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The Last Black Dragon
The Last Black Dragon
The Last Black Dragon
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The Last Black Dragon

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Enter a land full of myth and magic, action and adventure on an epic scale. The Write Way book 1

Release dateOct 29, 2020
The Last Black Dragon

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    The Last Black Dragon - J.T. Montgomery

    Rise of the Coercer Knights

    A Write Way novel

    By J & T Montgomery

    Gather the innocent, search out the weak,

    Travel those places where only fools seek,

    Nothing is simple, and all but a lie,

    The truth but a symbol of those feared to die,

    Deep within chasms of legend and fact,

    Shrouded in innocence, trust in the act,

    Ponder the birth of your mind, and to feel

    Nothing is out there but everything’s real.


    Healers and Seers

    Lying in plain sight across the bottom of the small dry stream bed she could have been anyone. She was probably no more than a girl, wearing tight homespun blue leggings of unknown design and a tattered white blouse also of alien origin. Her plain and un-remark able face was framed with a crown of lustrous light brown hair that seemed to cushion all around her fallen body.

    She lives William, dazed I would say she has a small bruise on her left temple.

    The young officer nodded absently at the old soldier kneeling beside the girl, and released his hold on the low slung sabre at his side. Released it but never moved his strong supple fingers far from it, his slate grey eyes never stopped moving slowly over the surrounding bush and scrub.

    They had been on a routine survey on the northern range of the small farmstead and its stock of wild horses and had noticed the circling buzzards. The Great Forest bordered their range on two sides it was ancient, wild and untamed. Although they were far from any traditional bandit country, further to the south and west, he never relaxed completely. Too many times had a young child or an injured woman been used in this way to trap well-meaning if somewhat naïve travellers.

    Standing just over six feet tall with shoulder length black hair, the whipcord and lean, young lancer officer nodded once to his old teacher.

    Bring her with us Jed we will take her back to the ranch house, Papa Justin will know what to do with her.

    The old veteran gathered the young girl up and tenderly placed her across the withers of his bay mare and joined the officer on top of the dry gully at a slow walk. Being careful not to bounce the young patient he made his way back to the trail heading towards the ranch house.

    William gathered the reins of a huge black charger and followed in his wake. Not until they were all a few hundred yards away from the gully did the young officer give more than a cursory glance at the injured girl.

    With a somewhat puzzled expression he voiced his concerns, bandits Jed, this far from the forest?

    ‘Not what I would be thinking Will, there were no tracks around her and I mean none, it was as if she just dropped out of the skies above, very strange.’

    I’d say we’re a little over a four hour ride due south to the ranch house.

    Slightly more if we want to get our mysterious casualty back home safely Jed. Let’s take a small break, I’ll start a fire and you rig up a litter on which to drag her more comfortably.

    As the two men settled down from their mounts and went about their separate tasks, the young Lieutenant put a pot of coffee on their fire and wandered over to investigate the young girl in more detail. She was indeed very young, perhaps not even in her teens or a very petite young woman fresh into them. The clothing she wore gave no clues to her identity or race she was indeed a bit of a puzzle so far away from any form of civilization. As Jed had noted she seemed to suffer no external bruises or cuts apart from the one to the side of her elfin-like, almond shaped face. Bent over in study as he was, and slightly distracted he was caught completely unaware as the huge black monster of a stallion butted him head over heels with its overlarge muzzle. Rolling to his feet he gave the dark stallion a filthy look that promised pain.

    You will do that once too often Samson and I doubt you will like the taste of iron fisted gauntlet for you troubles.

    The horse took an unhurried look at the injured girl then fixed a coal dark saucer shaped eyeball on the Lieutenant before tossing his shaggy mane and wondering off.

    Jed let out a small chuckle at the pair and said, the way you two act sometimes Will, I’m not sure who the horse is and who is the rider.

    Yes, that’s seems to be his problem too, agreed Will smiling

    The rest of the short break was completed in almost silent approval as the men drank the bitter tasting dark coffee then cleared the site and loaded the girl onto a makeshift stretcher. Slowly they rode off into the late afternoon sunshine only picking up the pace after ensuring the durability of the travois. They arrived at the ranch house a little over six hours later none the worse for wear.


