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Agroecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality
Agroecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality
Agroecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality
Ebook1,194 pages11 hours

Agroecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality

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Agro-Ecosystem Diversity: Impact on Food Security and Environmental Quality presents cutting-edge exploration of developing novel farming systems and introduces landscape ecology to agronomy. It encompasses the broad range of links between agricultural development and ecological impact and how to limit the potential negative results. Presented in seven sections, each focusing on a specific challenge to sustaining diversity, the book provides insights toward the argument that by re-introducing diversity, it should be possible to maintain a high level of productivity of agro-ecosystems while also maintaining and/or restoring a satisfactory level of environment quality and biodiversity.

  • Demonstrates that diversified agro-ecosystems can be intensified with environmental quality preserved, restored and enhanced
  • Includes analysis of economic constraints leading to specialization of farms and regions and the social locking forces resisting to diversification of agro-ecosystems
  • Presents a global vision of world agriculture and the tradeoff between a necessary increase in food production and restoring environment quality
Release dateOct 8, 2018
Agroecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality

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    Agroecosystem Diversity - Gilles Lemaire

    Agroecosystem Diversity

    Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environmental Quality


    Gilles Lemaire

    Honorary Director of Research, INRA Lusignan, France

    Paulo César De Faccio Carvalho

    UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Scott Kronberg

    USDA - Agricultural Research Service, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, Mandan, North Dakota, USA

    Sylvie Recous

    Director of Research, INRA, FARE laboratory, Reims, France

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page


    In Memoriam



    Section I. C–N–P Cycles in Agroecosystems and Impacts on Environment

    Chapter 1. Plant–Soil Interactions Control CNP Coupling and Decoupling Processes in Agroecosystems With Perennial Vegetation


    Coupling and Decoupling of C, N, and P Cycles: A Prerequisite for Provision of Ecosystem Services From Agroecosystems

    Plant Effects on C, N, and P Cycling

    C, N, and P Cycling in the Rhizosphere

    Plant–Microbial Crosstalk at the Soil–Root Interface


    Chapter 2. C–N–P Uncoupling in Grazed Grasslands and Environmental Implications of Management Intensification


    Biogeochemical Cycling in Grazed Grasslands

    Nutrient Fluxes Between Plants and Animals

    Grazing Intensification: Environmental Concerns and Mitigation Strategies


    Chapter 3. C–N–P Decoupling Processes Linked to Arable Cropping Management Systems in Relation With Intensification of Production


    Processes Involved in the Coupling of C, N, and P Cycles in Soils

    Decoupling Factors in Intensive Arable Production


    Chapter 4. Potential of Increased Temporal Crop Diversity to Improve Resource Use Efficiencies: Exploiting Water and Nitrogen Linkages

    Rethinking the Role of Rotation Complexity in Resource Use Efficiency

    Rotation Diversification Optimizes Water and Nitrogen Retention and Cycling

    Rotation Diversification Increases Crop Uptake of Water and N

    Significance of Crop Rotation Diversification for WUE and NUE in a Changing Climate

    Knowledge Gaps for Integrating Rotation Diversity into Resource Use Efficiency Improvement Strategies

    Chapter 5. Negative Impacts on the Environment and People From Simplification of Crop and Livestock Production


    Negative Impacts Linked to the Concentration of Production

    Negative Impacts Linked to Simplification of Land Use

    Need for Improved Diversified Systems

    Negative Impacts on People From Simplification of Crop and Livestock Production

    Section II. Increasing Diversity Within Agroecosystems for Reducing Environmental Emissions

    Chapter 6. Using Crop Diversity and Conservation Cropping to Develop More Sustainable Arable Cropping Systems


    Diversification of Crop Rotations

    Conservation Cropping Systems

    Combining Conservation Tillage and Increased Diversity


    Chapter 7. Building Agricultural Resilience With Conservation Pasture-Crop Rotations


    Land Degradation and Soil Quality

    Energizing Agricultural Landscapes With a Biologic Approach to Soil Management Using Conservation Pasture-Crop Rotations

    Economic Limitations and Opportunities of Conservation Pasture-Crop Rotations

    Environmental Benefits of Conservation Pasture-Crop Rotations

    Further Needs to Improve Conservation Pasture-Crop Rotations

    Chapter 8. The Contributions of Legumes to Reducing the Environmental Risk of Agricultural Production


    The Importance of Legumes to Global Agriculture

    Legume Effects on N Dynamics of Agroecosystems

    Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Effect of Legumes on Soil Organic C

    The Consumption of Nonrenewable Energy Resources

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services


    Chapter 9. Can Silvoarable Systems Maintain Yield, Resilience, and Diversity in the Face of Changing Environments?


    Production Functions

    Regulatory Functions


    Chapter 10. Linking Arable Cropping and Livestock Production for Efficient Recycling of N and P


    Current Status of N and P in Soils and Water Courses in Europe With Reference to the Specialization of Agriculture

    What Do We Mean by Improved Synergy Between Crops and Livestock?

    Influence of Crop Livestock Integration on N and P Management

    Examples of Practices That Could Improve N and P Management Through Synergies Between Crops and Livestock

    Looking to the Future

    Section III. Heterogeneity Within and Among Agroecosystems and Dynamics of Biodiversity

    Chapter 11. Can Increased Within-Field Diversity Boost Ecosystem Services and Crop Adaptability to Climatic Uncertainty?

    Chapter 12. The Future of Sustainable Crop Protection Relies on Increased Diversity of Cropping Systems and Landscapes




    Plant Pathogens


    Chapter 13. Grassland Functional Diversity and Management for Enhancing Ecosystem Services and Reducing Environmental Impacts: A Cross-Scale Analysis


    How to Analyze Grassland Diversity, Management, Services, and Impacts?

    Characteristics of Goods, Ecosystem Services, and Environmental Impacts According to Grassland Community Type and Its Management


    Chapter 14. Local and Landscape Scale Effects of Heterogeneity in Shaping Bird Communities and Population Dynamics: Crop-Grassland Interactions


    Agricultural Intensification, Habitat Heterogeneity, and Biodiversity

    The Components of Farmland Habitat Heterogeneity and Their Effect on Birds

    Selected Examples From Flagship Species

    Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects

    Section IV. Diversified agroecosystems at farm levels for more sustainable agriculture production?

