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The Theory is the foundation of a new way of thinking, living and being within this physical life. Throughout this novel, we follow the path of the prophet Michael, and his journey from atheism to a newfound religion. Opening my eyes to different scriptures and the similarities within them. Along with adding insights from great minds all guiding

Release dateMay 11, 2020

Michael Couture

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    THE THEORY - Michael Couture




    Michael J. Couture

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    First Printing, 2020








    To my loving wife, thank you for patiently helping me on this journey. Inspiring me to be better, finding my soul's dual, growing together as we walk our chosen path and for being the fountain bringing life into the world.

    To my reflections, thank you for being the inspiration, furthering the flame in me to learn all I could so I could teach you as your souls grow on your chosen paths.

    To God, thank you for the Free Will, for my soul to search for the light, the potential to walk the path before me and just do good.

    Copyright © 2020 by Michael Couture

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    ISBN: 978-1-7350182-0-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-7350182-1-8 (E-book)

    Portions of this book are works of nonfiction. Certain names and identifying characteristics have been changed.

    First Printing, 2020

    Year One Edition, 2020


    Inquiry ought not start with the investigation of difficult matter; rather, before setting out to attack any definite problem, it behooves us first without making any selection to assemble those truths that are obvious as they present themselves to us and afterwards proceeding step by step, to inquire whether any others can be deduced from these and again any others from the conclusions and so on in order. The inquiry process must be a scientific one. You cannot bounce around to get the answers, although by simple luck, you may arrive there, but the likelihood is lower. (Rene Descartes)

    I have allowed my soul to speak to the truths that I’ve been awoken to. We are a soul, eternal energy. A soul reborn until we can achieve perfection. A perfection that can only be achieved by going to THE ALL, God, after the final sojourn. God is perfection, the highest level of vibration. The creator of all that was, is, and will be.

    I have been an atheist for most of my life. Always questioning the religious beliefs that I learned as a child. Thankfully my parents did not strictly adhere to any religious doctrine closely, but still taught me and watered the seed of God, nonetheless. Their belief followed what they were taught as children by their parents. How closely they practiced I’m not sure. Thus, continuing the chains of indoctrination, making these teachings part of my upbringing as well. It is the traditions of the religion that help further the belief, attempting to lock in the indoctrination. Bringing family and friends together to celebrate, ingraining the faith. Faith, whether right or wrong, can cement a blind faith into its followers, never hearing any other point of view. As I grew up, I made all the required milestones within the Christian faith. From first communion to confirmation, something never seemed right. The thing of it was I always felt a spiritual component to life and a connection to the world I had no explanation for. I went through the motions in order to please my parents—as religion has taught me, honor thy mother and father. Although it was not really my decision to make.

    As I grew older, my disbelief only grew stronger. I could see the contradictions between what was being preached and how many of the religious leaders actually lived their lives. Preaching about modesty and tithing but living in luxury and waste. Pushing me further from the faith. Was religion merely a way for mankind to explain the world around them? Explanations that science could not offer yet. Things that science would be able to explain to us later in our existence. Was religion just an evolution that our species had not yet realized? Like the appendix, serving no real purpose to us at this present time; however, it still has the potential to be deadly. How many gods have we followed in our known time on this planet? How many stories and traditions have been changed to favor the gods and their new rulers? Was religion developed as a tool to subjugate the masses? Keeping them aligned to the rules as they pleased. Promising eternal bliss as a paradise if they do as god commands. Commands that keep the ruler-ship thriving with power.

    …t he masses of people don’t notice anything, but just repeat whatever their rulers tell them. (Plato, Protagoras)

    The fear that a perfect being was watching and listening to everything about you—past, present and future. Standing in judgment of all these actions for all time. The religious leaders who consolidated power over the generations pretending they were the only ones with the ability to truly understand the words and yield the authority of God’s law.

