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Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866
Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866
Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866
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Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866

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Stuart Sutherland’s work is the first modern bibliography in English of the Seven Weeks’ War of 1866. It includes books in English French German and Italian and is subdivided into sections on general histories particular campaigns and battles (Hanoverian Bohemian-Moravian Italian southern German and naval) biographies journals and reminiscences by participants and state organizational and regimental histories the last divided by arm of service. Many rare works are covered and there are editorial comments in the sections covering general histories and campaign/battle accounts. This is an indispensable work for beginning serious study of the conflict. This comprehensive reference lists in excess of 1200 titles and will prove invaluable to historians, researchers, collectors, and librarians.
Release dateJul 19, 2013
Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866

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    Bibliography of the Seven Weeks' War of 1866 - Stuart Sutherland


    Over time I have recorded printed sources touching on the conflicts of mid-19th-century Continental Europe, and with a view to presenting some to a wider audience I present this bibliography of the Seven Weeks’ (also known as the Austro-Prussian) War of 1866. There are five sections, which with the exception of the last are ordered alphabetically by author, or title if there is no author. The first includes general histories or analyses of the war, the second works on specific campaigns or battles. The third is on biographies, journals and reminiscences of people present during the war. Fourth is a section on general reference works, subdivided into biographical and organizational sources; the first deals with figures present during the war. Last are the histories of the armies and navies of the states and their individual formations.

    But this bibliography is by no means complete. I have not included periodical articles, except in the last section, where there are one or two pieces on state forces which are otherwise untreated. The periodical literature is vast and the periodicals often not readily accessible, and so it seemed best to limit the sources to books and doctoral dissertations. With respect to these, if the author’s name is not on the title page I have included it where known and have given details of place and date of publication, adding information on editions. The vast majority of the works are in German and Italian, since those were the languages of the participants in the war, and I have also included accounts in French since there were a certain number of books in that language. Mindful of the fact that English-speaking readers may not be familiar with other tongues, I have given an English edition of a work if there is one rather than direct the reader to one in another language, and I have also listed works on the war in English.

    Readers should be aware that the distinction between personal and general accounts and unit histories frequently blurs, and they are recommended to search all sections for a particular unit or action. In treating unit histories, I have tried to make it easier for someone to look for regiments in a specific campaign. In the Austrian section, [Italy] or [Bohemia] is added behind the titles, and in the Prussian section I have indicated units in the German theatre of war; otherwise they were in Bohemia. All other state forces served only in one theatre.

    A note to this second edition. I have found more than one hundred additional works since compiling the first edition, published by Iser Publications, some of which have been made known to me by Duncan Rogers of Solihull, England. I am deeply grateful for his generous aid.

    Stuart Sutherland

    Section 1

    General histories

    F—— A——, Die deutsche Bürgerkrieg im Jahre 1866 (Brunswick, 1866).

    Album della guerra del 1866 (1st–2nd editions, Milan, 1867).

    —— Alesovic, Custoza und Lissa (Lublin, 1867).

    Wilhelm Alter, Feldzugmeister Benedek und der Feldzug der k.k. Nordarmee, 1866 (Berlin, 1912).

    N. J. Anders [Nathan Jakob], Der Krieg von 1866 in Guckkasten (Berlin, 1866). [A humorous look at the conflict.]

    J. H. Anderson, The Austro-Prussian war in Bohemia, 1866 (1st edition, London, 1908; 2nd edition, London, 1912). [Intended for students at the Staff College, Camberley, England.]

    —— Angueril, La guerre de 1866; ses causes; son but, etc. (2 volumes, Paris, 1866).

    Austria, General Staff, Military History Section, Österreichs Kämpfe im Jahre 1866 (5 volumes, Vienna, 1867–69). [The official account. Appeared in French as Les luttes d’Autriche en 1866, translated by Franz Crousse (5 volumes in 6, Paris, 1868–1901).]

    H—— von B——, Der deutsche Krieg im Jahre 1866 (1st edition, Elbing, 1866; 3rd–4th editions, Elbing, 1867; 5th edition, Elbing, 1869).

