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Hope’S Hopes
Hope’S Hopes
Hope’S Hopes
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Hope’S Hopes

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"Hopes Hopes" is a tale of international romance depicting an unconventional and forbidden relationship between a teenager and an older man. It is a story that will cause the audience to ponder as they witness the protagonists in their search for "Hopes Hopes".

Eighteen-year-old Hope has grown up in Hungary, stuck with a father who ignores her growing interests. In the summer of 1982, while visiting Los Angeles with her father, George, she has a chance encounter with a much older man named John. Her fathers lack of interest propels Hope into Johns overly interested arms, sparks begin to fly and soon, the two are in a highly unorthodox and controversial relationship. Hope is unusually sophisticated for her age, but she still cant avoid the pitfalls of her heart. In a shocking move, John proposes to her, but Hopes father is outraged. George takes an unwilling Hope back to Hungary, but John pursues the love of his life intending to free her from her fathers control.

Now, John and Hope must defeat all of Georges devious and underhanded tricks to cause trouble and drive a wedge between the lovers. Increasingly desperate to save his daughter, George begins to lose perspectiveand the support of the rest of the family and his friends. Just when he starts to express an interest in his daughters life, his actions force her away from him.

Only time will tell whether George will manage to destroy the relationship and keep the couple apartor whether Hope and Johns love for each other will triumph in the end.

"Hopes Hopes" is a tale of romantic fiction with an intercontinental scope, a highly unconventional subject matter, and a gripping plot replete with twists and turns. Readers fond of romance will surely be in for one wild ride as the narrative takes them to places most conventional love stories seldom dare to tread.
Release dateApr 14, 2014
Hope’S Hopes

Susana Sheldon

Susana Sheldon is a world traveler and a natural-born linguist who enjoys studying the differences in cultures and the nuances of languages. She is an avid reader of all genres who enjoys gardening and lives with her family in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio.

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    Hope’S Hopes - Susana Sheldon

    Copyright © 2014 Susana Sheldon.

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    Chapter 1 Oh, How Sweet It Is…

    Chapter 2 Now What…?

    Chapter 3 Meeting For The First Time…

    Chapter 4 Santa Monica Beach

    Chapter 5 Good Intentions…?

    Chapter 6 At The Movies…

    Chapter 7 Playing Pool…

    Chapter 8 Father Doesn’t Know Best After All…

    Chapter 9 Happy Birthday!

    Chapter 10 Round Two…?

    Chapter 11 Viva Las Vegas!

    Chapter 12 The White Horse Inn

    Chapter 13 Can’t Take It Anymore…

    Chapter 14 Life Is A Game Of Give-And-Take…

    Chapter 15 Special Delivery

    Chapter 16 Meet The Parents…

    Chapter 17 Where Do We Go From Here…?

    Chapter 18 Greg

    Chapter 19 A Flirtatious Saturday

    Chapter 20 Hope’s Confession

    Chapter 21 Tommy

    Chapter 22 Congratulations And Merry Christmas!

    Chapter 23 Oh, Baby…!

    Chapter 24 The Polaroid…

    Chapter 25 The Dilemma…

    Chapter 26 50 Ways To Say Goodbye… Only One Needed…

    Chapter 27 Welcome Home!

    Chapter 28 Cutting Losses

    Chapter 29 Greg’s Baaack…

    Chapter 30 He Just Won’t Take No For An Answer…

    Chapter 31 Trouble In Paradise

    Chapter 32 Wedding Daze

    Chapter 33 So, This Is What Things Have Come To?

    Chapter 34 OMG! The Truth Finally Comes Out…

    Chapter 35 A Scary Surprise

    Chapter 36 Is This Really Over?

    Chapter 37 The Great Escape


    I want to thank Tammy, for helping me refine some of the thoughts and concepts in the novel; and the editors—both professional and otherwise—who helped me polish it to achieve the final product. And last, but not least, to my family, whose support was absolutely crucial. Without them, this book could never have been possible. It was a long and laborious process and their patient support and understanding was what got me through it all. Thank you all!


