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Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C.
Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C.
Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C.
Ebook341 pages4 hours

Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C.

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About this ebook

Patamushtak, Magister whrote his Chronicles in 2015, in between fiction alien and conspiracy, he realise an essaie philosophique and spiritual, with a touch of poetry. Feel the breeze of dragon with his humour, and reach enlightment with his knowledge.
In a war spiritual against Lab technologie, with only faith and love, he face mafias, churches, and the all system, Eyes for eyes, tears for tears ...
Yann Ichbiah, after a complicate separation with his wife, in down total, crossing a psychose, wrotte these psychedelik lines.
Release dateOct 1, 2018
Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C.

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    Patamushtak, The Red Dragon Chronicles 2015 A.J.C. - Yann Ichbiah

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN: 978-1-5439479-6-0

    Table of Contents

    i startegie


    Save the world

    i startegie

    Magister knowledge

    - i stategie, alien invasions.

    Bad signal spiritual to the stars creation, big bang.

    Time manipulation to reach the big bang creation.

    They want a dead universe to feed themselves.

    Some thing new :

    Why so many black bird, charognard, mosquitoes, virus, all this is vampires adn lines waffen, Lucifer match boxes, in da world :

    Pandora box is them threat original.

    I was writing to the Inubis my dear family

    Je parierais que les copines de Moises, en son temps, ce son faite coincer par LA pharaoh de l'epok, donc LA nemirov. ?

    *** pharaoh Ramses, was the bigger grows vampire energetic I had spiritual contact.

    maybe a head battery pan German ?

    his spirit in Thailand Pai, I met, recognized a Lucifer Andreas adn connected vampire lined , I did wondered what is adn link. Ramses, sai sai, ragga band french, was there connected too.


    - inubis un outils le i le h ca en dis trop long sur Hitler, le h ne c y prononce pas non plus et ca commence par I. ita, Ines, Isis,… ca fais trop de i. imonde, ignoble, grosse impact semantic, si on ouvre in dictionnaire lettr i.


    example :ISLAM enygma

    Trop de slam ? i slam.

    message pan german to the stars :

    finish poetry.

    charia, and woman lapidation instead.

    all the i pan german are death negative negationist message to the stars.


    ca commence par Hitler, ca finis avec Inubis

    c etais ca la strategy ?

    vous comptiez me faire le bouc emissaire, lhama Adolf ?

    et vous n avez pas le bon, par contre vous lui avez donner ma femme a violer, pour le faire sortir du chapeau. (Ali & Bruno, Lucifer Andreas, … sur ma femme, Oli - horus c.m. and a eagle, couple telepath connect to the black all, in courpalay lab, seine et Marne, France, then in Georgia this men, Christophe Math sur moi et ma femme (** during her process growing our sun, to create noel and give wing to reptilians servants)

    German French labs and think tank to create Satan, during my child time.

    lots of thing they had in mind with this black hat.

    what they have in mind with my sun now ?

    what kind of horror more ?

    already :

    I think they created in Sihanouk's season 2014, on my sun, alpha spiritual level, super telepath :

    fear of love

    hope death process

    father abortions process

    addiction process to drugs, 2 years old through breath feeding then smoke.

    Hell for a child, with barbarie total context :

    proxenate ss waffen harder and sneaker than gestapo, think tank and technologique, politic and military support, from all germany, vietnam and kambodg, over scare and obedient, gangs and them dogs, on him and her mother in Utopia discothèque contracted by Nemirov and i mano negra, eta, ira, and Mohachai guest house, and our neighboring from waffen ss.

    Fsb and French, Italians over compleasant or complice, and complice fsb was regularly, (with Tania I. pushing her in bad reputation and serving as makrel fsb ?) her father knew about too many details, eaven about yaba first attack in koh phan gham, with Russian ayasay, waffen and Ukrainian.

    French police never record my complained 2014, rapt my wife in police station, when she tried, 2012, and deport me in asylum 2 month 2014. Vincennes main police station.

    *** message universals, declaration of citizens, is insane corruption perverted.

    Interpol never answered my message, and French ambassy when I asked social assistance for my sun Gabriel, French citizen, answered, it political too high, she was not abble to send a social assistant in Sihanouk ville 2014.


    yaba is endorphins dogs beach production during them hot periods. imagine impact spiritual on humanity's.

    very black magic total, this black hall gate openers.


    they clap by trick litle niddle in hand with perfidie, in us so much anestesique, analgesic, drugs, that at the end of day was not possible to remember what we wanted to do, or less to be.

    They bring her to become yaba adict very fast, and me passive amnesic, very fast too.

