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Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V
Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V
Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V
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Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V

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Since Mac Mathews was twelve, he knew he would never be normal again! A boy with Electromagnetic powers caused by a freak accident in an EM Test Chamber. The only way he would be able to control these inherited strange powers would be to immerse himself in his Grandfather's program of 'Bujinkan' or the way of the Ninja!
He would be called upon to save a beautiful woman from certain peril at the hands of some of the most dangerous individuals that ever walked the face of this earth!Shurik'en would fall in love,be recruited in a secret new "Spook" organization the H.I.F.! He would become Commander of the B.O.O.T. BLACK OPS ON TERRORISTS in extreme 'Counter Terrorist Intelligence created by the Pentagon itself,the High Intelligence Force. Two of his best friends have joined him to save the day from a Megalomaniac, the Mega-Terrorists and their diabolical cells around the Globe.
Release dateJul 25, 2010
Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V

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    Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V - Reg. D. Lyons

    Shurik`en the 'Super Ninja' Book I of V

    Shurik`en the ‘Super Ninja’ Book I of V

    By Reg. D. Lyons

    In loving memory of my father Karl.

    I would also like to thank all those friends…

    Who did give me all of their support and belief that this book could be accomplished and finished in its entirety. Author - Reg. D. Lyons

    All Rights Reserved Copyright 2012

    – This work cannot be reproduced in part or in its entirety without the expressed permission from the Author and Publisher first.


    Sometimes miracles happen in life, such as people survive being struck by lightning, car crashes, electrocutions, drowning and even devastating natural disasters! The miracle is that what should have been a fatality for those people in these certain circumstances; was in fact, fate surprising them with a life learning experience. They were given a second chance to fulfill their destiny.

    For instance, some people that were blind were struck by lightning. Afterwards, they could see with twenty-twenty vision or better. Others developed various ESP’s including telepathy and psychic powers.  Still others had severe trauma done to their bodies by various accidents, but yet they survived and became stronger physically, mentally and emotionally as a result.

    Why these things happened to these people and why they survived in these instances and others died in the same situation? We may never know entirely the whole truth and understanding of it all and those certain answers are to be revealed.

    The positive willing human spirit is a marvelous thing sometimes beating all the odds and it has an incredible inordinate way of surviving all disasters and trauma of any kind. Maybe God has a hand in it; well maybe.... that is another story!

    This is an amazing tale of an extraordinary young American/Japanese boy, born and living in Japan. He miraculously survived an electro-magnetic discharge that escaped from an E.M. generator within a highly energized testing chamber, when that force surprisingly came in contact with his body. This E.M. force should have killed him instantly, due to the fact that it was over a one million-gig watt field of electro-magnetic radiation energy. Instead, he internalized the strange energy and became forever changed by it.

    His name is Machi Mathews and he became a living Electro-Magnet. As he was growing up he learned to harness this E.M. energy and control it through learning the ancient art of Ninjutsu from his grandfather, Physicist and Grandmaster Ninja, Sao Yashima.

    He was able to use this power at will, through this ancient art he learned to turn it on and turn it off like a light switch, to be total master over it.

    He became ‘Shurik`en’ in Japanese which means ‘battle or throwing Ninja star’ translated in English.


    A champion for justice an able-bodied Superhero that would help all those who suffered as victims from the violent criminal element in the world that he lived in…

    Chapter 1

    The Electro-Magnetic Lab

    Machi Mathews was very excited about the fact that he was going to be able to see his grandfather’s new Electro-Magnetic testing lab in Kobe, Japan. There were three other Labs that would open their doors, two in the U.S.A. and one in Switzerland as well in the near future.

    It was a Friday, recess time in the afternoon and the three boys who were best of friends, were out playing in the playground at their school. The School for Advanced Learning was an educational institution for gifted children with above average intellects. Even though it was wintertime and it had just rained recently, the sun had now appeared and was shining brightly in the luminous, white cloud, filled blue afternoon sky.

    It had stopped pouring rain early enough so by the time the boys had their break from their classes the playground bars were void of dampness from the recent downpour. The three were out playing on the set of bars called Monkey bars and having fun together. The boys were discussing the realization that Machi’s waiting was all over. Now he was so excited he could not stop talking about the up and coming event to his two companions.

    He waited all summer for this and it was now winter the rainy season, the time had arrived. The boy Machi was telling his two best friends in the world Slash and Caleb whom he shared everything with. There were no secrets among them.

    Machi Mathews was the son of William and Sakura Mathews. His father was an American Banker while his mother she was a registered Japanese nurse. The American/Japanese boy was born in Tokyo Japan and moved to Kobe at the age of five with his parents. By age five, young Machi had already acquired an intelligence quotient of one hundred and fifty two.

    William and Sakura had enrolled the youngster in the School for Advanced Learning soon after they moved to Kobe. This was where Machi had made friends with Sasso Mironov son of a Russian Structural Engineer and Caleb Borland who was a son of an American Rocket Scientist. They were roughly the same age as young Machi was and just as intelligent. So they became the best of friends very soon after meeting each other as they had much in common with one another.

