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The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series
The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series
The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series
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The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series

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Constantine, the most valiant of the Vampire Warriors, was sent on the most important mission of his life: he must protect The Chosen One, a mortal who has no idea of who she really is. With a witch and a werewolf assisting him in his quest, he must risk his life and his heart to prevent Anzu, an evil wizard, from taking her and usurping her position as Lore Leader. Loralei Lenore was just a normal person who had no idea of the destiny awaiting her. A teacher out for a night on the town with her friends, she encounters the man who would change her life forever. Plagued by nightmares of her daughter being kidnapped by evil, she soon realizes that her dream was prophetic, and that she was destined to rule the supernatural world and, by default, the world of mankind.

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Release dateMay 26, 2015
The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series

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    The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series - Cynthia Scott

    The Bestowing - A Vampire Warrior Series



    Cynthia Plummer Scott


    Writing this book has been an incredible journey, and I was very fortunate to have been able to share the experience with wonderful friends.  First, I’d like to thank Tammy Pitts, my dear friend, who has walked every step of this journey with me giving honest feedback with a sharp eye for details.  Tammy, you have been a rock for me ever since I’ve known you, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the support you’ve given me through this process.

    Next, I give thanks for Jesse Flunder, my tech extraordinaire, who has helped me through the landmines of cyber technology.  I also give thanks to Jamie Mayes, a talented writer, who gracioiusly lent her time to help me through the publishing process. 

    I also want to thank Taylor Anderson for reading my story and encouraging me to share it with others. 

    Finally, I give thanks to Delores Daniel, the best neighbor any person could ever have. Delores, you have been there for me so many times since the day I moved in and, even though vampires aren’t your preferred genre, I appreciate your encouragement and support through this thing I call my life. 


    Cliffs of Moher in Ireland

    Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, 1490

    It was winter of the year 1490 when Anzu climbed the face of the craggy, jagged cliff and entered the Cavern of Destinies. He had slain every man, woman and child - human and supernatural - who had gotten in the way of his quest to obtain his rightful place as leader of the Lore – the world of his kind, supernatural beings.  His was a journey to destroy the one person who was standing in his way.  He would kill the meddling old woman, steal the Tablet and rule the entire Lore, the gods be damned.  He had begun developing his plan the instant he learned the gods had chosen another to rule.  Yes, once long ago, he had been considered the epitome of righteousness, but the gods overlooked him for another – a mortal! And a woman!  The humiliation was more than he could bear.  Well, he would prove to the gods that they were wrong - and they would all pay for their ignorance.

    He had long heard rumors of the old crone Euclid, appointed Seer and Translator of the gods, hiding deep inside the Cliffs of Moher, keeping watch in her caldron for any plot to steal the Tablet of Destinies. The gods had charged her to protect the sacred Tablet.   She alone was given the prophecy foretelling whom the gods had chosen as the True One - the one righteous hearted being who was destined to receive the Tablet for the next thousand years.  The only one whose heart was pure enough to mete out justice in the Lore Kingdom.

    Justice - Anzu spat the word. He alone was the one true ruler of his world.  Only he had earned the right.  Hadn’t he brought forth the ancient power of the Evil One?  Hadn’t he raised an army of followers?  Hadn’t he killed all who thought to keep him from his destiny? Yes, he had done these things and would do more; whatever it took.  He would find a way to kill the crone, obtain the prophecy, find the appointed True One, and then she would die as well.  Nothing could deter his perverted quest for power – nothing except perhaps the legendary Legionnaires - vampire warriors with unwavering loyalty to the gods, the old crone Euclid, the Lore, and each other. They had been trained in every manner of battle in order to protect the True One and maintain the delicate balance between good and evil. Unconquered in battle, with fighting skills unequaled in ruthlessness, the Legionnaires were brothers in arms sworn to uphold justice and truth. 

    Euclid peered into the ebon caldron at the undulating water.  As vapors eerily snaked their way above the roiling liquid, they began to coalesce into a vision of a woman – a mortal.  By the gods, this was most unusual. The True One was always a supernatural male. As the image cleared and sharpened, she noticed that the mortal wasn't extraordinary in any way that she could see.  She certainly didn't have any traits that stood out to let the world know that she was different from the rest, but she most certainly was.  But, as Euclid gazed upon the mortal’s countenance, she saw pale blue eyes that shone with an innocence that seemed to reach out and caress the old Seer's heart.  There was also a gentleness of spirit that radiated around her.  A smile slowly crept across the crone's face as she realized the wisdom of the gods in choosing this mortal female as the next True One. 

