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Illuminism Contra Discordianism
Illuminism Contra Discordianism
Illuminism Contra Discordianism
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Illuminism Contra Discordianism

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“Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.” – Wittgenstein.

We use language to think, to talk to each other, to write, to form beliefs, religions, philosophies, and so on. But what if we are using the wrong language? Do we have “wrong thoughts” because we are using the wrong language? Do we have wrong religions and philosophies for exactly the same reason?

What’s the right language? If we could find the right language, could we then think correctly, without error, without delusion, without fantasy? Would the right language give us the right religion, the right philosophy? Would it explain reality to us?

Discordians hate Truth. The struggle between the Discordians (in all their various forms) and the Illuminati is the most important there is. The soul of humanity is at stake. The Truth itself is the prize to be won or lost.
Release dateJul 21, 2016
Illuminism Contra Discordianism

Brother Cato

Brother Cato is an Illuminatus.

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    Illuminism Contra Discordianism - Brother Cato

    Language Wars

    P hilosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language. – Wittgenstein

    We use language to think, to talk to each other, to write, to form beliefs, religions, philosophies, and so on. But what if we are using the wrong language? Do we have wrong thoughts because we are using the wrong language? Do we have wrong religions and philosophies for exactly the same reason?

    What’s the right language? If we could find the right language, could we then think correctly, without error, without delusion, without fantasy? Would the right language give us the right religion, the right philosophy? Would it explain reality to us?

    If German is a clearer language than English, do Germans think more clearly than English-speakers? Does their language make them more intelligent? Is science a better language than religion? Is mathematics a better language than science? Are languages based on numbers better than those based on words? How do we assess the relative merits of languages? How do we measure their truth content? Could we imagine radically different languages that would allow us to think radically differently ... much more efficiently and effectively?

    Terence McKenna said, The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.

    Is reality made of language? Is it made of words? Why not numbers? 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras said, All things are numbers. If so, reality is a huge number code; a cosmic calculation. What will its solution look like? – perfection ... heaven ... the home of the Gods.

    Look at science and mathematics. They have allowed us to transform our world ... via numbers, not words. Doesn’t that suggest that ontology is numerical rather than verbal? And if you say it is neither, then what do you say it is?

    If we cannot apply a language to reality, how can we comprehend it? If reality is not made of language, it is ipso facto unintelligible. Language is what enables us to understand things. Without it, there can be no understanding. When Eastern mystics encourage us to go beyond words (and numbers), they are in effect saying that we should abandon understanding and revert to a pre-human animal state. They are saying the opposite of Terence McKenna.

    Elizabethan magician Dr John Dee believed in Adam’s language, supposedly the original language of humanity, furnished by God. Dee was certain that it contained all of the secrets of nature since it reflected the language of God himself. God made the world by systematically naming all of its contents in terms of his perfect language, so, if we knew his language, everything would make sense to us, and we would understand his divine plan perfectly.

    In fact, all of the secrets of existence are contained in existence’s language. To find every answer to existence, all you need to do is learn its language and become fluent in it. The language is the answer. If you speak fluent German, you can know and understand what Germans say. If you speak fluent existence, you can know and understand what existence says.

    It’s not God that reveals the Truth of existence to us, it’s the God language. God is as much subject to it and defined by it as everyone and everything else. God has to act according to its rules, its syntax and semantics.

    The answer to life, the universe and everything cannot be given until you know the language in which life, the universe and everything is expressed. Only then can you ask the right questions in the right language to get the right answer. The language then has to be such that it actually has an answer. (A language such as English obviously has no answer.) Only one language has an answer: mathematics. The answer to the language of mathematics is the unique mathematical state of maximum symmetry. The Big Bang is a mathematical event that destroys perfect symmetry in a mathematical chain reaction of asymmetry. This is called involution. The task of the universe is then to restore perfect symmetry. That’s evolution.

    The attainment of the Omega Point – perfect symmetry – corresponds to the creation of heaven, populated by a community of Gods. It’s a universe of pure light, pure life, pure mind. The breaking of symmetry leads to hell, darkness, matter ... a community of devils. That’s the world we live in right now.

    The Gnostics understood this thousands of years ago. What was their sacred task, their sacred cause? ... to find the means to return to the light ... to achieve gnosis, i.e. to attain the knowledge capable of transforming them into Gods.

    The highest expression of Gnosticism – the search for ultimate knowledge – is Illuminism.