    Machi was continuing to mention to his friends how proud he was of his grandfather and of his work. Now it was going to be a reality that he would be able to actually see it the next day. The boy conversed with his two companions entirely through the short break as they played until the recess bell rang again. Then they had to return to their studies.

    Machi was looking forward to this very much. The time was finally here for him to see Doctor Yashima’s new scientific lab for E.M. Electro-Magnetic research.

    The month was January the year was two thousand and ten. There had been some tours going on for the past month at the Electro-Mag Lab just after it opened in December of last year. The tours purpose was to mostly give the public awareness of what went on at the research lab, to dispel any fears that the public may have had before.

    However, this was now going to be a special tour, after all this was his grandfather’s work Machi was about to see. It was Doctor Sao Yashima’s lifework in the E.M. lab that he was going to be privileged to witness soon and the boy was so ecstatic about it.

    It would be a private tour a first for Machi and a lot of fun for the boy as he was very interested in scientific things. Only Machi’s father, mother and he were going to be on this tour conducted by his grandfather Doctor Sao Yashima.

    Saturday had now arrived. It was raining hard but the boy was happy nonetheless. Machi could see the big gold letters on the front of the enormous silver building that had much tempered glass on its windows. It read "Electro-Mag" in Japanese and then English directly below it. Yashima pulled up to the parking space in his gold colored Mercedes where a reserved sign said Dr. Yashima on it.

    It was normally expected in Kobe from the business community that a prestigious Scientist of Dr. Yashima’s reputation, a world renowned Physicist nonetheless would drive a luxury Japanese vehicle, like a Mitsubishi S.E., Suzuki L.E. or an Acura Elite. However, it was because of the fact that Sao Yashima was somewhat biased to German engineered cars instead, he drove that kind.

    Since he was still young in his late twenties when he studied at the University in Harvard in the USA, he had bought his first German car an older Mercedes. Ever since he was there on a student exchange program back in the early nineteen eighties his automobile of choice was a German Mercedes Benz because he loved the car.

    That is why he preferred to drive a Gold Mercedes Benz three hundred S.L.E, which was a Super Luxury Edition model as opposed to something, else. The good Doctor Yashima was very meticulous on his choice on account of its high precision engine and sleek appearance.

    The lavish import’s engine purred so quietly that you could hardly here it was running. All you could hear and see was the pounding of the raindrops on the car’s windshield as Yashima finished parking the German luxury car wipers going full speed. It was a dark, gray, cloudy, day early afternoon. The small party had recently had lunch at a local Sushi bar.

    Doctor Yashima turned the engine off took out the key, looked at all his passengers and said in a Japanese accent but in English Are you all ready to be wowed by this tour of the Electro-Mag Lab.? He asked with anticipation in his voice.

    His daughter and son in-law in the front passenger seats nodded and said both Yes Of course! We’re excited and we’re ready.

    This was true especially with the boy Machi, who was sitting in the back of the elite roadster. He gave a loud audible answer, Yeah we are excited to see it! Yes grandfather, ‘Hai’ I want to see it!" Machi quipped in Japanese.

    Okay let’s go to see it! Yashima answered back. They then all vacated the car and hurried to the front door as it was still torrentially raining. They entered the massive complex of Electro-Mag.

    As they entered the Lab’s front entrance lobby to the left of the interior away from the reception area that was at the center of the lobby, a hand scanner was situated on the wall. It was next to a pair of big silver steel doors about three meters high. Accompanying it an automated keypad fixed to the right of the giant entrance to the Electro-Magnetic Lab.

    Wait a moment I need to be authenticated so we can gain access into the Electro-Mag Lab. Doctor Yashima said to his daughter in Japanese sharply.

    Of Course father we’ll wait. Sakura replied to her father in Japanese and then she translated for her husband who did not speak the language fluently.

    William, Sakura and Machi waited nearby till Sao would gain access for them inside the Lab. Entry had to be authenticated by the right handprint and proper voice recognition before access would be granted inside. A hand had to be placed precisely inside a vertical hand impression where the scanner-reader could read the fingerprints of the hand’s owner.  The voice of the person had to be authenticated by a voice authenticator as well. A code finally had to be punched in manually to gain access inside the Lab within.

    Dr Yashima walked up to the keypad, placed his right hand firmly in the imprint and said in English Dr Yashima, X-ray, Zebra five, five, seven, six, three Electro-Mag Lab One.

    There was a display screen above the fingerprint scanner that read Scanning Fingerprints please wait a moment in English and then in Japanese below on the screen. Match found. The system displayed. Authenticating voice print, please wait Authenticated. Access Granted please enter security code," The security system requested.

    He then proceeded to punch in the secret code in the keypad which he never repeated out loud, for security reasons. The large solid metal doors then automatically slid open horizontally to reveal the building’s unique corridor to the E.M. Lab. It was a very spacious area within. It had a long corridor that seemed to go on for quite a distance as far as the eye could see and beyond.