    Yes, Anzu thought, Euclid would no doubt call upon the Legionnaires to keep the True One safe until the time of the Bestowing.  She had never before shared the exact wording of any previous prophecies with anyone – human or supernatural, but the evil he had wrought throughout the Lore had changed all that and this time was going to be different.  The spirit of the Evil One had told him that the chosen one was mortal. Of course, Euclid was too smart to let the identity of the True One die with her- and she would die – make no mistake about that.  Her fear of death by his hand would force her to share the identity of the True One with Constantine, the strongest and best of the Legionnaires, who no doubt would rush out to protect the doomed weakling.  ‘Well,’ he thought, as he finally crested the cliff face and crept along the entrance to the cave, ‘I will know soon enough.’

    As Euclid's heart filled with joy and hope at the sight, she was also filled with fear for this gentle mortal who had no idea of her fate.  Anzu would hunt her down and destroy her body and spirit in the most heinous of ways if he ever found out her identity.  This woman must be protected at all costs. Euclid herself must be constantly on guard against the machinations of Anzu's evil magic.  She knew then that she must survive any and all attempts by Anzu to destroy her prior to the Bestowing so she could oversee this most unique of all bestowings.  If Anzu succeeded in killing her she had to be certain that the gods’ choice was honored somehow.  She would have to break eons of tradition and share the identity of the True One with someone so loyal to the Lore and the gods that they would carry on for her if Anzu succeeded in destroying her.  As she watched the mist dissipate, she began thinking of who she could trust this information to and a visage came into her mind. Constantine.  Yes, it must be Constantine.  He must be given the identity and location of this mortal so he can watch over her until the time arrived to reveal all.  If he failed to fulfill the mission and she die, the consequences for their world, and that of all mortals, would be doomed. Yes, if he fails, then the gods help them. 

    Chapter 1

    Present day Louisiana

    Loralei was running as fast as she could.  Katharine had been kidnapped and would be killed unless she came immediately and took her place.  Her daughter was in mortal danger and she was the only one who could save her.  Making her way through an area of dense foliage and trees, branches slapped sharply across her face leaving whelps and bloody scratches; the brambles and limbs grabbing at her jacket and pants, hindering her progress.  The forest floor was carpeted with fallen branches and moss; so thickly carpeted that it felt as if she was trying to run through knee-high mud.  She was nearly mindless with panic and her slow progress wasn’t helping her mental state.  Her mind was reeling; who took Katharine and why? How can I save her? Will I make it in time?

    As she drove furiously, she struggled to come up with a reason for what was happening.  Her daughter had no known enemies.  Nothing about this made any sense at all.  Her twenty-six year old daughter was a hair dresser, and God knows she didn’t have any money.  She, herself, certainly didn’t have any.  Money and revenge were the only two motives she could think of as to why her daughter would be taken as a ransom for her turning herself over, but there was no basis for either.  She was basically nobody; a junior high school teacher for God’s sake!  She had no money or anything of value … except Katharine.  She would give her life in a heartbeat if it meant saving her only child, but she hoped and prayed fervently that they would both walk away from this nightmare.   She would have to figure the hows and whys as she went.

    All she knew for certain was that she had received a call from Katharine, hysterical with fear, saying that she had been taken from her apartment in the middle of the night. She was sobbing and hyperventilating with panic and fear which made it extremely difficult for Loralei to understand what she was saying so hard.  Loralei couldn’t hold back the flood of panic that engulfed her as she recalled the sound of her daughter's terror.  She tried to ask her questions about who had taken her, but the words had barely left her mouth when her daughter gave a little shriek as sounds of the phone being snatched away filled her ears.  In that moment, Loralei’s heart stopped beating at a voice so full of evil and hatred that it almost sounded inhuman; a voice so feral it froze her mind.  The man chuckled as he heard Loralei’s hitching breath.  When he spoke, his voice was barely a snarl.  He growled the directions of Kathrine’s location and said if she wasn’t there in thirty minutes she would be finding pieces of her scattered throughout the woods.  Loralei couldn’t allow herself to think about that now.  She had to be calm or she would collapse into a heap in the middle of the floor. She would get there in time and this devil would keep his word and free her daughter when she got there.   She clung to this hope as she threw off her pajamas and climbed quickly into jeans and a shirt.