    Oh, How Sweet It Is…


    June 25, 1982 – 10:30 PM

    A fter a total of over nineteen flight hours and traveling for well over twenty-four, young Hope and her father, George Kertész finally landed at LAX. After clearing customs, they took a deep breath and looked at each other in amazement. They were finally standing in the United States; the huge glass doors of airport customs were closing behind them. Hope still couldn’t believe they had arrived. Everything felt so surreal. She had been waiting for this trip for the better part of the past year and a half and it was finally real and happening. As exhausted as they were, the anticipation and excitement of this realization pumped the adrenaline in their systems at a mind-blowing rate. After a few more deep breaths, they started walking between the ropes, hoping to meet up with Irene, her father’s high school sweetheart. They found it challenging to get a grasp of reality and walk at the same time, but they managed.

    All of a sudden, Hope’s eyes stopped and rested on a familiar figure, an attractive, but not particularly beautiful woman in her early forties. She was about five foot six, with a small, fragile but very shapely frame, pretty green eyes, and short, curly red hair. Their eyes didn’t meet, but Hope noticed that Irene’s eyes were teary. Hope wasn’t sure if those were tears of joy, or fear. The woman looked tense. Hope had only met Irene a couple of times before the trip, which was conceived in Budapest, Hungary a little over a year and a half ago. No wonder their eyes didn’t meet… As soon as Irene saw George, she launched into his arms in one huge jump. He hugged her back quite intensely.

    Irene wasn’t alone. Her older sister, Violet, stood slightly behind her. Violet was several inches taller than Irene and was able to see clearly from her position. She was also attractive, although huskier than Irene and with a very similar, curly, short, dark brown hairdo. Hope never met Violet before. She had only seen her in photographs, but as distinguished as Violet looked; Hope still recognized her. Violet’s brown eyes showed anything but pure joy. While she, too, was glad to see a long-lost friend in George, besides a glimmer of delight—more than anything else—she had distress in her eyes.

    The terminal was very crowded, so they rushed out into the clear and fragrant night air. The air was infused with the aroma of oleander with the occasional blast of kerosene from the running engines of nearby aircrafts. At that point, though, no one cared about the kerosene or any other unpleasant smells. Hope was still trying to soak in reality. So she just stuck her face out through the backseat window, like a Shih Tzu hound, and enjoyed the air slapping her in the face as Violet drove. Naturally, the ladies and George had a lot of catching up to do, so they made small talk. Hope, on the other hand, was too busy enjoying the very warm evening air with all its ambience, smells and noises. She didn’t mind being excluded from the discussion, until she saw her father starting to bite his lips and pucker up. She knew the look, oh boy, did she ever… Not knowing what the conversation was all about suddenly turned into a hindrance for Hope, but it wasn’t long before it became apparent. George didn’t say a word for a moment, but it felt like an eternity passed. He finally mustered up enough strength and began his irritated line of questioning.

    Okay. Let me get this straight: you don’t have an apartment and you don’t have a job at this point. So where are we going?

    To the motel where you two will be staying… Irene responded hesitantly.

    Oh boy… Hope saw her father’s face getting redder. No question, he was getting mad, but he hadn’t hit the roof, not just yet.

    So when did your divorce become final? he asked, but judging from the look on his face, it was doubtful he really wanted to know the answer.

    A week ago… Irene said as she visibly trembled.

    When did you file? George asked, sounding flustered.

    Six months ago… Irene said.

    So you waited for another year after coming back to the States to get started? George asked with a clear elevation of pitch in his voice. By this time, he also began to sweat, and the veins on his temple began to pulsate. Hope rarely—if ever—saw her father lose his temper, but he definitely looked like he was about to blow a gasket.

    They finally arrived at the motel. They got out of the vehicle and looked around. George and Hope had no idea where they were. They were actually in the middle of Van Nuys, California, between Vanowen Street and Sherman Way, on Sepulveda Boulevard, standing in front of an aging Motel 6. But seeing the street signs didn’t help them; they still had no awareness of their location. Between the late hour and the fact that they had only been on solid ground for less than two hours, they couldn’t tell up from down anymore. The motel was nothing fancy; in fact, it was a gracefully aging structure. Violet and Irene went to check them in, so George and Hope were standing outside, alone. They had a few minutes, so they decided to check out the place. The fenced in pool was in the front of the building, in the middle of the parking lot, which George found surprising. The teacher and engineer that he was; George always looked at everything with very critical eyes. He thought it was strange how the building was U-shaped and was wrapped around the parking lot, having a pool smack in the middle of it all.

    Hmmm, I wonder why they put the pool in the front and not the back… George pondered to himself.