    Chapter 15. Integration of Crop and Livestock Production in Temperate Regions to Improve Agroecosystem Functioning, Ecosystem Services, and Human Nutrition and Health


    Integrating Crop and Livestock Production to Improve Agroecosystem Functioning

    Integrating Crop and Livestock Production to Improve Provisioning of Higher Quality Food

    Integration Rather Than Just Coexistence of Crops and Livestock

    Toward More Agroecological Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems

    Understanding the Drivers and Encouraging the Development of Sophisticated Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems

    Chapter 16. Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems as a Solution Facing the Destruction of Pampa and Cerrado Biomes in South America by Intensive Monoculture Systems


    Degradation of Pampas and Cerrados Biomes by Intensive Monoculture Systems

    Types of Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems in South America

    Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems in the Pampa and Cerrado Biomes

    Final Considerations

    Chapter 17. Toward Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems in West Africa: A Project for Dairy Production Along Senegal River


    Crop and Dairy Production in North Senegal: Constraints and Opportunities

    Toward an Integrated Crop-Livestock System

    Toward an Integrated Crop-Livestock System at the Territory Level


    Chapter 18. Silvopastoral Systems in Latin America for Biodiversity, Environmental, and Socioeconomic Improvements


    Final Remarks

    Section V. Socio-Economic Opportunities for and Locking Effects Against Diversification of Agroecosystems at Farm and Beyond Farm Levels

    Chapter 19. The Economic Drivers and Consequences of Agricultural Specialization


    Drivers of Agricultural Specialization

    Agricultural Specialization, Ecologic Simplification, and Farming Characteristics

    The Consequences of Agricultural Specialization


    Chapter 20. Practices of Sustainable Intensification Farming Models: An Analysis of the Factors Conditioning Their Functioning, Expansion, and Transformative Potential


    Sustainable Intensification Farming Models: A Framework to Study Their Practices and Their Transformative Potential

    Three Cases of Sustainable Intensification in Tuscany: Their Practices and Their Transformative Potential

    Sustainable Intensification Farming Models: Configuration, Replication, Scaling up, and Translation of Practices

    Discussion and Conclusion: Opportunities and Challenges for the Setup and Expansion of Sustainable Intensification Farming Models

    Chapter 21. Environmental Benefits of Farm- and District-Scale Crop-Livestock Integration: A European Perspective

    Introduction: Context

    How to Promote New Systems That Mix Livestock and Crops?

    Assessment of Implemented Innovations at the Farm Level

    Assessment of Implemented Innovations at the District Level

    Conclusion: Complementarity of Innovations at Farm and District Levels

    Chapter 22. Payment for Unmarketed Agroecosystem Services as a Means to Promote Agricultural Diversity: An Examination of Agricultural Policies and Issues


    The Many Dimensions of Agricultural Diversity

    An Assessment of Policies for Paying Farmers for Unmarketed Environmental Services or Rewarding Them for On-Farm Diversity

    Economic Reality, Theory, and Payments for On-Farm Product Diversity

    Economic Theory and Payments for Environmental Services

    Other Types of Diversity of Agroecosystems



    Chapter 23. Agricultural Policies and the Reduction of Uncertainties in Promoting Diversification of Agricultural Productions: Insights From Europe

    The Costs and Benefits of Product Diversification: The Microeconomic Perspective

    Transitions Toward Product Diversification: The Mesoeconomic Perspective of Institutional Economics

    Agricultural Policies and Diversification: Illustration From Europe


    Chapter 24. Technological Lock-In and Pathways for Crop Diversification in the Bio-Economy


    Lock-In: A Growing Competitiveness Gap Between Major and Minor Crops

    Lock-In Processes That Marginalize Grain-Legumes: A French Case Study

    Bio-Economy: Between Agroecology and Industrializing Crop Diversity

    Section VI. Global Aspects

    Chapter 25. Opening to Distant Markets or Local Reconnection of Agro-Food Systems? Environmental Consequences at Regional and Global Scales


    Structural Characteristics of Agro-Food Systems

    Elaboration and Assessment of Scenarios


    Chapter 26. Scaling From Local to Global for Environmental Impacts From Agriculture


    Scales of Environmental Impacts

    Decision-Making Across Scales


    Chapter 27. An Evolutionary Perspective on Industrial and Sustainable Agriculture


    Roadblocks to Sustainable Agriculture

    The Causes and Consequences of Agricultural Modernization: The Role of Government Policy

    Alternative Paths

    Entry Points for Change


    Chapter 28. Current and Potential Contributions of Organic Agriculture to Diversification of the Food Production System


    Current Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Diversification

    Potential Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Diversification of the Food Production System



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    In Memoriam

    Martino Nieddu

    On the 11th of June 2018, Martino Nieddu, Professor of Economics at University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, passed away. Since the beginning of his PhD in the early 1990s, he focused on agricultural dynamics. More precisely, he worked on the long-period trajectories of French agriculture. To understand it, he used a regulation theory approach in order to depict the endogeneous coevolution of agricultural accumulation regimes, agricultural practices, and agroindustry institutions. At the end of the 1990s, he started to highlight the emerging interest of agroindustries in non–food valorization. It brought him to be one of the first and main French economists to study green chemistry and biorefinery and to introduce a transition to sustainability studies in France. His colleagues and Ph-D students will remember him for his great ability to manage the constant back and forth between deep empirical knowledge and a clear view of theoretical advances, especially in the field of Agricultural and Sustainability Transitions.

    His influence on these research topics is certainly related to his strong involvement in the organization at the head of the laboratory REGARDS at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. Notably, he opened this research unit to pluridisciplinary investigations with economics and other social sciences, but also with natural sciences.


    David J. Abson,     Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany

    Eduardo Aguilera,     Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain

    Bagoré Bathily,     Laiterie du Berger, Richard Toll, Sénégal

    Philippe Baveye,     UMR ECOSYS, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Thiverval-Grignon, France

    Nicolas Béfort,     Chair in Industrial Bioeconomy, Neoma Business School; European Center in Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, Reims, France

    Tim G. Benton,     School of Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

    Isabelle Bertrand,     Eco&Sols, INRA, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France

    Gilles Billen,     Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 METIS, Paris, France

    Juliette Bloor,     INRA-UREP, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    Timothy M. Bowles,     University of California Berkeley, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, Berkeley, California, USA

    Vincent Bretagnolle,     CEBC-CNRS, Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France

    Toby J.A. Bruce,     School of Life Sciences, Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

    Gianluca Brunori,     University of Pisa - Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE) - ITALY

    Mauroni Alves Cangussú,     Centro Brasileiro de Pecuária Sustentável, Imperatriz, Brazil

    Paulo César de F. Carvalho,     University Federal of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Abad Chabbi

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), URP3F, Lusignan, France

    INRA, Ecosys, Thiverval-Grignon, France

    Julian Chará,     CIPAV – Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria, Cali, Colombia

    Juan Cruz Colazo,     EEA San Luis, INTA & National University of San Luis, Villa Mercedes, Argentina

    Christian Corniaux,     CIRAD, Unité SELMET, Dakar, Sénégal

    Carlos Alexandre Costa Crusciol,     São Paulo State University (UNESP), College of Agricultural Science, Botucatu, Brazil

