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Irish Cream
Irish Cream
Irish Cream
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Irish Cream

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When negotiations get tricky, will the luck of an Irish billionaire be able to sweeten the deal by pouring some cream in this coffee colored lawyer?

Once Killian Quin realizes there's a deal going down between Maxwell Kingston and Agave Regency, he's determined to get his company involved by any means possible. A multimillion dollar deal that will grow his empire is one he refuses to pass up. As he tries to convince both Maxwell and Agave that he's the transportation magnate they need to complete the deal, negotiations come to a halt. Maxwell wants something different for his coffee empire and Agave Regency is in no mood to be stuck in the middle. 

Enter Nicole "Nick" Keyes, an independent African American broker who's great at making sure everyone gets a fair shake in every deal she negotiates. As the two fellas come to terms with Nicole's business dealings, the fight for her love is fought. As only one man can be the victor, is the price that had to be paid worth being lucky in love?

Release dateAug 12, 2018
Irish Cream

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    Book preview

    Irish Cream - Cristina Grenier


    Irish Cream

    Marie Parker

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    full length BWWM Romance by bestselling author Cristina Grenier?

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    Chapter 1: Meeting of the Minds

    The sun has yet to rise as Killian Quin stands in his office gazing off into the night time sky just after five a.m. The smell of his leather furniture permeates his nostrils as the typical morning workers have yet to come in and brew their coffee. He pulls at the lush carpet under his feet with his toes wondering what the day has in store for him. The windows definitely need to be cleaned he thinks making a note on his mental checklist as he touches the window pane watching his reflection stare back at him. Sure nine feet tall windows are glorious to stare out of, but only if they’re clean. He steps away from the panoramic view circling his office to scan over the fine art hung on its walls until his sight stops at a large table in the corner. Killian looms over the structure. The table stands at four feet tall, three feet wide, and five feet long with another campus of building models constructed atop of it. It is the miniature architect model for his company’s new headquarters. It’s a project he commissioned years ago, but refuses to spend his own money to construct it.

    The 6’2", Irish billionaire is in pure awe as he studies its craftsmanship, yet again. He runs his fingers through his chestnut brown hair as he stoops down to peer inside one of the tiny windows. There were even little figures placed inside to mimic a functioning office. He is lost in his thoughts, so much so that Killian doesn’t hear his secretary come into the office. She’s a temp at the moment, while his regular assistant is out on maternity leave. Linda sidles in unannounced watching Killian bent over the seemingly toy-like structure. His wolf grey eyes are focusing so intently on what lays out in front of him. His chiseled jaw clenches in concentration, which his neatly trimmed goatee exaggerates, as he ponders the future of his new buildings. His muscular body bulging through his custom made navy blue suit. His hair slicked back to keep from falling in his face. He is a very handsome man and there’s nothing she would enjoy more than to feel his tongue ravaging her body. Licking and biting at her hardening nipples, tasting the delicacy between her legs. Shuddering at the thoughts of his cock ramming inside of her, his hair slipping out of place as he thrusts in and out of her as she leans against his floor to ceiling windows causes her to release a heavy sigh. Killian turns around.

    Are you okay, Miss Suarez, he asks the woman who dawns a ghostly expression.

    Linda is absolutely mortified as she comes out of her daydream, clearing her throat, Terribly sorry Mr. Quin. Yes I’m okay.

    Glad to hear it lass, I’m beginning to wonder if you’re cut out for working here for me. You’re always off chasing rainbows or something in that wee little head of yours, he chuckles.

    Linda swoons as his Irish accent slips in the longer he speaks, I promise, I’m fine Mr. Quin. Mr. Brian Conlan is on line one for you.

    Thank you. Will there be anything else?

    Linda shakes her head silently while exiting the office. Killian is anxiously waiting the day his assistant returns because Linda is sluggish in her responsibilities. He begins to wonder why Brian is calling him this early as he steps across the lush carpet in his dress socks, refusing to wear shoes until after the sun rises in the sky. His arms extend up for a good stretch and back down to grab the phone as he sits down in his custom made leather chair.

    Top of the morning to you old man, he nearly screams into the phone with a laugh.

    The voice on the other end is just as excited, Yes top of the morning to you too, lad. Are you still at that office looking at those toy buildings and such?

    You know I am, Killian replies.

    Boy, you need to hurry up and just build the damn thing and stop looking at it, Brian suggests.

    I will. I just need a little bit more capital so we can break ground on the new headquarters.

    A little bit more capital? You’re a god damn billionaire! Brian yells over the phone with a boisterous laugh.

    And I plan to keep it that way, Killian quips, Only way for me to keep my own money is to spend somebody else’s.

    I’m glad you feel that way boy cause I got a deal here that you might be interested in, Brian informs him.

    Killian’s interest piques as he sits up in his chair and moves closer to the phone, What do ya got, old man?

    Maxwell Kingston, Brian begins, That coffee guy has got a deal in the works with Agave Regency International.

    I’ve been eyeing them for a while now. What’s going on? What are they trying to do? How did you happen to come across this?