    My guess would be to show people that they have one. This is Southern California… Here, you cannot have a hotel or motel without a pool and stay in business. Violet responded hearing his quiet contemplation as they walked out of the Reception. The room was ready, so they headed straight to it very quietly. Actually, the silence was almost deafening, and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. By this time, the advanced hour of the day was also taking its toll. Everyone was feeling exhausted; George and Hope from the trip, Violet from a long day of working, and Irene from a long day of looking for work. But once they got to the room, George couldn’t stand it anymore…

    So, just out of curiosity… Why did you wait that long to start divorce proceedings? Were you just biding your time? Were you not sure that that’s what you wanted to do? What were you waiting for? What were you thinking? I told you that divorces are not quick, not even in the States. George asked with his usual forcefulness when he knew he was about to open a hornet’s nest, which, by the way, he was an expert at doing. And where did you file, here or up in Washington state?

    In Washington… That’s why I just got here about a week ago. Irene responded and appeared to be rattled by the third degree George was giving her. To make matters worse, as soon as she finished her sentence, she immediately looked like she wished she could take it back. Oh, boy; was she right….?

    You just got here? George shrieked at her. Hope knew the tone of voice, though she had only heard it maybe twice in her lifetime.

    I should have known better! You were less than honest while we were in high school… Why on Earth did I think that you could change? A leopard won’t change its spots… his rant continued.

    While Hope understood why her father was angry, even her skin began to crawl with the idea of where this conversation was headed.

    George and Irene were high school sweethearts. Their relationship ended when Irene came to California to visit her sister, Violet, who defected with her much older husband, Willy, from Hungary back in 1956. While in the US, Violet introduced Irene to Anton Millier, an Air Force Officer, who swept Irene off her feet rather quickly. Major Millier and Irene got married and she never returned to Hungary. In fact, she was completely silent; no letters, no phone calls until that fateful day, twenty years later, about a year and a half ago. Irene just re-appeared in George’s life again, like a mirage, with the exact same kind of whim and lack of notice as was the case when she disappeared for the first time. Naturally, George was surprised and fell under her spell again. Although George married Hope’s mother shortly after learning of Irene’s very abrupt departure, he was never happy and that relationship quickly faded into a divorce. George had never really gotten over Irene, and when she showed up again, he became just as spellbound by her as he was in their teenage years. They rekindled their romance, and this trip was conceived. George’s anger stemmed from the fact that he agreed to this trip on the condition that Irene would get a divorce and would be waiting for them.

    Charlene was just another wrinkle in the story. She was Irene’s daughter with Major Millier, who was about a month younger than Hope. While George knew of Charlene, they never met, and the general idea was that they were not supposed to either. Charlene was obviously going to live with her dad, Anton.

    Hope might have been young—at only 18—but as a product of a failed marriage herself; she clearly understood something… She knew that Irene was either a heartless bitch for not caring about her daughter, Charlene—in which case, Hope wanted Irene nowhere near her father or herself—or she sacrificed a great deal by giving up Charlene’s custody to her father. In essence, Irene walked away from her family, her husband and daughter for Hope’s dad, George. Realizing these details and hearing George’s method of questioning made Hope feel sorry for Irene. George’s brash, almost interrogatory methods made his questioning sound like the Spanish Inquisition. But there appeared to be no way to subdue or quiet down George’s anger.

    Hope didn’t know what else to do, so she walked out of the room, even though the tension continued to build inside. Things did not improve when Irene dropped yet another bombshell on them as she admitted that she wasn’t going to stay with them at the motel. Although considering the circumstances that just might have been a good thing for that night… Irene’s statement highly effectively suspended their conversation, and fast. George was so surprised that he became speechless.

    Hearing the silence, Hope stepped back into the room. George was sitting on the edge of the bed; his face buried in his hands. Although George stood tall at about six foot three, listening to Irene struck him down to the point where he appeared to be the incredibly shrinking man. His blue eyes usually had a sunny disposition, but this time the clouds were rolling in big time, as he was fighting back the tears. Although a vital 43-year-old, all Hope saw was a shadow of the man she knew him to be when she returned to the room. His thick, wavy dark brown hair appeared to have become salt-n-pepper in a matter of minutes and his statuesque physique crumbled under the pressure of Irene’s words. Although no one else did, Hope could literally see him age twenty years in a matter of minutes. He didn’t have a particularly athletic build, but he could usually hold his own. But at that moment, he had a difficult time sitting up straight from the tension that grabbed hold of him. The room was completely still and silent… Then he pulled himself together.

