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Minimalist Money Makeover
Minimalist Money Makeover
Minimalist Money Makeover
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Minimalist Money Makeover

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About this ebook

Can't say no when you see the word "SALE"? Even though you struggle with debt and have no savings? 

Do you wonder at the end of the month where your money went? 

Minimalist Money Makeover will show you a way out of bloated credit card misery and teach you how to keep a budget that covers all your needs.

Finances don't have to be painful. 

The book presents: (1) the main reasons behind compulsive shopping and hoarding and how to overcome them, and (2) how to downsize your expenses without depriving yourself of what you love to splurge on.
This is not a "get rich in a month" book. I can promise, however, that following the tips in this book, you'll eliminate debt, learn how to save, account for all of your expenses, and never feel your accounts running low again. The budgeting techniques presented in this book are applicable to any income, and you can adjust it to your needs to serve you the best. 

Within a few minutes you can create a budget that keeps your financial anxiety away. 

My name is Michelle Moore… I have been living as a freelancer in the past few years. Even though I never knew how much I would have the next month, I was always able to have enough for my essential expenses, personal pleasures, and savings.

Reset your expenses: pay yourself first, spend on what truly matters. 

•Incorporate minimalism into your finances.
•Become an aware consumer. 
•Learn the psychology behind compulsive shopping and compulsive hoarding.
•Control your spending impulses. 

Grow your financial stability every day. 

•Learn multiple budgeting methods and choose the best for you.
•Start a 7-step program that grants you financial security. 
•Financial plans to eliminate debt. 
•Become better with numbers, calculations, projections, and analyses. 

Nobody teaches us about budgeting in school, no wonder we don't know how to do it. However, as adults it is our responsibility to get well-informed about something that grants our physical survival. Like it or not, budgeting is a must-know skill if you have an income, you spend and consume. 

Follow the budgeting tips in this book to keep track of your finances without any headache. See where your money goes, where it comes from and where can you save. Steadily accumulate savings, clear yourself of debts and live your life as a financially responsible adult.

Release dateJun 11, 2020
Minimalist Money Makeover

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    Minimalist Money Makeover - Michelle Moore

    Copyright © 2017 by Michelle Moore. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author.

    Limit of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty: The author makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaims all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and recipes contained herein may not be suitable for everyone. This work is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering medical, legal or other professional advice or services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The author shall not be liable for damages arising herefrom. The fact that an individual, organization of website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author endorses the information the individual, organization to website may provide or recommendations they/it may make. Further, readers should be aware that Internet websites listed in this work might have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read.

    For general information on the products and services or to obtain technical support, please contact the author. 

    Table of contents

    Chapter 1: Shopaholics

    Chapter 2: The Psychology Of Hoarding

    Chapter 3: Less Severe Spending Habits

    Chapter 4: Budgeting Methods

    Chapter 5: The 50/20/30 Method

    Chapter 6: How Do I Budget?

    Chapter 7: How Did I Get Out Of Debt?

    Chapter 8: How To Be A Minimalist With A Budget

    Chapter 9: Change Your Lifestyle

    Chapter 10: Shop As A Minimalist



    Chapter 1: Shopaholics

    YOU KNOW THAT FEELING when you get a really good deal? You see the price tag, double check it to make sure that it is real, and the feeling of euphoria creeps through your veins like a warm cup of coffee. It feels great.

    I know that feeling. We all know that feeling. My friend, Anna, absolutely lives for good deals. Black Friday is her favorite day of the year. She goes all-out for it. Honestly, Anna could probably skip Thanksgiving dinner altogether if that meant that she could start early on Black Friday.

    Anna is not alone in her love of Black Friday. In fact, it isn't even Black Friday anymore because it starts on Thursday! The good deals start so early in the day that you have to eat your Thanksgiving dinner by 2:00-3:00 p.m. in order to get to the front of the store in time. And don't even think about not showing up at least an hour before the doors open. Not only do you have to get in line before Black Friday starts, but then you have to act like you’re corralling a bunch of bulls just to get that one item you really wanted.

    Maybe you hate Black Friday, or maybe you don’t. Anna goes into an absolute frenzy whenever someone mentions it. Her year is divided into Black Friday preparation, Black Friday, and the giving of Black Friday gifts. I’m not kidding you here, the girl is insane. She’s actually completely normal the other days of the year, so I give her a pass on the day after Thanksgiving. The woman just loves to buy things that are a good deal. In fact, she loves to buy things and then gift them because they are a good deal.

    But here's the thing — Anna only goes into a frenzy on Black Friday. I can show her a good deal on Easter, Memorial Day, or Halloween, and she won't give me the time of day. For some reason, the girl only loves Black Friday. It's like she turns into a werewolf one day a year. And then every day after that she is this sweet, shy, meek person. Run into her on Black Friday, though, and you're going to be running for the hills. She has no problem participating in a full-on verbal fight for the last popcorn maker.

    You might think that Anna is a bit of a shopaholic, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s not a shopaholic at all. If you get the shopping frenzy every once in a while, consider yourself normal. Sometimes, a good deal is just too good to pass up. We all get retail fever.

    However, if you find yourself buying much more than you need, or you treat every day like it’s Black Friday, you might want to look at the rest of your shopping habits. Buying things you don’t need every day, regardless of whether or not it is a good deal, could be a sign of shopaholism. Remember that movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic? While it is great entertainment, it isn’t a great life. If you find yourself shopping more than usual, or you think you could possibly have a shopping problem, I have some ways to identify whether or not you truly have a problem.


    You've heard of all types of addictions. Alcoholism, drug abuse, sex addictions, are just some of the regular ones. Then there are unusual addictions like the ones shown on the show My Strange Addiction, like eating chalk, falling asleep to a hair dryer, and hoarding. It might seem like no big deal, but compulsive shopping is actually just as much of an addiction as the rest of them. If it isn't dealt with in a timely manner, compulsive shopping can ruin your marriage and familial relationships just like

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