. Leave. I am sorry that you are having a hard life, but I can barely take care of myself. I just needed to forget.

    Mary huffed and left the bedroom. Jason stripped the bed of sheets and dumped them down the chute to the laundry. He would come home in the evening and there would be fresh sheets on his bed. Apparently, the cleaning staff had keys to even the private chambers.

    The door that led to black stairs that ended in the necromancy section opened, and Mortyiene, his partner, entered.

    Jason? Mortyiene called. I thought we would get breakfast. She wrinkled her nose, What have you been doing?

    Jason rubbed his armpit and sniffed his hand. Do I have time for a shower?

    I think I shall have to insist on it. Mortyiene headed to their office. "I will check my messages while you shower.

    The hot water sluiced down his back, sending the night of drunken debauchery down the drain. Jason watched the water flow out of the shower. In Pegasus Cove, they didn’t have plumbing. It was only here, in The Library, where he had discovered it. If you wanted to bathe in Pegasus Cove, you visited the public baths.

    Finally, clear-headed and ready for the day, he slipped a lozenge in his mouth to suck on and deal with his Edwardynah allergy. He wished he was not allergic to cats, but it couldn’t be helped. He was a Librarian, and she was a Library cat. Did it matter that she was bossy?

    Come on, I am ready for breakfast. He scooped up Edwardynah and they left his rooms.

    Now that winter was in full swing, the cafeteria was full of students. Students from Eversphere sat in one corner, and students from Pegasus Cove in another, and the Librarians sat in the center.

    As the war grew, more heated scuffles between the two sides broke out. The schools were neutral, but somehow that was forgotten by the students and faculty.

    To make matters worse, Levet had been ordering her priestesses to strike against Eversphere, trying to stop Char and Cindar. Since she was the patroness of the three schools, it was debatable if they would remain open much longer.

    Jason’s stomach lurched as he looked at the offerings. He finally settled for black coffee and fruit.

    Out again last night, eh Jason? Mortyiene took a plate of poached eggs with a creamy, lemony sauce.

    I do not want to talk about it. What do you think is happening? It has been quiet for a while. No new cases.

    We promised the nomads that we would find a good dragon.

    Is there such a thing? Edwardynah nibbled on a small chunk of bacon Mortyiene offered her.

    Apparently, Jason replied. He turned to Mortyiene, There are legends that dwarves have been hiding and protecting good dragons. But the dragons are shy and reclusive. In fact, if it is known where one of them is, then the dragons allied with Char and Cindar will attack them.

    Mortyiene mopped up some of the sauce with a slice of toast. The cafeteria slowly filled with students. The lines were more clearly drawn, Eversphere students ate on the left side of the cafeteria, the Rivers Region on the right. However, tension filled the air as the students grumbled at each other.

    It is amazing that the war is on this side of the world. Eversphere and Pegasus Cove hate each other so much. And with Levet, Jason shook his head.

    The schools … I worry about the schools. Mortyiene pushed her plate aside.

    Jason pinched the bridge of his nose. Well, I am going to return to my room, and then we can go down to LBI headquarters. We need to tell Laurel what is going on. We don’t need the students breaking out in open rebellion. The LBI was the Library Bureau of Investigation, the detective agency that investigated crimes that happened in The Library.

    They slid their trays into the scullery and returned to Jason’s rooms. The office was large enough for both Mortyiene and Jason to have their own desks and had a spectacular view of the red rock desert that surrounded the Library.

    Peacekeepers stood at attention, their brown tunics starched to perfection, swords at their sides.

    Students at The Library were some of the most powerful magic users in Xalaborn. There were three initiation levels. The first was The Mountain, graduates from The Mountain were one step over hedge mages. The next school was The Library. Here students engaged in the academic study of spell casting. The final school was simply called The Cloud. Graduates from The Cloud were so powerful that their footsteps could shake the world of Xalaborn.

    Jason felt an itch crawl down between his shoulder blades. Eyes shot daggers at him from the Eversphere side, despite his brown librarian over robes. When he looked to his own city’s spell casters, hate radiated off them as a group and was directed at Mortyiene.