    Unauthorized persons were strictly prohibited inside alone, due to the fact that there were extremely high voltages and high-energy sources within the Lab. It was imperative that a staff member accompanied visitors on any of the tours or visits to the Lab. The reason for this was to prevent hazardous situations from happening and certain death. There were literally hundreds of specially designed computers in the Lab that recorded everything from E.M. force applied to given subjects, to magnetic coils that created fields measured in coulombs in the static phase.

    Dr. Yashima in his white Lab coat and dark pants led his small group through the entrance hall past the steel doors to the E.M. Lab on a cordoned off walkway. A monstrous predominantly colored white area, the Lab was currently experimenting with magnetic propulsion for automobiles, and human transportation.

    It was several decades ago, in the nineteen seventies Scientists made an incredible breakthrough in Electro-Magnetism. Science was able to harness electro-magnetic energy to build the world’s fastest bullet train in Tokyo that had a top speed of over three hundred kilometers per hour.

    Since that breakthrough several countries followed suit to begin experimenting with E.M. mostly on top classified projects around the globe secretly. The No Friction project was now in production. At this point Yashima already discovered the incredible potential in so many different applications with electro-magnetic energy.

    No Friction was a dual national project that involved both the U.S.A. and Japan and was becoming International in it’s scope.

    Applications varied from powering an automobile gas free by using a superconductor energy cell that would enable the vehicle to be propelled through the air by hovering from a E.M. cushion created underneath it similar the bullet train principle but far advanced physics applied. In addition to this experiments were being conducted operating various modes of transportation friction free to enable humans to be transported on an electro-magnetic cushion created by a special walking surface. The potential of applications and use for electro-magnetic energy were virtually limitless as far as the human mind could conceive in domestic, public and industrial applications.

    As they approached the end of the corridor they came up to another enormous white room. The first thing they could hear and see were huge electro-magnetic generators they were as large as a two story house and they produced a loud humming, whirling sound but not loud enough that the tour group had to wear ear protection. However, Sao explained that some were more comfortable in doing so as they had sensitive eardrums.

    Above the generators were massive automated meters that measured the E.M. fields and other data produced from these generators in gig watts, billions of watts in electro-magnetic energy were being produced loaded and unloaded. They all displayed a unique digital readout in a florescent green color.

    There were experimental projects that were seen on the left and the right of the walkway as the party walked on taking in all the sights in the Lab. Various automobiles were suspended with magnetic cushions of air as such that the automobiles were floating on a positive charged cushion. They were hovering over a specially controlled surface so that they were about a foot off the ground.

    Sophisticated computers were set up to record all sorts of measured data such as load force generated on the subjects being tested. The magnetic fields created the E.M radiation and the output of that E.M. made it possible for the cars to defy gravity.  These were the first prototypes of the hover-car that Machi’s grandfather had been working on for several years.

    It was accomplished by opposite magnets that repelled each other one mounted on the underside of the vehicle and the other mounted on the ground surface. The engine was a superconductor energy cell that generated tremendous E.M. energy directed and downward and forward.

    Transputers that were very powerful computers wired with multiple parallel, microprocessors were setup to record all the data on the various experiments to the last fine detail.

    As they continued to walk on the tour the visitors were awe struck by the incredible power of the electro-magnetic fields and the blue colored energy light generated when under load as they passed each experiment with wonder.

    Doctor Yashima stopped and turned to his guests What do you think about what you have seen so far on the tour? He asked in English for the benefit of William with his familiar Japanese accent.

    Well Sao I must say that all these experiments are simply fantastic and they look like top secret caliber. It is almost something that the military would be experimenting on. I am amazed by it all! William Mathews replied as he marveled at all the unique E.M. experiments.

    "Father I had no idea that you had accomplished so much, so many successful experiments here. They are incredible! Sakura said to her father in English with an excited tone.

    Everything is so cool grandfather! Especially that car over there that is suspended off the ground and just hovering there Machi added his input to the conversation as he pointed to the suspended vehicle with glee.

    Hai That there I call the Hover Car it is the first prototype of its kind with more to come I have now almost perfected the Energy source the Superconductor cell under the vehicle’s hood. That generated the dynamic E.M. energy. More are being developed for later" Yashima proudly responded.

    Now my family we have come to the highlight of our tour today, The Electro-Mag Chamber! Follow me! He said as he brought them up to a humungous metallic structure on the end of the walkway.

    Doctor Yashima prepared his guests for what was going to come next the unique Electro-Magnetic Chamber. The E.M. Chamber or in the long form meaning Electro-Magnetism Chamber was the highlight of the tour. It was known to be the most powerful and largest experiment of its kind that was being conducted in the scientific world at that present time. The Electro-Mag Chamber as it was often called was about the size of a small coliseum or half the size of a football field and circular in shape.

    Doctor Yashima believed and proved by past experiments that he conducted that by controlling an electro-magnetic field perfectly he could eventually eliminate friction from a person’s environment including being earthbound as a person walked here and there. This led to all sorts of possibilities in far advanced transportation capabilities in travel and in vast buildings like airports, warehouses and stations where there was a great distance to cover from point A to point B and vice-versa.

