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Artistic License
Artistic License
Artistic License
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Artistic License

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About this ebook

Michelle is an art expert, with a positive outlook on life. Laura a social worker, similarly has an optimistic view of life. Hanny is an art gallery owner and very high maintenance. Sheila is a brilliant and as yet undiscovered artist.

The path they each take is quite dissimilar and they travel arduous roads, looking for love and romance. Guided by their own personalities, they look for selfish reasons and some with selfless motives.

It's inevitable fate puts Michelle and Laura on collision courses speeding out of control with Sheila and Hanny standing their paths.

Michelle is drawn to women that want ot use her for their own satisfaction, making her feel worthless. Michelle sees great potential in the artist Sheila, but the borderline sociopath is only concerned about living moment to moment. Thus Michelle bounces, in and out of various bed, hoping for happiness. Unfortunately every attempt comes to a sorrowful ending.

Laura, on the other hand has taken a more direct path, abeit more dangerous at times. Always ready to help when someone is in need. At times this good Samaritan attitude has put Laura in danger more than once.
Michelle and Laura seem worlds apart, Laura in California and Michelle in the Midwest. Can it be possible for their paths to cross. Read Artistic License and see how it works out.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJun 22, 2019
Artistic License

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Book preview

    Artistic License - Candice Christian

    Part One

    I am a Rock 

    Laura kind of liked men even dated a few, but she really had strange urges for attractive blond women.

    She was a recent college graduate. She always liked helping others, so she naturally gravitated to sociology in school, and a degree in Sociology. The world was hers for the taking, and she wanted to experience everything, and help people at the same time. She also wrestled with the confusion of her sexuality..

    Keeping these desires under wrap, was not difficult, for the most part, not actually coming out, but now and then an opportunity did present itself, that would not threaten her secret. Her name is Laura, and next week she was taking her new job in San Jose. So, on this beautiful day, she wanted to go into the mountains and think about her future.

    A decision was made to go hiking through a mountain about half an hour from her house. Laura was walking through along a mountain trail, wearing a white t-shirt over a bikini top and a pair of daisy dukes over a bikini bottom. Laura had a full bosom, beautiful face surrounded by long black hair.

    The urges to start taking off clothes became stronger, and that is what she did. She started with her t-shirt, then her shorts...dropped them off in a ditch and buried them with sticks and leaves so she would be able to find them later... by this point, she could hardly stop herself from stripping... her pussy was getting wet, her nipples hardened... she wanted to wait until she reached the riverbank before she finished taking off her clothes, so she slid her hand into her bikini bottom in order to tease her clit and sooth her urges to finger herself.

    What is that, she thought to herself, voices in the distance, right then, she thought that she would give them a treat by walking by in her bikini. She had never been so under dressed in such a secluded area... fear began to run through her head, she started to step back to go the opposite direction when two men walked out from behind the trees...

    One man in a blue t-shirt, the other in a black t-shirt. They were just as surprised to see a woman in a bikini as she was to see them.

    The dark haired beauty was frozen by the men's staring eyes... the man in the blue shirt commented on the size of her breasts to the man in the black shirt, then the man in the black shirt said, She's a slut dressed like that out here. She looks to be an Indian of some kind. to the man in the blue shirt.

    They both started to walk toward Laura, she turned around and ran. The two men made no attempt to run after her, but she didn't realize it. She continued to run through some trees, her large breasts bouncing, her bikini top becoming loose until it fell off of her. By the time she managed to glance back and notice that there was no one chasing her, she had totally lost her breath, and dropped to the ground in exhaustion. She had hoped to meet some women to treat... she feared men.

    After about five minutes of rest, she heard other voices, and was sure that they were female voices, so she slid off her bikini bottom, threw it aside, out of her sight. She placed one hand upon her breasts and the other between her thighs, and pretended to be sleeping, waiting for the women to arrive.

    Conversations between the women got louder, and Laura knew that the women were getting closer, her pussy was getting wetter, she forced herself to stay out of her clit in order to continue to pretend to be asleep.

