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Minos: Dragon Warrior: Dragon Warrior, #4
Minos: Dragon Warrior: Dragon Warrior, #4
Minos: Dragon Warrior: Dragon Warrior, #4
Ebook263 pages5 hours

Minos: Dragon Warrior: Dragon Warrior, #4

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She's dealing with her past; he's struggling with his present—together, they're fighting for their future.

Azura has been a member of the Galactic Forces for over a decade. Her entire life has been dedicated to protecting Earth. So much so that she agreed to undergo bio-enhancement surgery to better equip her to fight. But, nothing could prepare her for the greatest fight of her life—overcoming the loss of her fiancé. After three years of grief and suffering, she's finally ready to move forward and to take control of her life again. Even if that means joining what could potentially be the most dangerous mission Earth has launched in centuries.

Minos is a Samou Warrior. The dragon-shifters have long been allies of Earth in their enterprise to keep peace throughout the Galaxy. More than just any warrior, Minos is a high-ranking, confident leader who is prepared to take on any challenge presented to him. When Earth's safety is compromised, he's ready and willing to step up and take the lead on the dangerous expedition into deep space. When the two meet, sparks fly. Azura thinks that opening up to Minos about her past will be the most challenging part of the mission. Minos believes that keeping his feelings for her at bay will be his biggest struggle. Little do either of them know, survival itself will soon become their main priority. With only the other to rely on, they will be forced to face both the past and the present while struggling to hold onto hope for the future.

Will love conquer all? Or, will the situation, their personal struggles, and the dangers that surround them pull them apart?

Release dateDec 27, 2018
Minos: Dragon Warrior: Dragon Warrior, #4

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    Book preview

    Minos - Jamie Phoenix


    They always knew they weren’t alone in the Galaxy. There was never any doubt about that. For the last two centuries, humans had endeavored to navigate their way through the endless expanse of Space, making both friends and enemies along the way. It had been tense at times. Wars had broken out. Earth had caused some and prevented others.

    Through it all, Earth persevered. Forming ties with many of the alien races they had encountered had helped them rise from a lone, single planet to the head of the Intergalactic Empire. It had been hundreds of years of conquests and battles, all focused on their own Galaxy—the Milky Way.

    It had been costly—financially, physically, emotionally—for every party involved. But, in the end, the Intergalactic Empire had found a way to bring peace to their lands. Species of all kinds and creeds lived together in harmony.

    The possibility of other galaxies, other species had always been acknowledged. Finding them, however, was never a priority.

    All of that was about to change.

    Chapter 1: Something’s Out There

    Her skin tingled. The sensation began in her fingertips—the subtle buzz that had become a familiar part of her every day. When the feeling moved from her fingertips and trailed quickly up her arms, moving past her shoulders and expanding out through her chest, she knew that something was wrong.

    What is it? she asked, rolling over in bed. Her long brown hair fell over her eyes, but she didn’t need to brush it aside to know who had entered her room.

    The Commander has called a meeting, Xandra replied.

    The pulse of energy radiating off of her friend quickly informed Azura that something had happened. Tension. Tension was in the air. Her skin continued to tingle as she pushed herself up and draped her legs over the side of the bed. In the hall, bodies moved about hectically, all giving off their own varying levels of the disturbing energy.

    She slumped forward, resting her head in her hands. What time is it? she asked.

    Late. Or early, I suppose, Xandra answered.

    Even in the pale light streaming in from the hallway, Azura could make out Xandra’s slender frame hovering in the far corner of the room. Her friend shifted her weight back and forth nervously as she waited for Azura to respond. Even without her enhancement, Azura could have known that something was weighing heavily in the air.

    She had known Xandra for a long time—before the military, before the operation. Her ability to identify her friend’s emotions and presence had been around long before the implant was installed in her amygdala.

    Once the enhancements were installed, Azura’s perceptions of people she was closest to were the first to overwhelm her. The more she knew a person, the easier it was for the information to be processed. It took her awhile to learn to repress the signals that whirled chaotically through her, figuring out how to adjust to them.

    Once she had worked through that and was able to minimize the sensations to a manageable level, her real work began. The enhancement was meant for military purposes—like almost everything in Azura’s life. Her job was to work as an informant. She was to identify when someone nearby was aggressive. On the one hand, it would help the troops anticipate when someone or something would attack. On the other, it allowed her to work with interrogators like Xandra to identify when a detainee was lying or if they were hostile.