    Richard Baron, Preussens Krieg gegen Oesterreich und dessen Verbündete im Jahre 1866 (Oppeln, 1866).

    Enrico Barone, Studi sulla condotta della guerra: 1866 in Boemia (2 volumes in 1, Turin, 1900).

    [Eduard Ritter Bartels von Bartberg], Kritische Bemerkungen über die Feldzüge in Böhmen, Italien, Sudtirol und am Main (1st edition, Leipzig, 1866; 2nd–3rd editions, Leipzig, 1867). [By a former Austrian officer struck from the pension list for his criticism of the official account of the 1859 war.]

    ———, Kritische Beiträge zur Geschichte des Krieges im Jahre 1866 (Zurich, 1901).

    Title page to Volume 1 of the Austrian General Staff’s account of the War (Collection of Duncan Rogers)

    Bavaria, General Staff, The contribution of the Royal Bavarian Army to the war of 1866, translated by Stuart Sutherland (Toronto, 2001, new edition Solihull, 2010). [The official account. The original is Antheil der königlich bayerischen Armee am Kriege des Jahres 1866 (Munich, 1868).]

    Betrachtung über die Katastrophe von 1866 in Deutschland (Stendal, 1866).

    Georg Billig, Deutschlands verhängnisvolles Jahr 1866 (Dresden, 1867).

    Heinrich Blankenburg, Der deutsche Krieg von 1866 (Leipzig, 1868).

    Emilio Bobbio, Le guerre per l’unità germanica (Bologna, 1939).

    Julius Bonneken, Kurze Geschichte des preussischen Feldzugs gegen Oesterreich und seine Verbündete (Düsseldorf, 1866).

    Adolph Borbstaedt, Preußens Feldzüge gegen Österreich und seiner Verbündete im Jahre 1866 mit Berücksichtigung des Krieges in Italien (1st–4th editions, Berlin, 1866; 5th edition, Berlin, 1867). [Appeared in French as Campagnes de la Preusse contre l’Autriche et ses alliés en 1866, translated by Furcy Raymond (with additions, Paris, 1868).]

    Sandro Bortolloti, La guerra del 1866 (Milan, [1941]). [A collection of documents.]

    Der Bote vom Kriegsschauplatze. Ereignisse seit dem Gasteiner Vortrage und Kriegsereignisse in Deutschland und Italien (Leipzig, 1866).

    M. V. Brett, Précis of the campaigns of 1866 and 1870 (London, 1909). [Basic.]

    Bulletin de la guerre. Exposé et plans des hostilités (Brussels, 1866).

    Alexandre de Castarède, Considérations sur la guerre de 1866 (Paris, 1866).

    —— Chevalier, La guerre et la crise européenne (2nd edition, Paris, 1866).

    Valentino Chiala, La guerra austro-prussiana nel 1866: appunti (Turin, 1880).

    Richard Clarke, The Seven Weeks’ War (Tonbridge, 1999).

    [A. C.] Cooke, Short sketch of the campaign of Austria of 1866 (London, 1867; reprinted Tonbridge, 1996).

    [Enrico Cosenz], Alcune osservazioni sulla campagna di Boemia tra prussiani e austrosassoni nel 1866 (Florence, 1867). [By a senior Italian general.]

    G. A. Craig, The battle of Königgrätz (1st edition, London, 1965; 2nd edition, Philadelphia, 1967; reprinted Westport, Connecticut, 1975). [Good, although showing its age. Relies fairly heavily on Friedjung {q.v.} and copies his maps.]

    Custoza, Sadowa et Lissa. Documents sur la guerre de 1866. (Paris, 1866).

    M. G. Freiherr Daublebsky von Sterneck, Behelf für das Studium des Krieges 1866 (Vienna, 1902). [A chronological tabulation by a former Austrian general staff captain of the positions and strengths of the armies during the conflict.]

    Der deutsche Bürgerkrieg im Jahre 1866 (Brunswick, 1866).

    Der deutsche und italienische Krieg im Jahre 1866 (1st edition, Leipzig, 1866; 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1867).

    Der deutsche Krieg von 1866 (Leipzig, 1866).