    Jessica woke up to pain, lots of pain. The moment her emerald green eyes cracked open to admit the light, the floodgates opened. A sharp blinding agony starting at her left temple and dragged itself across her face, then it slowly inched its way down her slight young body. A low hiss of intense agony escaped the tight grimace across perfectly white teeth as she hunched into a foetal position upon the cot. The wizened old man sitting across from her approached the cot in a shuffling step and offered her a drink. Almost forcing the thick golden liquid laced with honey past parched lips and into her throat.

    Drink deep youngster, drink deep and sleep… That’s the way to cure a concussion, he voiced in a soft low tone.

    When she woke next Jess was relieved and slightly amazed to feel no sharp intense pain but only a dull throb between her eyes and a mild headache. Sitting up and looking about herself, she suffered a small bout of vertigo, as the dizzy spiralling sensation receded she took stock of her surroundings and was instantly aware that something was, not right.

    Everything seemed very different almost alien to her, it was a dream like feeling, almost ethereal, as if she was observing herself through a mist and from a distance. Across from the cot and near a roaring log fire was an open hearth cooking range, here sat a wrinkly old man puffing away on a small clay pipe. He appeared to be deep in thought, and reading a short rolled manuscript.

    Looking around her, the dwelling appeared to be a one room cabin that was made of rough cut logs and planed wooden beams. Apart from the cot she was in, there were a few seats and a large solid dining table. The dwelling appeared to be homely if rather sparsely decorated with the odd watercolour picture upon the wall. There were a few dusty old curtains over a bottle glass window, a large bookcase streaming with manuscripts of parchment and a large fat cat stretched out in front of the range.

    Back with us youngster are we? Mumbled the old man without raising his eyes from the scroll he was studying. Rolling the scroll up he managed a cursory glance in her direction before frowning, Still a bit pasty faced though by all accounts, I will be a lot happier to see some colour in those cheeks of yours.

    Raising a delicate, long fingered hand unconsciously towards her face Jess asked, Where am I?

    Don't you be worrying about that at the moment Missy. You just concentrate on getting some rest and a bit of meat on those over skinny bones of yours. I swear I’ve seen more meat on a three week old soup chicken, he replied with a genuine smile.

    Rising from an old rocking chair and placing the rolled manuscript upon the table Justin shuffled over towards the cot leaning heavily on an old hickory stick. Approaching the girl he held out a gnarled hand towards her wrist. As he did so a sharp cracking spark of static electricity leapt between the two, giving him pause. The old man’s indigo shaded eyes flared a deep violet for a fraction of a second before fading again and he resumed his examination of Jessica’s pulse and temperature.

    Well that was a bit of a shock I must admit, he went on with his reassuring bedside manner. It has been a while since a young girl has had any kind of spark for an old man with a gammy leg like me.

    He continued his observations of eye, pallor and temperature while gently reassuring her with a smile and a patted hand.

    . Now don’t you go worrying about those burning questions of yours neither youngster I’ve seen a few nasty head wounds like this take a grip on a man’s memories before now, and bigger and stronger than a poor wee soup chicken like you too, he chortled.

    Jess… my name is Jessica … not youngster or soup chicken… just Jess. The young girl looked very pale and then added just short of a sob, I can’t seem to remember anything else.

    He patted her hand again, well then Just Jess, you heed your old Papa Justin and use that fire in your spirit to mend this broken head of yours and I’ll be seeing about getting us all some stew, then we can have a little talk and see if we can fill in a few of those holes in your memory.

    Shuffling back over towards the cooking range Justin began to hum a small tune under his breath mumbling away to himself and occasionally stirring a large pot simmering away before him.

    Rising from the cot and standing somewhat gingerly, but with a less fierce attack of vertigo, Jess crossed the room towards the large table and sat in one of the straight backed chairs. From her new vantage point she could see more of the cabin.

    There appeared to be a second door into another room off to her left. Made of the same split cedar wood as the first door it had a definite interior look and feeling to it. Turning her eyes this way and that, her attention was finally drawn to herself and the very thin white linen nightshirt she was wearing. Although it was obviously clean and serviceable it had almost certainly belonged to a much larger woman or indeed a man. Her feet were uncovered and she could see no extra bruises or marks upon the flesh poking out from underneath the shirt. The old man Justin, continued his ministrations on the large suspended cauldron then ladled out three platters of a deep thick stew. Two of which he placed on the table, another he lay down beside the furry animal.

