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IRS Secrets Revealed: Racism, Waste, Incompetence
IRS Secrets Revealed: Racism, Waste, Incompetence
IRS Secrets Revealed: Racism, Waste, Incompetence
Ebook205 pages

IRS Secrets Revealed: Racism, Waste, Incompetence

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Alexander Gordon’s life changed forever April 30, 2015, when investigators with the IRS Criminal Investigation Division and Tax Inspector General Tax Administration barged into his home waving guns. For someone who had received performance awards every year, it was a shocking turn of events. He discovered he’d been indicted in the Eastern District Brooklyn, New York, U.S. Court, on charges of filing false tax returns, identity theft, and perjury. In this eye-opening account of the egregious practices the IRS commits on a daily basis, the author reveals how the agency hurts law-abiding citizens. Just as important, he explains how individuals can protect themselves from unfair collection policies. The book also provides a shocking account of the racism within the agency and how it hurts hardworking people. Join the author as he shares a personal story of being abused by the IRS and why every taxpayer needs to be wary of the agency.
Release dateMar 22, 2019
IRS Secrets Revealed: Racism, Waste, Incompetence

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    IRS Secrets Revealed - Alexander Gordon

    IRS Secrets Revealed

    Racism, Waste, Incompetence


    Copyright © 2019 Alexander Gordon.

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    Patriot-A person who regards themselves as a defender of individual rights against presumed interference of the Federal Government.


    When you become an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federal Officer you have to take an oath. That oath involves swearing to protect and enforce tax laws. Unfortunately, for me I didn’t realize the oath involved my personal taxes being audited every year, my family taxes being audited and my friend’s taxes being audited. The most egregious audit involved my father tax returns while he was dying from stage 4 Cancer. His yearly income was a meager $12,000, and he received a tax refund of approximately $650. It is obvious that a tax return involving these financial figures should not be audited, especially for someone who is facing a terminal illness, but when you’re dealing with unscrupulous IRS Agents and Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSA) who are not out for justice, and are only concerned with advancing their careers, they will throw all morals out the window to carry out their vendetta, and obtain accolades. I would like to thank all of my family members, and friends who stood by me during one of the most stressful times of my entire life. I had unwavering support from family members and friends, and to them I am forever in debt. I started to take notes to write a publication about the IRS unfairness during my second year of employment with the IRS. In no way did I know that I would be a victim of the injustices that American Taxpayers are subjected to by the IRS. Life is filled with many different experiences. Some experiences are good and some are bad. When you are going through a bad experience or stressful time, pay close attention to the people who are being supportive of you. A lot of people will be there for the good experiences because some people want to see how they can benefit from your blessings. Your real family and friends will be supportive of you through your good times and bad times. It is imperative to be cautious of the individuals who are only around you for the good times. I would like to thank my family and friends for always reminding me that I am a strong person, and I would make it through the injustices that I was being subjected. Also, I would like to thank the law firms who were dedicated in trying to defend me against the injustices. If I can help one person with this publication then I have completed my goal. Furthermore, this publication is intended to help people who have suffered grave injustices at the hands of the IRS, and it is not intended to promote tax evasion. I will be forever thankful and grateful to everyone who supported me during my tribulation times.