    Simona D'Amico,     University of Pisa - Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment - ITALY; Union for Ethical BioTrade, Amsterdam - The NETHERLANDS

    William Deen,     University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

    Leonardo Deiss,     Doutorando, University Federal of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil

    Luc Delaby,     INRA-PEGASE, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France

    Christian Dupraz,     INRA, UMR System, University of Montpellier, France

    Michel Duru,     AGIR, INRA, Université de Toulouse, Auzeville, France

    Martha Xochitl Flores Estrada,     Fundación Produce Michoacán, Morelia, Mexico

    Alan J. Franzluebbers,     USDA – Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC, United States

    Doreen Gabriel,     Institute for Crop and Soil Science, Julius Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany

    Josette Garnier,     Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 METIS, Paris, France

    Francois Gastal,     FERLUS, INRA, Lusignan, France

    Amélie C.M. Gaudin,     University of California Davis, Department of Plant Sciences, Davis, California, USA

    Bernard Giroud,     SAFE Nutrition, 8998 Sacré Coeur 3, Dakar, Sénégal

    John Gowdy,     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States

    Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen,     Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark

    Laura Henckel,     CEBC-CNRS, Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France

    John Hendrickson,     Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Mandan, North Dakota, United States

    Olivier Huguenin-Elie,     Agroscope, Forage Production and Grassland Systems, Zurich, Switzerland

    Christian Huyghe,     Paris Siège - INRA - 147 rue de l'Université, F-75338, Paris, France

    Erik Steen Jensen,     Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems and Technology, Alnarp, Sweden

    Eric Justes

    Formerly INRA, Joint Research Unit AGIR (Agroecology, Innovations, Territories), INRA-INPT-University of Toulouse, Castanet Tolosan, France

    Currently CIRAD, Joint Research Unit SYSTEM, CIRAD - INRA SupAgro, Montpellier, France

    David Kleijn,     Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

    Katia Klumpp,     INRA-UREP, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    Hein Korevaar,     Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands

    Scott L. Kronberg,     USDA – Agricultural Research Service, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, Mandan, ND, United States

    Pierre Labarthe,     INRA-SAD, UMR AGIR, Castanet-Tolosan Cedex, France

    Claudete Reisdorfer Lang,     University Federal of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil

    Gwenaëlle Lashermes,     FARE laboratory, INRA, Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France

    Luis Lassaletta,     CEIGRAM, Agricultural Production Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    Gerry Lawson,     Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Philippe Lecomte,     CIRAD, Unité SELMET, Dakar, Sénégal

    Gilles Lemaire,     INRA, Centre de Recherche Poitou-Charentes, 86600, Lusignan, France

    Julia Le Noë,     Sorbonne Université, CNRS, EPHE, UMR 7619 METIS, Paris, France

    Philippe Leterme

    Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France

    UMR 1069 SAS INRA/Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France

    Isabelle Litrico,     P3F UR 004 - INRA - Le Chêne RD150, F-86600, Lusignan, France

    Marie-Benoit Magrini,     AGIR, Université de Toulouse, INRA, Castanet-Tolosan, France

    Marty D. Matlock,     University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States

    Rogerio Martins Mauricio,     Bioengineering Department, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ), São João del-Rei, Brazil

    Vanessa E. McMillan,     Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, United Kingdom

    Zia Mehrabi,     Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Paul Miguet,     CEBC-CNRS, Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France

    Anibal de Moraes,     University Federal of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil

    Enrique Murgueitio,     CIPAV – Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria, Cali, Colombia

    Thomas Nesme

    Bordeaux Sciences Agro, University of Bordeaux, Gradignan, France

    UMR 1391 ISPA, Villenave-d’Ornon, France

    Paul Neve,     Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, United Kingdom

    Martino Nieddu,     REGARDS, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France

    Domingos Sávio Campos Paciullo,     Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Rua Eugênio do Nascimento, Juiz de Fora, Brazil

    Cristiano Magalhães Pariz,     UNESP, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Botucatu, Brazil

    Sylvain Pellerin,     INRA, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Univ. Bordeaux, ISPA, Villenave-d'Ornon, France

    Mark B. Peoples,     CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Canberra, ACT, Australia

    L.D.A.S. Pontes,     IAPAR - Agronomic Institute of Paraná, Ponta Grossa-PR, Brazil

    Sylvie Recous,     FARE laboratory, INRA, Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France

    John Regan,     UMR 1391 ISPA, Villenave-d’Ornon, France

    Leah L.R. Renwick,     University of California Davis, Department of Plant Sciences, Davis, California, USA

    Rafael Sandin Ribeiro,     Bioengineering Department, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ), São João del-Rei, Brazil

    Aude Ridier,     Agrocampus Ouest, UMR SMART LERECO, Rennes Cedex, France

    Adanella Rossi,     University of Pisa - Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (DAFE) - ITALY

    Cornelia Rumpel,     CNRS, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Paris, (IEES), Thiverval-Grignon, France

    Julie Ryschawy,     Université de Toulouse, AGIR UMR 1248, INRA, INPT-ENSAT, Auzeville, France

    Alberto Sanz-Cobeña,     ETSI Agronómica, Alimentaria y Biosistemas. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    J. Schellberg,     Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

    Verena Seufert

    Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

    Gavin Siriwardena,     Terrestrial Ecology, British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Norfolk, United Kingdom

    Jonathan Storkey,     Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, United Kingdom

    R. Mark Sulc,     The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States

    J.P. Theau,     AGIR, INRA, Université de Toulouse, Auzeville, France

    O. Therond,     UMR LAE, INRA, Université de Lorraine, Colmar, France

    Clement A. Tisdell,     School of Economics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

    Cairistiona F.E. Topp,     Crop and Soil Systems, SRUC, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    Françoise Vertès,     INRA-SAS, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France

    Christine A. Watson,     Crop and Soil Systems, SRUC, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

    Jeroen Watté,     Werkgroep voor Rechtvaardige en Verantwoorde Landbouw, Brussels, Belgium

    Michael Williams,     Department of Botany, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

    Clevo Wilson,     QUT Business School, Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia


    Tradeoffs Between Diversity and Intensification as the Basis for Sustainable Agriculture Systems

    Most of the negative environmental impacts of modern agriculture are in general attributed to a too-high level of use of energy and chemical inputs for achieving high levels of food production necessary for feeding a very large human population. So intensification of agriculture seems to have reached its limit in most industrialized countries, and some people are calling for a limitation or even a decrease of the intensification per unit land area to protect or restore the environment. But other people claim that if such a solution were to be generalized across the whole planet, it would inevitably create food security problems in the near future. Is this dilemma absolutely irremediable? Or is there any degree of freedom for resolving this contradiction? It is the question that this book proposes to deal with.