    The huge fat cat with unusual red fur opened a lazy eye to look at the man then closed it and with what could almost be a humanlike expression of deeply annoyed boredom, it shuffled closer to the platter of stew and took a sniff. Then as if the effort was indeed too great for it the red cat began to wolf down the meal in as few bites as it could manage before shuffling back towards the fire and falling fast asleep again.

    Chuckling softly Justin handed over a roll of crusty black bread and the platter of stew to Jess saying, Mr Muggers there doesn’t mean to be rude Just Jess, but there is a damn, lazy breed of marsh cats being bred these days, if you were to ask an old healer like me for an opinion. Besides which, that poor old thing’s almost as old and wizened as myself as far as cats years are counted I’d suppose.

    The cat raised a scathing glance at Justin before lapsing back into slumber.

    Well maybe not wizened, more manipulating for sure though, he chuckled softly. Well eat up then young Jess no point in opening your mouth that far without putting some good rabbit stew inside it. Go on Jessica, it is fresh caught yesterday and as good for you as sure as I’m sitting here.

    Closing her astonished mouth around a spoonful of the delicious steaming stew Jess could only nod her head in agreement. It was rich, dark and surprisingly tasty to her. The black bread roll was a little on the rough side but she had devoured the bowl and three more like it before she knew it. The cat loving old man nodded once in her direction mumbling some idiom about bread and meat making healthy bones during her meal but in the main remained quite silent. Washed down with a flagon of a slightly thinner, tarter version of the golden liquid, Jess could quite honestly say she had never enjoyed a meal more. This in itself was slightly worrying because apart from her name, there wasn’t very much she could remember.

    After the meal Justin refilled his clay pipe and using a long taper from the fire puffed away at it in contentment before addressing her once more.

    You are a little bit of a puzzle for an old man like me Young Jess, and to be honest with you, I am of an age where puzzles and not knowing things are deeply annoying and downright frustrating. There is something about you young lady that has me as excited as a witch burning noble on Fire-day, or my name’s not Justin Weston.

    I’m sorry Master Justin but to be honest, I know my name and not much else and I am not altogether too sure of that.

    Like I said to you Jess the head hurt will fade and with it will come some of those things lost to you now or not as it will. It is other things that concern me slightly more youngster, although I feel the good within you there is something deeper of a more ancient power locked within that over skinny young frame. Were I twenty years younger I’d march you straight to the Eye Temple and in front of the High Seer in a heartbeat.

    He looked at the nervous young girl with those colour changing eyes of his again, and somehow the rather frail old healer seemed very distant. Jess got an impression of this man in his youth, as one who would have demanded great reverence and perhaps a touch of fear.

    The High Seer, would he be able to help me remember things sir?

    There is need to sir old Justin young Jess. As far as Seers are concerned whether of high or low status, there’s not much use in worrying over them until you are all fixed up. Now young William, he’s the fellow that found you lass, will be coming over here to check up on your wellbeing just shortly.

    Jessica looked at her attire of rather thin see through cotton and then desperately at the old man who was smiling in her direction.

    Ha ha don’t worry miss, I’m afraid I had to cut your old clothes off, not having much use in my old joints but through that door you will find another room, it belonged to my dear Belle, where it is all made ladylike with fancy mirrors, dresses and trunks full of girly stuff. So why don’t you be go on in there and get yourself all dressed and changed while I get back about my business over the stew pot. Go on Just Jess…. lickety split.

    The other room was indeed, ‘ladylike’ a large oak framed bed sat in one well lit corner. The hand stitched quilts and sheets all crisply clean and folded neatly. There was a large oak dresser and full sized mirror. Looking through a small trunk and then through a large double door wardrobe Jess found a few things to wear and lay them across the queen sized bed. This room was very at odds with the remainder of the cabin but also seemed very natural. It was full of odds and ends, small trinkets and ornaments, a sewing basket and a beautiful rocking chair. On the dresser were a basin and a clean pitcher of water, so she stripped off and completed a full body wash before dressing herself.

