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Something's Brewing?: Feeding the Beast: Fear, Greed, Religion
Something's Brewing?: Feeding the Beast: Fear, Greed, Religion
Something's Brewing?: Feeding the Beast: Fear, Greed, Religion
Ebook427 pages6 hours

Something's Brewing?: Feeding the Beast: Fear, Greed, Religion

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In this collection of essays, Patrick Nafzger sets out to draw the attention of ordinary citizens to what is happening in our world, right in front of our eyes. The world is out of balance, and anything out of balance is out of control. Unpredictable leaders rule countries increasingly in turmoil. Is it fixable? Or is it something ingrained, like human cells—some sustaining life, while others cause cancer?
Release dateNov 26, 2019
Something's Brewing?: Feeding the Beast: Fear, Greed, Religion

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    Something's Brewing? - Patrick Nafzger



    A brief explanation of our existence is essential.

    If we do not come to our senses and rectify the imbalances in our unique environment, we the human race are on a cruising for a dramatic bruising. How sad that we know the dire consequences and continue to procrastinate. Should we have to explain to our children that we knew the consequences of global warming / Climate change but failed to act?

    The ingredients which make up the universe ever since the Big Bang are the very ingredients that we are made of. In order to have evolved into the shape and form we have become which are Homo sapiens. The truly wondrous action of Photosynthesis is perhaps the most important chemical reaction under the Sun. Transforming and then transferring the Suns energy into our life support and food stuffs.

    A Gradual evolving process took place over millions of years. Minerals and substances such as Magnesium, Calcium, Chalk, Iron, Salt, Zinc, lead, Copper, Sulphate, Potassium, water, and so on are all within us and extracted from the food we eat.

    Photosynthesis transforms all these substances into energy. These substances can be found in rock and mountain formations and remain as vital evidence of how and where the tectonic plates moved and shifted to form what now are our mountain ranges and continents, and the wonderous life giving atmosphere

    that we as humans take for granted. Early fossils are being discovered on a daily basis and many can be accurately dated because of the Carbon content within them.

    When the smallest Particles Quarks, Neutrons, and protons settled in the earth’s atmospheric conditions, energy and warmth from the Sun coupled with water H20. Incredible chemical reactions happened, and we the Homo Sapiens evolved from living cells over millions of years. Indeed, there are plenty of species that are still evolving, and existing between land and water. Of course, our planet went through various heating and cooling stages wiping out thick jungle growth and killing off living organisms and bacteria. (Later over millions of years to become oil and coal.} While all this was happening essential oxygen and life-giving ingredients evolved. Tectonic shifts formed continents and along came the Jurassic period when Dinosaurs roamed the earth. A giant Asteroid put the kybosh on them. But nothing could diminish the life-giving atmosphere that had by now formed.

    We evolved from microorganisms and crawled from the oceans and we consist of all the elements we needed from the universe to become and formulate into what we are today.

    This includes elements of positive and negative neutrons that evolved and formed in the universe. These positive and negative elements have also evolved within us as human beings and are part of our D N A and genetic makeup. The electricity produced by our chemical makeup and extracted from the sun is essential for our brain to send and receive signals by electric impulse.

    Our brain consists of billions and billions of neurons and can be broken down into various sections, each section dealing with essential behavioural patterns in order for us to function. Ever since we developed standing posture seven million years ago, apes roamed the earth.

    The rise of civilisation began thirteen thousand years ago at the end of the Ice Age. Sheer serendipity occurred when heat collided with meat and vegetation. less chewing was required, and food that was cooked became easier to chew and digest.

    Dietary and digestive changes altered our jawbone, enlarged our skull cavity and enabled our head to house a larger brain.

    A larger more complex brain slowly evolved and separated us from our animal beginnings and ancestors.

    All this is pretty much verified by Carbon, another one of earth’s essential ingredients.

    It took five million years for the Homo sapiens brain to increase three-fold, and this dramatic increase is what separates us from the ape. Ever since the Big Bang, our scientific inquisitive and curious minds have taught us that it has taken billions of years for the universe to expand.

    So, what first was billions of years, then millions of years. Then thousands of years, then hundreds of years, In the last few hundred years we have advanced in unprecedented leaps and bounds. Changes in the last hundred years have now become leaps and bounds beyond all proportion.