    The lift slowly carried them to the wizardry floors where Jason had his rooms. As the doors slid open, three students stood before them, facing off with wands drawn.

    The two Pegasus Cove students had wands out, drawing upon the wands’ store of spells.

    The odd man out was a young man with a smattering of pimples across his face. He wore the tunic of an Eversphere warrior mage. He stood at erect attention, gesticulating wildly.

    By Isalaan, stop, Jason bellowed, stepping between the boys. The schools are neutral.

    The Pegasus Cove girl spoke up, her eyes flashing dangerously. Not for long! Already Levet has closed her temples and recalled her clergy, preparing to strike at the heart of the dragons.

    She brandished her wand, and the warrior mage growled. He clutched an ornate staff.

    We will find all those so-called sanctuary rooms and destroy them. He swung his staff toward the girl, smashing down toward her wand.

    She flicked her wand out of the way. "Fouenl!" she called.

    A bolt of blue light sprang from the tip of her wand and streaked toward the warrior mage.

    With a howl, he cast his shield, and the bolt splattered harmlessly on it.

    Jason sprang between the combatants. His own shield flaring up with just a gesture. Enough! I am taking you all to jail.

    The other student from Pegasus Cove hissed. How are you going to do that? As near as I can tell, you are outnumbered.

    Jason whirled on the student, his fists clenching and unclenching. I am a full wizard, a graduate from The Library. I am a Librarian and Investigator. Furthermore, I doubt that The Library will allow you to create a blood bath in it.

    Not true, there have been several battles here in the Administration section. We studied them in history. The war mage snarled. I would suggest you stay out of the way.

    The Library rumbled and the floor trembled. Jason grabbed onto a bookcase to steady himself. Dust sifted down from the stacks, dancing in the light beams that shone through the beveled windows.

    A roar and a thump reverberated through the stacks.

    What is that? Mortyiene asked.

    I don’t know. Jason felt the color drain from his face.

    The students stopped brandishing their weapons and gazed around, white fists clenching their magical weapons.

    Another massive thump was heard.

    Books jumped on the shelves and more dust fell. Library cats streaked out of sight, cowering under chairs and sofas.

    Edwardynah. Jason drew the cat from his bag. What is this?

    The defenses! I have only heard rumors, but when a Librarian is threatened sometimes, the Library takes ’care’ of things.

    A cold sweat broke out all over Jason’s body. This is bad, he whispered to Mortyiene.

    The sound drew closer. Each footstep rang in Jason’s ears.

    Tell them to put up their weapons, Edwardynah hissed. Do it now!

    Put up your weapons now! Jason ordered, flashing his white gold bracelet.

    The students put their wands away and stopped brandishing the staff.

    The footsteps marched closer still. Beveled windows rattled in their sills, appearing to be on the point of breaking. Not a single cat was to be found save Edwardynah.

    Down the central aisle, something huge lumbered with slow, measured steps.

    Finally, through the stacks, a statue strode. It lumbered toward them, a massive stone ax resting on its shoulder.

    Jason and Mortyiene drew to their full height and flashed their white gold bracelets. Perhaps the statue would recognize their badge of office.

    It reached out and grabbed the girl who had shot the light bolt at the war mage. It wrenched her neck, breaking it before she could react. She slipped to the floor. It then turned its attention to the war mage and slammed a fist through his stomach. The mage’s eyes grew wide in surprise and he slid to the floor.

    It turned to look at the young man from Pegasus Cove.

    Do not make any sudden moves, Jason whispered.

    A small puddle splashed on the floor at the student’s feet, and he passed out from fear.

    With one final look at Jason and Mortyiene, the statue turned and strode back into the stacks.

    What was that? Jason breathed.

    A Guardian, one that is called when the Administration has failed to keep the peace. We have been put on notice. Edwardynah shivered. Her tiny body quivering from fear.

    What does that mean?

