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SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems"
SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems"
SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems"
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SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems"

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"I am Solange, a woman who loves intensely a man who belongs to another ...
Do not judge me without knowing the truth of the facts, I did not shuffle the cards, fate chose for me and now I am paying the consequences of a past that condemns me "
The Runways celebrity, Solange Martiel is forced to return to her motherland with only one objective that she must keep secret, but fate has prepared her a reunion with the great love of her life; Daniel Larose, a congressman committed to his work and also to his wife.

Daniel and Solange will relive the feelings of the past, wrapping them in a forbidden and dangerous relationship, which will threaten to undo their lives.
While Solange is running out of time to conclude the only reason that brought her back to Peru and will have to face a situation that will put her life and reputation at risk.
Love, passion, intrigue, suspense and eroticism.
Can Solange and Daniel find happiness or be condemned to live apart?
Discover this story where nothing is as it seems:
Solange, the new novel by Rotze Mardini, author of the Cavielli trilogy.

Release dateAug 16, 2018
SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems"

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    SOLANGE "Nothing is what it seems" - Rotze Mardini


    Currently: Flight 2477 from Los Angeles to Lima, Peru.

    Solange opened her eyes with shortness of breath; the bad dream returned to her thoughts again, she twisted in her seat and tried to calm down. A tear rolled down her cheek. The Beverly Hills mansion and that damn man, the woman shook her head away from that bad memory, six years had passed since that fateful night when her life changed forever, with no possible reverse ...

    The co-pilot of the airline took her out of her thoughts, announcing that in thirty-five minutes they would land at the Jorge Chávez International Airport. Solange shuddered with the idea that in half an hour she would be back in Peru, after ten long years of absence. ¡How much she had avoided that trip! but ... did she have any other option? Unfortunately there was not.

    She had a clear goal to fulfill, she had given her word to Jay Perry and you do not play with that man. On the other hand, she felt sorry for having to return to her homeland, where bitter memories of the great love of her life awaited; she lamented through her teeth, trying not to remember the man who had also betrayed her and broken her heart into a thousand pieces.

    However, now everything was different, she knew very well how to control her feelings. She tried to think in other things, the past only made her bother with herself. She sighed and thought about the commitments she had in the coming days, hired as she had been hired by a Chilean company to be the face of their female winter line; Of course, all this was just a facade for the plans of the American Perry. Damn Jay, Solange muttered; She was also aware that in two days she had an event in a dance program where she had to present a choreography as part of her introduction to the great Lima society. The model rolled her eyes.

    A stewardess approached her, taking her out of her ramblings; timidly begged her to sign an autograph for her niece. Solange smiled and accepted happily.

    - Miss Martiel, my niece will be very excited about your autograph

    - What's your niece's name? - The model asked.

    - Maricela, - said the stewardess, handing her a sheet of paper and a pen.

    Solange took the paper, wrote a few lines, stamped her signature and drew a smile on her face. The stewardess thanked her for the gesture and retired satisfied by the autograph and the kindness of the celebrity.

    Solange looked out the window, tears rolling down her cheeks again, remembering moments of her life. However, she had not chosen anything of what she was living now. Destiny chose it, how different it would be if it had the option of choosing the right path, but there was no point of return to the past. Life had mistreated her too much and now she was a strong woman who would never let anyone play with her feelings or be surprised like so many times in that past she hated to remember.

    Thirty minutes later, she landed in the Peruvian capital. Guided by two security agents, she headed towards the exit like a whole diva; People looked at her out of the corner of their eyes and some followers followed her, taking photos and autographs. The model, still tired from the long trip, was due to her audience, so she made several stops to please some of her fans.

    At last they reached the parking lot where the press was already prepared with cameras in hand to take photos of the woman. Security agents hastily removed her, preventing journalists from approaching the celebrity. They entered an armored car and took her to their hotel, located in the district of Miraflores, facing the sea.

    Her best friend, Mario, was waiting for her at the hotel. He appeared in her room and they melted into a big hug, he was the only friend she had left of her land and the one who informed her of the latest gossip of her great love and the people who had betrayed her in the past. Mario used to travel once a year to Los Angeles to visit her friend.

    -I cannot believe that you're finally in Peru. How do you feel, goddess? Mario asked with a smile from ear to ear.

    - Do you want me to be honest?

    Obvious, said the funny friend.

    -I would not like to be here, I would prefer to return to Los Angeles -the woman confessed with a serious look.

    -Don't say those things, party pooper. Beside, early tomorrow I will take you to eat a good ceviche, rice with seafood, tiger milk and I asked the reception to take us a couple of pisco sours to celebrate your return in style and as a star of the catwalks, "suggested Mario with mischief.

    Shut up, she complained with laughter.

    Solange hugged her friend, who was obviously too excited about her arrival.

    - Tell me; is it true that you will be presented in the program Dancing for a dream? They are announcing it everywhere.

    -Can you believe it? The truth is that I do not understand why my manager committed to that program.