    Open the door, we have a warrant for your arrest! The day was April 30, 2015, and it was a day that drastically changed my life. The IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and Tax Inspector General Tax Administration (TIGTA) came into my home, pointed firearms to my head, and arrested me. I was an Internal Federal Revenue Officer with the Internal Revenue Service, for 14 years. I held the position from June 18, 2001, until April 30, 2015. The very same people who arrested me were my co-workers, and ironically the job that I was doing for the IRS, involved securing money for the IRS, and some of those monies pay the very same people salaries who arrested me. My employment post of duty was located on the East Coast. The duties of my position involved educating taxpayers on tax laws, investigation and collection of excessive taxes owed by individuals or businesses, investigation and collection of delinquent tax returns, and investigation of high income individuals who are not filing tax returns which may lead to possible fraud. I was also responsible for securing assets and initiating civil suits involving complex tax cases. Most of my work was conducted in the field meeting with taxpayers, accountants and attorneys. I secured millions of dollars in support for the IRS and the United States Government. When a tax case was assigned to me it involved an extensive investigation of an individual or business relating specifically to their tax liabilities, finances, and assets. I would secure detailed information about an individual or business, and some of this information included real property owned, vehicles owned, bank account records, address history including neighbor and relative information, foreign assets, foreign travel history, prior tax returns filed, employment history, credit reports, and loan documents. Once a tax case was assigned to me there was no information that I could not obtain about an individual or a business. The US Government has the full capability to research any and all information on any US Citizen and especially a US Citizen who has tax liabilities.

    On April 30, 2015, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division and US Treasury TIGTA open my front door, and put guns to my forehead and told me that I was under arrest. Soon after the arrest I found out that I was indicted in the Eastern District Brooklyn, New York, US Court, for charges of filing false tax returns, identity theft, and perjury. I was completely in shock because although I knew there was a TIGTA Agent harassing me and my family for several years, I never thought any Grand Jury would have indicted me based upon the ridiculousness of the case, and the lack of substantial evidence to support a crime. After consulting with many attorneys it was made clear to me that US Federal Grand Jury’s almost always return an indictment against an individual. I will later discuss how these injustices are allowable in the US Justice System. The US Justice System is really a money system. You cannot get justice in the US Justice System if you do not have sufficient money to pay for a competent attorney, and this leads to many defendants taking a plea agreement or being found guilty for a crime they didn’t commit. Most defendants accept a plea offer to stop the harassment of the Federal Agents and US Attorneys. Also, a plea offer will be accepted because the Federal Agents and US Attorneys have manipulated evidence, and will make it appear to a jury that an individual is guilty. In my case the racism and the harassment I was subjected to was so extreme that I was forced to accept a plea. When an IRS CID Agent audits your father who has stage 4 Cancer, I think at that point you know that there is a full vendetta against you and your family, and it’s being perpetuated by vindictive IRS CID Agents and TIGTA Agents involved in a corrupt collusion to carry out their vendetta. When the full force of the United States Government is attacking you there really is no other choice but to accept a plea. One would be very unwise to put their faith in the hands of a jury that knows little to nothing about the law, but has to make critical decisions relating to the law. Assistant US Attorneys allow situations like this to happen because all they care about is advancing their career. Most are not out for justice; they are out for promotions and accolades.

    When I first was arrested according to the warrant affidavit and the indictment I was facing more than 200 years in prison. I entered a plea of not guilty, and I was fully prepared to go to trial. It would take approximately 2 years before I received a date for the trial. This was due to motions being filed, and other delays that are constant in the US Justice System. I was fully prepared to go to trial, and approximately 2 weeks before my trial was to start the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) decided to give me another plea offer removing the most serious charges, and could possibly result in a sentence of probation. This plea was offered because the AUSA clearly knew that the case against me was falling apart, and they had no witnesses against me other than the CID Agents and TIGTA Agents whom if they took the stand to testify would have had to commit perjury in order to win the case. I was faced with a decision of going to trial and possibly being found guilty due to the Agents false testimony, and then I would have been sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence or I could accept the plea deal which may have resulted in probation. This is one of the many games involved in the US Justice System. A defendant cannot put their faith in the hands of a jury. History has shown that thousands of innocent people have been convicted by incompetent juries. They are incompetent because most people on the jury do not know anything about the law, but yet they are faced with making legal decisions. It is comparable to having a blind man judge a beauty pageant. I am of the opinion that only lawyers should serve as jurors because they have an understanding of the law and can’t be easily manipulated by prosecutors or defense attorneys. I made the decision to accept the plea deal because this would stop the harassment of my family, and I could eventually put the unfortunate ordeal behind me. I was lucky to have a very competent judge who clearly didn’t believe everything that the AUSA, CID Agents and TIGTA Agents were stating about the case. The AUSA argued at sentencing for me to get the maximum sentence which was approximately a 4 year prison sentence. The judge sentenced me to only 6 months. I was fully aware that I had to be sentenced to something because I accepted a plea which involves accepting responsibility for a crime even if you didn’t commit the crime. Judges do not like to give out probationary sentences because judges need to appear to be tough, and giving out a probationary sentence in no way is a sign of toughness. The judge stated at sentencing that I was not getting probation because it doesn’t seem like I am remorseful. The judge was absolutely right because there was not a remorseful bone in my body. The judge was not aware of the harassment, and all of the lies stated by the AUSA, CID Agents and TIGTA Agents. When you accept a plea you have to read a statement admitting to all of the crimes that you have committed. The statement that I read was not written by me, and ironically when I read the statement if I was sworn in before reading the statement then I would have committed perjury because I was stating that I did crimes that I never committed, but this is all a part of the games involved in the US Justice System. I had an excellent attorney who was fully aware that it’s not about guilt or innocence but obtaining the best possible deal when you are fighting the US Justice System. Based upon the facts of my unfortunate situation I do believe that I received the best possible deal, and this was due to having competent attorneys and the government’s weak ridiculous case falling apart.