    Now within mere decades.

    Technical advances within Smart and Nano technology has advanced so rapidly and bewildering to say the least. Computerization and the Internet have induced massive changes in our way of thinking and attitudes. Just when we get used to something, along come changes.

    Changes that are now happening within Years Months and weeks. Regular up-dates inflicted upon us before our very eyes. I’ve got news for you? We as humans can’t handle changes on this scale. Our genetic make-up is not equipped to handle the velocity of change being foisted upon us by technology. Our wants and needs, our desires and aspirations are thrown into disarray and out of kilter.

    Because of the delicate positive and negative mechanism within us we are prone to ups and downs in our thoughts and emotions.

    Now is a good time to explain the paradox of my own predictions.

    I have emphasised the importance of positive and negative regarding energy and how important it is to be non-sceptical and think positive. Well here is my paradox.

    (My prediction is I am positive that mankind is creating its own Armageddon) And just as this statement is negative in its content, my feelings are positive in my prediction. I foresee positive and negative folding in on itself and drawing mankind into a self-created suicidal black hole into nothingness, just as natural as black holes are created in space.

    The miraculous step by step hidden and subliminal, evolutionary directional journey known as natural selection to so called progress. I say so called because the sheer pace of our development through evolution and the natural selection process creates an imbalance which spells danger, and we are just a miniscule spec in the process of the Big Bang.

    One thousand years is a Nano second in time and within this Nano second, we will soon have so called energy related Smart technology and Nano technology upon us. Artificial intelligence looms and Nano technology is set to revolutionise and enhance what we have already learned. The sheer speed that we have discovered new technology and so-called progression is mind blowing.

    Mind blowing being a very apt description because we, that is to say our brains are not evolving quickly enough to cope with the fast-changing environment in which we live. It is obvious that we are not adapting to the dramatic changes going on at such tremendous speed. So, is it any wonder that the human race is suffering from ever increasing mental pressures and stress?

    Emotional and mental breakdowns are certainly keeping the Pharmaceutical industries thriving. I personally see and predicted thirty years ago that depression, coupled with obesity are the two biggest enemies to the human race. The ramifications of these two afflictions and the illnesses associated with them cannot be under estimated.

    We have moved from a flight or fight civilisation into a do nothing, sitting, button pressing society. No more having to hunt and chase for food and no more taking flight so as not to be eaten ourselves. We can stroll around a supermarket till our hearts content, we can choose from thousands of gloriously packed products. (Which incidentally pollute the earth in manufacture and disposal?)

    Presentation of the product has become more important than the product itself and the eco system is slowly bearing the brunt. A direct result of us being manipulated and programmed by the media to demand more of what we want and not what we need. Yet we still complain if we can’t find what we want in a Supermarket.

    When I was a kid and growing up in London England, I was raised on post war rationing and grew up on limited meat and fresh vegetables from the local stores and shops known as The Co- Operative Society stores.CO- OP. In fact, I can still remember my Co-op number 074170 quoted to obtain a Co-op share, a dividend, this dividend would accumulate over a year and be paid back at Christmas time to assist poor families to buy extra treats for the Christmas Holidays. As a child I used to run errands for my Mum and Dad. All food and produce were tipped into a wicker shopping basket.

    Those were the days when choice was at a minimum and fresh meant fresh, the taste was full and real and the nutrition was adequate enough to supply our bodies with natural ingredients.

    Food and choice were limited so we ate more fruit and fresh vegetables. Now billions of plastic bags are produced all over the world and wasted at the expense of polluting our precious atmosphere and endangering our environment. Food is processed and mass produced, forced to grow in unnatural conditions in order to keep up with the increasing demand in the name of progress and presentation.

    Fight and Flight

    During the fight or flight process Adrenalin is produced and is pumped and circulated around our body’s. It is a natural survival process specifically designed to sharpen our reflexes and make us more aware of perils in order to survive in dangerous conditions, this adrenalin gets burned during fight or flight situations. Within two hundred years the majority of these perils have slowly diminished.

    No more having to hunt, no more fight and flight and truly relying on our natural senses and reactions in order to survive and hunt for food. No more having to run to escape from predators.