    Running to the kitchen, she snatched a pen out of her purse to scribble down the directions, grabbed her jacket and keys, and ran for her car.  Her hands were shaking so badly she could barely get the key in the ignition.  Finally succeeding after what seemed like an eternity, and with terror gripping her soul, she backed out of the driveway and tore off on a mission to save her daughter.  It took a lot of focus to read the directions she had written down.  Her hands were still trembling as she held the paper up to read what she had written.  She was to drive east on the Interstate, take the one twenty five exit and go to the rest stop.  And then he said she was to head north.  Sheesh, couldn’t he have been a little more specific?  It sounded like she was being directed to some God-forsaken place in the middle of nowhere.  She had driven the Interstate many times in both directions, east and west, but couldn't recall what was near that mile marker.  It wasn't as if she paid a lot of attention to rest areas and mile markers.  The only thing she did know was that there were long stretches of highway with nothing at all except tree filled wilderness.  The only thing she was sure of was that when she got there, there would be no help for her.  By the threatening tone the man used, she knew they would have made sure of that.  She could only trust that they would honor their word to release Katharine when she got there.  If they did, Katharine could then take the car and go get help for her.  At least, that was Loralei’s plan.  Pretty simple, but would it work?  Probably not.  After all, she wasn't law enforcement or SWAT.  Rescuing kidnap victims just wasn't within her area of expertise.  Nope, she would just have to fall back and punt after she got there and got a feel for what the hell was going on.  God help her.

    As she drove the lonely stretch of highway she prayed that her daughter would be okay.  She wasn’t really worried about herself.  She actually hadn't even thought about why they wanted her and what they would do to her once she got there.  Her mind was focused on what was happening to her daughter.  As her tires ate up the dark highway, her stomach had butterflies the size of Pterodactyls and she was physically sick with worry.  She finally came to exit one twenty five and pulled off onto the rest stop ramp.  It was closed and there were barriers blocking the way!  There was not even the smallest chance of some random motorist pulling in for a bathroom break.  Oh God! I’m totally screwed.  They had really planned this well.  Carefully steering her car around the blockade, she made her way into the rest area parking lot and turned the engine off.  She looked around to see if there was anyone lurking in the shadows that might jump her as she exited her car.  She saw no one, not even a car to indicate that anyone else was there.

    Steeling herself for what was about to come, she grabbed a flashlight out of the glove box and crammed it into her pocket praying that the batteries weren’t dead.  Stepping out of her car, she stopped briefly trying to determine which way was north.  Where’s a compass when you need one?  She drew in a long breath and then took off into the heavily wooded area straight ahead of her, praying for a miracle with every step she took. 

    The drive had taken only fifteen minutes, and hopefully Katharine wasn’t being held too far from the parking lot.  She didn’t know if she could run fast enough to find them in time.  After all, she wasn’t as young as she used to be and her knees had seen better days.  Plus, it was black as pitch and all she had was a cheap flashlight with old batteries to guide her.  As the dim lights from the rest area faded behind her, she couldn’t believe how dark it was in these woods.  With her luck she’d probably fall into an abandoned well or something and then they both would be screwed.  She hoped she was staying on a northerly path and wasn’t running serpentine through the trees.  The sky was black as pitch and the moon was covered by silver clouds, giving no light to help her find her way.  As she ran headlong into the darkness, her mind was rolling over and over trying to think of some reasonable explanation for this nightmare to be happening  