    To answer this question, a working hypothesis has been formulated and is developed and analyzed through the different chapters: the negative impacts of modern agriculture on the environment we can observe today could be linked more to a too-high degree of simplification and/or homogeneity of agriculture systems at fields, farm, landscape, and region levels than to a too-high level of intensification of production. As historically, in all industrialized countries, intensification of agriculture production has been strictly linked with field and farm size increase, simplification of cropping systems, reduction in the range of production, disconnection between crop and livestock production systems, etc. These processes being the result of the paradigm of economy of scale, leading to the strong uniformity of landscapes and regions, it is difficult to distinguish and to analyze the causality chain of processes responsible for this deterioration of the environment. If the cause of these negative impacts would be more directly linked to the loss in diversity of agriculture production systems, then it should be possible, by restoring this diversity, to maintain possibilities for increasing agriculture production while minimizing environmental impacts.

    Environmental impacts linked to emissions to the atmosphere and hydrosphere are mainly due to an imbalance between C–N–P decoupling and coupling processes within the agroecosystem, which has been highly aggravated by the historical link between intensification, simplification, and homogeneity of agriculture production systems. Resilience of agroecosystems is achieved by intimately linking C–N–P decoupling processes for providing nutrients resources to organisms with recoupling processes for recycling these nutriments and for reducing losses. Intensification of agriculture production tends to increase decoupling and to reduce recoupling for increasing nutrient availability. Hence, a high diversity within agroecosystems can be viewed as a means to restore a better balance between decoupling and recoupling through spatial and temporal interactions among components of the system. Thus, a biogeochemical functional analysis of agroecosystems must be performed for developing biogeochemical engineering of agroecosystems at the different levels of field, farm, or landscape. These aspects are developed in Sections I and II.

    Loss of biodiversity is also highly linked to the decrease in diversity within agroecosystems and among them at the landscape level as the consequence of the reductions in trophic networks and habitats. In the same way, the genetic diversity within agroecosystems has to be reconsidered in light of this integrated vision. These aspects are developed in Section III.

    By restoring and increasing diversity at all levels of organization, field, farm, landscape, and region, we can postulate that it should be possible to maintain a high level of productivity of agroecosystems while a satisfactory level of environment quality and biodiversity could be maintained or restored. Grassland-arable cropping integration and agroforestry are two important ways for diversifying agriculture systems owing to their high degree for coupling C–N–P. Examples and performances of these integrated systems in different regions of the planet are analyzed. This aspect is developed in Section IV.

    Diversification of agriculture systems must be analyzed not only at farm but also at landscape, regional, and continental levels for matching environmental and biodiversity issues with socioeconomic drivers. If diversity of agroecosystems cannot be maximized at farm level owing to several socioeconomic constraints, then it should be necessary to analyze at which conditions some of the necessary recoupling processes could be achieved beyond the farm gate. Socioeconomic analyses are necessary for studying the possible ways for disconnecting specialization/homogeneity from intensification (economy of scale) and for promoting the links between intensification and diversity (economy of scope). This analysis has to be performed at farm but also at regional, national, and international levels for identifying locking and lever effects for optimizing agriculture policies. These aspects are analyzed in Section V.

    Global analysis on equilibrium between food/nonfood production of agriculture (agroforestry) and animal/plant in human diets (integrated crop-livestock systems) is necessary for optimizing the tradeoff between agriculture production and environment quality at the level of the planet. How do we balance between local objectives such as water quality or biodiversity with global objectives such as greenhouse gas emission and climate change? Which diversity for which objectives? These aspects are developed in Section VI.

    Sustainable agroecosystems should be viewed as engineering systems conceived as connected networks of decoupling-recoupling spots that required a high temporal and spatial diversity. In such a system, energy and nutrients should circulate and recycle efficiently, making high overall productivity attainable without overly high environmental impacts. This general principle is very simple. Nevertheless, there exists a wide variety of solutions for sustainable agroecosystems through local combinations of elementary and highly diverse components. In conclusion, each solution must be conceived, developed, calibrated, and evaluated according to local constraints and should vary from one place to another. But they should all abide by the same general principles of increasing the level of diversity.

    Gilles Lemaire (INRA, France)

    Paulo Carvalho (UFRGS, Brazil)

    Scott Kronberg (USDA, USA)

    Sylvie Recous (INRA, France)

    September 20, 2018

    Section I

    C–N–P Cycles in Agroecosystems and Impacts on Environment


    Chapter 1. Plant–Soil Interactions Control CNP Coupling and Decoupling Processes in Agroecosystems With Perennial Vegetation

    Chapter 2. C–N–P Uncoupling in Grazed Grasslands and Environmental Implications of Management Intensification

    Chapter 3. C–N–P Decoupling Processes Linked to Arable Cropping Management Systems in Relation With Intensification of Production

    Chapter 4. Potential of Increased Temporal Crop Diversity to Improve Resource Use Efficiencies: Exploiting Water and Nitrogen Linkages

    Chapter 5. Negative Impacts on the Environment and People From Simplification of Crop and Livestock Production

    Chapter 1

    Plant–Soil Interactions Control CNP Coupling and Decoupling Processes in Agroecosystems With Perennial Vegetation

    Cornelia Rumpel¹, and Abad Chabbi²,³     ¹CNRS, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Paris, (IEES), Thiverval-Grignon, France     ²Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), URP3F, Lusignan, France     ³INRA, Ecosys, Thiverval-Grignon, France


    In terrestrial ecosystems, plants are the transducers that provide the energy for microbial metabolism through root exudation, cell sloughing, and the input of leaf and root litter. They have profound impacts on biogeochemical cycles and are pivotal control points in the soil for the regulation of ecosystem biogeochemistry. Plant biomass is composed of C-, N-, and P-containing molecules, which are synthesized during plant growth after assimilation of atmospheric CO2 and mineral nutrients, thus leading to coupling of elemental cycles. Plant-derived litter compounds will undergo different fates depending upon their properties, their localization, and availability to the soil microbial biomass. Microbial degradation leads to decoupling of C, N, and P cycles, and it results in CO2 emission and nutrient release. Soluble N and P forms are susceptible to be lost from the system if not taken up by plants or microorganisms. On the other hand, microbial activity stimulated by plant-derived organic matter input may also reuse these mineral N and P and recouple them with C. All three processes may be influenced by plant activity. Plants are able to control microbial processes by exudation of signalling molecules and to closely interact with rhizosphere microorganisms. In addition, CNP coupling and decoupling may be controlled by plants through their symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. The aim of this chapter is to shed light on plants' impact on the processes involved in the coupling and decoupling processes, which control stoichiometric relationships in different ecosystems, and to show how they control carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services. By understanding the plants' control on CNP cycles, important advances for the understanding of biogeochemical feedbacks, which may ultimately constrain long-term ecosystem responses to global change, can be achieved.