    This lax state meant no more burning of calories and more importantly, no more burning of adrenalin. But these micro chemicals are still produced in our bodies, brought about by anxiety, stress and fear from our everyday worries and fast pace of life in the work place. We are all being bombarded from every angle of life. The adrenaline is still there, but where does this excess of adrenalin go?

    How does it get used or burned? The fact is it doesn’t because it remains in our system. It penetrates into our nervous system and contaminates our mental state metabolism and wellbeing. Pills and tablets create a quick fix by eliminating the symptoms. But this surplus of adrenalin will remain in our body unless we take regular exercise and exertion in order to burn it off naturally just as we did hundreds of years ago when it was an everyday event.

    It is so important to keep the heart fit and pumping. (It is a muscle.) Keeping our lungs full to capacity supplying the oxygen needed to clear our arteries, purify our blood and maintain a healthy mental existence.

    Sadly, we are too busy, caught up in the big wind up of the advertising media, making us feel inadequate and creating desires to own the latest gadgetry. Envy culminates within us and if we do not drive Porches BMW’s or Mercedes, or do not where designer clothes and Channel perfumes we feel we are looked down upon and feel inadequate.

    Television churns out makeover and culinary shows, and financial institutions induce the masses to remortgage and strive to live in smart houses in fashionable areas with fashionable furniture. All these products are foisted upon us continuously. Credit cards are dealt out like playing cards and the only jokers in the pack are us.

    We seek instant gratification, I want it, and I want it now. The Internet is still in its infant stages, and who knows what we may have unleashed? It is far reaching and continues to lead us into the unknown. Our old friend Evolution works in mysterious ways, but there is no escaping it.

    One humongous Volcanic eruption, a giant Asteroid or solar flare from the sun could alter the Earths radiation levels and bring our systems down. Including energy and food industries.

    Think of it, Satellites orbiting the earth like headless chickens. Bringing down the internet and our communicating systems. The consequences are unimaginable. No electricity, no means of cooking, no fresh water and no light in which to see when darkness falls. We would be thrust back to primitive conditions. It is ironic that in some parts of Africa primitive tribes still exist and would witness no change.



    Deafening thunder claps, huge lightning Bolts. What possible explanation could there be for this terrifying phenomenon?

    Our genetic makeup revolves around primal instincts, survival and fear, and depicts that there is safety in numbers. We are tribal, we tend to stick with our own and form gangs with protective territorial instincts and beliefs. Yes, fear is always the predominant factor, always there and always driving us.

    Our first instinct is to create boundaries to mark out our claimed territories. This distinguishes one tribe from another, safety in numbers requires more space, more land, water and resources to be precise.

    There’s always an Alpha Male lurking about, and another human trait kicks in, that being greed. Look he says, that tribe over there has got a few things that we haven’t. let’s get greedy, sharpen up some stones to make weapons; and nick some of the neighbouring land. Early man soon realised that the bigger the tribe and the more land they controlled the more powerful they would become. You can see where this is going., because nothing’s changed.

    Often battles broke out.

    The Sun, Moon and Stars have always held a deep fascination. Early man was terrified when thunder storms happened, an electric storm scares us to this day. Fortunately, we know the real reason for all that noise going on up there, but they didn’t.

    Thunder-claps and huge streaks of lightning was enough to strike fear into any man.

    It was inevitable that sooner or later a deep meaningful individual (a preacher of the Billy Graham ilk being a prime example.) would come along with persuasive patter and convince the tribe that the heavens were responsible for their achievements and ups and downs.

    So early earth inhabitants were converted, and convinced of this fact. Afterall what else could it be? This was the great pacifier and they found themselves pointing and looking upwards and with fear in their hearts they looked up; worshiping and apologizing to the sky.

    This early form of indoctrination caught on big time. Some worshiped the Sun, some the moon and others the stars. where else would they look, but upwards. Born of fear, they needed answers, and what they got was one load of assumptions by someone with a little more intellectual attribute. Primitive but with the gift of the gab. Except back then there was very little speech, it was basically body language, grunts and groans, no gab.

    They even went on to worship funny shaped rocks and boulders. Easter Island springs to mind. As time passed each tribe/pack/gang chose their particular God.

    My God is the one, my god is bigger and better than your God. And it came to pass that if you were born in one particular tribe, then that is the god you would end up worshiping.