    Lost in thought and worry, she stumbled over a fallen log and grabbed hold of a small oak tree to steady herself.  Using her near fall as a chance to catch her breath, she gasped for air dragging huge gulps into her lungs.  She shone the flashlight on her watch to check the time. Oh my God, ten minutes to save her. Just ten minutes left to locate her daughter and figure out a way to get them both out of this.  Terror gripped her anew and, in a blind panic, she took off at a dead run again, this time using her flashlight to give her what little bit of light it could put out.  Her cheeks and forehead were stinging from cuts and scrapes as branches and thick tangles of brush slapped her as she ran.  She couldn’t afford to trip over another log and possibly injure herself.  God knows she was slow enough as it was.  Running as fast as her legs could carry her, she suddenly broke through the trees into a clearing and was nearly jerked off her feet, her breath knocked out of her from the sudden stop.  Startled and dazed, she struggled to regain the ability to breathe as her mind was trying to figure out what she had run into.  As the stars cleared from her eyes, she slowly raised her head and looked around to get her bearings.  She tried to take a step forward, but found that she couldn’t move.  There was something holding her back.  She tried to raise her arms, but they were pinned behind her and she couldn’t move.  Terror gripped her soul as a foul stench crept into her nostrils nearly causing her to gag.  She couldn’t quite identify the odor, but rotten eggs came pretty close.  Whatever was emitting the nasty smell was holding her body in a vice-like grip pulling her tight against its body.  She turned her head back and forth trying to see who, or what, had hold of her, but she was held too tightly.  Finally accepting that she wasn’t going to get free, she managed to wheeze out, Where’s my daughter.  Is she okay?  The thing that was holding her pushed her forward toward the center of the clearing, but never uttered a word except for a low animal-like grunts.

    Her eyes flew open in terror as she focused on what looked to be at least twenty hooded figures emerging from the shadows of the trees surrounding the clearing.  Silently they converged and formed a circle around her.  Fear ran up her spine as she took in the sight encircling her.  She knew she and Katharine were in real trouble, even if she didn’t understand why.  She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down and get her brain functioning again.  Gathering up her courage, she stuck out her chin and with what was certainly false bravado said, You told me you’d let Katharine go once I got here.  Not a sound came from any of the hooded beings.  Panic came rushing through her and with all the strength and courage she could muster, she screamed, Where is she?

    The hooded figures never spoke, but suddenly began moving to the sides of the clearing making room for someone or something to enter the circle from the rear.  A lone figure emerged.  Loralei squinted to try to see who or what it was, but as soon as she saw long blonde hair she knew immediately it was Katharine.  Loralei’s heart broke as she noticed Katharine’s tear-streaked face frozen with fear.  Desperately needing to comfort her only child, Loralei struggled against the iron grip of the creature holding her, but she couldn’t move an inch.   Her legs kicked out and back doing whatever she could to dislodge the smelly creature’s grip, but it was no use.  Loralei could do nothing but stand still and try to comfort Kathrine from a distance, but as soon as Katharine’s eyes locked on Loralei , they instantly widened with recognition and fear. 

    Mom! she screamed, trying to break away from the man who held her in a vice grip.   He was tall and thin and was hooded as well, but his robes were crimson as blood.  As Loralei stood there staring down the monster who held her child, she suddenly felt a vibration in the air around her.  Her entire body thrummed from the energy coming from him.  It seemed almost as if power pulsed and oozed off of him.  He looked like the devil himself, and the devil had a long, extremely sharp looking dagger at her daughter’s throat.

    "No Katharine!  Stay there," screamed Loralei, terrified that any movement would cause the blade to pierce her throat.   

    Who are you? she angrily spat at the man who was holding her daughter.

    Anzu laughed evilly and it echoed through the black night sky. Who am I?  My dear, I am the last thing you will see just before you breathe your last breath.

    Loralei’s stomach was rolling over and over with fear.  You said you would let my daughter go when you had me.  Panic was threatening to consume her.  Let her go.  NOW! she screamed. 

    He started laughing with a low guttural sound that sent chills skittering all over her body.  Ahh, if it isn’t the True One in the flesh, already trying to exercise her power.  You poor stupid mortal, you have no power over me.  The red pupils in his eyes began to glow an angry red.  Not now, not ever! he bellowed.  A surge of power hummed through the air and smacked into her with the force of a freight train.  She felt as if she had just been hit by an electrical power wave.  Her body was instantly numb and she couldn’t move for a moment.  Loralei's mind went black for an instant.  When she finally started to come out of the daze she was in, her eyes widened as she saw Katharine running toward her.  The maniac who had held her daughter was roaring with anger as he raised his hands and began chanting mysterious words in a menacing, monotonous, flat voice.  As Katharine passed in front of her, Loralei found a strength she didn’t know she possessed and somehow broke free of her captor and tore out after her daughter.  Running in a blind panic, her mind could only focus on getting herself and Katharine back to her car. 