    They broke her diaphragm with a donkey dick adn Turkish born bring by waffen.

    force us on drug to copulate and bring him to eject me full spiritually connected with her from her sex, for me to feel her satisfaction after month of them work.

    my sun connected mentally, adn, breath feedind, and drugs connected, that she was force to masturbate to make sleep, to stop him from dying from hart attack, feel this spiritually.

    trauma schematic universal to create purgatory

    to create hell and heaven base conglomerate.

    all this sect vampire gay German ?

    and vampire lesbians Arabes, Muslims, and pharaoh. nemirov ?

    since les pharaoh nemirov conspicuous is active against me :

    this what mean the black hat, trick : ref to black hall ?

    the rabit, my wife ?

    the birds, Lucifer, and Hitler ?

    Hitler is consider by Buddhist Himalayan AS Vishnu avatar.

    The blue bird, then the spaceship blue mind

    the ants where vampirising the

    mastermind red that they fearedto enter test on the blue

    more easy to be

    control, a spaceship.

    lifeforms bio mechanic Gaian.

    a space fleet invasion emerging from a black hall spatial ?

    but for this they needed solvability, they does never had.

    and today, they are condemned

    they are wasted, by them passed acts

    and shall be proceed.

    with out any chance to escape.

    more over they train and brain washed Jewish, to be bouc emissary, guilty passive, since 2000 years.

    they messed up that time and wasted these poor people with less resulted expected right !?

    obeisance to, Lucifer ? ants alien king avatar ? what lifeforms is there originally Andreas in your previous kingdom Alien ?

    is it still alive,

    I saw something else !?

    I saw a icely cryogenized king Andreas profile,

    floating in the space broken ?

    space temporal inter action ?

    what was this vision ?

    Christophe Math, reptilian avatar ?

    you wanted to fly like birds, reptiles ?

    I saw nova,

    what you think of this interval temporal ?

    mother nature strategy :

    LA Romanov c est termine avec LA nemirov, qui n a pas donne de fils, a ma connaissance, but we can still be surprised by old bear mix that learn few tantric vedic workshop, gifted from across the time with me.

    they had to finish, in love, that was challenge of existence of Romanov line, heal the old family branch, brother native, Nemirovski.

    I would not be surprised to see them alive with particular healer necromancer talents, as this question grow in me spiritually,

    from where came the Christian grace of Resurrection ?

    avatar alien your time will get to be harder here, and every where.

    we know your kind. you will be track

    we will vaccinate this universe against your kind. and eradicate your plagues every where.

    we act with love,

    freedom is name this.

    faculty to love and act with love

    this humanoids faculties

    god goddess energies linked.

    ants, reptilian,

    primitive life forms ignore.

    and sometimes rudely, insanely, react.


    this what is condemned by them


    in the eternal.



    by all ancient born civilisations

    and allies.


    I think, my analyse :

    we are making a vaccine out of them

    I'm the first one.

    the vaccine.

    bio mutate by ancient spirits

    Then maybe,

    Angel's to balance defend human spiritual

    Gaian goddess spirit to protect environmental.

    Aliens space fleet counter attack them intrusion in them homelands ?

    healing what was possible

    They Influenced The Past,

    Just Leaving Energies God Goddess Gate Opened ?

    by the black hall temporal open by invaders alien,

    Ants and reptilians

    and representing them,

    pan German and allied by human.

    to awake, Christianity, Krishna, Buddha, …

    all wise, brave, act of love

    Poetry's, romantisme, philosophy, psychology, theology, mysticism, …

    art, where step of love humans.

    god and goddess love meeting stepping,

    that where antivirus studies,

    and pre-vaccines access ?Healings methods Ancients.

    what was condemned by Ants first :

    alien ancient spaceship capture

    bio modified then the 2 brain captured

    the blue spaceship spirit, and

    red masterminded ancient.

    then human historic persecution

    life history persecution

    planet and universal persecution

    black hole creation

    message of death negationim negative

    time big bang message

    invasion tactical universals.

    *** this corner of the galaxy is particularly desperate, that's why so less lifeforms.

    because of this invasive wave Ants.


    and what is behind.

    a trauma spiritual, from other universe

    as ancient connected analysis.

    *** illuminati sect enigma

    i message : angels are torture spiritual intellectual

    then message from angels from me transmitted

    to the past have negative men link or gays.

    or positive and familial convicted link feminine.

    some practices like

    auto masterings discipline.

    to be independent spirituality

    managing your sins, instinct, and influence.

    using some time Angels with me.

    was start spiral, sent to the past.

    but the negative men link turn it

    to torture and perversion.