    Decades ago, a strange, perverse, anti-knowledge cult arose, intent on promoting the opposite of Gnosticism and Illuminism. These cultists celebrated disorder, conflict, discord and chaos. They wanted to sneer at everything, rubbish everything, deny that anyone knew anything, deny that there was any Truth, any means to understand objective reality. They said that people could just make up their own truth, whatever pleased them. These were followers of the absurdist religion of Discordianism. The Illuminati, the advocates of Illuminism, were cited as their greatest enemy.

    Although this war was originally conducted as an absurdist fiction, it’s anything but. There are real members of the Illuminati, and there are real Discordians, and everything they stand for is the opposite.

    The war between these two groups is the war for the future of the human race. If the subjectivism, relativism, irrationalism, narcissism and solipsism promoted by the Discordians are successful, the human race doesn’t have a future.

    The culture of today’s world is far more Discordian than Illuminist.

    The human race – if it has any desire to evolve – must become more committed to knowledge, reason, logic, understanding and Truth than ever before. Prayer won’t solve humanity’s problems. Meditation won’t. Belief won’t. Irrationalism won’t. Fantasy won’t. Believing your own propaganda won’t.

    Humanity is becoming more and more attracted to believing any old nonsense. Consumerism promotes endless choice, and that has now been applied to religion, knowledge, and even Truth. People choose this knowledge (which they like), and reject that knowledge (which they don’t like). Knowledge is thus turned into a commodity in the marketplace, and the knowledge of the village idiot is deemed no less valuable than that of a genius. It’s just another offering on the market, subject to popular choice. If more people prefer the idiot’s knowledge, that then becomes more accepted than the genius’s knowledge.

    As faith in old religions declines, people choose beliefs as they choose a new pairs of underpants. Faith is turned into fashion, into a branch of capitalism.

    People never inconvenience themselves. They choose what they like, and reject anything they dislike. The same goes for knowledge and Truth. If people don’t like what’s True, they believe lies instead. If knowledge is too difficult, they just ridicule it. At no time, do they admit to any inadequacy or lack. Their egos and vanity just grow and grow. They refuse to be wrong even though they are wrong all the time.

    For them, wrongness is a state of mind, and they choose never to inhabit that state of mind! Society relentlessly panders to mass delusion. The customer is never wrong. The Truth is never right!

    No species can succeed if it cannot differentiate right from wrong, truth from falsehood.

    The dogmas of Discordianism are seeping into human culture everywhere, even if people do not call them by that name. Knowledge is held in contempt. People’s feelings and personal beliefs are all that count today. It’s politically incorrect to say that anyone is wrong, so no one is (!).

    Discordians reject objective reality and promote subjective relativism. Any group that rejects reality is finished. Discordians live in their own fantasy world, and nothing is more attractive to stupid people than that. Discordians believe in Chaos, and this is the wet dream of all idiots since its where reason, logic, knowledge, and understanding are wiped out, thus ensuring that the dunces are no longer at any disadvantage in comparison with smart people.

    This book constitutes a comprehensive demolition by the Illuminati of the beliefs and irrationalism of the weak, feeble-minded members of the Discordian cult. Every idiotic claim they make can be shown to flow from a complete inability to understand syntax and semantics.

    Discordians are those who have rubbished philosophy on the basis of a catastrophic misunderstanding of language. Where Wittgenstein attempted to free our intelligence of its bewitchment by means of language by using language properly and rigorously, the Discordians seek to increase our bewitchment by attacking language at every turn, and rendering it universally meaningless.

    They actively desire a pointless world of chaos because that suits their nihilistic, sneering, skeptical and cynical worldview. These are the most negative, destructive and selfish people on earth. They are worse enemies of knowledge than Abrahamists and followers of Eastern mysticism.

    The struggle between the Discordians (in all their various forms) and the Illuminati is the most important there is. The soul of humanity is at stake. The Truth itself is the prize to be won or lost.

    The Fictional War

    The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson first published in 1975. The trilogy is a satirical, postmodern, science fiction-influenced adventure story; a drug-, sex-, and magic-laden trek through a number of conspiracy theories, both historical and imaginary, related to the authors’ version of the Illuminati. The narrative often switches between third- and first-person perspectives in a nonlinear narrative. It is thematically dense, covering topics like counterculture, numerology, and Discordianism. – Wikipedia

    Throughout history, a war has raged progress between the Illuminati – the forces of reason and order – and the Discordians – the forces of unreason and disorder (Chaos). In the latest instalment of this long war, the Illuminati communication project known as AC/GS has come under direct attack from Discordian trolls.