    Biogeochemical feedback; C, N and P Coupling; Element Cycling; Microbial communities; Rhizosphere; Soil–root interface


    Plants are living organisms that are of crucial importance for biogeochemical cycling and soil quality. As autotrophic organisms, they play an important role in coupling of CNP and other elements through biomass formation with CO2 fixation by photosynthesis and mineral nutrient uptake as key processes (Fig. 1.1). By the production of above- and belowground litter, plants are also the most important source of organic matter as C and an energy source for various ecosystem processes, including soil organic matter (SOM) formation (Kuzyakov and Domanski, 2000). Moreover, their impact on biogeochemical cycling of C, N, and P may control C sequestration and nutrient release. Most plant litter input into soils occurs belowground, the way that soil carbon is mostly root carbon (Rasse et al., 2005), its distribution being controlled by root systems of the vegetation (Jogbbagy and Jackson, 2000). Roots are particularly efficient in promoting aggregation of soil mineral particles and soil structural stability, but they may also contribute to SOM formation through their chemical composition, which is more chemically recalcitrant, compared to the one from aboveground biomass. Roots are located in close proximity to soil minerals, and the carbon they release is thus prone to stabilization through interactions with the mineral phase (Rasse et al., 2005). Moreover, root litter is deposited across different soil layers, even if preferentially within shallow horizons, thus contributing to SOM enrichment of deep horizons (Rumpel and Kögel-Knabner, 2011).

    Growing plants have nutrient requirements, which they are able to meet through mobilization from the soils' mineral phase and its organic matter pool, which is a large nutrient reservoir. However, N and P present in SOM in organic form need to be transformed into mineral form (NH4+, NO3−, PO4−) before plant uptake. This process requires CNP decoupling by heterotrophic microorganisms. Through rhizosphere processes, plants are able to control microbial activity leading to SOM decomposition and mineral nutrient release. They also control nutrient release from soil minerals through their influence on sorption/desorption processes and through symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi receive C assimilates from the plant and, in turn, provide access to soil nutrients that are not directly available to plants. Symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi may not only be beneficial in terms of nutrient acquisition for plants, but it may also, through the competition with decomposers, control soil C sequestration (Averill et al., 2014). Moreover, plants are associated with other beneficial organisms such as rhizobia and growth-promoting bacteria, which may determine C, N, and P cycling at the root's surface (Nuccio et al., 2013).

    Figure 1.1  Plant influences elemental coupling and belowground processes.

    In agricultural systems with perennial vegetation, plant activity may be influenced by management practices. For example in grassland, mowing may induce plant reactions and increase root exudation, thereby stimulating the release of SOM-bound nitrogen, which will be used for regrowth after defoliation (Hamilton et al., 2008). In grasslands, plant community composition is of crucial importance not only in terms of aboveground productivity, but also in terms of belowground processes. It was found that high biodiversity increases soil aggregation (Peres et al., 2013) as well as carbon storage, mainly through the properties of the associated root systems (Lange et al., 2015). Moreover, plants react strongly to environmental disturbance, such as increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, increasing temperatures, and drought. These reactions need to be understood for single plants as well as for plant communities to be used to attenuate environmental changes. We hypothesized that the management of plant–soil interactions is of crucial importance for element cycling and the sustainability of agroecosystems with perennial vegetation. The aim of this chapter is to review the mechanisms by which single plants and plant communities affect C, N, and P cycles and thereby ecosystem services. In agroecosystems with perennial vegetation, these effects may then be managed to optimize the provision of ecosystem services, in particular, nutrient availability, soil protection against erosion, and C storage.

    Coupling and Decoupling of C, N, and P Cycles: A Prerequisite for Provision of Ecosystem Services From Agroecosystems

    Agroecosystems, in particular through sustainable use of soils, may provide important regulating, as well as provisioning services including climate change mitigation and food production. However, agroecosystems are also prone to increased environmental pollution and release of greenhouse gas emissions, with poor management. Therefore it is important to understand how C, N, and P cycles interact to avoid uncontrolled decoupling of theses cycles and loss of molecules, such as CO2, NO3-, or PO4-, which are harmful for our environment if present in excess. As outlined before, CNP cycles are coupled and decoupled through processes involving plants and microorganisms essentially by three processes: synthesis of plant biomass, decomposition and synthesis of microbial biomass or immobilization (Figs. 1.1 and 1.2). Carbon compounds generated by plants are used for the formation of different tissue types by including other elements, i.e., N and P. These elements accumulate in organic forms in the various plant organs above ground as well as below ground. In modern agroecosystems, crop breeding tends to maximize yields and therefore to decrease C allocation to roots, which are, however, most important for soil C storage (Kell, 2011). After the plant's death, its constituting organic matter containing N and P tightly bound to C through chemical bonding is returned to soil as litter and will undergo microbial decay, leading ultimately to decoupling of C, N, and P (Fig. 1.2). In general, microbial processing narrows C, N, and P stoichiometric ratios during litter decomposition, leading to immobilization and reorganization of N and P by decomposers (Mooshammer et al., 2014), until a critical value, when decomposers switch to net nutrient mineralization (Berg and McClauherty, 2003). The extent and nature of the decomposition and stabilization processes operating in soil will determine whether nutrients are released in mineral form or accumulate in organic form as SOM. Both processes are required for optimal provision of ecosystem services: C accumulation to mitigate climate change, for ensuring aggregation, air and water supply, and N and P release for securing soil fertility. The nature of organic matter is dynamic (Waksman, 1936), so organic matter may be most useful when it is degrading (Janzen, 2006). This is not only related to its capacity to provide nutrients for plants but also to its ability to provide structural stability through improving aggregation by delivering labile compounds to microorganisms (Six et al., 2004).

