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The Wedding Present
The Wedding Present
The Wedding Present
Ebook38 pages25 minutes

The Wedding Present

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Isabelle can no longer bear the idea of someone looking for a husband for her at all costs and she finally pretends she has gotten married. What a surprise when her parents offer her a cruise as a wedding present. She decides to accept and leave with her best friend. Only then, on the boat, a photographer is waiting for her to immortalize this trip with her husband! Isabelle has to confess everything or find someone to play the role of the husband... A story full of humor that can be savored without moderation.

Agnes Ruiz is the author of a bestseller with over 370 000 copies sold. Her first novel "Ma vie assassinée" was a huge success and she writes for both adults and young people (L'ombre d'une autre vie, Mon affreux maillot beige, Pom-pom girls, Elias Sparte). Her short stories on the investigations of detective Rachel Toury have also been very successful in Europe and across the Atlantic. They have been translated into several languages.

Release dateSep 30, 2020
The Wedding Present

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    The Wedding Present - Agnes Ruiz

    Agnes Ruiz's Bibliography


    Ma vie assassinée, tome 1

    Ma vie assassinée, tome 2, Et si c’était ma vie ?

    L’ombre d’une autre vie

    La main étrangère

    Oublie la nuit

    Hôtel du bord de mer, Normandy (The Seaside Hotel, translated by Sarah Sharman)

    Hôtel du bord de mer, Gaspesia (Seaside Hotel, Gaspesia, translated by Samar Mansour)

    Clous et marteau, c’est toi qu’il me faut (Nails & Hammer, YOU are all I need, translated by Sarah Sharman)

    Demain, cappuccinos, bikinis, #Love (Tomorrow... Cappuccinos, Bikinis #love, translated by Jacquie Bridonneau

    Meurtre à la course (Murder in the Course, translated by Felix Lai)

    Double meurtre dans les beaux quartiers (Double Murder in Attractive Districts, translated by James Wung Zeh)

    Le mystérieux parapluie d’Arthur Shipwall

    Dernier frisson avant la mort

    Un vent de liberté, tome 1

    Un vent de liberté, tome 2

    Short Stories

    Assassinat d’un prêtre (Death of a priest, translated by Kirsty)

    Un cadavre sur la plage (A Body On The Beach, translated by Felix Lay)

    Un striptease de trop (One striptease too much, translated by Natalie Paige Jenkins)

    L’assassin de la gare (The Station Killer, translated by Kirsty)

    Mort sur le Saint-Laurent (Death on the Saint-Lawrence, translated by Louise Lochner)

    Mon petit écureuil suivi de Flocons de neige (My little squirrel, followed by Snowflakes, Translated by Cheryl Witchell)

    L’amour est dans l’ombre (Love in the Shadow translated by Naomi Hanlon)

    Le laveur de vitres de Trifouilly-les-Oies (The Window cleaner from Trifouilly-les-Oies, translated by augustine nwokedikko)

    La belle naufragée (The Beautiful Shipwrecked Lady, translated by Fombang Lord Brink

    Le cadeau de noces (The wedding Present, translated by Fombang Lord Brink)

    L’indomptable Molly suivi de Le voyage de Colonel

    Mélodie en mémoire,

    Trois pâtisseries

    Les jeunes mariés (The Newlyweds, translated by Ilia Scortariu)

    Pur sang (Racing Blood, translated by Lauren Broom)

    Les âmes vertueuses et Brume dans le métro

    Mr le Président et Eugénie au pays des merveilles

    Jour de pluie, jour de rêverie et L’anniversaire de Guillermo

    Question d’apparence, Le triomphe de la république et Mon bien-aimé

    Le conducteur poète, Le joueur de saxo, Lumière et S’accrocher


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