    This book is about exposing the irrational nonsense to which Discordians subscribe. To reveal their absurd beliefs, we shall first of all analyze a Facebook thread that involves an explicit assault on AC/GS by the notorious troll David Gielis, an archetypal Discordian troublemaker.

    This book shows how reality is based on ontological syntax and semantics (the rational antidotes to Chaos), conveyed via numbers, and how Discordianism represents a catastrophic failure to understand ontological mathematics, leading to innumerable subjectivist and relativist fallacies, and the wholesale denial of Knowledge and Truth.

    Q. CAN YOU DISCUSS the genesis of Illuminatus!? How did the idea originate?

    A. Robert Anton Wilson: It started with the Discordian Society, which is based on worship of Eris, the Greek goddess of confusion and chaos. Actually, the Discordian Society is a new religion disguised as a complicated joke, although some skeptics think it’s a joke disguised as a religion. We [Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, his co-author] felt the Society needed some opposition, because the whole idea of it is based on conflict and dialectics. So, we created an opposition within the Discordian Society, which we called the Bavarian Illuminati. We got the idea from the John Birch Society and various other right-wing groups who believe that the Illuminati really run the world. There were several Discordian newsletters written in the 1960s, and several Discordian members wrote for the underground press in various parts of the country. So, we built up this myth about the warfare between the Discordian Society and the Illuminati for quite a while, until one day Bob Shea said to me, ‘You know, we could write a novel about this!’ The rest is history.

    In terms of AC/GS, Illuminism is the thesis, to which the Discordian antithesis known as Cypherism arose.

    By definition, Discordians are unpleasant, disruptive sadists. They are attracted to causing conflict, disorder, confusion and chaos. That’s how they get their stimulation. They despise order, cooperation, and unity of purpose and direction. They despise integrity, knowledge and Truth. They have no honour and no nobility.

    Discordians are natural-born trolls, and Discordianism is the ideology of trolls. Why would healthy, constructive, harmonious, positive, creative human beings sign up to a belief system seeking to destroy all order, hence all cooperation between people? Discordians are invariably anarchists, libertarians and anomics. With the likes of the Tea Party, the Randroids, and Donald Trump, we see Discordian tropes entering mainstream culture, to its extreme detriment.

    MAYBE THE ILLUMINATI are behind this game. They must be – they are, by definition, behind everything. – Robert Shea

    In the Abrahamic world, the Devil is behind all the things that are wrong with the world. In the modern right-wing Mythos, the Devil has been supplanted by the Illuminati – a multi-purpose demonic organization, allegedly. The Illuminati, in the fevered right-wing imagination, manage to be radical communists and socialists, yet also bankers, Wall Street powerbrokers, royalty, Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, crony capitalists, Washington D.C. movers and shakers, media moguls, and even pan-dimensional, shape-shifting alien lizards!!!

    Discordians – classic conspiracy theorists – see themselves as Agents of Chaos, disrupting the supposed world-domination plans of the Illuminati.

    PHILOSOPHICALLY, THE Discordian cultists suffer from a basic inability to understand the difference between syntax and semantics, the difference between manmade and natural syntax and semantics. They are clueless regarding the ontology, epistemology and objectivity of reality’s syntax and semantics. In short, their absurdist philosophy can be explicitly refuted in the simplest terms, which makes it all the more amazing that people still sign up to this demonstrable idiocy. They do so because they love the troublemaking and anarchy this ideology promotes. All anomics are drawn to anything that reflects their own dysfunctional anomie. And that’s why nothing is more hateful to them than Illuminist rationalism and ontological mathematics, the exact opposite of Discordianism.

    The Fateful Post

    The following is a post we found on the Facebook timeline of ‘Elphie’ Coyle, an acquaintance of David Gielis, where Gielis admitted to trolling AC/GS. We shall go through the long thread it generated in detail, given that it depicts the opposite of Illuminist thinking.

    COYLE SAYS WE KNOW nothing. He says we are subject to shifting beliefs, which, so he claims, constitute our version of truth. But truth is exactly what they cannot be since the truth is not something that changes moment by moment according to human whims.