    Two women appeared, and Laura opened her eyes just to take a peek at them, without them knowing. One girl was taller and thinner, nice breasts, red hair, she was wearing hiking shorts and a button down shirt. The other women was slightly shorter and a little heavier, her breasts were much larger.

    Laura continued to pretend to sleep, the two women were commenting on her, but Laura couldn't make out their conversation until she heard, I want that pussy... if she is sleeping naked here, she wants me to take it in a few seconds Laura felt hands on her thighs, opening her legs, a tongue soon met her clit.

    No reaction from Laura except her moans of pleasure, she was trying to give the girls total control. One of the women grabbed Laura's tits with both hands, fondling them roughly...

    Clothing sliding off their bodies and hitting the ground, Laura could hear, and she realized that they were both naked when one woman sat on her face, expecting Laura to eat her... that's what she did...

    The three women continued, eating each other, touching each other, until it became dark and cold, the two women got up and got dressed, and left, Laura never spoke a word to them, and she hardly even saw the two women she had just had sex with, and that is the way she wanted it...

    Laying there naked for a while, until she fingered herself roughly, remembering the experience she had just had, Laura realized she had just done a very dangerous thing. She could have been hurt, or even killed. She knew from that moment forward, she was going to need to get grips on her sexuality, come out, if need be. Look for safer ways to satisfy her desires.

    Laura hated rejection. She hardly ever attempted to pick up strange women, not a cold pick-up anyway, in college, she knew enough people to arrange an introduction if it was someone she'd never spoken to before. There was a time when she'd been able to gamble a pitch at any woman who looked available, an ability energized by an almost frantic need for sexual contact. One suffered the rejections in order to gain the acceptances. But no more.!

    Part Two

    Punky's Dilemma

    The Audi broke down halfway between Louisville and Columbus, a gray day, gray sky, smell of rain in the trees. And Michelle thinking: Not here, not here in the middle of nowhere.

    She sat behind the wheel in the parking lot of a windblown rest stop, people with tired faces wandering in and out of the squat restaurant like zombies. Were they alive? Oh damn, why here? Why here in the middle of nowhere? Where was it anyway? Served her right for not driving back on the Thruway. Was it some kind of trite retribution for the argument with Lulu in Louisville? Silly dyke spat, more looks than words. Traveling all the way to Louisville to see Lulu only to find Lulu with someone else, Lulu and another woman, Lulu's bed occupied. Predictable, wasn't it? Lulu in no time with another woman. All those hot fantasies during the long drive up to Louisville and then finding Lulu with another woman, Lulu already with someone else, new secrets between them, the way they glanced at each other. Two days in Louisville imagining Lulu and the woman together, anger at Lulu, anger at herself, anger at the world. The woman rolling her eyes as if to say, Listen, who invited you here, why don't you go home?

    And now this.

    It took an hour to get a tow-truck, but after that a mere ten minutes to have the Audi pulled into the nearest town. Owenton. What kind of name was that? Where were the corners? Definitely in the middle of nowhere; definitely not a place where a Columbus woman ought to be stranded on a Sunday afternoon. Make the best of it, she thought, remain calm, remain in control. She would call Hanny and Hanny would chuckle and say something nutty about how bad things always happen to people who leave Columbus, but don't worry, I can handle things alone until you get the car fixed.

    The mechanic looked at Michelle as the tow-truck winch eased the car down outside his tiny shop.

    What's the trouble, miss?

    A man about sixty with greasy clothes, like he'd been living in grease for sixty years, eating it, licking it off his fingers. Did he smoke Cherry Blend in a corncob? Michelle remembered an old uncle always in a cloud of tobacco.

    I don't know. It makes a horrible noise.

    Okay, we'll find out.

    How long will it take? I mean how long will it take to get it fixed and get me out of here?

    The old mechanic shrugged. Family in the Ohio Valley since 1800. All those generations chewing on corncobs.

    Can't say yet. Depends on what's wrong. If it's a part that's hard to get, could be a day, two days.

    Michelle groaned. Two days?

    Could be. You got the keys?

    They're in the car.

    The mechanic walked over to the Audi, opened the door and climbed

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