    -Well, I'm more than happy, at home we'll see the program and I'll celebrate in style when I see my friend in one of the most popular shows in Peru. At that moment, they were interrupted by Solange's insistent cell phone, but she did not answer when she realized it was Jay Perry. He's my manager, I'll call him later, Solange lied, not wanting to talk to him in front of his friend. Then they were interrupted by the knock of the bellboy. I brought the drinks. The friends prepared to drink celebrating their meeting. Mario told her the latest gossip from the Lima elite. Solange laughed at the peculiar way that his friend had to tell the last events of the Peruvian capital.


    Mega Vision Channel Studio 5

    A pleasant background music sounded on the set of the number one television program of Peruvian homes: Dancing for a Dream, a favorite of both men and women for the variety of famous people who showed up every Saturday night.

    Daniel Larose was present and was one of the many guests of the show. The television producer was doing a special edition to raise funds for an association of single mothers; among the guests stood out athletes, actresses, models, and also some characters from the political environment, as was the case of the famous congressman Larose, a man who did not go unnoticed by female glances: white skin, eyes of a deep gray, tall, with a very caring body, thirty-five years old, a lawyer by profession and a political career that promised a great future. He was known for his peculiar character, extremely serious, committed to his work, but also to his wife. The gossips of the city tried to find some defect in him, since his image was that of a very honest, impeccable man.

    The host of the program took the floor to announce the next act. Larose was somewhat bored, although he had promised to attend the presentation; He took a breath, but then the words of the famous host caught his full attention.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to present the next dance that will be performed by a famous woman from Lima who is conquering the biggest runways, a woman who is putting the name of Peru on high. With us, in Dancing for a Dream, the beautiful Solange. Let the music begin, Mr. Director.

    That name assailed the memories of Larose, so long ago that he did not think about this woman, in that face that was synonymous of happiness in his early life ... What would have happened to that girl? Destiny took her away from him, but she remained in his life as a big question mark. It was never his and how much he regretted not having fought for the love of that cheerful redhead with emerald green eyes.

    A cabaret music flooded the stage, dancers with sensual clothes appeared on the dance floor, suddenly a figure appeared with a body full of curves, dressed in a tiny white suit, adorned with pearls on her chest and her beautiful Red hair as fire. Daniel looked her up and down and was stunned by so much beauty ... he stopped at her red lips, which had captured him forever. The man shook his head without believing it, there she was, that love that made him vibrate so much in his youth. It was the one and only Solange Martiel.

    The woman danced with a lot of rhythm and strength, moving in a way that drew the admiration of everyone present in the studio. The dancers were like if they were frozen, the music changed at a very sensual rhythm, Solange did her own thing, sitting on a chair, doing tricks with her long shapely legs, at the same time that she waved her red hair ...

    Daniel stopped breathing, loosened the knot of the tie that was suffocating him, his gray eyes widened ... Solange, he told himself. He wanted to pounce on her, cover her body and take her out of that stage; he felt jealousy and a need to protect her. At what point had she become a famous model? What happened to the girl who dreamed of being a systems engineer? When did she return to Peru? There were too many questions.

    He had nothing against the entertainment world or the runways, but simply his Solange did not fit that femme fatale that was on stage.

    Daniel returned in time to Solange's tender kisses.

    -I love you my beautiful girl.

    And I love you too, Daniel, she said, rather stunned.

    The next day, Solange would start a new life in Los Angeles at the decision of her parents; they were sending her to a prestigious American university to study systems. However, she did not want to leave, she wanted to stay in her beloved land with the love of her life, her Daniel.

    I want to be yours tonight, the girl with green eyes pleaded decisively.

    Larose was surprised at that request; He wanted her so much, so much that it hurt, but his moral values ​​weighed more than his desires, he would respect her until he turned her into his wife in front of an altar, because that was how his parents raised him.

    "Nothing would make me happier than to make you mine tonight, but I respect you. I will wait for you as long as necessary and then I will make you my wife, princess.

    Without giving her time to reply, he brought his lips and kissed her, drawing her to his body, he did not hide his emotions before his beloved, the tears gushed out; it hurt in his soul to separate from the girl in his eyes. She also cried.

    She did not want to say goodbye, but the moment was approaching, he had to take her back to her house, where Solange's parents were waiting for them.

    Swear that you will never forget me, Daniel demanded, devastated.

    -I'll never forget you, Daniel, I'll be back soon, I swear to you for our love.

    -I will always wait for you, love of my life, do not forget it, do not forget me - begged the lover losing himself in that look full of innocence.

    That sad memory took hold of Daniel's soul, he really waited for her, the relationship had cooled during the first months and she finally disappeared from his life, without any explanation, never knew of her life until this moment.

    Those months were hard for Daniel, he refused to give his love to another woman. He just thought, dreamed and breathed the memory of Solange. Until time did the same: he did not forget it, but he settled for the idea that they would never meet again.

    He devoted himself body and soul to his studies, until he graduated with honors at a prestigious university in the Peruvian capital, and then got work almost immediately in the Congress of the Republic as an assistant to one of the advisers

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