    Why didn’t you write me or call that things are not ready? We would not have come now. We could have postponed our trip until you are ready. Or if this is not what you wanted, if you didn’t want us to come, you should have just called it off a long time ago. George said very quietly. He wasn’t just shocked; he was floored by the news. You should be ashamed of yourself! How could you put us into this situation? We could have waited… Or better yet, do you even want us to be here?

    Just listen to yourself…! I didn’t want to risk losing you. Irene said as her words filled up with tears, just like her eyes. If I had told you the truth, I was sure I would lose you. I knew you wouldn’t have come, and I want you here. I need you here, with me. I gave up everything for you… And on that note, Violet grabbed Irene’s hands and began to pull her out of the room before Irene completely lost it and burst into tears. Then, as she quickly changed positions and pushed Irene towards the door, Violet said:

    Okay, guys! We all need to get some sleep; we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. We’ll be back in the morning. And she finally pushed Irene out the door and closed it behind them.

    Hope and George were speechless and alone in the room. Hope silently began to open the luggage and searched for their jammies. At that point, it was already well after midnight and although they were tired, they were not sleepy; and they were both very nervous. She took a quick shower hoping that she would feel better, but it didn’t work. The room was too hot, even though the A/C was turned on to the highest level. After Hungary’s temperate, four-season climate, Southern California’s very warm summer night felt tropical, almost suffocating to them. They were also not used to air conditioning as most homes in Hungary were not equipped with an A/C; there was no need. Even on the hottest days, opening the windows provided enough cooling and air circulation. Although comfortable, the beds were strange too. Yes, their first night in Southern California was a really bad one. Between the stress of the uncertain tomorrow, the strange surroundings and the nine-hour time difference, they didn’t get much rest, although they did pass out eventually from complete and sheer exhaustion.


    Now What…?

    T he next day, Irene and Violet woke George and Hope around 11 AM. It was rather clear that the situation cannot remain as was. They had a couple of ideas on where to go from there, as it was obvious that they could not stay at the motel. That would have been more than chump change for three months. It was time to look for an apartment.

    It was somewhat ironic that there was a nice apartment complex across the street; but with a twist, it was an adults only building. That was of some concern to Violet and Irene, but they decided that since it was right in front of them and the building had vacancies, they had to try it. George and Hope were merely tagging along for the ride at that point. With their language handicap, they didn’t have much of an idea what was really going on around them. They had taken some English classes in Budapest prior to their departure; but while Hope started to understand quite a bit in English, George was no linguist.

    Irene and Violet lead the way and did all the talking with the apartment building’s Superintendent. Hope felt a little uncomfortable when she realized that the building manager was looking at her in a creepy, curious way.

    "What was that all about?" she asked.

    This apartment complex is for adults only. In this apartment complex, that means 21 and over, they do not allow children. That’s why he was looking at you that way. We told him that you’re 18, but you don’t look like you’re 18. You are rather well-developed for your age; you could easily pass for a 22 or 23-year-old. Irene responded.

    So, what does that mean for us? Is he okay with me or are we continuing the apartment hunt? Hope asked.

    He’s okay with you. We’ve got the apartment. His only condition was that you can’t be at or in the pool. Irene said as they started walking up to the second floor of the building. The Super opened the door, and they all walked in, then he handed the keys to Irene, turned around, and left. George’s jaw hit the floor as he looked around… The apartment was only a furnished studio.

    Is this it? Where is the rest of it? George asked. Where is the bedroom?

    There is no bedroom. We have a pull out couch, and we’ll get a mattress for Hope that we can put into the other corner. Irene said as she walked towards the kitchenette. They only have studio apartments available in this building, and quite frankly; this is the largest place I can afford right now anyway.

    So, please explain to me how this is a better arrangement than the motel was? The motel room was more spacious than this one. At least there we had two queen size beds. Here, we only have a pull out sofa… George continued his complaint.

    The motel costs $39 a day. This studio is $400 a month. I have another job interview tomorrow with Bank of America. Until I find a job and start getting paid, this is all I can afford. Irene said and sounded a bit irritated with George’s crankiness.

    I thought you told me that you had about $35,000 saved. George tried to continue the argument.