    Yashima fully explained to his guests that a vast cushion of magnetic air could be created from the ground surface. Thus a person would not have to walk or drive on the ground. However he could be transported on the E.M. cushion, by using special magnetic footwear, or having electro-magnets mounted under a vehicle. This would propel the vehicle powered by a Superconductor Cell as an engine or a person equipped with specially designed reverse magnetic footwear free of friction one would be able to hover liberally through the air. Even if they chose to move there legs as if they were walking it would be on the E.M. cushion and not the ground.

    As they walked or hovered on this cushion of air, an individual could cover a great distance in a very short time due to eliminating the friction factor on the ground and suspending gravity in their present environment at the same time.

    Machi and his parents were now instructed by Doctor Yashima to put on a special pair of magnetic boots inside the chamber that were sitting on a rack where there were seated chairs next to some vending machines for snacks. He also gave them a pair of protective glasses each to prevent eye damage from the bright flashes that they would eventually encounter while in the chamber. The powerful electro-magnetic forces within would cause this if they did protect their eyes.

    The chamber had a circular track much like the kind that one would use to practice running on for a track meet. There was a gigantic generator in the middle of the track imbedded about five meters down under the chamber’s surface. This was protected by way of a security fence that was setup that encompassed the entire generator on the outside. This was in place to prevent E.M. radiation from leaking out from the Electro-magnetic field created during the experiment phase into the confines of the chamber.

    The track was connected through special electro-magnetic rods to this one enormous generator underneath by way of the extensive powerful flux tubing, the EM pulsated the energy through the tubes into the special rods, which in turn then created the E.M.cushion.

    There was a clearly marked warning sign above the Generator mounted on the ceiling of the dome shaped structure. It was red with big capital letters in Japanese and English it read DANGER EXTREME HAZARD PRODUCED BY ELECTROMAGNETIC CHAMBER GENERATOR EXTREMELY HIGH ENERGY FIELD PRESENT STAY CLEAR.

    They all fastened their magnetic boots on and then put their protective eyewear on, then they proceeded to enter the track area except Sao. He remained on a walking platform around the outside of the track of the chamber.

    Now you will experience something that you never have ever experienced before in your life, are you ready and prepared? Doctor Yashima asked.

    Machi and his parents nodded signifying they were ready for the experiment.

    Yashima explained that he was going to turn the generator on and as it cycled to build up electro-magnetic energy there would be bright flashes. But the guests were not to be alarmed for this was part of the process thus, the need for the protective eyewear. They would be on the track for less than fifteen minutes to experience the total E.M. effect.

    After as the E.M. force increased, they would slowly begin to levitate while walking on the track. Then they would start to walk on the air from the cushion created by the highly charged field and the special magnetic boots they had put on before entering the unique walking surface.

    Yashima approached the wall on the right after he closed the door to the entrance of the chamber by pressing a switch that operated the specially made steel semi-circular door that slid down shut securely. An automated voice said in the two languages, E.M. Chamber secured

    There was a panel on the wall of the chamber to the right of the chamber entrance and with a turn of a special red key that he possessed he was able to gain access. He pulled down the electronic keyboard. This is where he punched in a special encrypted code that had five digits.

    A big blue screen appeared on the wall as a door opened up vertically next to the control panel. An automated female voice and message was present in big white letters first in Japanese and then in English that said Electro-magnetic Chamber Generator initiated, please stay clear of field. Generator will commence in T minus five seconds five...four...three… Commencement initiated the automated voice concluded.

    The very first flash and whirling hum came about as the generator in the chamber came to life. There was a luminescent cycle of light that circulated around the generator and the entire chamber via the special rods on the track. The energy moved into the special flux tubes connected to the highly magnetic metal rods on the track where it began to cycle constantly and very fast. The rods were then supercharged with positive electro-magnetic energy as the powerful generator below the chamber was creating it.

    Yashima moved onto the track with his guests. He instructed them to start walking around the chamber normally in a clockwise direction on the magnetic rods that were now illuminated very much. He took up the lead in front of them and they followed closely behind.

    The E.M. flashes that were generated were many and they increased with each second. Flashes now taking place were getting stronger and more powerful and intense as a moderately loud hum was heard from the generator as it continued to cycle the E.M. energy with more intensity and speed in nanoseconds.

    Above the generator and the flux tubing there was a digital readout that measured the electro-magnetic force. It was at one hundred megawatts and counting. It was visible to all in the chamber.

    The four continued walking around the track as the electro-magnetic force increased rapidly... to three hundred megawatts, three hundred and fifty megawatts...four. Five until it reached one billion watts or one gig watt of force, which was represented on the display as one G. A few minutes had passed.

    As the small group continued to walk around the special circular track equipped with the magnetic circular rods that were imbedded in it, the cycled flashes around it increased with furious intensity and velocity. Till the rods were completely illuminated with a blur of E.M blue, white radiation energy as it cycled inside the contained rods.