    He wants everyone to report to the Common Room, Xandra spoke again, now.

    Azura nodded, pushing herself to her feet. The long shirt she wore to bed did little to cover her. The curves of her hips too much for the flimsy fabric to contain. She padded across the room, waving her hand over the light sensor as she moved toward her closet.

    She caught a glimpse of Xandra as she went. She wasn’t in uniform. She, too, had been awoken suddenly. Her friend’s long, delicate limbs extended out from her shorts and tank top. Her platinum blonde hair tumbled down over her shoulders in perfectly formed golden locks. Her bright blue eyes winced back against the light as it hummed to life, but soon, they were as bright as they always were.

    Azura looked nothing like her oldest and closest friend. She wasn’t short, but she wasn’t tall either—just average. Where Xandra was slender, Azura was full-figured—with the curvy hips and voluptuous chest to prove it. Her long brown hair was board straight, and her dark green eyes were large and almond shaped. While Xandra had perfect porcelain skin, Azura’s complexion was tanned.

    They couldn’t be more opposite—not only in appearance but in personality, as well.

    Everyone as in everyone, or everyone as in the officers? Azura asked over her shoulder.

    Everyone as in everyone, Xandra answered.

    Azura nodded as Xandra began to pace back and forth around the room nervously. That was Xandra—always full of nervous energy. Azura, on the other hand, was more level-headed. Xandra was, typically, upbeat and bubbly. Azura was calm and collected.

    Sliding on her shorts, Azura turned to face her friend again. The energy in the room continued to pulsate through her. She wanted to ask what had happened but she knew she would be getting that answer soon enough. With a silent nod, she led the way out of the room.

    Stepping out into the hallway caused the sensation surging through her to escalate from a manageable buzz to an all-consuming drone. Azura had been trained how to adapt to her enhancement. It wasn’t the first time her senses had gone on over-drive. It was, however, the first time they reacted in a way that nearly knocked her backward.

    She pinched her eyes shut as she focused on her own breathing. It was calm; she was calm. That was the only way she had learned to deal with an onslaught such as the one she was facing—remaining completely calm and in control. When everyone around her was pouring out pulsating waves of tension, her only escape was into her own mind.

    Do you need a moment? Xandra asked, stopping at her side.

    No, Azura replied, opening her eyes and nodding firmly. Clearly, something is going on. We need to get to the Common Room.

    The two took off down the hallway again. The ship they were on was a small one—small by Empire standards. Their main mission was simply to monitor the airspace surrounding Earth. Their assignments varied, but the crux of the crew was dedicated to inspecting all incoming aircraft.

    Despite the peace that had fallen through the Galaxy, Earth was still hesitant to allow any and every alien vessel to land on the planet that served as the epicenter of the Empire. Vessels wishing to dock on or near the human’s home planet were first put through a quick routine inspection. Azura was part of the team that boarded the incoming vessels. Her job was to simply speak with the crew briefly, all the while reading them—their movements, their energies, their actions. If any of them had come to Earth with the intention of harming the Empire, she would be able to pick up on it and the ship would be sent away.

    To date, no drastic measures had had to be taken. They had pulled a few individuals for interviews. But, everyone they questioned had cleared Xandra and Azura’s interview process.

    It was a simple job, but it was one of the most important in the entire Galactic Fleet. Azura and the crew she worked with formed the Empire’s last and most important line of defense. If the wrong person slipped through, the fate of everything could be put at risk.

    As Azura and Xandra continued down the narrow, dimly lit hall, the hustle of bodies around them jostled the two back and forth. Everyone was going the same way. Everyone on the ship had been woken. Something very big was going on.

    Azura! Azura’s commander’s voice called out the second she stepped into the room. Her eyes flitted around the room until they landed on him.

    He was an older man, in his late 60s, with graying hair and tired blue eyes. Still, despite his advanced age, Commander Lukas was one of the highest ranking, most feared Commanders in the entire Galactic Fleet.

    Commander, Azura said as she pushed her way through the crowd, followed closely by Xandra. What’s going on?

    That’s what we need you two to figure out, Commander Lukas replied, motioning for her to follow him.

    Xandra stayed on her heels as the trio made their way to the back of the large, but heavily packed, room. The Commander looked back over his shoulder, nodding quickly at his First Lieutenant as he guided Azura and Xandra out the back exit of the room.