    Katharine had reached the tree line and was eating up ground with every step.  Loralei had an instant of thinking they just might make it when she suddenly felt a pain so intense she saw stars.  It was so intense and searing she wondered how she could still be alive.  The bone jarring, scorching impact had hit her squarely in the back propelling her forward face first into the dirt and brush about thirty feet from the point of impact.  She tasted dirt and bits of grass as she lay writhing in pain.  She pushed herself forward and up on her elbows biting back the agony of the pain.  Katharine was disappearing through the dense brush just ahead of her.  At least she got away Loralei thought as she caught the acrid smell of smoke that was snaking up from her back. As her mind tried to make sense of what had just happened, everything turned to black.

    Loralei bolted upright in bed screaming.  As she slowly realized she was safe in her own bed, that it was just a nightmare, she thought, Shit! Why do I keep dreaming this same stupid dream? She had been having this same nightmare off and on for two months now.  Lately it had come every night and it always ended the same way – with her death.  I bet Freud would have a field day with this one.  With heavy eyelids she looked at her clock.  Five twenty.  Her alarm wouldn’t go off until five forty-five, but she knew sleep was a lost cause.  She dragged herself out of bed and schlepped her way to the bathroom.  Stepping into the shower, she stood under the steaming spray of water fighting hard against the visions from her dream that were constantly replaying in her mind in a seemingly endless loop.  She could never remember the entire dream – just bits and pieces.  The part she always seemed to remember best was the end.  She could actually feel pain in her back as if reliving that nightmarish scene that ended in her death.  As the water washed over her, she visualized the terror sliding down her body with the soap suds, swirling round and round, finally disappearing into the drain. By noon she wouldn’t be able to recall the dream at all – until it came again that night.

    As she put on her makeup, she remembered that tonight was girl’s night and she had told her best friend Lisa that she would go.  I’m so tired.  She had been tossing and turning in bed nearly every night for the past two months, her sleep irreparably interrupted.  There’s no way I’m going to get out of going.  Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to suck it up like I always do.

    With makeup and clothes done, she grabbed her keys and headed out the door to go mold the minds of America’s best and brightest junior high students, yawning the whole way.  

    Chapter 2

    I can’t believe I let her talk me into this again, thought Loralei as she scanned the crowded dance floor.  This wasn’t the first time she had agreed to go with her best friend, Lisa, to their favorite after-hours place.  It was Friday night at the Bucking Bronco and Loralei was exhausted.  She really hadn’t slept much the last few months because she had been having a recurring nightmare.  Just thinking about the dream caused her stomach to knot up.  She had no idea where the dream came from, or what it was about, but wished it would stop.  Waking up at 3:30 a.m. flailing and screaming really wasn’t the way to get the rest she needed to deal with her job. All she wanted to do was go home and climb into bed with a good book, but here she was at a club for a night of dancing and partying.

    The club was an eclectic mixture of pop and country which sported a large mechanical bull in the back.  It looked the country part with exposed wooden beams in the ceiling with low hung lighting that provided just enough light, or too little light – depending on whether someone looked better in the dark.  The ID/pay station was set just inside the door with the bar just beyond that.  The bar was at least 80 feet long and required no less than three bar tenders to keep all the partiers continuously supplied with beer and cheap whiskey.  Just beyond that, the mechanical bull was bucking and jumping full throttle with a wooden fence around it to keep drunks out and daredevils in.  The bull was surrounded by bright blue, thick padding to keep the riders from busting their asses on the concrete floor.  Out in front of the bar and bull were dozens of raised bar tables surrounded by stools that were too tall for most height-challenged people.  On the far side of the bar was a raised platform that doubled as a stage when guest bands performed.  For those nights with no live band there was a DJ station which was on a raised platform with a tall counter built around it to enclose (or protect) the DJ from drunken cowboys who didn’t like choice of music.  Between the tables and the stage/DJ station was a 40 foot wide expanse most commonly known as a dance floor.  At the moment it was packed with blue and white collar workers gyrating and grinding to the beat of the music. 

    So far, it looked like it was going to be just like every other night out which meant her friends would drink all night and get crazy on the dance floor while she watched.  She never cared that she wasn’t dancing because she couldn’t dance very well.  Katharine, her daughter, often teased her about her old-fashioned dance style.  What she loved doing was people watching.  Great entertainment could be had by simply sitting back and observing.  You could always tell which couples would be leaving together, and who would be leaving alone.   