    "Yes, I do, but that is exactly what it is, my savings, which I will not dip into; unless I have to." Irene yelled back at him.

    "Well, if this doesn’t qualify as a need, then I don’t know what does…?" George squawked at her while imitating and mocking her.

    Violet tried to stay out of the argument, but couldn’t when George brought up the fact that Hope couldn’t go near the pool.

    "And what are we supposed to do all day while you’re either looking for a job or working, if we can’t even go down to the pool? Most especially, since the apartment’s balcony is over-looking the courtyard with the pool and pool house… Are you seriously telling me that we can only look but can’t touch the water? I mean; I understand that money is tight, but this is ridiculous!" George exclaimed.

    I’ll come over to pick you up each day and take you guys over to our townhouse. We have a community pool, and you both can swim and play there. Violet jumped into the debate, which started to get heated again.

    While Violet’s comment stopped the argument from getting worse, Hope couldn’t shake her weird feeling. She felt left out, forgotten. She was young but not ignorant. She began to think about privacy in the apartment or more like the lack thereof. She kept asking herself quietly, how is a man, a woman and a teenage girl supposed to live in the same room for three months? That, mixed with the fact that she wasn’t even allowed to go down to the pool created a pretty cruel situation for her. Nevertheless, the decision was made; they took the apartment.

    Their first week was indeed painful. The daily arguments over the semi-disastrous conditions and lack of privacy, slowly but surely, did become less frequent as Irene accepted the Bank of America job offer and was hardly ever around during the day time. But a sense of enormous boredom set in in its place. Hope and George sat in the apartment most days while Irene worked and the only time they were able to do something was in the evenings and over the weekends. Violet didn’t actually make good on her promise to come and pick them up each day; it only turned into every now and then. It was a lot more difficult to keep the Super’s requirement than originally thought, especially since George and Irene had absolutely no qualms about going down to the pool in the evenings and on the weekends, without Hope. A few more days later, Hope finally lost it and pitched a hissy fit about it.

    Dad, this is not fair! I’m glad that I am in California, but I can’t go anywhere, and I’m not allowed to do anything. Where’s the fun in that? Sitting inside and watching TV is something I could have done at home; I didn’t need to travel half way around the world for that.

    George knew she was right, so he picked up the phone, called Violet and asked her to come over and pick them up. After that, Violet kept her promise, but it did become a burden.

    Dad, I know I am not supposed to go down to the pool, but quite frankly, the Super is never out there… In fact, there are only a few people around the pool most days. What would happen if I do go down to the pool? Who’s going to know? If someone says something…, okay, we’ll stop, but until someone actually objects, why not try it? I am getting tired of being logged back and forth to Violet’s, and I am as sure as hell getting tired of being stuck in here, alone. This is nuts! Hope declared.

    Well, I suppose, you’re right. Let’s see what happens. George agreed, as he was also growing tired of imposing on his future sister-in-law.


    Meeting For The First Time…

    T he first day Hope ventured down to the pool was the next Saturday. George was already downstairs with Irene. As expected, no one said a word in complaint; there was no reason. Irene was correct; Hope was quite sophisticated for her age and most certainly did not look like an average 18-year-old. She could have easily been mistaken for a 23-year-old. She was about five foot seven, 105 pounds with curves in all the right places; a slim though quite curvaceous brunette with piercing green eyes. Her medium brown, naturally wavy, mid-length hair provided an eye-catching frame for her face. Her teeny-weeny pink bikini was snug on her, hugging her figure in all the right places. She didn’t have a tan yet, but her pale skin tone was in the natural olive family, so the tiny fabric’s color popped and was quite feminine against it. Without trying, she knew how to make an entrance… Inadvertently, all eyes fixated on her. She didn’t read too much into it given the fact that this building was for adults only, and most residents were well over the age of 35. The sight of a pretty, young girl was probably not very frequent.

    When she arrived, George and Irene were talking to someone, a very attractive man in his thirties. As she walked up and joined them, to her amazement, the man greeted her in her native language, Hungarian. His name was John Olson. John was a very strikingly good-looking 38-year-old man. His medium brown hair was perfectly combed and hair-sprayed even though he was at the pool. He had a quirky mustache, which also looked carefully groomed and trimmed, framing his coy smile. John was about her height, maybe a bit more at five foot nine with an athletic body. He looked lean and trim; in excellent physical shape. As she

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