    This God issue grew out of all context and tribes were prepared to fight for their beliefs. You’ve guessed it, religion was born, and has gone on weaving its way through history creating havoc.

    If one particular tribe grew bigger, this created more followers, and with more followers the more powerful they became. Evidence suggests that the first of the human species originated from Africa. Continents were still shifting and water expanses were later negotiated and enabled new continents to be discovered. So, what was once a mere handful of us has now escalated into billions.

    With this power and strength in numbers, invasions took place, and regions/countries grew larger and larger. Size, power and wealth dictated who were the rulers and who were the surfs, and what god was the true governor.

    Going back not too long ago, Rome, the Pope and Catholism was the prominent all-powerful faith. But religion has always created obstacles and barriers. Barriers that were destined to become precarious sticking points and inevitably contested.

    A typical example is the fact that Henry V111 changed a country’s faith in order to marry. Yes, Henry had great wealth, and the power to do pretty much what he liked. Henry hired some of Europe’s finest craftsmen and gardeners to transform Hampton Court into a sumptuous palace.

    The young King Henry was said to be handsome, clever and fun in contrast to his boring father. He was over six feet tall and loved spending money. The Tudor era was a time of great change, new ideas were emerging about science, art, design and culture, and great sailing expeditions uncovered new lands. Henry wanted to show off all his wealth and built many magnificent palaces — like Hampton Court Palace — and castles that would impress his subjects and rivals.

    One of the biggest changes that Henry brought about during his reign was the English Reformation.

    After 24 years of marriage, his first wife, Catherine, had failed to give Henry a male heir. Frustrated, he went to the Pope to ask for a divorce, but the Pope wouldn’t allow it.

    Unhappy, Henry took matters into his own hands. He broke away from the Catholic Church, creating his own Church of England and naming himself the head. He appointed his friend Thomas Cranmer as Archbishop of Canterbury, and made him grant a divorce ___ easy. Thus, ended the first (there were to be many more!) of Henry’s marriages.

    The religious reform caused widespread divide in England, with many people disliking the new church. Followers of the new church were known as protestants, whereas worshippers of the Roman Catholic Church were called Catholics. There was often tension and clashes between the two groups — an unrest that would last for many years.

    Henry’s actions were revolutionary because they changed the identity of English religion. If it weren’t for Henry’s desperate desire for a male heir, the reformation may never have happened, and English religion could have been very different today.

    It was subconscious fear and the natural urge to reproduce, and fear of not producing a son and heir to the English throne, and it was greed that drove him to challenge religion. This one drastic action alone led me to believe in just how ridiculous religion is.

    These three factors, FEAR, GREED and RELIGION have gone on to create more death and destruction than any other known to mankind.

    Whether to do with faith, wealth, the food industry, jealousy, family, relationships, business, politics, in fact, every aspect where problems arise, and horrible situations escalate, you can bet your life that fear, greed and religion have been the bottom line.

    Since the Big Bang we have existed for a mere smidgen of time, and this book explains a great deal of what we have got up to since we’ve been around.

    Our strengths and weaknesses exposed, and the profound fact that we are easily led and manipulated. Nothing has changed other than sophistication and technical advances. If nothing else, history has taught us that from the get go; it repeats and repeats itself.

    Fast forward Step by step

    Analyzing root causes of inequality and trying to tackle inequality is an age-old problem and not just associated with Socialist verses Capitalist. We are all born differently, some with extraordinary gifts and talents, child prodigies a prime example would be Mozart, who began composing at the age of five. Others are born with a gift for figures and others with grammar abilities as regards spelling and able to learn many languages. Another gift is natural creativity, being able to draw from infancy. (Akiane Kramarik.) As an infant I remember quite clearly noticing and recognizing these profound differences in the classroom.

    These gifts and talents came so natural to the gifted few they were totally blasé and never even recognised they possessed these gifts. The same goes for the woodwork class, I was quite good but I noticed a few pupils that were perfectionists, and their Mortice and Tennon joints were perfect. I was useless of all the above and I was full of envy, but having noticed this at an early age made me realise I had a gift, the gift of recognizing differences; I am a people watcher and I also had a certain wit and a gift for rhyming and acting. I have always been positive and full of confidence and I played the lead in most of the school plays.