    Examining herself closely in the mirror she critically disagreed with Papa Justin’s earlier observations. Although of small boned stature and growth, the young woman’s body seemed to be in perfect proportion. She had never been endowed with a large bust and had a slim almost boyish waist. Without knowing more about herself than that, she was satisfied that this was all perfectly normal for her.

    She wondered at the occupant of this sharply contrasting room as she slipped on a too large under vest of white cotton then a pale blue gingham dress. Looking at herself in the mirror again she smiled at the reflection. I look like a Dwarf wrapped up in a circus tent. Finding a drawer filled with different coloured ribbons and belts, she selected one and cinched it around her waist. Checking the reflection she thought, That’s better for now, but I definitely have some work to do with the sewing box.

    As she completed her dressing and sat before the mirror pulling a finely crafted, silver handled brush through her long hair she heard hoof beats in the yard outside the cabin. A few minutes later she heard the entrance of at least two men and a muffled conversation take place behind the door. Wrapping her hair into a small bun atop her head in a very practiced manoeuvre, she approached the dividing door and cracked it open

    …and you say she remembers nothing else Justin? A strange young baritone enquired.

    Not so as she is letting on son, why not ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.

    Belief is a topic of discussion best not discussed between you two. added another deeper voice. Politics is another of course as well as women, horses and food. In fact I’m pretty sure the pair of you could start an argument on the colour of black with neither of you willing to agree it’s merely a shade of white.

    The younger voice laughed well naturedly and retaliated, ah the renowned wisdom of an old soldier, where would we be without the wisdom and intellect of Sergeant Jethro De Maine.

    Sergeant is it now, bloody young pup, don’t you forget who was paddling your backside not too long ago neither, mister smiley face, shop window Lieutenant. You walk through a few battle zones outside of a classroom before you become a real leader of men, or must I put you over my bloody knee again

    Jethro was a career soldier, for the past thirty years or so he had done his duty at the end of the spring rainy season and marched off to re-join his regiment, where for six months or so they and the other so called summer reservists would combine with the Kingdom standing army and march off to some troubled corner of the realm. Every autumn as the fighting season came to a mud churning end, he had returned to the ranch house and his beloved Jenny down in Jackson’s Ford. This was the very first year the retired sergeant had not been summoned to attend much to his disgust and Jenny’s delight. It was also the third year of the younger man’s compulsory service within the Kingdom army. He had opted to take officer training and this resulted in him being expected to perform a further five as a standing army officer. He was on graduation furlough, before attending his first command.

    The mock argument went back and forth for a few moments while the two old friends and the young officer swapped insults and broke bread. Jess re-entered the room as the meal was finishing. The two older men sat around the table puffing away on pipes bent over a small chequered board with different coloured wooden pieces upon it. Approaching the table somewhat nervously she was starkly conscious of the three men’s attention on her as she drew out a chair and sat down. A flush of pink rushed across her cheeks. Measured and weighed like a pig on the way to market, was what she thought.

    The two older men resumed their game almost ignoring her with that one glance and a nod. While the young officer arose from the table so fast in an effort to get her chair, he almost fell over the fat cat. Slightly embarrassed by his clumsiness he noticed however that she was older than he had first thought, probably in her late teens a few years younger than him.

    He coughed a welcome, Miss Jessica is it? …you are very welcome at this table.

    Jessica looked at the young Lieutenant for the first time, he was a dashingly handsome young man. Easily over six foot tall and although rakish and slim she realised he was only a few years older than herself and nowhere near his full growth. His jet black hair hung low over his collar and his somewhat lopsided smile seemed to pull up on one side of his mouth.

    Jessica …or just Jess... Lieutenant, and thank you so much, for all your kindness and for rescuing me.

    Just Jess… ha! See I told you so Jed, that’s what she said her name was, added Justin laughing.

    The other occupant of the room raised his eyes towards her and nodding said, Jed… Just Jed if you prefer, recently retired, sergeant of the ever victorious bloody army, begging your pardon missy.

    Please Jess you must be very tired after such a crack on the head, let me get you a mulled cider and more to eat.

    God! No more to eat please I think I might burst apart at the seams, she chuckled with a bright tinny laugh. Perhaps a small drink? Thank you.