    When deposited on the soils' surface, decomposition of organic matter is controlled by its chemical composition, i.e., its lignin and nutrient content, as well as pedoclimatic conditions. When the organic matter is incorporated in the mineral soil by bioturbation or directly deposited within the mineral soil as root litter, the controls on its fate are less clear. The amount of organic matter remaining in soil is the balance of input and output. Output generally occurs after complete mineralization of plant litter. In the recent literature, two processes have been identified to be responsible for slowing down microbial degradation, thereby increasing the residence time of SOM to decades or centuries. These are incorporation into soil aggregates and physicochemical protection due to adsorption on the soil's mineral phase (Lehmann and Kleber, 2015). The nature of SOM protected by these two processes is very different (Fig. 1.2). While aggregate occluded SOM consists of partly decomposed plant litter, OM in association with the mineral phase may be composed of small molecules containing high amounts of nitrogen (Kleber et al., 2007). Aggregate formation is strongly dependent on the production of microbial sugars following the degradation of fresh plant material (Six et al., 2004). SOM stored in soils has similar C:N:O:P ratios throughout the world's ecosystems (Kirkby et al., 2011), which is in the range of microbial material. This corroborates recent observations that microbial residues, rather than intact plant material, make an important contribution to SOM persisting within soil (Miltner et al., 2012). Stoichiometric ratios of SOM are much lower than those of plant material, suggesting tight coupling of C, N, and P in organic molecules, such as proteins, chitin, and DNA. Microbial decay leading to accumulation of gluing polysaccharides as well as narrowing of stoichiometric ratios may therefore be a prerequisite for organic matter stabilization. It has been shown that C storage in soil can be enhanced by nutrient addition, most probably by enhancing microbial activity. Therefore, SOM storage has an associated nutrient cost (Richardson et al., 2014), and microbial use efficiency may be its controlling factor (Cotrufo et al., 2013). Recently, it was suggested that agricultural systems, which facilitate the transformation of plant C into microbial biomass, may effectively build SOM (Kallenbach et al., 2015). Thus, while decoupling of C, N, and P following decomposition of plant litter may be necessary for ecosystem services such as protection from erosion, soil fertility, and water holding capacity, its tight coupling in microbial products may be crucial for soil C sequestration and nutrient retention. The CNP decoupling step during the initial phase of degradation, while leading to massive loss of C in form of CO2, in perennial systems may not lead to N and P loss because of plant and microbial uptake.

    Figure 1.2  Processes involved in the coupling and decoupling of C, N, and P during decomposition and stabilization of organic matter from plant litter.

    Plant Effects on C, N, and P Cycling

    Plants are the most important source of carbon input into soils. Through photosynthetic activity, they fix CO2 from the atmosphere, which is afterward transferred to different plant organs and incorporated in various organic molecules. These molecules are of various types, they have different stoichiometric ratios, and they may be more or less easily decomposable by soil microorganisms (Kögel-Knabner, 2002; Zechmeister-Boltenstern et al., 2015). Plants control to a certain extent the C:N:P stoichiometric ratios of their aboveground litter by resorption of N and P during leaf senescence (Fig. 1.1). In general, the amount of N and P resorbed depends on the nutrient status of the ecosystem, with greater proportions of N and P being resorbed at nutrient-poor sites (Richardson et al., 2005). This internal NP reuse is a specific characteristic of perennial vegetation systems, thus preventing N and P losses through conservative cycling. P tends to be resorbed more than N on a global scale, leading to higher N:P ratios of dead litter compared to living leaves (Mulder et al., 2013). However, the major energy source and nutrient flow pathway in terrestrial ecosystems are fine roots (Yuan and Chen, 2010), which contribute between 40% and 80% of total litter input into soils. Roots in general have higher C:N and C:P compared to leaves, and their capacity for nutrient resorbtion is much lower (Freschet et al., 2010). Therefore the C:N and C:P ratios of belowground litter are generally much higher than those of aboveground litter. Despite these large differences, the N:P ratios of these materials are rather similar, ranging between 40:1 and 43:1 globally (Zechmeister Boltenstern et al., 2015), indicating a common functional stoichiometry of the living plants (Yuan et al., 2011).

    During the plant's life and after its death, molecular constituents of aboveground and belowground plant tissues are introduced into soil (Figs. 1.1 and 1.2), where they trigger microbial activity and induce the so-called priming effect, leading in most cases to acceleration of microbial activity and degradation of native SOM (Bingeman et al., 1953; Jenkinson et al., 1985; Kuzyakov et al., 2000). Plant-derived compounds with varying C chemistry and stoichiometric ratios induce contrasting priming effects (Hamer and Marschner, 2005) because they stimulate the activity of different microbial populations (Fontaine et al., 2003). The nature of plant input is contrasted with root-derived C input through exudates, litter, and sloughing cells having different effects compared to aboveground litter input. Thus, two specific spheres can be differentiated. The rhizosphere, below ground in the vicinity of roots, is a space with intense microbial activity and organic matter turnover, due to the high availability of labile compounds following exudation and rhizodeposition. Conditions in the rhizosphere are very different from those of the detritusphere around dead litter deposits. The detritusphere is a temporal hotspot of microbial activity, and element fluxes peak within a few hours to days after litter deposal (Kuzyakov and Blagodatskaya, 2015). In the following days to weeks, a succession of microbial population occurs, and activity and organic matter turnover slow down as more recalcitrant material accumulates. Priming effects and therefore C mineralization as well as nutrient release through the decoupling of C, N, and P cycles in these two spheres are contrasting (Kuzyakov, 2010).

    Uncoupling of C, N, and P cycles is also dependent on the placement of plant litter (Fig. 1.2). Aboveground litter is deposited at the soil surface, where most of its decomposition may occur, unless it is transported into soil by bioturbation or tillage. Decomposition of aboveground litter may be more intense, leading to complete mineralization of organic matter, while belowground litter may be protected from microbial decay, thus conserving CNP coupling without transformation and release of mineral nutrients (Fig. 1.2). However, placement of litter (above ground or within the mineral soil) is not as important as litter type (root or shoot) for controlling C decomposition (Hatton et al., 2015). Litter degradation is controlled by its chemical composition, in particular, its lignin to N ratio (Sanaullah et al., 2010). Therefore, management practices in agroecosystems with perennial plants may control to some extent C sequestration and nutrient release through their impact on species choice with more or less root biomass, contrasting root:shoot ratios, and plant litter quality (more or less decomposable). Another option may be influencing plant resorption of nutrients, i.e., by choosing the time of harvest (before or after senescence). Moreover, C storage is affected by priming effects, which could be controlled by management of harvesting residues, introducing more or less fresh plant material with contrasting C:N:P ratios into soil, thereby stimulating different microbial populations and inducing contrasting priming effects (Kuzyakov, 2010). The quantitative effects and underlying biogeochemical mechanisms are still under investigation. Experiments using dual stable isotope labeling will probably allow revelation of the role of different litter and rhizosphere inputs on priming organic matter mineralization.