    The church believes that they can persuade mankind to believe faithfully that God almighty has entrusted them with the keys to heaven, whose gates they might open and close at pleasure, with power of dispensation over all the rules and obligations of morality. (John Adams, Revolutionary Writings 1755-1775)

    They possessed the ability to remove sin from your soul, holding the guilt over one’s head. When these religious doctrines were questioned or scientifically proven to be inaccurate, the religious leaders would take action, punishing anyone who dared to challenge them in order to protect their authority and power they had obtained. Questions may not be asked, only blind obedience to the doctrine is acceptable. Parishioners going to church and hearing that they are a miserable sinner, who is doomed to be punished for their actions, in this life and the afterlife. Listening this week after week, locking this fear into people so no one would seek knowledge to try and break those chains of mental slavery. Yet at the same these preachers tell us that our species is the pinnacle of evolution.

    Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from the basis of religious conviction. (Blaise Pascal)

    Allowing ourselves to fall to our lowest nature, complete inhumanity, creates a cycle of hatred and the desire for revenge among the survivors. For example, take the case of the Roman persecution of the early Christians in the coliseum. Did those early Christians believe in reincarnation and were content with the Romans just using them as food for the lions? Another example would be the Crusaders destroying the city of Constantinople. The chasing of wealth and conquering neighbors for the spoils of war. They were also a Christian city at that time but only their possessions mattered. The Spanish Inquisition, killing hundreds of thousands for having a wrong belief. The Salem witch trials, were they actual witches causing panic or women who stepped out of line? The killing of women for stepping out of line. In our current era, this can be compared to the genocide we see today. Different sects of Muslims killing each other for simply practicing their belief in God differently. Murder and violence are the final way religion takes hold of a population. The brute force that is used until you believe what the new leaders demand or your death for lack of conversion. In our modern times, the Catholic church is spending more money to cover pedophilia cases than helping people. No matter the religion and despite all these atrocities, people continue to believe and devote themselves to such dogmas, continuing the cycle of these institutions, ensuing their prosperity for future generations.

    This is what drove me to atheism. I didn’t need to learn from a book about how to be a good person. I was taught by my family. I was not worried about following the ten commandments and being punished for all eternity. Because I could not see the logic, I discredited those that believed. My grandmother was a prime example. I would spend hours talking with her about religion. As a true believer of her faith, we would have lengthy talks. She would always listen to my views and give her responses, allowing me to make my point, even when she disagreed. One story stands out among them all as she told me of a near-death experience she once had. All there was… all there was… was darkness. No light at the end of the tunnel, no memories, just a feeling of nothingness, but a complete sense of peace. Despite this going against everything she was taught; her faith was unwavering. She still believed. No doubt ever crept into her mind. She had to believe. For the simple hope that one day she and my grandfather would be reunited again in heaven, she believed. It was love that forged that bond, in that life and their next along their paths. As I move through this path, I continue to learn new life lessons such as the lesson of not discrediting opposing views. Opening myself up and actively listening to an opposing view, I can potentially learn more than expected. Is this love what can cause the soul to return here to the physical? The desire to be with their twin flame once more?

    I’ve always read books to keep my mind informed, open to ideas, always when I had the time, and then it happened. Something so simple and yet mind-altering was right in front of me, changing the perspective on how I viewed everything.

    In Dr. Persinger’s studies, the subject places a helmet on his head (dubbed the God Helmet), which contains a device that can send magnetism into particular parts of the brain. Afterward, when the subject is interviewed, he will often claim that he was in the presence of some great spirit. David Biello, writing in Scientific American, says, ‘During the three-minute bursts of stimulation, the affected subjects translated this perception of the divine into their own cultural and religious language—terming it God, Buddha, a benevolent presence, or the wonder of the universe.’ Since this effect is reproducible on demand, it indicates that perhaps the brain is hardwired in some way to respond to religious feelings. (Michio Kaku, The Future of the Mind)

    Our brain begins to come to life when we pray. There are different regions that begin to light up and fire. There could be other causes that help these reactions occur as well. Yet it is the mind of the believer, the person I used to discredit, whose brain activity shows that when a person is actively participating in religious activities and truly believes our brains begin to fire. Belief is all that matters. The religion the individual believes does not matter to the equation; we are hardwired to believe in God. Through our generations of evolution nature has left this in ourselves, for the simple reason that God is. Located in our brain there is the pineal gland, which is our spot for God, the third eye. This gland is our connection to the eternal.