    The humming had become so loud now and constant from the generator that produced the bright flashes it was now very difficult for conversing and hearing each other. Sao and his guests had to revert to sign language if they wished to converse with one another at this point.

    It seemed like now they were walking with the least amount of effort. They continued to move on the track faster in a clockwise direction they had just completed one lap of the track. They were now skimming the surface of the track but not quite completely walking on a cushion of air yet.

    Meanwhile, the meter was registering the two hundred thousand, gig watt mark and rising with each second, three hundred, four, five...six, seven they were on the track now for just about fifteen minutes.

    Yashima realized at this point that the E.M. energy was building up rather too rapidly. He decided he should shut the generator down soon but they had just completed one and a quarter lap. The lab had never run it longer than this before and they had not quite experimented with the chamber for a very long time as yet. He forgot that by the time they were able to walk the track with no friction walking on the cushion of air solely, that the generator would be operating at close to it’s limit as it was still in the experimental stage. This was exactly what was happening.

    Sao soon discovered that it was not that easy to go against the magnetic flow of energy. He wanted to turn around on the track to go back counter-clockwise to the panel to shut it down, as it was the shortest route back. The other way would take much longer on the special track. But he was still some thirty yards from it at this point going in the opposite direction.

    When Yashima conducted these experiments before, there was always someone close to the panel to shut the generator down after about fifteen minutes of operation. But at that time the E.M. Chamber Generator cycled slower and was not operating at maximum limit. That was before they installed E.M. boost inducers just recently, which Sao unfortunately forgot about until now.

    Doctor Yashima was alone on the track with his guests and no one was there by the panel to shut it down this time. For the small party had no assistance it was the weekend and they alone were present in the chamber. He knew at this point that he and his family were now in trouble if he didn’t shut the generator down immediately. It could become highly unstable and explode and the Electro Magnetic field could escape its controlled environment and that could be extremely hazardous to all of them in the chamber meaning their certain demise and possible disintegration.

    He had to use the power of his trained mind in Ninjutsu since he was a small boy he learned to become one with the universal flow of energy in his environment. Yashima would have to break free from any impedance that he was now experiencing in the chamber that prevented him from getting to the control panel on the wall.

    Yashima needed to get back to the panel quickly because by this time the force was so strong that they were now levitated and walking, suspended on a supercharged electro-magnetic cushion of air. But they were still farther away from the panel in the clockwise direction than the counter one.

    Keep walking, he instructed loudly with his hands to his son in-law, daughter and grandson. They complied and continued to walk in the same direction as the E.M. cycle now, walking on the E.M. cushion. It was impossible for them to get off the track due to being totally under the power of the clockwise reverse-magnetic force was taking them.

    Sao frantically turned around with all his might and shifted his magnetic boots and started to walk behind his guests in the opposite direction on the E.M.cushion. But it was very difficult; it was kind of like trying to walk down an escalator that was going up at almost a break neck speed. He had to go this way it was the closest to the control panel. The counter-clockwise direction was fifteen yards more away to reach the shut down panel. He would have to use all his focal energy and mental power from his internal strength generated from his Hara, the waist area to move in a very swift streamlined manner on the E.M. cushion to get to the panel.

    The electro-magnetic meter was now registering nine hundred thousand gig watts and was approaching the danger zone of operation. A loud alarm siren went off and an automated voice commenced saying first in Japanese, then in English Danger, Danger! Approaching Electro-Magnetic Limit, Overload Imminent, Shut Down Electro-Mag Chamber Generator At Once the voice said in the dual languages.

    The generator was approaching the seventh digit on the display at this time. Dr. Yashima desperately tried to get back to the panel to shut the generator down; his family was behind him some twenty-five yards. He was about five yards from the panel still when the meter reached the danger zone and hit the one million-gig watts mark. This was the amount of the electro-magnetic force that was now being generated and above.

    Suddenly, a strange shaking in the chamber took place and very strong vibrations throughout the interior of the chamber that were immediately felt by all now occurred. The generator was overheating and the whirling hum was so loud and high pitched that they had to cover their ears with their hands to protect the eardrums from damage.

    Dr. Yashima could see that the generator was going to blow if he didn’t turn it off in time and he knew it would be costly, but also extremely hazardous for all of them. It would probably cost over one hundred million dollars to replace it, as that is what it amounted to, to build and install it. However, he also knew that he and his family were in grave danger, if he didn’t shut down the generator immediately. Machi and his parents were now close to completing another cycle and they now came close to where Sao was approaching the shut down panel. They were trying to get off the track but to no avail they were railroaded from the very powerful E.M Force.

    He was still a couple of yards from shutting it down. Little did anyone know how dangerous operating the generator at over one million gig watts would be? The Lab staff went through it in theory as a mock scenario with one hundred thousand gig watts. If someone came in contact with the electro-magnetic field generated at one hundred thousand gig watts they would be killed instantly due to the high radiation energy present in the field. This was not proved though as it was the Lab’s hypothesis only.