    I was a natural, and it became quite clear to me that I too was envied. I will be the first to admit that I had no trouble remembering my lines, I loved and enjoyed acting so much, I persevered and even improvised, which impressed my drama teacher. What I am saying is that we all have certain qualities. Later on, in life I also recognised that some of us are early starters and some are late starters.

    Another gift is being patient and recognizing the potential in both. This brings me to the conclusion that recognizing one’s own strength and weaknesses, and being honest with oneself is the way to go in achieving fulfillment and contentment.

    So, in affect we are born with adequacy and inadequacy; with equality and inequality. None of us are perfect, and the complexity of the human brain dictates perfection and imperfections, imperfections of jealousy, lust, greed, sloth/laziness and selfishness. Perfections dictate fairness, compromise, patience and understanding.

    We have now begun to understand that we evolve into either bosses or workers. Leaders or the led. This includes every one of us, even if we are born into wealth and nobility.

    Our emotions play a huge part in our make-up and are embedded in our DNA and Genes. Certain animalistic primal instincts, and in my opinion the most poignant of these instincts is fear. It’s the survival instinct, the bedrock in us all; in order to protect survive and multiply. (The survival instinct.)

    Homo-Sapiens go back millions of years, but I am not going to explain every explicit biological detail of evolution. I’m just gonna stick to basics. The first few thousand years of the Homo-Sapiens were extremely primitive, literally cave dwellers who were hunters and the hunted. Their life span was short, and simple infections poisoned the blood stream and the weak (Runts) were left to die. A mere tooth abscess could bring about an early death. Humans were basically predators and prey who relied completely on primal animal instincts for food and shelter in order to survive. (Fight or flight.)

    Fast forward…...

    Moving on a few thousand years and humans had evolved and began to learn, adapt and discover.

    Most things were discovered by serendipity, such as fire. Flint was chipped against flint and shaped into primitive tools.

    This chipping action produced sparks and if in the proximity of dried straw an ignition took place. Fire was an important game changer, as up until then the shape of the head was ape like. The jaw line and teeth of humans was totally different, all food was chewed, eaten raw and hard to digest. Homo Sapiens gradually learnt to harness fire for warmth and cooking.

    Cooked food became easier to chew swallow and digest. in fact, serendipity came into play often, playing an important role in the advancement of humans. For example, rotting fruit was consumed and later added to mead which kicked in the fermentation process. the evolution of alcohol consumption followed. Biological evidence suggests that ethanol only entered the human diet after people began to store extra food, potentially after the advent of agriculture, and that humans subsequently developed ways to intentionally direct the fermentation of food about 9,000 years ago. Therefore, the theory goes, alcoholism as a disease resulted because the human genome has not had enough time to fully adapt to alcohol. Other examples were Mushrooms and Marijuana. So, way back then, humans experimented and began partaking in drugs to produce highs; probably for the same reasons that modern day society indulges in drug taking. Either for partying, or to escape reality and stress.

    More natural beneficial substances were introduced to their diet, such as Bread, rice, milk and honey. Of course, biological changes took thousands of years and gradually as the Jaw line changed, the altered shape of the head and the brain cavity allowed room for the human brain to grow larger, this enhanced and improved intelligence.

    Fast forward…...

    Moving on a few thousand years and more culturally fascinating and sophisticated discoveries evolved. Societies emerged during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Like animals, we are nest builders and require security. Food and shelter taking preference, animal skins became clothing and footwear.

    Tribes grew larger and trusting others was imperative and crucial for loved ones.

    Meeting and being attracted identifying and choosing the ideal partner by natural selection evolved and the life span became longer. Unfortunately, humans are prone to straying, and often clandestine sexual meetings took place. This was natural as they died young and multiplication was essential.

    (Adultery was born.)

    Separation was dangerous and groups Joined other groups/packs much like dogs; for security and safety in numbers. Cohabiting, hunting and gathering together and living off the land. Sharing food and watching each other’s backs.

    But due to climate changes, there were times when the crops were poor.

    This was blamed on the weather, and being primitive a suggestion was made that they would commune and look up to the sun and sky in desperation, and in a form of worship they would chant (Mantra) for rain or sunshine. On occasions coincidentally, this paid off and became a ritual. In fact, as well as sun worshiping many earthly substances were worshiped. The soil itself, large boulders, rocks and stones were shaped into faces and various shapes that we know as Idols, the large boulders were placed in certain formations aligning with the stars.