    Just shut up and listen! I know you’ve been looking for an in with them which is why I’m calling you so darn early. He exports coffee and sugar out of a few places in the Caribbean. Agave is looking for a new supplier as their previous one just filed bankruptcy. Now the way I hear it is Agave is giving Kingston a one year deal to supply their entire hotel chain just to see if he can manage the yield, and if he aces the trial there’s a more lucrative deal coming. It’ll be some kind of lifetime supplier deal.

    Killian rubs his chin, I’ve always been fond of a good stout but I think coffee is sounding just as good right now. And Brian, who’s he got lined up for the transportation?

    I know he’s been playing tennis with that Carter guy. I would try him first. See what he has to say and then go see Maxwell, Brian offers.

    Great, I know exactly who you’re talking about. But just one last question for you Conlan…

    What’s that?

    What do you want for this?

    You know me so well. Ten percent off your next shipment rate.

    Ha! The info’s good but not that good.

    I beg to differ. You stand to make millions off this once you get in on this and I know you’re going to find a way to sit at the table for this deal.

    You do know me, Brian. How about five and I give five to a charity of your choice?

    I can take that, but you have to come to a fundraising event and present the big check. Do the whole thing!

    Next thing you know, you’re going to have me chasing leprechauns and unicorns for you. Fine, big check and the discount off your next freight.

    Great! Nice doing business with ya Killian, as always. I’m going to get off this phone and let the boys know to ramp up that next shipment so I get my money’s worth out of you. It’ll probably be unicorns and leprechauns flying about when you give me a discount like this again!

    Both men laugh and hang up the phone. There’s a lot to be done in order for Killian to get his way on this. The end result is to have Agave using his luxury transportation services throughout all avenues of their corporation. It doesn’t hurt that the deal comes at a perfect time for him, especially since he’s looking to break ground on the new building soon. Killian gets right to work waking up colleagues and other associates trying to gather information about the Agave Kingston deal. He finds out some really interesting facts about the Carter gentleman, and has Linda make a few calls. His plan is in motion by noon the same day.

    Killian looks up and down the bustling street as he hops into his black SUV. The driver heads toward a hotel not too far from Killian’s downtown office building. When the driver pulls up, a tall blonde woman gets into the car.

    Hello Nadia, Killian greets the woman, You’re looking real good these days.

    Thanks. So what’s the deal here? she asks getting straight to the point.

    Does it matter? You go in and do what you do and then I’ll come in after you’re finished to get what I’m looking for, Killian answers her vaguely.

    Do you have my money? You know there’s a price for getting me out of bed this early in the fucking morning!

    It’s noon, Nadia, he corrects her pulling out an envelope stuffed with one hundred dollar bills.

    No, it’s noon to you guys, morning for me! I just got in from my night shift a few hours ago. So let’s do this and hurry up! I need to get my sleep, the agitated woman commands as she thumbs through the bills first, prior to securing the money in her bag.

    Killian doesn’t say anything else to her as the driver heads off toward the next destination. Carter Global is a much smaller operation than Killian’s but that’s only because, the Founder and CEO Carter Brinson, is content with keeping his company the size it is. Killian knows a few things about Carter and his transportation business. He wants to try things the easy way first rather than imposing his will onto Carter and inevitably getting him to do exactly what he needs him to do.

    The space on which Carter Global sits is a nice green area, surrounded by trees and lush grass lawns. It seems peaceful as Killian and Nadia pull up to the building. The parking lot is clean and only has a few cars in it.

    Where is everybody? Nadia asks wondering why the place appears to show no signs of life.

    I’m going to assume many are inside or off getting lunch. Either way, the less people who know we’re here, the better for what I’m trying to accomplish today. Now when we get in here, don’t say anything to anybody and you do as you’re told.

    That’s what you’re paying me for, Nadia complies as she falls in line behind Killian. They walk inside of the building but there isn’t anyone at the guard’s desk to greet them. He takes a look at the directory to find out what office Carter is in. He spots the room he’s looking for and leads Nadia to the elevator bank. They reach the top floor and step off of the elevator into a nearly empty office floor. Only a few people are standing around as Killian and Nadia make their way to Carter’s office. Killian knocks on the door and waits for Carter to acknowledge them. They wait outside until the man waves for them to come in.

    Carter is an older man, salt and pepper hair, and while his boyish good looks have been with him throughout his adult life, running a business has taken its toll on him. He sits in a tattered chair, eyes weary with a grimace across his face as the tall and handsome Killian steps into his office. He looks at the woman standing a beat behind him and readily changes his expression. He stands to greet them and offers the lady a seat.

    So what drags you down here to my parts? Carter questions, pulling the chair out for Nadia.

    I have a business matter I want to discuss with you but as a gesture for you hearing me out and perhaps swaying my way, I brought you a gift, Killian motions toward Nadia.

    I’ve heard about you, Carter stands behind his desk, I didn’t think you would ever be interested in doing business with my little company here.

    Killian looks around the wood paneled office, with files and clutter everywhere, mentally agreeing with Carter that he never thought he’d be in here doing business with him either. He simply smiles and backs out of the office allowing Nadia and Carter to be alone.

    Carter takes his wedding ring off and hides it in his top drawer. Every time he cheats on his wife, he hides his ring as if taking it off will undo his infidelity. He grasps Nadia by the shoulder, waiting for her to shrink away from his touch

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