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50 Literary Masterworks: Volume #1
50 Literary Masterworks: Volume #1
50 Literary Masterworks: Volume #1
Ebook37,262 pages

50 Literary Masterworks: Volume #1

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50 Literary Masterworks - Volume #1 brings together the greatest literary fiction ever written.


Alcott, Louisa May: “Little Women”
Austen, Jane: “Pride And Prejudice”
Austen, Jane: “Emma”
Balzac, Honoré De: “Father Goriot”
Barbusse, Henri: “The Inferno”
Brontë, Anne: “The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall”
Brontë, Charlotte: “Jane Eyre”
Brontë, Emily: “Wuthering Heights”
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: “Tarzan Of The Apes”
Butler, Samuel: “The Way Of All Flesh”
Carroll, Lewis: “Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland”
Cather, Willa: “My Ántonia”
Cervantes, Miguel De: “Don Quixote”
Chopin, Kate: “The Awakening”
Cleland, John: “Fanny Hill”
Collins, Wilkie: “The Moonstone”
Conrad, Joseph: “Heart Of Darkness”
Conrad, Joseph: “Nostromo”
Cooper, James Fenimore: “The Last Of The Mohicans”
Crane, Stephen: “The Red Badge Of Courage”
Cummings, E. E.: “The Enormous Room”
Defoe, Daniel: “Robinson Crusoe”
Defoe, Daniel: “Moll Flanders”
Dickens, Charles: “Bleak House”
Dickens, Charles: “Great Expectations”
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: “Crime And Punishment”
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: “The Idiot”
Doyle, Arthur Conan: “The Hound Of The Baskervilles”
Dreiser, Theodore: “Sister Carrie”
Dumas, Alexandre: “The Three Musketeers”
Dumas, Alexandre: “The Count Of Monte Cristo”
Eliot, George: “Middlemarch”
Fielding, Henry: “Tom Jones”
Flaubert, Gustave: “Madame Bovary”
Flaubert, Gustave: “Sentimental Education”
Ford, Ford Madox: “The Good Soldier”
Forster, E. M.: “A Room With A View”
Forster, E. M.: “Howards End”
Gaskell, Elizabeth: “North And South”
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von: “The Sorrows Of Young Werther”
Gogol, Nikolai: “Dead Souls”
Gorky, Maxim: “The Mother”
Haggard, H. Rider: “King Solomon’s Mines”
Hardy, Thomas: “Tess Of The D’urbervilles”
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: “The Scarlet Letter”
Homer: “The Odyssey”
Hugo, Victor: “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame”
Hugo, Victor: “Les Misérables”
Huxley, Aldous: “Crome Yellow”
James, Henry: “The Portrait Of A Lady”
Release dateMay 7, 2019
50 Literary Masterworks: Volume #1

Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) was an American novelist and journalist. Born in Indiana, Dreiser was the son of John Paul Dreiser, a German immigrant, and Sarah Maria Schanab, a Mennonite from Ohio who converted to Catholicism and was banished by her community. Raised in a family of thirteen children, of which he was the twelfth, Dreiser attended Indiana University for a year before taking a job as a journalist for the Chicago Globe. While working for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Dreiser wrote articles on Nathaniel Hawthorne and William Dean Howells, as well as interviewed such figures as Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison. In 1900, he published his debut novel Sister Carrie, a naturalist portrait of a young midwestern woman who travels to Chicago to become an actress. Despite poor reviews, he continued writing fiction, but failed to find real success until An American Tragedy (1925), a novel based on the 1906 murder of Grace Brown. Considered a masterpiece of American fiction, the novel grew his reputation immensely, leading to his nomination for the 1930 Nobel Prize in Literature, which ultimately went to fellow American Sinclair Lewis. Committed to socialism and atheism throughout his life, Dreiser was a member of the Communist Party of the United States of America and a lifelong champion of the working class.

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