    C, N, and P Cycling in the Rhizosphere

    The greatest impact of plant activity on biogeochemical cycling of elements is noted in the rhizosphere, which is defined as the soil around living roots (Hiltner, 1904). Plants control physical, chemical, and biologic processes within this space through exudation of a wide range of compounds, including organic acids, sugars, and other secondary metabolites, among which are signalling molecules. Through their activity, plant roots may affect microbial communities involved in the decomposition as well as the stabilization of organic matter. Plant roots may affect microbial decomposition through (1) decreasing mineral nutrient availability to soil microorganisms due to plant uptake (Schimel et al., 1989), (2) changing the physical and chemical environment in the rhizosphere (Shields and Paul, 1973), (3) increasing organic substrate supply, and (4) enhancing microbial turnover due to fungal grazing. However, interactions at the rhizosphere level between soil microorganisms and roots of different plant communities are complex and remain poorly understood (Cheng and Kuzyakov, 2005). The rhizosphere effects may include pH alterations, a process that may lead to the release of plant nutrients through exchange processes. Moreover, roots provide energy to beneficial microorganisms, such as rhizobia, mycorrhizae, and growth-promoting microorganisms, which in turn improve the plants' acquisition of N and P. Growth-promoting microorganisms trigger nutrient availability through the production and release of hydrolytic enzymes for organic N (Ollivier et al., 2011) and organic P (Rodriguez et al., 2006). The acquisition of N may be enhanced through biologic N2 fixation through diazotrophs, which can be free living or associated with plants (Galloway et al., 2008). Phosphorus acquisition by plants is also largely supported by growth-promoting microorganisms able to solubilize inorganic P strongly bound to the mineral phase through the exudation of organic acids (Bhattacharyya and Jha, 2012). Moreover, growth-promoting microorganisms may be able to stimulate nutrient uptake by plants through influencing transmembrane transport (Bertrand et al., 2000).

    Symbiosis with mycorrhiza fungi greatly improves plants' P nutrition, especially in P-deficient soils (Barea et al., 2008). However, N nutrition was also shown to be improved following mycorrhiza colonization by several mechanisms (Bücking and Kafle, 2015). Mycorrhiza colonization changes greatly the ecosystem's C, N, and P cycling, mainly through their effect on plant physiology, including tissue elemental composition, hormone balance, and C flow (Richardson et al., 2009). In response to changing environmental conditions, such as drought stress, plants adapt through increasing exudation, and this adaptation may depend on the community composition (Sanaullah et al., 2012) and the extent of mycorrhization. Thus, agricultural management may influence resistance of plants to environmental stresses by species choice and inoculation. C, N, and P cycling in the rhizosphere may be in particular influenced by the use of contrasting plant types, i.e., gramineous species requiring mineral N fertilization and leguminous species, able to fix atmospheric N, but requiring high amounts of P. The introduction of leguminous plants in grasslands with gramineous species was found to change the soil P forms and the biochemical composition of SOM (Crème et al., 2017, 2016), most probably due to rhizospheric processes. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi may be a suitable strategy for enhancing N and P availability for plants as well as their stress resistance (Bücking and Kafle, 2015). There is an evident research need concerning the mechanisms by which above- and belowground vegetation exerts a synergistic control on biogeochemical cycling and how these mechanisms can be influenced by human activity to improve productivity and stress resistance.

    Plant–Microbial Crosstalk at the Soil–Root Interface

    Foraging for nutrient hot spots is a key strategy by which some plants maximize nutrient gain from their carbon investment in root and mycorrhizal hyphae. Foraging strategies may depend on costs of root construction, with thick roots generally costing more per unit length than thin roots. To maximize cost-effective resource use, plants are not always investing in root biomass or rigidity. Investment in mycorrhizal associations or other plant growth-promoting microorganisms may represent an alternative strategy for cost-effective nutrient foraging. Plants are able to interact with root-associated beneficial microorganisms to improve their defense as well as nutrition by rhizodeposition of various substances originating from sloughed-off root cells, mucilages, volatiles, and exudates that are released from damaged and intact cells (Jones et al., 2009). These compounds may shape rhizosphere microbial communities within a small spatiotemporal window related to root apices (Dennis et al., 2010). Plants communicate with microbial populations in the rhizosphere in various ways. They mediate positive as well as negative interactions through exudation of high and low molecular weight compounds (Badri and Vivanco, 2009). For example, plants excrete antimicrobial compounds to cope with pathogens, and they are able to initiate positive interactions, such as rhizobia colonization by exudation of flavonoids, which regulate nodule development through auxin transport inhibition (Haichar et al., 2014). The first step of mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots is induced by excreting strigolactone as signalling molecules. The concentration and structure of strigolactones determines arbuscular mycorrhizal development (Ruyter-Spira et al., 2013). Moreover, they also induce hormonal excretion by fungi, which trigger symbiose development in plants (Gutjahr, 2014). Plants are able to regulate arbuscle development and lifetime through hormones having negative effects on fungal colonization and a number of other interactions with growth-promoting bacteria. As a possible control mechanism, it was suggested that they might have the possibility to manipulate gene expression and behavior in associated bacteria (Pii et al., 2015). It seems that hormonal signalling molecules are exchanged by plants and microorganisms to be able to achieve adequate response to environmental conditions. The complexity of these interactions is far from being understood, but it may be the clue for explaining plant responses to a changing environment (Pozo et al., 2015). Plant hormones and the hormonal crosstalk may play a pivotal role in resistance to abiotic stresses (Table 1.1). Recently, it has been suggested that phytohormone engineering represents an important platform for stress tolerance and that developing the technology could be an important step forward toward stress-resistant crops (Wania et al., 2016).

    Table 1.1


    Plants influence biogeochemical cycling of C, N, and P and associated ecosystem services in various ways, mainly through their impact on SOM turnover. They provide aboveground and belowground litter for decomposition. The quality and placement of this material may determine its fate in soil and its contribution to ecosystem services. Labile plant compounds determine the formation of soil aggregates and therefore soil structure being related to aeration and water-holding capacity. Moreover, input of plant-derived labile compounds supports microbial decomposition of organic matter, thereby promoting nutrient release and the possibility of soil C sequestration in the form of microbial products. All these plant effects are linked with the plants' community composition, which may have different effects as compared to monocultures. In general, more diverse systems are beneficial in terms of nutrient acquisition and carbon storage.

    Other important plant effects on C, N, and P cycles are related to rhizosphere processes, which are controlled by plants' secretion of root exudates including low molecular compounds. These compounds may be antimicrobial or favorable for microbial colonization. They are regulating plant–microbial interactions at the plant–soil interface, via the rhizosphere priming effect and hormonal crosstalk. The rhizosphere-priming effects remain unclear regarding the effect of different substrates on SOM fractions with contrasting stability. Experiments with continuous ¹³CO2 labeling may help elucidate the quantitative effect of rhizosphere priming on biogeochemical cycling of elements. Other knowledge gaps exist with regard to hormonal crosstalk between plants and microorganisms. These interactions need to be understood to be able to exploit the intrinsic biologic potential of rhizosphere processes to increase crop nutrient use efficiency and C sequestration. Furthermore, evidence is accumulating that plant traits related to mycorrhizal symbiosis, i.e., mycorrhizal type and the degree of plant root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi, have important consequences for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling in soil. The question of how plant and soil biogeochemical pools vary among vegetation types and plants with different mycorrhizal types is a new and exciting research challenge that needs further investigation.