    The Library chooses to use Librarians to help people and Peacekeepers to keep the peace. When it perceives a threat to its existence, it summons a Guardian. These are stone statues that stand around the floors. It saw that you weren’t able to break up the fight, so it took matters into its own hand. Edwardynah replied.

    Why did it not kill the third student? Jason asked.

    Because he didn’t actually fight. He just blustered. We need to get these two to the morgue and take this one to the infirmary. He is pretty badly shaken.

    The kid stood unsteadily, shaking in fear, his eyes wide in shock. Jason plucked the wand out of his hand and secreted it in his robes.

    Take him to the infirmary, then send him to the Dean, Jason ordered the Peacekeepers.

    Mortyiene stood next to Jason, heat radiating from her body. Send him to jail instead of to the Dean. He was part of the attack.

    Jason shook his head. No, he will be thrown out of The Library. He did not cast any spells or use his wand. He is far from innocent, but I have something else in mind. He turned to the Peacekeepers. After he is taken to the Dean, I want him brought to me if he has been expelled. I will put him on my team. What is your name?

    The kid looked terrified. He couldn’t have been much more than a year or so younger than Jason. His eyes roved over Mortyiene and Jason. Warwick, if you please, he squeaked.

    Warwick, well, welcome to the LBI.

    What? Mortyiene roared, her usual quiet voice seethed with anger.

    You heard me. If he is thrown out of the school, then he will just be shoved into the mana chamber without proper preparation. If he works on my team and hunts down criminals, both against Pegasus Cove and Eversphere, he will learn more about war. He will be an assistant to us. I want him to help you with your duties. He needs to learn balance.

    You would send him to Bli and Hadwin? You would have him follow me? Mortyiene’s voice was cold with rage.

    What would you rather have? Jason was remarkably calm. Another mage who has swallowed Pegasus Cove’s party line, or a mage who understands Eversphere and is against the war? I keep thinking there must be a peaceful way to resolve this. It is getting out of hand.

    Warwick was led off by the Peacekeepers. Jason and Mortyiene continued to breakfast.

    After an uneventful breakfast, Jason and Mortyiene returned to his office. A sound of rustling in the bedroom greeted them as they opened the door. Jason rushed to his room and saw Mary rummaging through his dresser and wardrobe.

    I told you to get out, Jason spoke in a low tone, trying to keep calm.

    The woman brandished a dagger and launched herself at Jason. I know you have some, you fiend. I know you have pills, why won’t you share?

    Mortyiene and Edwardynah raced into the room, just as Jason called down a lightning bolt, and the girl lit up and disintegrated into ash, leaving behind her dagger.

    What happened? His face went slack as he stood over the pile of ashes. Why did she attack me?

    Edwardynah leaped onto the bed and sniffed the covers. I think that getting out of The Library is a good idea.

    He slumped onto his bed, his face in his hands. Mortyiene rang the bell for the Peacekeepers.

    Mortyiene crossed her arms and glared at Jason. The woman was no more than a pile of ash. How could he be so stupid? She thought. She sighed.

    It was not my fault, Jason said, his eyes full of tears. She attacked me with this. He held up the three-edged dagger.

    She was working for the Sulon Kai? Mortyiene reached for the dagger.

    I cannot believe they would hire a junkie to perform an assassination, Jason mumbled, pulling himself to his feet.

    The sound of knocking jerked Jason out of his reverie. He stumbled to the door and let in the Peacekeepers.

    The Peacekeeper commander studied Jason, his eyes taking in the scene.

    Mortyiene stood at the back of the room, her mind a blur. She had to get Jason off drugs and back on the straight and narrow.

    Mortyiene strode forward, her fingers trailing along the commander’s sleeve. Jason was attacked, it was witnessed by Edwardynah. He was attacked with this. She held up the dagger by the tip so as not to disturb fingerprints. It is a clear case of self-defense.

    The commander pursed his lips and studied Jason. I need you and the cat to come with me to the jail for a formal statement. Necromancer, I expect you in by this afternoon to make a statement.

    I understand commander. I am going to LBI headquarters and make a report to Laurel, then I will go to the Peacekeeper’s office.