    There! At least she has respect for the heavens, more than you two heathens will admit to anyway.

    That seemed to open the door of this particular argument again as the two older men began to wrangle over the philosophy of a divine being. While William and Jess sat at the table and looked on with slightly tolerant and amused smiles. She could tell this was a favourite argument between the two men as they swapped a series of well used point and counterpoint over the chequered board.

    If Gods exist, where is the proof.

    The proof is in the skies and fields, it is in the seasons of nature, what more proof do you want? said the old healer.

    I don’t know… how about, a god walks out of the sea and says, Hello I’m a god. Then pulls a tree out of his pocket.

    Don’t be ridiculous Jed, but while we are on the subject where on earth do you think trees came from?

    Are you telling me there is a god walking around with them in his pocket then? Far be it for me to teach such a sage and learned Seer Justin, but conventional wisdom states that they come from acorns.

    What about the very first one though? Surely you can agree that at one time there were no trees and suddenly Shazzam there is a tree.

    You're getting ridiculous now old man, your saying there is a god walking around with trees in his pocket spouting the phrase Shazzam all the time.

    You know exactly what I mean you blithering idiot, and don’t think I don’t know you are just trying to upset me so that I won’t notice your cheating sleight of hand over this blasted game either.

    Justin was starting to go a little red in the face and Jed was deliberately baiting the older man as the debate degenerated into a name calling exercise and the excuse of a game of chequers was abandoned. Jed stood up quickly and the game board was toppled over wiping out all evidence of cheating and sleight of hand.

    Puffed up old windbag.

    Windbag… me? What about you, I think you love that horse more than Jenny, it’s probably the only creature on earth than can spend a night with your snoring anyway.

    My horse Frida stills smells better than you do, you festering old goat, and talks more sense from her backside than you ever did with your mouth.

    Oh so now you’re an expert at interpreting horse dung are you that explains almost everything then.

    William apologised to Jess and interrupting the heated dispute by saying, You will have to excuse them Jess, it is not often they get a pretty young girl to impress with their astute arguments or philosophical debate. He emphasised the latter part of this statement.

    Oh please don’t apologise William I am sure there is great merit in translating horse …philosophy? It does sound like a rather messy form of education but who am I to dispel such a great wisdom.

    The youngsters laughed spontaneously at her comment and then even harder at the shocked faces of Justin and Jed in mid rant before the recalcitrant debaters joined in with them. Setting up the overturned game again and still chuckling softly Justin looked sternly at the sergeant once more before saying seriously, no cheating this time.

    Jed laughingly agreed and the two old men started a new game. Jess was quite aware that this mock argument over the game board was a favourite sport of the two older men, who she could tell were very good friends and probably enjoyed fencing with words more than the contested game. William appeared most apologetic for the vagrancies and bad manners of his peers with a shrugged gesture of defeat and a wry smile.

    She was enjoying the company and camaraderie around the cluttered dining table accompanied by the odd comment from William and the pulsating heat from the hearth fire, when suddenly the old healer bolted upright to his feet.

    She wakes! He exclaimed in a strong vibrant tone. Burning her children we must protect them from her furious revenge. The beast awakes and it is…insane. Then his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed over the table.

    Captain Weston and Jed went immediately to his aid as the old man continued to moan and froth started to foam at his mouth. Lifting the old man in his arms with ease the young Captain carried him over to the recently vacated cot.

    A vision Will in one so old surely not, must be ten bloody years since his last one, something more you think? He’s been very fragile for a few months now.

    I don’t know Jed, take Jess outside to the stables and check on Della for me, her foaling is close now and I will settle him here and see to his comfort.

    Leaving the shaken young man and his grandfather in peace Jess and Jed left the cabin through the front door and into an open courtyard, here Jess could see a lush green meadow off to her right. A small herd of grazing horses meandered around the large field. A split railed fence ran around the meadow for quite a distance, interspersed with hedges and small stone dykes. Next to the field and behind a few buildings was a low rising hill covered in wild flowers, at the top of it was a small fenced off garden at the base of a solitary oak tree. To her left, in the foreground were several assorted buildings and Jed seemed to be heading towards the largest of these.

    You look very worried Jed is there anything I can do to help do you think? I know a little about seizures and such.