    The reason why we take this Kernel to be the peculiar Seat of the Soul is because this part of the Brain is single, and one only. For whereas all the Organs of the Senses are double; there can be no reason again, why we should not perceive two Objects instead of one; but only because above these impressions are transmitted to a certain part of the brain, which is single and one only, wherein both are conjoined. Furthermore, it is also requisite that the part should be movable, to the end that the Soul by agitating of it immediately, might be able to send the Animal Spirits into some certain Muscles, rather than into others. And forasmuch as this Kernel is only supported by very small Arteries that encompass it, it is certain that the least thing will put it into motion. And therefore we concluded, that this inmost part of the Brain is the Seat of the Soul, in which it exerts its operations of Understanding and Willing of whatsoever proceeds from the Body or tends towards it. (Rene Descartes)

    " .. .that in every man there is an eye of the soul which, when by other pursuits lost and dimmed, is by these purified and re illuminated; and is more precious far than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone is truth seen." (Plato, The Republic)

    As a species, we are wired to believe, it is part of our nature. To continue to be an atheist was to go against what I am by nature. Evolution has occurred for generations forming what we are today, or so science has taught us. All things that exist by nature are a means to an end or will be concomitant of means to an end. There is a reason that God is still in us, God is real. God has been embedded in us, and to continue to deny this would be to go against nature. I have no choice but to believe. It helps us to grow, to learn and to become better. Continuing down the path I was on would have been wrong. Knowing that God is, I must learn to know and leave behind all the doubt and disbelief. A new truth lay before me and I must begin building my faith. All those questions and problems with modern choice of which the correct belief is what set forth my reading.

    The whole course of ritual evolution is affected by the constant borrowings of races and creeds from one another , and the ever present tendency to develop new forms from old. (Dr. Martin King, Jr.)

    I do not believe that there is among us a single system which is not to be found among the ancients. The materials of all our modern edifices are taken from the wreck of antiquity. (Voltaire)

    " We don’t have an infallible science therefore truth must be discovered from age to age." (Dr. Martin King, Jr.)

    All civilizations have animals connected to their gods (i.e. serpents, lions, birds, etc.) The Old Testament’s theological views are almost carbon copies of Babylonian mythology. Man created of clay, the story of the flood, Noah’s similarities to that of the story of Utnapishtim from The Epic of Gilgamesh. The story of Estar assimilated into Jesus on Easter. The Egyptian story of Horus, born of virgin birth after his father Osiris had been killed, his spirit rising three days after his death bringing forth the son by immaculate conception. Very similar to that of Jesus and how he came to be. Were these traditions in which the Jewish people had incorporated through the years of enslavement? Judaism is the first of the Abrahamic religions and the foundation for Christianity and Islam. Christianity spread through the Greeks on its way to Rome and Constantine. The Greeks who carried forth wisdom from earlier times, the thinking soul of our known time, did they believe that Jesus was the embodiment of Zeus? If not, they were certainly aware of the reincarnation of souls and the gods that have walked on this planet. In Rome, it was Constantine’s iron hand philosophy smothering the blanket of theology, losing its very essence and spirit by the transitions of the Christian church. The religious councils began to reshape the Bible. The council of Nicaea established original sin, as well as the concept of Jesus as Messiah. The council of Laodicea removed The Book of Enoch from the Bible. The removal of the Gnostic Gospels. Rome, where the

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