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Forbidden Love
Forbidden Love
Forbidden Love
Ebook57 pages51 minutes

Forbidden Love

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Mary Elizabeth proudly watched her husband, looking so dashing in his gray uniform with the gold epaulets, lead his men away. A tear falling down her cheek as the long line of troops bravely passed. They said the war would be over quickly, the Yankees allowing the South to live in peace. Her husband returning to her lonely, welcoming bed.

They were wrong on so many levels...

Enduring years of loneliness and hardship, under the constant threat of invasion, Mary Elizabeth does her best to cope. As the war drags on, her loneliness increasing, she finds herself toiling incessantly in the fields, trying to save her home. No better than the slaves she worked beside. Doing her best, the crops desperately needed to assist the Confederacy.

Her body hungering for the intimate touch of a man, any man. Mary Elizabeth finds herself working alongside Sam. A strapping young man, an easy six-foot tall with muscles bulging in his arms and chest. His black body glistening with sweat as he toiled in the fields. The faded cotton pants he wore doing little to hide the rather large... Oh, my! The forbidden nature of her thoughts consuming her. Her yearnings becoming too deep to ignore...

A tale of historical erotica.

Release dateSep 7, 2018
Forbidden Love

Richard Carlisle

I love to read! Some of my favorite authors are people like Tess Gerritsen, Craig Johnson, Jefferson Bass, Dan Brown and Michael Crichton. Having spent a lot of years traveling around the country, my wife and I currently live in the Western United States. I try to bring the travels and experiences that we've enjoyed to light in my writing. Some of my stories are based on real life, some on fantasy. But, it is all intended to provide erotic enjoyment for you. You'll find that I like writing about sexy ladies, and their ability to wind us around their little finger! What a way to go! You'll find tales of cuckolding, swinging, multiple sexual partners and other erotic situations. Enjoy!

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    Forbidden Love - Richard Carlisle

    Forbidden Love

    By Richard Carlisle

    Copyright Richard Carlisle 2018

    Published by Richard Carlisle at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    The following is a work of fiction. Names, characters and places are solely based on the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. This book is intended for adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and language that may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older and all acts of a sexual nature are consensual. Sexual acts depicted without the use of protection are strictly for the enjoyment of the reader. Please practice safe sex.



    (Summer - 1861)

    Mary Elizabeth did her best to hide her feelings, the candlelight playing on her face casting shadowed highlights. Her smile a bit forced as they sat at table that night. Luther silently serving their evening meal. The thought of Paul leaving in the morning, preying heavily on her mind. Granted, their marriage was basically one of convenience, a beneficial union for both families. But, that didn’t mean she didn’t have feelings for her husband. She loved him and all. It was just that she wasn’t passionately in ‘love’ with him. But, he provided for her, and there were certain benefits to being married… Benefits she was about to be deprived of.

    Despite his protestations that the war wouldn’t last long, she worried just the same. No matter how glorious the cause, it was a war. There was always that chance that he wouldn’t be returning to her. Leaving her all alone and defenseless. She remembered her aged grandfather telling stories when she was a little girl. Oh, she wasn’t supposed to be listening in to the late-night men’s conversations, but she had been naturally curious. Naughtily secreting herself behind a half-closed door, listening as he regaled some of his cronies with his tales. Cigar smoke filling the air with its heavy scent. He’d been a young corporal during the War of 1812, fighting alongside General Andy Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans. The stories sounding so exciting; the proud soldiers marching along, flags flying, driving the bloody British from their shores.

    But, not all his stories had been like that. Some of them, especially when he was deep in his cups, had been rather brutal and… Well, she’d run away in tears hearing some of what went on. The bloodied men, the lost limbs, the raped women… It was far too much for her delicate young ears. And, this war…

    Straightening herself, she sipped her wine. Paul looking dashing tonight in his grey uniform, gold epaulets on his shoulders. He was a Captain in the Louisiana Fifth. Leading a company of 100 men, consisting of two platoons of volunteers formed from the parish ranks. They’d be marching out in the morning, joining the glorious fight against the Yankees.

    After dinner, they sat quietly in the drawing room. Mary painstakingly trying to concentrate on her needlepoint. Her hands almost shaking too much to do the work. Paul, silently taking his brandy. A half-smoked cigar in his hand, deep in thought. Luther refilling his glass frequently, his shuffling steps barely making a sound as he moved in and out of the quiet room. Mary sipping another glass of wine, her mind dwelling on the morrow. Finally, Paul quietly suggested they go up to bed.

    A brave smile on her face, she ascended the stairway up to their big bedroom, lifting her long, full skirted gown so she wouldn’t trip. Cora May helping her to undress, removing the petticoats and loosening the stay lined corset beneath. Mary Elizabeth breathing a sigh of relief

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