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Cracking the Crime: Sequel to The Forbidden Room
Cracking the Crime: Sequel to The Forbidden Room
Cracking the Crime: Sequel to The Forbidden Room
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Cracking the Crime: Sequel to The Forbidden Room

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Mysterious shadows in the moonlit orchard, voices coming from one of the out buildings, scraping noises in the basement. The home that was cleared of all notions of being haunted is now causing shaky nights for the McDaniel kids. Sandy takes on the responsibility of protecting her younger brother, Joey, by searching for the shadowy character. When it becomes more than one person can handle, she involves her older brother, and finally, Joey, and former kids that had lived in the home. Will they survive when they come face to face with the real shadow? Will there ever be peace in this beautiful old home that once claimed a “Forbidden Room?”

Release dateApr 16, 2018
Cracking the Crime: Sequel to The Forbidden Room

Lois Richardson

Raised on a dairy farm in northern Wisconsin, Lois Richardson expressed her thoughts through drawing, writing poetry and jotting down sentences of various subjects. Later in life she studied art and drawing with many fine teachers. Today her art centers around teaching painting and drawing to family who express an interest in learning and paints for her pleasure and relaxation.Lois graduated from high school at the age of seventeen with a degree entitled "diploma." The following month she applied for and was accepted into "workforce USA," (her own words.) After seven years she graduated to marriage and three children taking part in the world of stay at home moms and all the simple and easy things of that life. (She failed the simple and easy part.) There were intervals of working outside the home.Writing became a priority over visual art and she read and attended critique groups and conferences absorbing the how to of the writing world.Her first book, The Forbidden Room, is a middle grade mystery/adventure story of a brother and sister engaged in solving problems of their haunted home on their own.She lives with her husband in a small Texas town and together they enjoy children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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    Book preview

    Cracking the Crime - Lois Richardson


    Sequel to The Forbidden Room

    Lois Richardson

    ~ * * ~ * * ~ * * ~

    Smashwords Edition

    Published By

    Lois Anderson Richardson

    Copyright © 2018 by Lois Anderson Richardson

    Cover Design by Laura Shinn Designs

    Smashwords License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    To my dearest and longtime friend, Rosalie Replogle,

    who has been there in many phases of my life.





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23


    I would like to thank everyone along my writing journey, writing groups and writer friends and family. All have taken time to read over parts of my manuscript and offered their view.

    Thank you to my editor, Robyn Conley, who keeps me straight on numerous points of importance that I overlook.

    A special thank you to son-in-law, Tony Cripps, IT guy with the magic touch.

    To my brother, Bernard Anderson who helped with the long-ago information of the twenties and thirties era. Thank you!

    And always, thank you to husband, Ron, children, Sharon, Ronny, and Susie, my forever supporters.

    I’m humbled and grateful for readers who are willing to take that step into the frontier of unknown writers and risk reading what’s beyond the cover.


    I was born and raised on a farm in northern Wisconsin. I always spent time writing poetry and drawing, especially in the winter. Many years later, I became serious about art and studied fine art and drawing with excellent instructors. I continued writing poetry and thoughts as I call them. Then I began writing short stories and it follows that books came next. Writing is like any art form-you have a yearning to keep writing.


    Sandy McDaniel roamed the buildings and orchard of the home her parents had just bought. Although the family knew the house with the Forbidden Room was rumored to have been haunted at one time, they were satisfied to hear there were no more problems. Mrs. Schrink, the owner, had told them about a younger sister who had been traumatized by her mother’s death. She continued to visit her former home in a mysterious manner. The problem though, had been completely resolved.

    Looking down the lonely country road, Sandy hoped the beauty and serenity that surrounded the farm would help her adjust. She missed her friends and the faster pace of her home in an Indiana city.

    Sandy cut through the orchard, swung on a low hanging branch, and landed on her feet. Looking up into a thick cluster of branches, the leaves moved as though a family of squirrels were playing. The sound of a branch cracking made her jump. Okay, enough of letting those rumors get to me. We all know it’s been put to rest. Or had it? They moved in only a few days ago and already she imagined shadowy figures in the orchard as well Joey, her little brother, hearing voices. It seemed only the siblings encountered these strange happenings. These incidents led to Sandy, and her brother, Sam, forming an investigative party of two. Later they included Joey and the two kids who had previously occupied the home.

    Chapter 1

    Sandy McDaniel sat on a bench in the orchard after she and her twin brother had checked out the buildings of the Schrink farm. Sam pulled a piece of grass and started chewing on the end.

    Sandy smiled in amusement and chuckled. All you need is a straw hat and you’ll look like a genuine farmer.

    It’s pretty peaceful out here, but a long way from anything, like our high school or grocery store. Even so, I like it and we’ll get used to the drive. A breeze ruffled Sam’s hair. And we can drop Joey at the elementary school on the way to Royal High.

    Sandy nodded, I’m looking forward to walking around Royal this summer and seeing what’s there.

    Let’s head back to the house and see if Mom needs help. I also want to arrange my room in a cool way, said Sandy.

    Sam rolled his eyes. You do that, I’ll check out what Dad’s doing in the machine shed and give him a hand. My room is perfect. As long as dirty clothes make it to the hamper, Mom will be happy.

    I have a view of the orchard and that large field out the other window, said Sandy. My room is a perfect size for me.

    For you and all that junk you think is so valuable.

    You wouldn’t understand!

    I understand a pack rat and a person with clutter problems when I see one.

    Sandy stood up, flinging her hands in disgust. Walking toward the house, she grabbed a low hanging branch and let it snap back. A cluster of branches moved as though a family of squirrels were playing. The sound of a branch cracking made her jump. Okay, enough of letting those rumors get to me. We all know it’s been put to rest.

    No one would guess any of the three were siblings and certainly wouldn’t suspect Sandy and Sam were twins. Sandy, tall and slender with golden red hair and freckles lived for sports. She played everything that got in her way. Sam on the other hand, was short, stocky and interested in all things scientific. With dark rimmed glasses and thick black hair that had a mind of its own. Sandy was sure her brother thought he could invent a vaccine to cure all diseases.

    Joey, small for his twelve years, never backed away from a scuffle and surprised those who attempted trouble. Sandy knew his auburn hair and hazel eyes couldn’t hide the mischief he sometimes caused. Most of the time, Sandy was on top of his shenanigans such as eavesdropping on her and her friends.

    Mom, how will I have time to look for school clothes? whined Sandy. "After all, I’m entering my junior year and it’s important to have something that’s not horribly outdated!"

    Mom snapped up from unloading a box of kitchen items and tucked a wisp of black hair behind her ears. "My dear daughter! You have two and a half months to do that after you finish unpacking and help put the rest of our home in order. Besides, our budget won’t leave room for hours of shopping. You’ve always had a good eye for style so you’ll do well no matter if time is short. And unless my memory is failing, I don’t recall seeing you wear anything outdated."

    You just don’t understand, Sandy sighed.

    I’ll do my best.

    Thanks. I’ll finish my room and think through my petty problems.

    Well, it’s all part of growing up and believe it or not, I know those aren’t petty problems to you. Take a break after a while and we’ll have a chat.

    That sounds great!

    Sandy ran up the two flights of stairs

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