    However, this was only one tenth of what it was operating at now. The shaking was becoming more violent in the chamber and by now it was all encompassing the whole chamber. It was as if a small earthquake was happening inside the massive structure. The generator started to violently shake and the flux tube was detaching itself from the main core of the generator. Sao knew it would explode any minute.

    Then it suddenly happened, in an instant the tubing broke free and detached itself from the generator’s sealed core. Instantly, there was a very bright long flash that was as bright as the sun, which forced everyone to shut and cover the eyes even though they were already wearing protective glasses. But the great brightness now in the chamber was overwhelming them. A freed single bolt of electro-magnetic energy escaped the sealed tube and was immediately attracted to the magnetized rods on the track. It took the clockwise path on top of the magnetic rods at the speed of light on the track to where Machi and his parents were moving on the E.M. cushion. It flashed around the track at light speed until it came in contact with the boy who was behind his father and mother and in the direct path of the E.M energy bolt.

    The energy ripped through the boys’ body flinging him up in the air a couple of meters high. It was as if a very powerful bolt of lightning that was synthesized by the E.M. Generator struck him. This was suspending him there like a puppet on a string that had just been pulled up by its puppeteer. The boy screamed as the electro-magnetic bolt of charged electrons coursed through his anatomy and energized his body much like someone being given very high doses of electric shock treatment. His body convulsed and twisted in the air violently as he was totally engulfed by the extremely powerful electro-magnetic field that was now wreaking havoc on the boy in the testing chamber.

    The residual E.M. radiation hit Machi’s parents next and it flashed around the magnetic footwear violently and put in them in a condition of temporary suspended animation for nearly half a minute they could not move they were frozen in shock. They became bonded to the surface of the track forcefully almost like they had been super-glued or something to the magnetic rods. They could not move right away.  

    The boy’s grandfather looked in shock and the boy’s father and mother turned around as best they could after the residual energy weakened watching in horror as the force continued to pummel their boy’s body like a rag doll that was like being shaken so hard to get rid of all the dust off of it.

    The power held the boy in the air suspending him there for almost a minute. It was a very strong bright flash around the boy who was still hovering in the air and shaking tremendously. Then the flash eventually dissipated to a vanishing point as Machi started to hover down to the ground.

    Doctor Yashima turned to arrive at the panel quickly. He had just made it off the track onto the walkway platform around the outside circumference of the chamber that did not have metallic rods on it. So he was able to get to the panel without being affected He entered the code to shut the generator off before it actually exploded. An automated voice said in the dual languages Electro-Mag Chamber Generator Shutting Down Immediately, Danger Averted

    The power to the E.M. Generator was immediately killed and it was completely silenced very quickly. Machi was now on the surface of the track but was still shaking very much. Machi’s mother and father and grandfather immediately ran to him to see if he was still alive.

    The oddest thing was taking place the boy had a very strong colorful aura present about him on his face. It was like the colors of the rainbow with blue green and pink thrown in the mixture of brilliant colors first then they changed to an orange-yellow glow. The boy seemed to be glowing on and off. Similar to a Christmas tree would be lighted and then unplugged. 

    Machi now lay motionless on the track. Sakura immediately took off one of her magnetic boots on the track and touched her son with it first just in case he was still charged with the E.M energy. There were some slight electrical blue white flashes as she touched the still body with the special boot. Then after a brief moment there were no signs that the boy was hot or emitted an electrical charge any longer. His mother then knelt down beside him and lifted up his shirt to see to examine his chest to see if he was breathing.

    Machi can you hear me? Machi please don’t be dead Please... don’t be dead! she cried with a loud voice. There was no response.

    Everything was quiet in the chamber all the energy was shut down, including the boy on the track.

    "No, you have to be alive Machi! I am so Sorry! Yashima said in Japanese and then bolted towards the exit to call for immediate medical attention.

    Oh God I hope he is still alive! William Mathews groaned.

    Machi’s father William Mathews was an International Banker with Global Bank International he was transferred to their main office branch to be the branch Manager and Vice President in Kobe since the boy was five years old. Before that the Mathews lived in Tokyo where William had met his wife in the hospital she had nursed him when he went to get his appendix removed. He soon fell in love with the Japanese woman. Later Machi was then born, an only child in Tokyo.

    Machi’s mother, Sakura was an emergency nurse who worked at Kobe General Hospital. She was also so very highly trained in CPR for some fifteen years.

    She remembered how in training with the other nurses they had to work with Annie dolls plastic mannequins used to practice CPR on in the past at the beginning of her nursing when she lived in Tokyo as a young woman. She had to do this in order to be prepared for a real life cardiac arrest victim. They had to look, listen and feel for five seconds for a pulse to see whether the victim was breathing and the heart was pumping at all. If not they would proceed with the rest of the procedure. Measure with the index finger on the sternum two inches up and start chest compressions with stacked breaths blown into the victim’s lungs in between the compressions.