    The veteran soldier stopped his unconscious march across the hard packed clay and looked at her directly.

    "Is that a fact miss Jess? ‘ He paused, giving her a measuring glance then continued across the yard.

    "Yes …. I think it is Jed though I don’t know quite how or when I gained that knowledge.

    Be at ease young Mistress, these bloody seizures are no stranger to young William either to be sure, it would be best if we leave them alone for a while. His grandson will know what to do for sure, better we just follow orders is what I think.

    Entering the large barn doors, Jed headed off to the left where a range of stalls were laid out against one wall. The smell of wet hay and horse droppings was rather pungent at first, but she could see the empty stalls and a parked hay wagon were clean and well looked after. Jed quickly assessed the pregnant young mare and decided she was a few days away from the birth of her young. Della appeared to be a sandy haired young filly with a dark brown mane and seemed to accept his ministrations and prodding’s in good grace. Standing outside the stall Jess realised there were a further set of stalls across the bottom of the barn and assumed this all had to do with the running of this small horse stead.

    Satisfied with Della’s condition, yet reluctant to intrude on the two men in the cabin Jed spent some time stroking and currying the young mare whilst talking over his shoulder to Jess.

    Has been a while since Papa Justin had one of these visions, not since before the big storm ripped the roof off this barn near on ten years ago, I’d say. It is not a skill one can openly admit to in these dark times much less flaunt, and there is his age too. Although I admit he is looking good today it has been a while since Justin had the strength or energy to do much more than sit in that bloody rocker. I’ve not seen him as active as he was today, just having a pretty young patient to look after again.

    Pretty? I think not Jed, you don’t have to flatter me, I am well aware of my plain features and lack of grace.

    Wise for one so young you may be Missy, but when you have marched around as many bloody fields as I have and see the sights from this side of my skull, I think you will realise that I will be the judge of what might be seen as pretty, he countered.

    Then I bow to your extensive experience Master Jed, she said with a small giggle. …and accept the truth of your wise compliment.

    Oh you are a clever one aren’t you Miss, to turn my charm and flattery back in my face with one easy sentence, you’ll bear close watching you will… now if I were twenty years younger….

    I’d still not have you, she said in mock affront You swear far too much for a young impressionable lady like me.

    They both burst into spontaneous laughter at this and Jed continued to stroke and comfort the mare.

    What happened to his grandmother Jed?

    Ah now that is a sad bloody tale Lady Jess to be sure it was. They are not his real grandparents of course. Back then there was just the four of us, a wrung out soldier come winter wrangler, a crotchety old healer, young Will and Belle. Now that was a real lady …Miss.

    Wouldn’t stand any amount of cursing nor bad manners that woman and ran their small stead with barely a look of disapproval or a smile that would light up the heavens. It took a great toll on Justin when he failed to extend her fragile life. In truth maybe an even greater one that he did not shortly follow her on her journey to the afterlife. I have never seen him take the death of a patient so hard. Even the death of William’s own mother, and he fought to save her from blood loss during his birth for five days without sleep.

    Then Lieutenant Weston is an orphan Jed?

    Aye that he is Miss, though there is no doubt some lord-ling father is skulking in the past but to all intent and purpose Belle and Justin are the only family Will has ever known. Was a growth within that took his grandma in the end ….a sad, sad time for all concerned.

    What about the visions Jed what exactly are they?

    I’d not know much about them Miss except to say times have changed a lot nowadays and those given special gifts must be damned careful who knows about them. There are those of the murderous Coercers Guild like to build their fire-pits and burn the lot of us into oblivion.

    Coercer’s Guild?

    Never you be a feared of them young Miss, though to be sure it is only his high regard by the royal family that has kept Master Justin from their questor’s eyes these past twenty five years. A small enough reward for a man who saved the Kings life from arrow rot and disease, I’d bloody warrant.

    Jess raised an over dramatic eyebrow at the return of cursing into Jed’s language, ‘ and he burst into laughter once more.

    Aye you’re a quick witted one so you are lass…. So be it then my Lady Jess, no more cursing and with a mock bow he continued, for you and the memory of Lady Belle.