    Like so many people, Coyle uses key words in wholly the wrong way ... because he has no understanding of what the words actually mean, especially truth. What he should have said is: We have a set of ephemeral beliefs that constitute our opinions, speculations, conjectures and interpretations about ‘reality’.

    Truth doesn’t come into it at all. On what possible basis would anyone associate shifting beliefs with truth? If you look up the word truth in a dictionary, you will find such definitions as: the state of being the case; the body of real things, events, and facts; actuality; the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality."

    No definition of truth proclaims it to be: whatever your belief is at this instant. Tragically, under the assault of Eastern mysticism, subjectivism, relativism, and Discordianism, the truth is indeed being relegated to a synonym for subjective belief, with no connection at all to reality and actuality.

    Let’s go right back to Plato and consider the difference between mere opinion (doxa), and genuine knowledge (episteme).


    D oxa is a Greek word meaning common belief or popular opinion. Used by the Greek rhetoricians as a tool for the formation of argument by using common opinions, the doxa was often manipulated by sophists to persuade the people, leading to Plato’s condemnation of Athenian democracy. – Wikipedia

    The vast majority of people in the world operate at the level of doxa, and engage in sophistry flowing from doxa. Democracy is a doxa political system predicated on sophistry, not philosophy. The same is true of the law. Lawyers are archetypal sophists trading in doxa.

    "In Plato’s Gorgias (dialogue), Plato presents the Sophists, rhetors who taught people how to speak for the promise of commercial success, as wordsmiths that ensnare and use the malleable doxa of the ‘multitude’ to their advantage without shame. In this and other writings, Plato relegated doxa as being a belief, unrelated to reason, that resided in the unreasoning, lower-parts of the soul. This viewpoint extended into the concept of doxasta in Plato’s Theory of Forms, which states that physical objects are manifestations of doxa and are thus not in their true form." – Wikipedia

    A Mythos world is a doxa world. A scientific world is a sensory doxa world (of phenomena, not noumena). We need to move to a Logos world of philosophy and mathematics. Things in their true form are strictly mathematical objects. Doxa always belongs to empiricism, and never to rationalism.

    "Plato’s framing of doxa as the opponent of knowledge led to the classical opposition of error to truth, which has since become a major concern in Western philosophy. ... In classical rhetoric, doxa is contrasted with episteme." – Wikipedia

    Illuminists are the rationalist advocates of the truth. Discordians are the irrationalists on the side of error (Chaos). They deny philosophy, and engage in nothing but error-strewn sophistry, yet call their error their own truths, and they accuse anyone who takes issue with their own truths of being dogmatic, fascist, opposed to liberty, and delusional.

    Plato’s student Aristotle objected to Plato’s assumption of doxa. Aristotle perceived that doxa’s value was in practicality and common usage, in contrast with Plato’s philosophical purity relegating doxa to deception. Further, Aristotle held doxa as the first step in finding knowledge, as doxa had found applications in the physical world and those who held it had great amount of tests done to prove it and thus reason to believe it. – Wikipedia

    Aristotle is responsible for what we might call scientific doxa, based on sensory evidence rather than on religious beliefs or philosophical speculations. This is the most persuasive form of doxa, but remains doxa nevertheless. It has no truth content. Truth enters into science only via the rationalist mathematics upon which science relies for its efficacy.

    "Pierre Bourdieu, in his Outline of a Theory of Practice, used the term doxa to denote what is taken for granted in any particular society. The doxa, in his view, is the experience by which ‘the natural and social world appears as self-evident’. It encompasses what falls within the limits of the thinkable and the sayable (‘the universe of possible discourse’), that which ‘goes without saying because it comes without saying’." – Wikipedia

    A huge amount of how and what people think is based on what their parents, peers and traditions tell them to think ... these constituting the collective doxa. Only the unorthodox – the rationalists, heretics, rebels, freethinkers, apostates and infidels – are capable of challenging the conventional nostrums. We are all subjected to cultural indoctrination that provides a ubiquitous subtext (a set of assumptions present throughout all discourse, which are rarely if ever explicitly referenced; they tacitly penetrate all of our thought as the established paradigm).