    I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and growing up in Brooklyn, New York, the odds of a gun being pointed at you at some point in your life are very high, so I was not really shocked about the guns being pointed at me and placed on my forehead during my arrest. I was more shocked about the guns that were being pointed at my head were from co-workers, and I was more shocked about being arrested by my employer who over my 14 year career I help to secure millions of dollars in support of the United States Government. The ironic tragedy is that I helped to secure money to pay the salaries of the people who arrested me. This was able to happen because the IRS is a governmental agency that employs racist, deceitful, and malicious individuals. I never experienced any racist situation until I started my employment with the IRS.

    There was no monetary amounts listed in my indictment because the IRS and TIGTA were alleging I was committing a fraud that amounted to less than $6000, per year, and if they put that small amount in the indictment it would have made the indictment look ridiculous. Furthermore, they were alleging that I received little to none of the approximate $6000, in which a fraud was being committed. Also, my base yearly salary was $90,000, and there is no logic in a person earning $90,000/yearly, committing a fraud to earn an extra $6000, in which the person is not receiving the $6000. The Agents were alleging that I was committing a fraud in which most instances I did not receive any money for committing the fraud. In actuality the IRS CID and TIGTA were carrying out a vendetta, and my only fraud involved me being black and beating the IRS in a tax court case. The IRS has major racism issues, and this is proven by me being the only black male in my office for approximately 8 years, the constant audit of IRS minority employees, and the termination of those employees based on unjustifiable audits. I have been a witness to IRS minority employees being audited, and then terminated after those audits due to minor mistakes on their tax returns.

    The IRS and TIGTA audited everyone in my family including my mother who has medical issues and was approaching senior citizen age, and they audited my father who was being treated for stage 4 Cancer. My mother earned less than $22,000/yearly, and she was receiving tax refunds that range from $300 to $700, yearly. My father earned approximately $12,000/yearly and most years he never received a tax refund. IRS felt the need to audit their tax returns to reveal an alleged major fraud, and great loss in tax revenue for the Federal Government. Below is a chart indicating my mother yearly income, taxes paid and tax refunds for the tax returns that were audited by the IRS.

    This chart really puts into perspective the ridiculousness and the waste of resources that the IRS will commit in order to attack US citizens. My mother yearly income puts her close to the poverty line. I guess the IRS and TIGTA felt that she needed to pay more taxes. I was an IRS employee and my family was going through these abuses, which leads one to imagine about the abuses other families are being subjected to from the IRS. These actions by the IRS and TIGTA only pointed to a vendetta and racism against me and my family.

    Over my 14 year career I received performance awards every year, and I received certificate awards from the very people who were arresting me. Shown below are

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