    These practices were instigated by an Alpha male/pack leader whom the rest of the pack could look up to and learn from. (And it came to pass that religion was born.)

    Fast forward…...

    Possessing a larger brain than animals; humans are an inquisitive species wanting to discover and better themselves. Wolfes would often approach, first as dangerous predators.

    Tribes came together and built fences for protection and what was once a family becomes a large group, community living in what we now know as a village. Much further on in time Wolves were offered scraps of food and eventually tamed down and evolved into guard dogs and Pets came into being.

    Villages begin to pop up everywhere. More sophisticated tools were devised and those clever with their hands created home comforts, with animal skins, and wood from the trees.

    They learned to settle on river banks which provided water and fish, and learned to build primitive boats as a means of travel. This is explaining why cities and large towns are close to water in one way or another, either lakes, streams, or rivers. Liquid containers were made, beds stools, clothing and cooking implements.

    Some tribes would be more advanced than others. And if those others lacked the ability to provide home comforts, they would approach other groups and learn to trade and barter for the good things in life. For example; five fishes and a woven blanket made of reeds for a cooking pot and tools.

    One day as the trading took place one bright spark noticed a stool, it was good to look at and solid. Mm! He thought, I reckon quite a few tribes would like one of those stools.

    He offered a basket containing twelve apples for the stool. The stool maker accepted and a deal was made. Off the bright spark went and returned later with a basket of twenty-four apples.

    The stool maker noticed that the guy returned with double the number of apples. Bright spark spoke. Here’s twelve apples, can you knock me up another one of those stools?

    The stool maker scratched his chin and hesitated. But you’ve got twenty-four apples. Yeah but here’s the deal, here’s another six apples for you. No way said the stool maker, I made that stool and I think I deserve the whole twenty-four apples.

    No way said the bright spark and pointed to the six remaining apples, these are my profit. Okay readers pay special attention to that word PROFIT That’s not fair said the stool maker. I’d sooner keep the stools I make and share/sell them fairly within my commune. (Communist) I’m not looking for profits, in any event I can teach others how to make them and we will Co-operate fairly.

    Fast forward……

    Further on in time Egyptians traded in gold by way of units of weight. later Iron Ore and precious metals were discovered and they could be melted down to make weapons and coins. (Money.) The Romans perfected this and coins became currency in which to barter with.

    Fast forward…….

    Another experimental pastime took place regarding sex, and if females were not readily available men would indulge with members of the same sex. This was considered quite natural during primitive times. (Homosexuals.) This practice was only frowned upon when religion came into play. This period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5,200 years ago.

    Nothing is perfect and humans have defects and human traits which are detrimental to society. Although not natural, if sexual frustration kicked in with certain individuals, children were regularly abused. (Pedophilia.) The history of religion refers to the written record of human religious experiences and ideas.

    Fast forward…...

    The Celts, exact geographic spread of the ancient Celts is disputed; in particular, the ways in which the Iron Age inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland should be regarded as Celts have become a subject of controversy. According to one theory, the common root of the Celtic languages, the Proto-Celtic language, arose in the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture of Central Europe, which flourished from around 1200 BC. Stonehenge, the Druids and Paganism period. Looting, rape and pillaging was prolific.

    Religious and territorial disputes occurred and continue to occur to this day.

    My main objectives are to cover the causes, idiosyncrasies, negative and positive traits in human history, mainly fear, greed and religion.

    Because of the complexity of eras, actual dates involved and the prolific amounts of invasions that took place, and the rulers at the time. I am not going into detail with every single aspect of advancement in English history, England has been invaded so many times (That would take a book a foot thick.) The Danes, the Vikings, the Saxons, the Normans. The Romans, the French, the Spanish etc.

    Canute won the throne of England in 1016 in the wake of centuries of Viking activity in northwestern Europe. Complaints regarding distribution of wealth were made, and this caused arguments and disagreement.

    Some communes had more than others and inequality and resentment pushed them apart, the whole scenario slowly edged towards a socialist and Capitalist division. (In one fail swoop Communism, Co-operatives, verses Capitalism, entrepreneurs and business and commerce was born.)

    Two systems that divided people.

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