    "The humanist instances of Bourdieu’s application of notion of doxa are to be traced in Distinction where doxa sets limits on social mobility within the social space through limits imposed on the characteristic consumption of each social individual: certain cultural artefacts are recognized by doxa as being inappropriate to actual social position, hence doxa helps to petrify social limits, the ‘sense of one’s place’, and one’s sense of belonging, which is closely connected with the idea that ‘this is not for us’. Thus individuals become voluntary subjects of those incorporated mental structures that deprive them of more deliberate consumption." – Wikipedia

    Such considerations are exactly those that block the way to a meritocracy. Meritocracy allows complete social mobility, both up and down! The established elite seek to ensure that they never drop down, and that virtually no one else (except those approved by them) ever moves up. That’s how they maintain their power and influence. Their whole system is held up by inheritance and privilege, nepotism and cronyism.

    Doxa and opinion denote, respectively, a society’s taken-for-granted, unquestioned truths, and the sphere of that which may be openly contested and discussed. – Wikipedia

    So much of our world operates at the easy, superficial, conditioned level of what is taken-for-granted. This is essential to consolidating the rule of the elite. It’s the means by which they spread the false consciousness that makes people believe there is no alternative to how things are, hence there’s no point in trying to change anything.


    "Episteme means knowledge ... It is etymologically derived from the ancient Greek word for knowledge or science, which comes from the verb ‘to know’. Episteme as knowledge contrasts doxa , Plato’s term for common belief or opinion. Episteme is distinguished from techne , which is knowledge in an applied way as in a craft. The word epistemology, means the study of knowledge, and is derived from episteme." – Wikipedia

    Illuminism is all about attaining the highest knowledge possible. Discordianism, on the other hand, is about mocking knowledge, denying that true knowledge exists, and reducing everything to belief and opinion, resulting in the politically correct ideology of all truths, i.e. you can believe whatever you want, and consider it as true (or no less true than what anyone else believes or knows).

    In terms of episteme and techne, we can regard mathematics as reflecting the former, whole science reflects the latter, i.e. science is a craft. It’s applied mathematics: mathematics as viewed through the philosophy of empiricism and materialism.

    "Doxa [Greek, usually translated as belief or opinion, from the verb dokein or doxazein, to appear, to believe or to seem]: A term used in connection with seeming, the immediate awareness of or direct acquaintance with objects in contrast with episteme (knowledge). For Plato, doxa is not only opinion, but also the faculty or capacity to produce opinion. It is the state of mind of the non-philosopher (the lover of opinion, philo-doxos), and its object is the perceptible world of becoming, which is both to be and not to be, and things that are copies of the Forms. In contrast, episteme is not only knowledge as a consequence of cognition, but also the faculty to produce knowledge. It is a state of mind of the philosopher (the lover of wisdom, philo-sophos), and its object is the world of the Forms itself, which really is. The distinction is discussed in detail in the Republic Book V, and is essential for Plato’s separation of the world of the Forms from the sensible world. It has had a lasting influence on Western metaphysics and epistemology. ‘We clearly agree that doxa is different from knowledge.’ – Plato, Republic" – Blackwell Reference Online

    Discordianism is a pseudo-philosophy, a joke philosophy (actually, a sophistry), predicated on a world of doxa, where episteme is impossible. It’s a version of extreme skepticism and nihilism, and is the opposite of Platonism.

    "Episteme [Greek, knowledge]: Knowledge, from which the word epistemology is formed. Plato regarded knowledge as a cognitive state of the soul concerned solely with unchanging and necessary objects, the Ideas or Forms. Knowledge contrasts with belief (doxa), the cognitive state concerned with sensible things. For Plato, the contrast between episteme and doxa is essential for establishing the theory of Ideas. ... ‘Episteme then is by its nature directed to what is, to know it as it is.’ – Plato, Republic" – Blackwell Reference Online

    If you reject Absolute Truth, as Discordians do, you are thereby claiming that any doxa (opinion, belief) is as valid as any other doxa, and thus we enter the absurdist world of non-knowledge, of all truths = all lies. There is neither truth nor falsehood, just what people arbitrarily choose to call truth or falsehood at any instant, according to their shifting beliefs, opinions and speculations. This is exactly what the Discordians subscribe to in their demented war against knowledge and truth. Discordians are ignoramuses who oppose and sneer at reason and logic. They are those who burn down the Tree of Knowledge, without ever having eaten from it. Instead, they have devoured the fruit of the Tree of Ignorance.

    ALEXANDER IS EXACTLY right. Coyle’s original post represents an assault on objectivity and absolutism, replacing them with subjectivity and relativism.