    Back at the cabin Will had checked his ailing grandfather for obstructions in his mouth and laid him on his side to rest and sleep. Then covering him with a large blanket he exited towards the stable .Leaving his father in the capable hands of the concerned marsh cat that had curled itself around the bottom of the cot.

    Entering the stable he was just too late to stop Jess from entering Samson’s stall along the rear of the barn. Bursting into a run that nearly swept a dumbfounded Jed off his feet he skidded to a halt. Aware that he was probably too late to save the girl but resigned to kill his beloved charger if she lay dead or injured beneath battle shod hooves. Standing at his withers Jess was currying the battle trained hellion and talking to it as if it were a lounge cur. Entering the stall William put one steady hand across the stallion’s haunches and walked confidently behind those killer hooves. Approaching the other side of the horse he looked Jess in the eye and said,

    Jess what were you thinking? This is no tame ladies mare but a finely tuned killing machine.

    Oh I knew Samson wouldn’t hurt me, she replied with open honesty, he just wanted to say hello.

    You can hear him talk? He asked suspiciously.

    No…. I think that he will only ever speak to one person … and that is not me. He just wanted to …. Sort of check me out I think.

    Holding Samson’s head, between powerful arms William said, nevertheless Jess I think it might be best if we leave him to his fodder and go back into the cabin now.

    After she had left the stall and walked past an open mouthed Jed, she waggled one finger in his open mouthed, astonished face and said, remember our bargain, Master Jed

    Well I’ll be… bl… blinking well …amazed I will.

    Later in the cabin and just before dusk the sick old man on the cot woke up and beckoned Will over.

    I don’t want you fretting over this son, there is far too much going on at the moment for you to be needlessly worrying. Before you say no I want you to listen to my reasons son.

    The concerned young man just closed his mouth and listened, as he had never done before.

    Sending you to the officer’s academy was a grand idea at the time Will, Jed and I both thought this national draft over a small logging community would be settled before now, but things have changed maybe even escalated since then. Your record of achievement and test scores haven’t help much either, to be frank son you are just too good for them to let you spend time looking after a sick old octogenarian like me.

    But Justin what about the King? Surely if you petition the King I can stay at least a few more months maybe through the winter like the reservists.

    No son, there is a lot more going on here than I think you realise at the moment. The King’s obligation to me has been fulfilled many times over and in the end son I am an old man and these episodes are only going to get worse.

    I'm not going then. Stated the adamant young lad.

    Yes William you are, for lots of different reasons, not least of which are the people around here who count on us for protection and safety. You must go son but I want you to take Jed with you.

    Jed is only a year into his pension and Jenny will split his head open with a skillet if he slinks off back to the army, please Justin let's just write to the King and see what happens.

    The weakened old man looked at his grandson with a small tear in his eye and said, Look son I know you don’t put much faith in these things, but please believe me when I tell you that this is necessary. My visions over the years have brought me great concern and more than a little heartache and sorrow, but you have to join the army. There is something you must see or do, and that cannot be avoided, much that I wish it could.

    I don’t suppose you want to tell me what that is?

    I can’t Will, trust me son if I thought I could change anything I would have a long time ago. You must go and take Jed with you, and you have to listen to him Will, he has more military knowledge in one knuckle than a horde of academy, specialist arms and strategy tutors.

    I can handle myself Justin, he said a little belligerently.

    I know you can son, but this is not a sword duel for a prized sabre. This will be a bloody war and I tell you right now, that no man knows more about war than Jethro De Maine.

    The old man and his son continued talking as Jed and Jessica sat around the table talking quietly, eventually Jessica retired to the big feather bed in the adjoining room and slept soundly. The next morning the old healer was sat up in the rocker with a blanket wrapped around him and Jed in attendance feeding the old man some chicken soup. Will was absent and Jessica was a little unsure of what to do. Seeing her at the bedroom door Jed solved her dilemma by getting up and talking quietly whilst ushering her away from the sick old man .

    I wonder if you would mind taking over for a while Miss, there are things I need to do and I have to go off for a few days. He has had a few spoonfuls of soup and appears to be comfortable. Young William is out in the barn and will take over shortly.

    Of course Jed I would be happy to help, is there any special instructions?

    Jed thought about it for a moment before saying, Don't get to close to him young Jess he may seem an old man, but there is still fire in that old lecher yet. He chuckled softly and Jessica was not sure if it was a private joke or sage advice.