    Der deutsche Krieg von 1866 und dessen Ursprung (Berlin, 1866).

    Die deutschen Kriege von 1864, 1866 und 1870/71... (3 volumes, Berlin, 1889–91). [Volume 2 deals with 1866.]

    Deutschland im Jahre 1866 neu gestaltet. Eine kurze übersichtliche Darstellung der

    Ursache und Ereignisse des Krieges bis zur Friedensschlusse am 23 Aug. 1866 (Berlin, 1866).

    Edward Dicey, The battle-fields of 1866 (London, 1866). [By a British tourist. Rather impressionistic.]

    Moritz [G. A.] Freiherr von Ditfurth, Benedek und die Taten und Schicksale der k.k.

    Nordarmee 1866 (3 volumes, Vienna, 1911). [By a former 10th Austrian Cuirassier Regiment lieutenant. Interesting for the personal reminiscences dotting it; came in for some criticism from Woinovich {q.v.}.]

    Joseph von Dobay, Der Krieg zwischen Oesterreich und Preussen im Jahre 1866 und der strategische Kritik desselben (Pest, 1867–68).

    Documents historiques sur la guerre de 1866, extraits du Moniteur universel (Paris, 1867). [Quite slight.]

    M—— Dragomirow, Abriss des österreichisch-preussischen Krieges im Jahre 1866 (Berlin, 1868).

    ———, Skizzen des österreichisch-preussischen Krieges im Jahre 1866 (Berlin, 1868).

    Johann Freiherr Dumreicher von Oesterreicher, Zur Lazarethfrage. Erwiderung von prof. von Dumreicher an prof. von Langenbeck (Vienna, 1867). [Essentially an argument involving two prominent physicians.]

    L. S. Eden, A lady’s glimpse of the late war in Bohemia (London, 1867). [Pro-Austrian; quite interesting descriptions.]

    Entscheidung 1866. Der Krieg zwischen Österreich und Preussen, edited by Wolfgang von Groote and Ursula von Gersdorff (Stuttgart, 1966). [Useful brief essays on aspects of diplomacy and the war.]

    T. W. Evans, Sanitary institutions during the Austro-Prussian-Italian conflict (3rd edition, Paris, 1868).

    Charles Fay, Étude sur la guerre d’Allemagne de 1866 (Paris, 1866).

    Der Feldzug der Nordarmee und ihrer Kämpfe von 23. Juni bis 22. Juli 1866 (1st–12th editions, Vienna, 1866).

    Gerd Fesser, 1866. Königgrätz-Sadowa (Berlin, 1994).

    ———, Der Weg nach Königgrätz: 1866 (Berlin, 1978).

    [Friedrich von Fischer], Die österreichischen Feldzugsgeschichte des Jahres 1866 und die Kritik des Militärischen Blätter (2 volumes, Vienna, 1869). [A reply to a criticism of the official Austrian account of the war, by its general editor.]

    F. L. Fischer, Abriss der preussischen Krieges gegen Oesterreich und dessen Bundesgenossen im Jahre 1866 ([Langensalza?], 1867).

    G—— Fischer, Militärärztliche Studien aus Suddeutschland und Böhmen. Ein Bericht an den eidengenöss. Militairdepartment (Aarau, 1867). [A report by a Swiss doctor.]

    Brix Förster, Militärisch-statistische Notizen zum Studien des Feldzugs von 1866 in Böhmen und Mähren (Munich, 1867). [Not up to date, but a reasonable contemporary source.]

    [Theodor] Fontane, Der deutsche Krieg von 1866 (2 volumes, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1871; reprinted in 3 volumes, Munich, 1971; reprinted in 2 volumes, Düsseldorf and Cologne, 1979). [One of the best anecdotal and most colourful accounts of the war in Germany and Austria by one of the premier German authors of the 19th Century. Doubly valuable because it cites many contemporary letters and sources.]

    Emil Franzel, 1866. Il mondo casca. Das Ende des alten Europas (2 volumes, Vienna and Munich, 1968). [A useful short study which uses the major contemporary accounts. Volume 2 covers the war.]

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