    This raises a fascinating psychological problem ... why are some people so motivated to manically deny the existence of an objective universe. After all, what’s the alternative? That we all live in an inexplicable fantasy, and we ourselves are fantasies? Yet even a fantasy must have objective reality, i.e. the fantasy must actually exist as a fantasy (even if its content is absurd), so it is therefore an objective entity. Even if we are having the craziest dreams, each dream – as a dream – objectively exists. The content of the dream may have no bearing on reality, but the dream itself is very much a real experience, being conveyed by an objective, ontological layer that supports the existence of dreams.

    COYLE’S ORIGINAL POST represents the abandonment of the attempt to know and understand the universe. It’s the rejection of reason, logic, knowledge and comprehension. It rubbishes the scientific method and the mathematical method. It’s an anti-intellectual, anti-knowledge stance. It’s pure Mythos, and expresses hatred of Logos.

    If this is a rational universe – and of course it is given that an irrational universe would be an unintelligible, chaotic universe – then reason must be able to penetrate all of its secrets.

    HERE WE GET THE CLASSIC subjectivist, relativist, emotionalism that we see so often with the trolls who attacked AC/GS. This is the all truths mantra of Shawn Flecken et al. (we all have our own truth, and our own path to enlightenment).

    AMY FINDS COYLE’S POST profound. In fact, it’s as shallow as it can possibly be. You might as well have a lobotomy if you take it seriously.

    Aurora is spot on. There is only one truth, it’s beyond any set of beliefs, and it’s innate to us: it’s mathematics!

    As for Richard, he’s simply confused. He endorses both relativism and absolutism at the same time! Then he slips into meaningless mysticism, like so many followers of Eastern religion and mindfulness. He associates pure experience with knowledge. It’s anything but!

    SO NOW, AT LAST, WE get to the autistic David Gielis, a person with zero academic qualifications who never finished secondary school, quoting his Discordian Bible of meaningless absurdism in order to agree with his buddy ‘Elphie’ Coyle. Gielis cites this gibberish over and over again, all over the internet, and especially in his mad trolling of AC/GS. It’s his chosen schema, his grid, his paradigm ... his tried and tested formula for provoking trouble.

    As ever with any dogmatic Discordian statement, an ontology and coherent epistemology are entirely lacking. No definitions are given for brain, mind, concept, reality, and so on. No reference is made to reason and logic, science and math. It’s simply asserted – as an unsubstantiated opinion – that we can have no interaction with reality, but will always be stuck at the level of ideas-about-reality. No distinction is drawn between different ideas about reality (such as scientific ideas versus religious ideas).

    Is the scientific interrogation of reality, based on the senses and experiments, better or worse than Abrahamic faith, or Eastern mysticism? According to the Discordians they’re all as bad, or good, as each other, and none has any connection to reality. Yet science and math landed men on the moon, and totally transformed our world technologically, whereas Abrahamic prayer and Eastern meditation have achieved nothing at all. There is therefore a prima facie case for linking science and math to reality in a way that’s impossible with Abrahamism and Eastern mysticism.

    Discordianism blithely rejects any such objective superiority, and, indeed, we find halfwits such as David Gielis continually railing against science, mathematics and philosophy, while being hugely supportive of Taoism (which is a just a fourth-rate philosophy), and the cult guru Osho (a fifth-rate sophist). He’s oblivious to the total absence of any value added to human knowledge by Taoism or Osho. He knows nothing about science, math, and philosophy, but he certainly isn’t going to let his wholesale ignorance stand in the way of trashing them via his absurdist Discordian tool kit.

    Science and math are dismissed by Discordianism as being merely more useful, but no truer, than anything else. But how can anything be more useful at allowing us to control the world – as science and math do – if they’re not more connected to reality? Prayer and meditation are as useless as each other since they have no relevance at all to reality. You can’t land men on the moon via prayer or meditation. Science and math can land men on the moon exactly because they are relevant to reality. Their use value is connected to their truth value (science having truth value by virtue of its mathematical content), just as the uselessness of religion is tied to its absence of truth value (mainstream religion has nothing to do with math).

    But Discordianism dogmatically rejects use and Truth, leaving just grids, which are deemed as valid as each other, simply differing in their properties. We are not supposed to link these properties to any features of reality, because reality is deemed manmade, hence illusory (mere products of Maya).

    In terms of Jungian psychology, Discordianism would claim that feeling, sensing, intuitive and thinking types all interact with the world in different ways, via their respective personality

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