    Silence! The First Lieutenant’s voice rang out. The crowd hushed and the tension in the room increased. Azura’s ears began to ring as the door slid shut behind them. She craned her head around, trying to catch any piece of information the First Lieutenant was about to give, but it did no good. The tightly shut door blocked out any sounds from the room they had just left.

    Quickly, Commander Lukas ordered as he led them down the short hall toward the holding cell they rarely had a reason to use before.

    The further they got from the room full of energized bodies, the more Azura expected her sensory overload to decrease. But, that was not the case. The closer they got to their intended destination, the colder the chill coursing through her became.

    Wait, she said, coming to an abrupt halt. Xandra stopped suddenly, noting her friend’s discomfort instantly.

    The sensation was unlike any that Azura had felt before. It was more powerful than anything any human had ever produced. It was more intense than anything any other alien species had emitted and it was laced with a blinding rage that nearly turned her blood to ice.

    The Commander stopped as well, turning back to face her slowly. Azura gasped slightly for breath, bracing herself against the constricting waves.

    What? she started, still breathing heavily. What is that?

    The Commander inhaled sharply, swallowing hard as he watched his informant's internal battle. Can you do this? he asked, ignoring her question.

    What is it, Commander? Azura asked again, this time with force.

    One of the other ships intercepted a vessel, The Commander explained. A vessel we have never seen before.

    Has one of the races developed a new technology? Xandra asked the Commander, her words laced with hope.

    No, Azura answered for him. The constant ringing in her ears was beginning to make her head spin. She knew there could only be one reason for a sensation that strong to be taking over her. It’s a new species.

    The Commander nodded as Xandra let out a soft gasp. They’re strong, very strong. And smart. They were able to initiate a self-destruct sequence on their ship. All of them were killed, all but one. He’s in bad shape, and chances are, he won’t live until the morning. But we need to know who they are and why they’re here.

    It doesn’t seem good, Commander, Azura replied, bracing herself against another dizzying wave.

    Can you do this? The Commander asked again.

    Azura tried to find her calm, but something in the air told her that whatever was waiting for her at the end of the hall would once again steal it away. Remembering her training, she opened her mind to the new sensation, no matter how unpleasant the sensation was. The instant onslaught would be piercing, but once her receptors adapted to the emissions, processing and dealing with them would be easier.

    Give me a moment, Azura replied.

    Planting her feet in place, she prepared for the frigid charge. Xandra, aware of what she was doing, placed a firm hand on her shoulder, helping her handled the recoil both emotionally and physically.

    The sensation was all-consuming, as it always was when she embraced a new races’ signals. This time, though, it was more intense than it had ever been. Her hands shook violently as the surges of ice-cold energy poured into her. Her chest tightened against the onslaught, and her head swam as the implant worked to categorize the new sensations.

    Finally, when the information has been processed and her body had adjusted, she took one long, deep breath.

    Remind me again why I agreed to this enhancement? Azura said as the ringing in her ears subsided to a dull buzz and the numbing in her hands receded to only her fingertips.

    You didn’t, the Commander said as he turned on his heel. You were the only one qualified for it.

    Lucky me, Azura mumbled, shooting an exhausted smile over her shoulder at Xandra.

    At this moment, First Lieutenant Kipler is informing the ship of the recent development, the Commander explained over his shoulder. The Empire wants every ship to be made aware of the potential danger. But, before throwing everyone into a full-fledged panic, we need to be sure of what we’re dealing with.

    I think it’s pretty clear, Xandra quipped.

    If only it were that easy, the Commander replied solemnly.

    Chapter 2: Face to Face to Face

    Walking into the small meeting room that stood between the main hull of the ship and the section dedicated to holding prisoners for questioning was like walking into a wall of apprehension. There were only five other individuals in the rather large room, but still, the space felt tight and cramped.

    Shall we get started? Commander Lukas began, turning to address the group.

    Azura scanned the faces around her. Besides the Commander and Xandra, there was only one other human in the group. Colton Johnston was a high-ranking soldier, whose dedication and determination helped him excel quickly through the ranks of the Empire’s Military.

    The others, all standing at attention, arms crossed at their chests with somber looks of worry written across their faces, were Samou. The race of dragon shifters had been a long-time ally of Earth. They were considered the fiercest warriors within the Galaxy, although they rarely took up arms against anyone unless forced.