    Jason left his office with Edwardynah in tow. Mortyiene pursed her lips and made her way to the lifts that would carry her to Laurel’s office.

    Mortyiene never knew what to make of Laurel’s office. File folder and cases stacked high in untidy rows, things always appeared to be on the verge of collapsing and burying the directors in an avalanche of boxes and paperwork. The two chairs at Laurel’s desk were piled with folders. Laurel bustled through and removed some paperwork and motioned for Mortyiene to have a seat.

    I assume that something has happened to our Investigator that you are here alone. Laurel stuck the pen she was using into her bun, where it joined with a half dozen other pens.

    Jason picked up a girl who apparently was only interested in his drugs. However, she attacked him with a dagger of the Sulon Kai, so we can’t be sure that she wasn’t an assassin. Though she might very well have been a pawn of theirs as well.

    Laurel leaned back in her chair, her eyes trailing over the pile of paperwork, her brow furrowed in thought. She handed Mortyiene a file.

    Mortyiene took the file and flipped it open. We do not cover Caynard. It is not part of The Library.

    They have requested our assistance. The crimes are a mystery. Laurel lifted stacks of paperwork. Now, where is that pen?

    Mortyiene plucked one of the pens from the woman’s bun and handed it to her. We will have no authority over there. The bracelets will not protect us.

    Laurel’s eyes blinked, startled. I think you need to get Jason out of town for a while. He is in love with Addie, and his mind is compromised by sleeping pills. Plus, he has been drinking more.

    Mortyiene looked through the file. A lot of dwarves have been killed using the Sulon Kai daggers. The girl that attacked Jason had one. Plus, he was asked to visit the dwarves in case they know of a dragon that would aid us in taking over Bolt’s lair.

    Laurel scoffed, A good dragon. I do not think they exist.

    Mortyiene smiled a slow, evil smile that didn’t reach her eyes. Oh, but they do. I overheard my father mention it to one of my brothers. Usually, he does not tell me anything. Still, he had commented that these rebel dragons were of great concern to the council of generals for Eversphere.

    Laurel shrugged. Anything is possible. Well, when he returns from questioning, make ready to go to Caynard. It is still too hot for the overland route, so you must go through The Gloaming.

    I will make arrangements for tharlions. I also need to report this to Hadwin. Mortyiene stood with the folder.

    Of course. I doubt that the Administrator cares much about your partner, but Jason leaving The Library is a big deal.

    Mortyiene narrowed her black eyes. I do not have a choice. This assignment came with that stipulation.

    Laurel chuckled and leaned back in her chair, putting the pen back with its companions in her messy bun.

    We are still neutral. Levet has not closed the schools to Eversphere. The only way we can be neutral is complete transparency. Go and make your report. I shall not keep Eversphere from knowing of your quest.

    Mortyiene left Laurel’s office for the lifts that would take her to Hadwin’s quarters. The file clenched in her hand. Jason had to kill her, she thought. There was no other choice.

    Hadwin was the former Administrator in Eversphere, and as a result, he still held considerable influence there. He had come as a diplomat to The Library and was Mortyiene’s last connection to the city of her childhood.

    Over the years, though, he had become disillusioned with the Occulous and sympathized with Mortyiene more. If Mortyiene returned to Eversphere, she would be married off for political gain and probably kept always pregnant in hopes of another necromancer in a boy’s body.

    The butler led Mortyiene deep into the house. Hadwin was now bedridden. A mask was over his nose and mouth, and medicinal steam curled from it.

    Blessed be the Eye, Mortyiene intoned.

    The Eye sees all. Hadwin allowed Mortyiene to kiss his ring. What brings you to me, child?

    It is Jason, he has been called to Caynard to investigate the deaths of dwarves.

    But Caynard is not part of The Library. Hadwin coughed a deep rattling cough and wiped sputum from his chin. Little flecks of blood were on his handkerchief.

    "I told Laurel as much. But Jason struggles with his sleeping pill addiction. He is also drinking more, ever since Scarlett betrayed him. He needs to get away from The Library and let the other members of the

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