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Destructive Order
Destructive Order
Destructive Order
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Destructive Order

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About this ebook

‘Destructive Order’ is a fictional story based on a variety of 'conspiracy theories' that the American People are being programmed to accept a completely new rule of Law - a One World Government. Or will they?

'You will own nothing and be happy.'
We will not eat the bugs.

The reader is engulfed with a man’s tale of twisted, corrupt politics, a secretive shadow government, and the demands of how to live and cope with a rising socialist society.

The main character, John Fiore, is forced onto a train and sent to the ‘perfect city.’ John and thousands of others are required to carry out their lives in a specific, calculated order. However, John develops a plan to restore democracy and unite Americans outside the grasp of the New World Order.
Release dateMay 28, 2012
Destructive Order

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    Destructive Order - Frankie McKeever


    John Fiore awoke to the sound of wheels screeching along a steel track. He awoke to the sound of scurrying; children crying, families arguing, and confusion overcoming every human sense.

    He began to wonder how long he had slept. One hour? Two? He couldn’t recall. He lost himself.

    He closed his eyes and the appalling scenes replayed in his head.

    The rustic train, green in color from the moss that suffocated it with joy. It had been at least fifty years since it had seen a rail track.

    They were ambushed and rushed onboard. They were forced to go. ‘They’ referring to everyone that would abide. Those that wouldn’t abide attempted to flee, but didn’t get far. Each and every one of them were forcefully thrown onto the concrete by military personnel, their hands securely zip-tied behind their backs, mouths stuffed with handkerchiefs like animals being sent to a meat processing plant.

    John recalled one evening with his father. The two had been sitting in their lawn chairs on the bayou behind their home, prepared to catch some fish and cook them for that night’s supper. John had secured his bait to his hook and was about to cast his fishing line when his father stopped him.

    John, he said.

    There will come a time in your life where you will have to choose freedom or security.

    John put the fishing rod down and listened very closely to his father.

    One day, in your lifetime, this great country will collapse. It will fall to its knees.

    Over the past hundred years, freedoms were slowly being taken away from the American people, right under their very eyes. The majority of Americans did not even realize what was occurring. It was enacted by stealth, justifying the removal of these rights for ‘safety and security purposes.’

    The right to not be searched without probable cause was one of the many. Try to get on a plane for example. Bypass those body scanners and security guards, or perhaps carry that 16 ounce container of shampoo, or even nail clippers…see what happens. Was that not unreasonable? Yet all Americans accepted it. And if not? Don’t plan on being able to fly anywhere.

    The right to peacefully protest and assemble, but yet those doing so were being arrested and told that they were protesting ‘without a permit’, even though this was also a constitutional right where no ‘permit’ was required.

    The right to bear arms, but yet 3-day waiting periods were put in place to stop the transaction of immediate handgun sales, all the while ammo supplies were slowly being dwindled and pulled from shelves. What good was a gun without ammunition? It was rendered useless.

    The right to speak freely, but now speaking badly about your government could classify you as a ‘domestic terrorist.’ They could place you in what was now titled prolonged detention, locked away indefinitely - no attorney, no trial, and no chance of ever getting out.

    Wiretapping of the American people, initiated by the ‘Patriot Act’ after the attacks of September 11th, was yet another invasion of the People’s freedoms.

    Cameras following a person’s every move throughout both traffic and local stores could easily be considered a breach of privacy; cell phones with GPS tracking devices, vehicles with OnStar to locate where someone’s at at any given time, and even credit cards tracing purchases and making cash almost obsolete.

    This was all to better everyone’s ‘safety and security.’

    All of this was nothing more than a front; a fraud.

    How could anyone possibly escape it? It was essentially a grid. Sure, one could remove themselves from this grid, but would they be able to survive?

    John’s father casted his fishing line and continued, Our founding fathers fought so hard for our freedom. You will be the one that will have to preserve it.

    John, only eleven years old at the time could hardly comprehend what his father referred to.

    The sun set across the water, nightfall quickly approaching, but he could still see his pappa’s eyes slowly tearing up.

    And where will you be Father?

    John’s father paused and looked out at the horizon. I will be in the skies, watching over you.

    A horrible disease took his father from him just three months after their conversation on the bayou.

    John’s thoughts continued while the train skimmed over the rails. He could recall mass hysteria in the streets. In broad daylight, men were throwing bricks at store windows. Other citizens were running past, only concerned for their own lives. Gun shots - hundreds of them; stealing from each other and killing one another over things that were once so simple to access like food and water. Women were being raped and murdered on the dark alleys of the city, police disregarding the issues and attempting to get everyone onboard the train rather than cater to the crimes.

    Humans had lost all connection with society and reality. Men had trampled over their wives in a complete panic. Husbands of 40 years literally pushed their wives to the ground, their faces to be stomped on by hundreds of other panicked men and women.

    Helicopters and military fighter jets circled the skies. Tanks plowed through the roads. SWAT teams, state officers, and military officials rushed through the streets with riot shields and tear gas, forcing everyone further and further back toward the train. What appeared to be business men stood on the tops of balconies looking down on the overwhelming scene.

    Thousand watt spotlights filled the train station making it nearly impossible to see. The heat from the lights was beyond agonizing. Had he been cast to hell or had the sun just packed up and moved closer to Earth? John had thought.

    Keep moving! Keep moving! men would repeat, hurdling everyone like cattle into the small doors of the train.

    John opened his eyes again. He looked to his right to see a man sitting next to him - calm, collected, and unmoved by the current situation. The man looked directly back at him.

    Are you okay? John said.

    The man stared blankly with no reply.

    He scooted closer in the bench and asked again, his stare continuing.

    Still, no response.

    He questioned the man again, Do you not speak?

    His eyes lit up and he quickly grabbed John by the arm with his tight grip.

    Speak? Oh, I speak. And I’m aware. Are you?

    John stared in confusion.

    What’s the matter? Unable to talk now too, huh?

    Tugging and twisting, John loosened the man’s grip from his arm and pulled away, sliding further back toward the window of the train. He looked out the window, then back at the man.

    Just confused, concerned…baffled.

    5 minutes passed. Finally, John broke the silence.

    What is it that you claim to be aware of?

    Looks like you’re about to find out, the fellow said, pointing to the train doors and then rubbing his hands together.

    The train came to an abrupt halt. The doors swiftly slid open and the chaos ensued yet again. Men in black suits began escorting them off,

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