    Her group consisted of Lisa, her co-worker, neighbor, and one of her best friends.  She was nearly ten years younger than Loralei, but people said they looked the same age.   There was also the resident wild child, Anja, just 26 years old with a long mane of honey gold hair.  She wore her usual club outfit:  tight black leggings, black stilettos, and a gold lame’ top that dipped in the front just enough to show off her ample cleavage. She was a former dance line member and currently sponsored the school’s dance team.  High kicks and splits were her specialty. Her boobs hadn’t started heading south yet – and I stress the word ‘yet’ because she’s still young.  She had just had her first child who was now 20 months old and cute as a button.  Just give the ‘girls’ time and they’ll head south just like every woman’s.  No amount of dance team training could prevent that.  Then there was Mare and Lucille, both married with kids and totally loving feeling single again, if even for just a few hours.  Marge, short for Marguerite, was there, too.  She’s single, but has a boyfriend who just happened to be out of town freeing her up to hang with the girls.  There they were, all her friends, out on the hot, sweaty dance floor shaking their asses and gyrating to the grinding beat for all they were worth.  Who knew when they'd get another chance to go dancing again? 

    Loralei sat alone at the table wearing her favorite comfortable jeans and casual/dressy top.  Not too flashy, but nice enough to draw a glance or two.  To outsiders, it may appear as if she didn’t belong with the group she came with, but she loved watching her friends cut loose.  Though she was definitely the most reserved out of the group on this particular evening, she was having the time of her life watching her friends’ antics as well as creating life stories for all the drunk strangers staggering and reeling around the bar.

    Loralei sat there thinking about the week’s events.  She was thrilled that the week was over.  By Thursday of every week they all felt like exploding if there was no release of the tension that built up from trying not to slap the shit out of some smartass, bratty13 year old.  I mean, for God’s sake what are the parents of today thinking??  I raised my child and I certainly don’t think I should be responsible for raising 100 or more of our best and brightest students who have no clue and could care less.

    She was every bit as stressed out as her friends, but found other ways to release the pent-up pressure rather than dancing.  In her mind, when she danced, she was sure she looked like a fish out of water, or a person mid-seizure.  Not wanting to scare everyone else in the bar, someone of whom would most assuredly call 9-1-1, she was perfectly content sitting and watching.  This was a fact her friends never could understand - that she could have a great time without dancing and drinking.

    She was always the only sober one left in her group and therefore was always the designated driver.  She also only rarely got asked to dance, probably  presumably because she never danced and no male wants to take a chance on being turned away, their egos being so fragile and all.  She would slow dance, but most men aren’t psychics who pick up on that little known fact.  Therefore, she was usually the ‘wallflower’ of the group and was overlooked by all the horny men looking to score with some drunk chick, a fact she wasn't totally unhappy about.

    Plus, Loralei had realized that after two failed marriages she had some trust issues when it came to the opposite sex.  She had always believed in the concept of a soul mate for everyone, but lately had begun to doubt that they existed.  People never turned out to be who they presented themselves to be.  Trouble was, she never realized this fact until it was too late. Loralei had pretty much given up on the idea of ever finding the man who completed her.  She just didn’t allow herself to fantasize about a future with some special someone. 

    She pretty much hated love stories because they were all just a bunch of shit.  True love only happens in sappy movies – never in real life, right?  It seemed no matter how hard she tried, she wore her attitude about love and men all over her face whenever she was in a bar.  Needless to say, most men wouldn't dare approach any woman who looked as disinterested as she did.  She thought this was probably a defense mechanism to keep from allowing her heart to be vulnerable and getting hurt again. The resulting snubs were really tough on her ego, even if they were self-inflicted. 

    Her attitude tonight was right out there for the world to see.  She was so tired from work and dealing with hormonal adolescents all week that all she really wanted to be doing was sitting on her couch at home watching TV.  But here she was, and she actually was enjoying the night out with her coworkers even though she almost always felt invisible.  She kept getting a nagging feeling that she was being watched, which was not the norm.  This feeling unnerved her to the point that she casually began stealing looks around the bar.  Most available men are watching the swaying hips on the dance floor, or chatting up the closest woman.  That’s why she was having a hard time understanding why she was being stared at by someone she considered to be absolutely the best looking man she had ever seen in her entire life, much less this bar.  He was actually frowning a bit as he stared intensely at her, or at least she thought it was her he was staring at.

    Loralei was yanked out of her musings suddenly.  Aren’t you having fun?  Why don’t you come and dance with us?  Please? Lisa asked after plopping down into the chair next to her. 