    The stimulation of plant productivity in response to global change (e.g., rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations) can potentially compensate climate change feedbacks. However, this will depend on the allocation of C resources within vegetation, nutrient availability, and plant feedback with soil microorganisms. These dynamic adjustments within single plants will result in changes in above- and belowground stoichiometric relations via biomass production and root exudation. They will have an impact on the community level for different vegetation types, which will ultimately control the response of agroecosystems to global change.


    This work was supported and benefited from the European Commission through the FP7 projects ExpeER (Experimentation in Ecosystem Research, Grant Agreement Number 262060) and AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation in Ecosystems, Grant Agreement Number 312690). The authors also acknowledge the ANR (AnaEE Service ANR-11-INBS-0001; Mosaik ANR-12-AGRO-0005), AEGES (ADEME), INRA, Allenvi, and CNRS-INSU for financial support of the SOERE-ACBB. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our sponsors.


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    Chapter 2

    C–N–P Uncoupling in Grazed Grasslands and Environmental Implications of Management Intensification

    Françoise Vertès¹, Luc Delaby², Katia Klumpp³, and Juliette Bloor³     ¹INRA-SAS, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France     ²INRA-PEGASE, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France     ³INRA-UREP, Clermont-Ferrand, France


    Dairy, and more generally ruminant production, is based on grass, fodder crops, and often concentrates that bring additional necessary nutrients. During the transition from the soil–plant system to the animal, the major biochemical change is the uncoupling of carbon and phosphorus from nitrogen, resulting in dung rich in C and P, urine rich in N and K, or a mixture in the form of manures (slurry, solid manure, compost, etc.). In all these animal returns, C, N, P, and K are more or less labile (from organic to mineral forms) and have the potential to contribute to nutrient losses, recycling, or storage in plant or soil compartments. The dynamics and fate of nutrients depends on their intrinsic properties, as well as on biophysical and management factors (feeding system, animal and herd management, manure management, grassland botanical composition, fertilization, stocking rates) that drive variability and diversity in the size and form of CNPK pools and fluxes, as well as their distribution in space. Here, we explore the nutrient cycle/cascade at different steps (from air–soil to plant–animal to the full air-soil-plant-water-animal system) and at different organizational and spatial scales, i.e., animal and field versus farm or territories. We suggest that a multiscale and multicriteria comparison of the performances of contrasted production systems is necessary to design more sustainable production systems and identify ways to optimize both production and environmental ecosystem services.


    Biochemical cycling; Excretion; Grasslands; Intake; Mitigation; Nutrients


    Grasslands provide key environmental services, as well as important economic and societal services, via grazing-based livestock production systems. In Europe, grasslands are characterized by a large diversity in grassland types and management practices, varying in type and intensity. Most common grassland types comprise short-duration grass and/or legume-based leys (i.e., alfalfa), temporary sown grasslands (short  <  5  years to long 5–12  years) (Peeters et al., 2014), and permanent seminatural grasslands (>10  years) (e.g., Soussana et al., 2004; Huyghe et al., 2014). Over the last 50  years, significant areas of European grassland have been converted to arable crops and to sown pastures (15  M  ha) as a result of an intensification of biomass production for human food and animal feeding via the use of concentrates and soybean in the animal diet (FAOSTAT, 2011). Increasing reliance on fertilizer inputs has also led to an overall intensification of systems and a specialization of livestock production system at the farm (e.g., Lemaire et al., 2015; Moraine et al., 2014), regional (e.g., Thieu et al., 2011), or higher scales (e.g., Galloway et al., 2008; Billen et al., 2009; Peyraud et al., 2014; Godinot et al., 2016). Agricultural intensification and increased inputs (N, P, K fertilizers and/or imported animal feed) affects the speed and magnitude of transformations of elements in the main nutrient cycles, with implications for the balance between coupling and uncoupling of carbon (C) with other nutrient elements (Faverdin and Peyraud, 2010). Intensification may also modify the spatial distribution of nutrient transformations and losses at larger scales: where livestock production is geographically separated from feed production areas, this may promote nutrient transfers and incomplete recycling of nutrients.

    In the present chapter, we focus on nutrient cycling and uncoupling of nutrient cycles in grazed grasslands in space and time, describing C, N, P, and K fluxes and their heterogeneity and variability at the field scale. In particular, we examine element fluxes associated with cattle. We highlight environmental concerns associated with grazing intensification and identify the main levers to improve system efficiency and reduce polluting emissions at the local and larger scale.

    Biogeochemical Cycling in Grazed Grasslands

    Grazed grasslands are dynamic, complex ecosystems characterized by fast-growing perennial vegetation and the presence of domestic herbivores (Parsons et al., 2000). Fluxes of C, N, P and K are thus usually higher in grassland versus crop ecosystems. Unlike annual crops, grassland production implies a trade-off between leaf removal (by grazing or cutting) and leaving sufficient plant material to photosynthesize and replace tissues throughout the year (Parsons et al., 2011). Botanical composition as well as management practices are variable; sown grasslands are generally poor in plant species composition, while permanent grasslands present a large botanical diversity as a result of interactions between soil, climate, and management practices. This complexity in vegetation cover (species composition, plant functional groups, and traits) and management practices has significant consequences for biomass production but also for the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.

    C,N,P,K Cycling and (Un)coupling at the Field Scale

    Grassland ecosystems are characterized by substantial stocks of C located largely below ground in roots and soil (Jones and Donnelly, 2004). This C sequestered by grasslands is the difference between C inputs, via fixation of C from the atmosphere by plants (photosynthesis), and heterotrophic respiration, biomass removal (harvest, grazing), and changes in soil C stocks (i.e., losses through lixiviation, runoff, etc.). C gain via photosynthesis is mainly controlled by environmental abiotic conditions (radiation, temperature, and water and nutrient availability), whereas C losses through respiration and lixiviation (Kindler et al., 2011) are largely influenced by management and climate factors (soil temperature, humidity; e.g., Bahn et al., 2008). Indeed, the nature, frequency, and intensity of biomass exports play a key role in the C cycling and balance of grasslands. In grazed grasslands, much of the primary production is ingested by animals and returned to the soil in the form of feces (nondigestible carbon; 25%–40% of the intake, depending on the digestibility of diet); the remainder is returned to the soil in the form of plant litter or root exudates. This fresh organic matter inputs, generally rich in energy and readily decomposed by microorganisms, contributes to heterotrophic respiration and exchange of C with the atmosphere in the form of CO2. Soil C inputs, as senescent above- and belowground biomass or rhizodeposition, can reach more than 7  t  C per ha per year in grazed

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