    Magister knowledge

    healing spiritual

    Feeding bears with waffen ss team Sihanouk 2014, and Georgian, Stalin's Putine papunashvilli, Math Christophe, a maximum of the genetic line, would rebalance the all human spirituality.

    naturally, to froze them as beer shit to neutralize them radioactivity would be of great benefits.

    magister analyse

    le chainon manquant,

    Darwin miss peace.

    from monkey to human :

    a bear maybe ?

    a bear and a monkey met one fool moon party.

    then various local mix …

    from tiger to horses, caw, monkeys, Wolfe's, …

    humanoids is mother nature search cocktail.

    uniting various genetic lines.

    directing and correcting

    blonds genes come from white bears, I think.

    this why monkeys, and beers have stronger link spirituality with human. easy in zoo.

    german master minds did include or not in them arithmetical ?

    did they made an error with Russian then if they did thought only on second wave Russian bear adn mix antique and later ? after Pharaoh tiger mix, that is why is call misha, my cat. them big white cat from Siberia

    or they knew and then

    did they hit that hardly on them, like on African on purpose ?

    to hit spiritual of the all line genetic.


    Magister knowledge

    Berlin show bigness French happening

    today I wrote to my family Inubis, the black hand pan german (master minds, darkness vital space, supreme intelligence and prophetic potential), united to the Kali sect, black bird in Europe, hold by my mother necromancer old family Nemirovski, Hitler, to Cesarion line adn.

    they are all these ancient line, same descendants from brahmans like the Krishna from India. I think.

    maybe they where sending wave with them champion …

    they brought Sanskrit semantics roots over.

    Nemirovski, na emir (Syrian bank in Europe during 0 - 18-19 centuries, before Rothschild's took the hand, bastard search of mother nature genetics, to get nobler foxy knight bankers to run away in UK independent from pharaoh.

    Pharaoh where alien slave pan Germany utopian.

    *** Prussian bankers, ruined by Polish kingdom's political and extra eccentric imbecilities during 18-19 centuries.

    same original nemirovski, bachard el Assad, families and gen necromancer.

    Syrian have a bill to get payed by Prussian ?

    Polish ? I'm worried that them intended are not that pure ?

    I think bank solidarities between German bank, and Syrian pharaoh bank, may be encouraged in them will to Get payed on the beach-steak.

    Traite des blanches ? illegal in the 21 century.

    There is something big about german and nemirovski trauma, Hitler search, the Nemirovski necromancer talent where transmit by women since ? … I think them brutality came from his will to extract it from the women.

    maybe the shoa, itself was an extraction field ?

    Jewish have this schematic intellectual spiritual, similarities to talent's transmission mainly by women, as they believe to be Jewish is to be born from Jewish mother.

    As probabilist, i believe that Egyptian slaves running away used some old Pharaoh women tricks on them antiquity times.

    German like shashlik party in naturalism and all nudity.

    more over when imbeciles, undeveloped, animals,

    stair with envies.

    it's so nauty.

    exciting the german men as well ?

    in kobuleti they waits since a century

    years after years

    the beautiful madame allemande.

    the apat, to fish them.

    new generalized pan german technical

    betray first, get fished

    after they play first

    every way is them labyrinth

    spider net

    to eat you from inside as well as outside. negative to be nothing.

    utopia baby dopamine.

    Mme Sarf ? Mr Sarf,

    presser d etudier le tantrism

    30 ans avant l'heure ?

    risque de trou noir galactic ?

    pas grave ? je crois que si

    tres grave j ai remarqué.

    j en suis meme outré

    quand je constate

    vos aberations allienante.

    hr doctor used his sun, 10 years old ?

    Guill, to get his wife to betray,

    and fish them all. I was 12 ? - 13 ?

    pathetically vampires shema.

    entertainment pan german feminism ?

    from human to bey that they extract

    in battery energetic.

    all fake, all negative,

    vampires expentionisme.

    like a black hall progress.

    fair with good hart is the simple step,

    ready every day like if it would be the last

    brave and solenelle, sometimes is necessary.

    the will to be free,

    free to love

    free to act with love

    29 Nov 2015, 12:18

    bonjour, mains Noire's et mouches putrides

    vraiment j espere pour vos Ames, que vous avez des circonstances atenuante.

    les labo pan german vous tiennent ? entre la pince le chalumeau LA roulette, les chiens et le compte bancaire ?

    en plus ILS font peter votre bataclan et vos parisiens. et vous aligne l addition.

    tout de meme deguelasse d avoid achete LA tribe pour les utiliser Dans cette infamie. ca aime pas les mendiants les inubis ? jean, manu, Raymond ? vous insulter toute LA chretiennete ? l inde ? les boudhistes ? les Francais, Mais bon c est eux qui ont commencer …

    l intelligence supreme quand Elle pousse sous terre ca donne pas que des carotte et des patates … ? ca donne quoi d autre comme truck qui pousse sous terre ?

