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A Taste Of Ko-Koa
A Taste Of Ko-Koa
A Taste Of Ko-Koa
Ebook90 pages1 hour

A Taste Of Ko-Koa

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Different types of people and different circumstances come together in this erotic novel to form the most passionate and eerie set of events. From women who like to take control in the bedroom to people being lured into trying new things. This steamy multi short-story book will have you yearning and will take your sexual confidence to a new height!This book is not for the faint of heart so proceed with caution...

PublisherKo-koa Maraca
Release dateJan 7, 2019
A Taste Of Ko-Koa

Ko-koa Maraca

The aurthor known as Ko-koa Maraca is a 30 year old wife and mother from Philadelphia, Pa. She started off her journey writing poetry, short stories, and songs. She continues to work towards her dreams of turning her books into live motion pictures to further spread the knowledge of life that she had witness in hopes of reaching anyone that could be going through something similar. She focuses on relationship problems and goals but is also diversed in her skills as she has a few children's books coming out soon. Ko-koa currently has FIVE books available on Amazon.

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    A Taste Of Ko-Koa - Ko-koa Maraca


    Copyright ©2016 by Ko-Koa Maraca

    All rights reserved. This book and any portion thereof may

    Not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without

    The express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations

    In a book review.

    First printing, 2018

    Cover design by Latajha Key

    This book contains heavily erotic content that are unsuitable for readers that are under 18 years of age. This book also contains different varieties of sexual acts that explains the explicit details graphically. This is for the open minded only and need I remind you that these are all just fictional fantasies and are not based in any way, shape, or form on real life occurrences. Proceed with caution and enjoy what it is to have A Taste Of Ko-Koa…

    Truth or Dare

       Olivia, truth or dare.

    Aww man, is it my turn again already? 

    Yes it is, said Todd. and I've got a good one for you too. Todd’s parents were away for the next couple of days. So he decided to invite three of his friends, Julie, Olivia, and Victor, over to the house for drinks and some fun games.

    I can't believe we're a bunch of 20 year olds playing truth or dare. Wouldn't it be nice to play something else? Olivia asked.

    Oh yeah, you would say that now that it's getting kind of hot in here. Said Julie. I haven't heard juicy stuff like this in a while. Now you knew we would get deep into this before you even started playing. So now you have to play it through.

    Okay fine.. I'll go with truth.

    Truth. Alright, have you ever been part of a threesome? Asked Todd. Olivia looked taken back.

    Really? What kind of question is that?

    The kind that doesn't require you to take too much time to answer, said Victor.

    You're always giving unsolicited advice. Nobody asked you, so mind your own business, okay?

    News flash! This is a game of truth or dare. As of right now, your business is everybody in this room business. Now answer the damn question.

    But still, no one asked you.

    Alright, alright. Enough already. said Julie. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you two were sleeping together.

    Oh please, that little boy sitting over there is not even on my level.

    Yeah you say that now. Said Victor. But this little boy over here was one level underneath you last night.

    Oh go to hell! 

    Meet me there at 12 o’clock sharp, and Don't be late.

    You're such a freaking douchebag Vic!

    Call me whatever you want but I call it how I see it. All you've been doing is dodging questions all night and figuring out some lame excuse to get out of answering them. You know all of our secrets now. So what's up?

    I haven't been dodging all of them so to speak. said Olivia. You guys, I can get a little shy sometimes, that's all.

    Shy my ass, answer the damn question.

    Kiss my ass!

    Bend over.

    Screw you, you jerk!

    Ya mama.

    Alright this is my house, and I say cut it out! Todd interrupted. I didn't invite you guys over here to argue. Out of the two years I've been in college, you guys are the only ones that I've clicked with and I just want everyone to let their guards down. Let's just sit and relax, drink some more of these amazing drinks Julie's been making, and have some fun tonight. Can we do that without ripping each other's faces off? Olivia and Victor looked at one another and they both nodded. Great, let's get back to the game, shall we? Olivia, it was your turn to answer.

    Okay...What was the question again?

    " Have you ever had a threesome?

    Umm, okay.. Olivia looked around at everyone and took a full of her drink. It sure is hot in here. Could someone turn on the AC?

    The air conditioning is already on. Said Julie. Answer the question. Olivia put her cup on the table.

    "Don't you guys wanna play another game?

    See what I mean. Said Victor getting up to put his cup in the trash.

    See what? What are you saying?

    You're on some bull shit and I don't have time for it.

    Vic does have a point. Julie added. I was team Olivia until I noticed we haven't gotten one solid answers from you yet and that's just not fair. We've been answering all of your questions as well as each other's.

    Yep, I hear you Julie. I mean,  It's only fair, said Todd giving Olivia an undeniable look of disappointed.

    Okay how about this? Ask me anything else, and I'll answer it. Deal?

    I guess we all know what the answer to that question is, said Victor. Julie looked at him signaling him to be quiet.

    Okay, maybe I can give you another question to help move this night along. Todd said. He clapped his hands together. Okay I've got one. If your life depended on it and you had to sleep with one of us, which one out of the three, Julie, Vic and myself, would you sleep with?

    Which one of you would I sleep with? I don't know if I wanna answer that. I mean, you're all my friends, well except for Victor of course. Olivia replied looking at her friends. " Can I get one more question please?

    Just answer the fucking question! Shit! Said Victor throwing his hands up.

    You know what Victor, I'm so sick you being sarcastic and just plain rude. And just to let you know, if we were back at my home town, my brother would kick your ass.

    Yeah? Well I'm not worried about it. Now are you gonna answer the question, yes or no? Olivia paused for a few seconds and the responded calmly.

    You know what? Todd and Julie, I think I'm going to go get a bottle of wine from the liquor cabinet, and turn in for the night. It was fun, but I think I need some rest. "She stood and began to walk toward the kitchen.

    Well, I tried said Todd. You can pick any of the rooms on the left side of the house. There's towels in the bathroom if you want to wash up."

    Thanks. Good night you guys.

    Good night. Both Todd and Julie said.

    And good riddance, said Victor.

    Chill out dude. Why do you have to be so mean to her? Asked Todd.

    I'm not mean, I'm bluntly honest and I don't regret a thing I've said. I mean think about it. What do we really know about this girl? Nothing! And we just told her a lot of our shit. If she gets mad with us, what do you think she's going to do with that information? Take it to school? Maybe social media? You just never know man. So I'm sticking to mines.

    Yeah, but you were kind of being a jerk towards her Vic, said Julie. She's a lady, you can't talk to girls in that manner.

    Man whatever. She probably liked it, there's no telling. And she didn't answer the question because it's probably me who she wants to fuck.

    Dude, you've got to get over yourself. Todd added.

    I don't know, I feel kind of bad though. Maybe I can talk her back into playing another game, Julie said looking at her phone for the time. It's just 12:35 am. Maybe we can play the game ‘Never have I ever’.

    No thanks, I already played that game today. said Victor. Cause never have I ever witnessed such buffoonery in my damn life. He grabbed his football jacket off of the couch. I'm calling it a night. Olivia done pissed me off. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Goodnight.

    Goodnight they both

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