    The group of warriors was as unique as they were similar. Physically, they all shared the tell-tale traits of their kind—scales spotting their exposed torsos, patterns lacing their way through their skin; they all had dark hair and even darker eyes. However, the colors of their skin were as unique as the finer details of their features. The man with the blue skin had harsh facial features. The woman with the red skin had softer lines in her face—no doubt somewhere in her bloodline she shared blood with humans. The teal skinned man wore his hair short, and there were subtle hints of green surrounding the pitch black hollows of his eyes.

    The last of the Samou was the largest of the group. The hue of his skin, orange, was lighter than the others around him. His features, however, seemed darker somehow. The patterns woven into his skin were more defined, drawing Azura’s eyes to them quickly.

    She had extensive experience with the dragon shifters. She had worked side-by-side with them for as long as she could remember. She was familiar with their kind, and with the intricacies of their species. She was far from an expert but she was more than a rookie when it came to the Samou.

    Azura, Xandra, Commander Lukas said, this is the group responsible for apprehending the intruder. And this is Minos, he continued, motioning to the largest of the Samou warriors, he is the…

    Lead Warrior, Azura finished his statement for him.

    She hadn’t realized that she was still studying the markings in Minos’ skin with an embarrassing interest. She looked up quickly, her eyes meeting the Samou leader’s for the first time. She smiled and shrugged as he tilted his head to the side, a look of curiosity in his eye.

    The sign, she said, gesturing toward one of the designs tracing its way across his chest. There. That’s the sign of a leader, is it not?

    Minos nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on his lips. It is. I will admit, I’m impressed.

    Azura's face flushed slightly as an awkward silence fell over the room. She silently cursed the fact that not only did she have to face the awkwardness she was feeling, she was obliged to experience the uncomfortableness of everyone around her as well.

    Minos, Commander Lukas finally spoke, breaking up the awkwardness slightly, this is Azura, and she’s our informant.

    Pleased to meet you, Minos replied, nodding his head again.

    Same, Azura replied, adding quickly, although I’m sorry it’s under such tense circumstances.

    And what are the circumstances, exactly? Xandra spoke up.

    Everyone, this is Xandra. She’s our ship’s communications officer—our interrogator, Commander Lukas explained. Any and all information we collect from the intruder should be reported to her. Is that clear?

    Xandra, like Azura, had her own enhancements. Hers were also biological, not mechanical, and allowed her to store and process information quickly. Over the years, she obtained as much information as she could about all of the alien races that Earth had come into contact with and could recall it at the drop of a hat.

    Xandra let out a frustrated grunt. Very well, she said with a hint of annoyance. So, somebody better start giving me information, now.

    We apprehended the vessel on their way to Earth, Minos began to explain. What started as a routine inspection quickly took a drastic turn when we realized that they were not who they were saying they were.

    Who were they saying they were? Xandra asked.

    A group of Averoc coming to solidify a trade deal.

    The small, yellow, scale-covered group of aliens lived on a planet located at the far reaches of the galaxy. They were a peaceful group who depended on Earth for just about everything.

    And when did you realize they were not Averoc? Xandra asked.

    Our first indicator was their ship. Although externally it resembled any other vessel common throughout the Empire, the interior was unlike any we had seen before. And before you ask, no, it wasn’t new technology. We figured that out when we stumbled upon one of them unexpectedly.

    A ripple of anger came off of him. It was tinged with frustration and a slight sadness.

    One of my men was searching their ship when he found one of them, in his true form.

    Azura’s skin prickled as everyone around her held their breaths in anticipation. What was his true form? she asked.

    Grotesque is the best way I can think to describe it, Minos answered. But, you'll see for yourself soon enough.

    Azura nodded and Commander Lukas urged him to go on.

    The instant the intruder knew he was discovered, an all-out war began to unfold right there on their ship. It started slowly, some of them continuing the masquerade, claiming they had been compromised and had no knowledge of the ‘stowaway’. The more things escalated, though, the more their polished exteriors began to crack. It was a madhouse in there, shots being fired, explosions ringing out. Until one of them threw the self-destruct switch.

    Their actions clearly communicated that they did not come here to make friends. They feared discovery more than death, Minos continued. Fortunately, we were able to transport one of them off the ship before the entire thing blew.

    Azura noted the air of sadness pouring out of him increase

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