    After he collected his gear by the door and left, she sat down on the stool next to Justin who seemed to have nodded off. He cracked open one eye and looked at her then deliberately winked.

    Not so old I can’t chase a young beauty like you around a kitchen Just Jess or hear that old warhorse from fifteen paces away either, he smiled, but she could see the pain grimace across his ashen face as he did so.

    Would you like some soup Justin? she asked.

    No thanks dearie, perhaps later. He closed his eyes and she assumed the old man had fallen asleep before his weak voice intruded upon the occasional cracklings of wood burning on the hearth.

    I knew you were coming Lady Jessica… just not quite so soon… I didn’t realise it was quite so late.

    He never opened his eyes again so she was unsure whether it was a dream or another vision or even if she had miss-heard what he said. Checking him over once more, she tucked the loose cover around him and started to tidy up then went outside looking for William.

    Chapter One

    Justin's farm

    Visions born and secrets aired,

    Lambs within the dragons lair,

    Find the lost child, sow the seeds,

    Prepare against our desperate needs

    Jessica spent an hour or so looking around the small farm stead being careful not to get in William’s way, all the time wondering where Jed had rushed off to, and then returned to the cabin to check on Justin. He was awake and still sitting in his favourite rocking chair. The blanket had fallen off him or he had been too absorbed in the manuscript he was reading to notice it had fallen off. The young girl walked over and picked it up covering him with it again.

    Justin lowered the parchment as she did so, and fixing her one of his eye colour changing gazes he said, he has gone down to Jackson's for a week or so to be with his Jenny, then he will return here and go back with William.

    Without awaiting a response he picked up the parchment manuscript again and continued reading it.

    Jessica was slightly taken aback with this strange old man. How could he possibly do that? Take the very thought out of her head without her saying a word and then answer it just as succinctly. She quickly realised that she was not going to get any more out of Justin while he was so absorbed in his reading so she went about the cabin boiling some water for coffee.

    William was not so easily cowed however, having entered just as Jessica was about to pour the dark bitter tasting brew, he had walked straight up to the old man and gently but firmly removed the manuscript from him.

    Don't let him bully you Jessica he knows that he is supposed to be resting not studying or drinking coffee. Then looking directly at his grandfather he said, and trying to manipulate a young girl is hardly flattering either Justin.

    Now she was thunderstruck, did the old man plant a suggestion in her mind or something? She realised that he just might have, she had no desire for coffee when she had come back from the stables but she had made it anyway. She gave the unrepentant old man a stern look, hands on hips and foot tapping away, but he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders in mock innocence. She wasn’t fooled for one second and decided to analyse any more of these sudden impulses of hers.

    The old man was mollified for a while before William went out of the cabin again.

    How did you do that, was that coercion? asked Jessica sitting at the table her green eyes alight with interest.

    Justin looked up at her eager little face and chuckled softly, It’s a trick young Jess, nothing more.

    Show me how you did it anyway. She said very determinedly.

    There was a conniving interest upon his face as well now, It is not something that comes easily or without practice young Miss, and it is a very dry business this teaching lark. It also takes a special kind of concentration and more than a little raw talent.

    That's just fine Master Justin, she glanced once at the closed door to the cabin and getting up she moved over towards the stove and said over her shoulder, Would you like some honey with your coffee Papa Justin?

    Over the next few days during his confinement, he taught her the trick. It was not as easy as that of course but during her training they struck up an unlikely friendship of sorts. The very old and the very young often strike up these sorts of bonds. It helped in Jessica’s case that she had very little memory of her past and was almost a blank slate ready for imprint. The trick Justin was teaching her was actually a detailed study in concentration and observation.

    If you put your mind to it you can achieve almost anything Jessica, once you are able to reach a state of calm and peace, using some subtle observations and a few gathered facts you can guess the rest.


    That may not be the correct word, how about deduce. For example, when Jed went off rather suddenly the other morning…


    Well it was obvious from your raised eyebrows and attentive frame that you wanted to know where and what he was doing. You were slightly annoyed at his reticence about said mission too.

    How did you work that out? she gasped.

    "You are very young and a little naïve my dear, I don’t mean that as an insult it may have something

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