    Incredibly, she could feel a slight faint weakened irregular rapid pulse on the boy’s right radial artery. But Machi was not breathing and he was emitting a sporadic orange-yellow glow from his face and his upper body that appeared and disappeared.

    He’s still alive Thank God! But what is happening to his face? she cried.

    "I don’t know Sakura just help our son he’s got to make it! The boy’s father replied frantically.

    Sakura was perplexed what was going on with her son. But she immediately pinched his nostrils to blow with her mouth air into his lungs, by giving him four stacked breaths.

    She gazed upon Machi’s motionless chest, no sign of movement. She desperately repeated the procedure again, still no movement.

    Meanwhile, Doctor Yashima had opened up the chamber stepped outside rapidly and called 9-1-1 with his cellular communicator phone that was much like a hybrid computer phone that could accomplish two way global communications for unlimited distances via satellite and computer link. It could also send and receive full video. He had to step out of the Chamber because the E.M. Chamber blocked all radio, video and cellular transmissions inside it.

    He alerted the Emergency Trauma staff in Kobe Trauma Center that there was an accident at his Lab and the paramedic’s team would have to bring their best, the most advanced equipment they had. It was an apparent electrocution and his grandson would need life-support. 

    Sakura repeated artificial respiration repeatedly in the space of one minute. She again looked intently at her son’s chest and it appeared that there was a very slight movement there.

    She put her ear close to Machi’s lips and felt there was a minute amount of air being passed to and fro from the boy’s lungs. The boy was attempting to breath on his own.

    The boy’s mother then immediately went into her handbag that she had with her and pulled out a compact bag and a mask with an oral pharyngeal airway. A device used to be put into a victim’s mouth to open up a blocked airway. She extracted the collapsible equipment, inserted the airway from the case and placed the mask over the boys’ mouth. She gently, but swiftly put the strap behind and around his head and started to squeeze the air bag to give him artificial breaths.

    Sakura always carried compact first aid equipment as a nurse she never knew when she would need to use it. She once saved a man that had a cardiac arrest when she and her husband were dining in a sushi bar in Tokyo.

    Machi’s mother was now assisting the boy with every other breath, as his own breathing was still shallow and irregular. The boy was unconscious and could not come to, for it appeared that he had slipped into a deep coma.

    The boy’s mother placed two fingers on his carotid artery and felt Machi’s rapid weak irregular pulse starting to fade. She was timing the pulse and it was over two hundred beats per minute and seemed to be racing faster by the minute. She knew that it would fail and stop at this pace.

    We are losing him, his heart is fibrillating it is going to stop! she screamed.

    No we won’t Kura just stay with him, don’t lose it now! William said as he touched his wife’s shoulder to encourage her.

    The next minute had passed the boy just stopped breathing and no pulse was to be found. Sakura was horrified, she immediately initiated CPR and she instructed the boy’s father who had knelt down by Machi’s head by this time to give respirations with the bag after five chest compressions.

    Squeeze the bag when I tell you after I do five compressions Bill but not until I say so ok? she instructed.

    Ok dear I am hear and on top of it! William said confidently.

    She repeated CPR for the next few minutes and then felt again for a pulse she could feel a very slow weak pulse now and the boy was breathing very shallow, however the pulse was still very irregular and cardiac fibrillation was still taking place.

    He’s got a pulse again but it is shaky! she exclaimed with some optimism in her voice.

    Good! You see he’s going to make it don’t worry! William replied to his excited wife.

    The paramedics now arrived by the trauma helicopter on the Lab’s rooftop heliport. By this time they came to the entrance of the chamber.  Dr. Yashima gave them entry from the lobby’s stairwell outside from the roof. They had with them advanced Life Support Equipment complete with stabilizing I.V.’s.

    Hurry! My grandson is over there! Dr. Yashima yelled loudly in Japanese as he pointed where his grandson lay.

    The two paramedics entered the chamber and hurried quickly over with the stretcher and all their support equipment to where the boy was lying on the track. One of the paramedics asked Sakura in Japanese How long has he been like this unconscious? Sakura replied in Japanese for four minutes.

    His heart stopped a little earlier but I started it again with CPR she replied.

    Good! the head paramedic said in Japanese.

    The paramedics quickly hooked up the heart and lung machines complete with monitors for both machines. The paramedic in charge looked at the heart monitor and the pulse on the screen was flat lining. He said in Japanese We’ll have to shock him with the paddles or we will lose him fast.

    He swiftly put the special shock jelly on the two paddles and rubbed them together. The other paramedic said, Clear. The paddles contacted with the boys chest and his heart was shocked, his whole body shook violently the paramedic looked at the heart monitor it was still flat-lined. He repeated the procedure with an increase in defibrillation output to shock the boy and then once more he looked at the monitor. There was still a flat line. At this point the head paramedic also noticed the strange aura on the boy’s face.

    Yashima at this point said in Japanese I want you to save my grandson you must! Don’t stop now, he said.

