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A Very Slyfis Christmas
A Very Slyfis Christmas
A Very Slyfis Christmas
Ebook37 pages35 minutes

A Very Slyfis Christmas

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Though Christmas is a human holiday, the residents of Kiyamol have created their own unique festivities to help celebrate the season with the settlers who have made Kiyamol their home.

Release dateDec 25, 2020
A Very Slyfis Christmas

Lucifer de la Croix

My name is Lucifer and I like to write high fantasy erotica and erotic romance. Specifically, relating to characters of Elvish descent.

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    A Very Slyfis Christmas - Lucifer de la Croix

    A Very Slyfis Christmas

    Alistair Lacroix

    Smashwords Edition

    Discover Other Titles By Alistair Lacroix


    Humans had arrived on Kiyamol's plane of existence some six-thousand odd years ago and brought with them all kinds of odd traditions. From their strange religions to their calendar, humans had impressed their ways on Kiyamol in a way that could never be undone. Among these, no tradition had attracted more attention than Christmas. Whilst those born and raised outside of human-run settlements mostly viewed the holiday with confusion, no holiday joined the hands of Riba's citizens quite like Christmas.

    Coloured lights and decorations of all kinds lined the streets of Riba. People of all races and religions enjoyed the human delicacies and traditions associated with the holiday. A massive decorated tree stood in the centre of Ashton's Plaza year after year. People of all walks of life gathered for the yearly tree-lighting ceremony.

    Similarly, the longer it was celebrated, the more people began their own traditions associated with the holiday. From fund-raising for good causes to new ethnic food traditions to special celebrations based on religious or guild affiliation, it seemed that everyone had gotten involved in the festivities surrounding the arrival of Saint Nicholas.

    And, as with any celebration, no group was quite as loud as the Church of Slyfis. It only made sense for the celebration-loving demon worshippers to get involved with the biggest festival in Riba. Though their involvement was often far more garish and violent than the average Riban wanted, perhaps, no one could deny that a Slyfis Christmas was by and far the most intense Christmas celebration one could find.

    There was a particular joy to the way that every building in the Slyfis slums, from the restaurants to the casinos to the whorehouses, lit up with Christmas cheer. It was hard to deny that no group leaned into the Christmas spirit more than the Slyfis, though few wanted to admit that they were losing to the harbingers of raw carnality.

    Still, there was no place a person could find a Christmas party quite like a Slyfis establishment. From raucous partying to flashy, often flaming, decorations, there was no lack of Christmas cheer in the slums of Riba. From November 30th until January 1st, the Slyfis slums came to life as the brightest epicentre of Christmas spirit in all of Kiyamol.

    Just a short venture to any establishment could get anyone drunk with joy as the patrons and employees alike shared gifts and cheer amongst themselves. The happy smiles of everyone in the vicinity seemed so dissonant to the usually dark and violent behaviour of the worshippers of Slyfis as they celebrated the one unifying holiday that seemed to exist in the Kingdom of Riba.

    As with any gift-giving holiday, there was a wide range of presents one could choose for their loved ones, and there were no more creative gift-givers than the Slyfis. From more

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