    You know I don’t dance, especially if there’s a chance I might be seen by someone.  Loralei chuckled.

    Oh come on.  Have some fun.  Besides, the dance floor is crowded and there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that you’ll be seen.  We can go right to the middle of the dance floor so you’ll be well-hidden. Lisa said.

    Loralei was considering getting up and giving it a go on the dance floor when Lisa said, Hey, don’t look now, but I think that guy over there is staring at you.

    So it wasn’t just my imagination.  Oh GodYeah, I know. I kind of thought he was staring at me, but I figured he must be looking at those 20-year olds at the table behind us. Good looking men don’t typically look at me like that.  I seem to have a natural man repellant. 

    Loralei didn’t mention the fact that this man had suddenly appeared right behind them as they entered the bar.  She had noticed – who wouldn’t notice a guy this hot – but didn’t give him a second thought.  He was so good looking, she figured he was an arrogant ass.  Hot guys usually were.

    No, I think you’re wrong.  I noticed him while I was dancing and he was definitely looking at you.  He is hot with a capital H.  Lisa always said the word as if it had 13 syllables.

    "Well, when you’re right, you’re right.  He is waaay hot, but he’s probably just wondering how he can get a clear line of sight around my old, fat ass so he can look at those pretty young things.  Loralei was beginning to feel uneasy.  She would be so embarassed when they both realized he was scoping out someone else.  Why don’t you go back and dance some more?  You know I have a good time just people-watching, and God knows there are a lot of weirdos here to keep me occupied and entertained for hours!

    Lisa looked at me like I was crazy.  Alright I’ll go, but I don’t understand why you can’t just accept the fact that a good looking man was admiring you from afar.  We both laughed at that one.  Oh yes, he’s my Prince Charming and I’m Cinderella.  Look, it’s been a hell of a long time since I’ve been admired from afar by anyone so you’ll have to excuse me if I’m a bit skeptical.

    We both laughed.  Lisa turned her head and stared at the table where Mr. Hot was sitting. By the way, did you get a look at the couple at the table with him?  That guy he’s with is totally hot too, but that chick they’re with, well she flat out gives me the creeps.   She looks like a mega bitch!  Loralei turned to steal a glance at the mystery woman, who was staring back at both of them with a look of sheer hatred.  Loralei felt a small shudder go up her spine. She felt all kinds of bad vibes rolling off the woman which were seemingly directed right at her. 

    Loralei turned her head away quickly. Yeah, I saw her.  She looks like she could kill everyone in the place and never think a thing about it.  And trust me, she hasn’t missed a thing that either one of those guys is doing.  I wonder what the deal is between the three of them. 

    I don’t know.  Maybe they’re sibs or just a couple of bros with a ho.  And they’re all dressed in black, but aren’t they absolutely gorgeous?  They have to be from the same gene pool or from a new species where ugly just isn’t possible.

    Maybe.  Loralei laughed.

    Well, I’m being summoned to the dance floor by Mare and Anja.  Come on and dance with us a little bit, Lisa said as she got up and backed her way onto the dance floor.

    I will; I promise.  I lied.  As I watched Lisa, Mare and Anja dancing together, as well as with anyone who was near them, I was thinking how I didn’t want to admit to Lisa that I actually did think he might have been checking me out, but was too afraid to admit it.  I mean, this guy was so good looking it was ridiculous.  He exuded an air of confidence also which is always a turn-on.  But why has he been staring at me?  The other two he was with had been doing their fair share of looking too, almost as if they were waiting for something to happen. The whole situation was odd and made her uncomfortable.  She decided she needed to keep her focus on all the rednecks and ignore the trio.

    But God he was beautiful.  His light brown hair had beautiful blonde highlights that framed his face in a shaggy yet well-kept style even though it nearly touched his collar.  She couldn’t really see what color his eyes were from here, but they were beautiful.  That much she remembered from when he came up behind her at the ID station.  It was actually the first thing she noticed about him.  That, and his angular jaw with high cheek bones and just the beginning of stubble along his jaw line and chin in sort of a male model sort of way.  His skin wasn’t dark as if he spent a lot of time in the sun, but he wasn’t pasty faced either.  There was just a hint of an olive complexion to his skin.  He was so ruggedly handsome that he reminded her of Gerard Butler, only with lighter hair.  Ooooh, Gerard Butler!  She had watched Phantom of the Opera at least a dozen times, and she still thought

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