    I don’t care how much it costs or what it takes to do it, just do it, understand? William Mathews shouted to the head paramedic. Yashima immediately translated.

    The paramedic using the heart paddles for the defibrillator acknowledged Hai I try hard.

    The head paramedic now proceeded to administer adrenalin, a heart stimulant in the boys arm then he proceeded to setup an adrenalin I.V in a matter of seconds as time was of the essence. The paramedic repeated the shock for a third time glanced at the heart screen and it appeared for a second that there was some heart rhythm he waited for a few seconds but then another flat line. He used the paddles for a fourth time after he got another Clear from his partner. He then looked at the monitor and found a heartbeat, but it was a steady fast beat. The boy was still very much comatose, but he was alive.

    We have him back, The head paramedic said in English this time.

    Everyone in the chamber was happy and they were shaking the paramedic’s hands showing their gratitude for saving the traumatized boy. The paramedics smiled in return.

    The advanced trauma team then put the boy on the stretcher and wheeled him up to the air ambulance. They then flew him to the Kobe Trauma Center by helicopter where they admitted the boy to the ICU Ward. Machi’s, mother, went in the chopper with him as they had room for only one more in the air ambulance. Machi’s father and grandfather followed closely after him to the Trauma Center with Sao’s car.

    Chapter 2


    It had been about two weeks since the bizarre, dreadful accident occurred. The boy was still quiet and lifeless in movement in his hospital bed, except for his vital signs and his respirations, which were more stabilized at this time. He was in stable condition but he was still in a coma.

    What was happening inside Machi’s traumatized body and the mysterious aura that was on his face and body in the Electro-Mag chamber directly after the accident? Strange things were indeed happening to the boy that weren’t really apparent right away.

    In the room down the hospital corridor a conversation was taking place between the Neurologist named Dr. John Gant and the boy’s parents and grandfather. William Mathews had specially assigned the Neurologist to be Machi’s doctor soon after he was admitted to ICU. Machi’s grandfather and the boy’s parents were also present.

    "I’m sorry to tell you Mr. And Mrs. Mathews and Doctor Yashima, Machi may never be the same again even though he may gain consciousness. It has been about two weeks even though he is now stable we are now entering the phase where coma victims become long term, months, years perhaps and there is a very strong possibility that there may be brain damage as a result of the severe trauma inflicted on your son.

    I just want to prepare you now for the worst, that’s all. We need to face the facts. Then again there is a very slim chance that he will be perfectly normal when he regains consciousness. But don’t count on it! You see, in cases like these where there has been an extreme electrical trauma to the patient’s body the brain shuts down. It is for the body’s protection that this occurs but with that sometimes there is some brain damage as a result " the doctor continued.

    It’s only all secondary functions that cease except core vital ones like heartbeat, respiration, and digestion work for survival to continue to be possible.

    Your son is a Frickin Miracle! It is a Miracle that he is alive at all! I don’t know I can’t explain it. The doctor said then paused before continuing. That he is still alive after you informed me of the extreme high electrical charge from your Electro-Magnetic chamber had electrocuted him it sounded like it was equivalent to being struck by lightning I gather maybe worse!" Gant said as he looked at Doctor Yashima.

    Hai Yes very powerful energy that struck my grandson" Sao admitted as he looked back at Gant.

    And the magnetic field that passed through his body so powerful! Under normal, I mean normal circumstances; a victim in this case would surely have not survived! Gant added.

    But my grandson isn’t no ordinary boy he is an extraordinary boy in mind and body. Are you sure you are doing all that you can? Yashima questioned. What about some therapy to stimulate his brain to activity again. So he comes out of his coma?" The boy’s grandfather asked.

    He’s Special there is no doubt about that, for a certainty! Dr. Gant replied and was going to continue but then was abruptly interrupted by the boy’s father.

    You mean to tell me Dr. Gant that my son may never be normal again? Never walk or talk again? The boys’ father shouted as he interrupted the doctor’s answer to Yashima. He is going to be like that, frozen in that sleep in that hospital bed in the ICU for who the fuck knows how long? I don’t accept that for one minute!" the boy’s father yelled now visibly upset with the whole situation.

    You are the best Goddamn Neurosurgeon in the whole fucking USA John perhaps the whole fucking World. Do something you are the expert here! Do something please! Can’t you operate on him after all you are the best fucking Neurosurgeon my money can buy aren’t you! I am paying you good fucking money! Now I expect better from you I want your Goddamn best you hear me? I’ll double your fee, triple it money is no object to me I just want my son back again! William Mathews replied vehemently.

    "Just help my son come out of that fucking God forsaken coma that’s all I ask! You can do this doctor don’t tell me for one second you can’t! William Mathews spoke loudly and angrily as he glared at Doctor Gant.

    I understand you are very upset about this but It’s not going to be that simple William Gant interjected as he nervously tugged at his collar and shifted his position in his chair and unbuttoned his white doctor’s coat.

    Then the boy’s mother spoke up. She was calmer than her husband.

    "Doctor please forgive my husband as you can see he is very upset and

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