    06:16, November 24, 2015,

    Magister knowledge

    The joke of the day

    Aristocracy can be protected historical monuments

    Conclaves family are human history patrimony

    Genetics and historic, this what wanted to destroy pan German red hand during this century in Russia.

    They where too good to be challenged honorably ?

    Better to kill them all in German arithmetic :

    From the trauma of second world war

    East front Russian Polish, ethnic cleaning Georgian pan German 1942-1945.

    Lucifer's with flashing memorial break the beer spirits.

    Mother's nature experience mix adn human beer from northern land.

    Every beer from every zoo, have a Lucifer waffen friend, Andreas code master mind of Asian waffen 2014 ? Mohachai ? Pan german enigma ? Utopia today. Easy one.

    Bear spirit see Russian soldiers dying

    Capitulated. Dompted.

    Did they had Lucifer match boxes families, very active members in east front during that 42-45 ?

    Member of families of match boxes, Lucifer, German industrial have some bears in them garden ?

    Do they have an Andreas waffen ss in Cambodia ?

    The genetic link, Andreas and waffen had, they killed 20 millions Russian to keep spiritual ascended genetic generational.

    Was use during Sihanouk's waffen season 2014

    Against my family and Russian empathy.

    I notice.

    Magister knowledge

    Gift of the day, to all government of this planet, a flying butterflies maybe bring wind of love at the other side of the global planetary system of action reactions in Gaia process.So school, and progress empathic collective.

    When students have good mantra, good message universal

    They practice to positive the empathic lever of them societies.

    Example, a shield spiritual.

    Every morning 10 Ave Maria type, :

    I'm a shield spiritual intellectual for my collective country.

    All the student from 6 to 20 years old.


    All the scientific communities will get an influence energetic empathize that will grow them potential very high, on all these thematic.

    » problem positive negative balance :

    Can work on many problematic and circle of consciousness, from families, to congregation, to sects or governments of divers tendencies…

    As sick plagues pan german, used this knowledge in labyrinth spiral killer technology, like flash brain and subliminal messaging, spaming, harcelling, viral negativist message's : computer game, advertising from all Google and Facebook adds, are use to diffusion of viral message.

    Easy to change, enter, target !!! With Google add its almost all in hand just to codification, every one can target with a gif video tag subliminal message, to a brain for cheap.

    The x porn, I m afraid to watch since 7 years with what they destroy there in term of spirituality and tantrism potential.

    Somebody's in total negative spirituality, react only by négationism and banalitism, does not contest, negativism political and be and have negatively by consumerism maximal to feel emptiness.

    Therefore example practices, i consider, as a spiritual devastation, and think, good that every one, shall be able to balance that by getting in touch with process knowledgeable.

    and government to be efficiency, need to manage independent, need organization's of a positive balance.

    28 Nov at 2:17 pm

    Magister problem

    France me a culpa ?*********************

    France like to apologized African slavery, colonialism, its very select socialist liberal.

    What about Russian aristocratic, arrived a century ago ?

    Traite des blanches and slavery we had at same time. They where growing atheist fields.

    Act of barbarians in many degree, to condamn to death penalty by any human war tribunal of today statement type Nuremberg I believe.

    First woman born from every woman for the French droit de cuissage, the bordel.

    Libertee, Egalite, fraternite

    In French sound like a fake to the stars now.

    Again the problem is French and Russian miss to pay German bankers.

    They both had a gun on heads to do shit work, but walking on last Russian face was not that displeasure ?

    Did they plan on purpose the republic laique ? It would be interesting to study original ethnic of laicity.

    Me as Romanov romantic descendant I had the all list of German Master minds ss waffen and else planed, I think.

    Act of Barbary up to killing spiritual, big bang imploded couples messages to the Star's ?

    What more ?

    Force homosexual tendances, that's sure, I was torture all my life this way, using flash brain photos of families victims potential hostages from bank German, then threaten to make me forget all along my life under this childhood lab time in France with the black hand sect of my families Inubis side with franc Macon, pedophile and be sexual serving of rats labs.

    I hate gays and pedophiles even more, my message to the star was pure and honest.

    I was accepted as knight of love and freedom.

    And believe me, was Goddess's, High spirits answers.




    They heal me, cancer smoker, full blood, teath, teach and initiate me to tantrism highest level.

    Made change in weed cannabis, molecules, and brain schematic answer,

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