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Learning Python Application Development
Learning Python Application Development
Learning Python Application Development
Ebook833 pages5 hours

Learning Python Application Development

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About This Book
  • Get to grips with Python techniques that address commonly encountered problems in general application development.
  • Develop, package, and deploy efficient applications in a fun way.
  • All-practical coverage of the major areas of application development, including best practices, exception handling, testing, refactoring, design patterns, performance, and GUI application development.
Who This Book Is For

Do you know the basics of Python and object-oriented programming? Do you want to go the extra mile and learn techniques to make your Python application robust, extensible, and efficient? Then this book is for you.

Release dateSep 7, 2016
Learning Python Application Development

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    Learning Python Application Development - Ninad Sathaye

    Table of Contents

    Learning Python Application Development



    About the Author

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    Important things to note

    Very important note for e-book readers

    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code

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    1. Developing Simple Applications

    Important housekeeping notes

    Installation prerequisites

    Installing Python

    Option 1 – official distribution

    Option 2 – bundled distribution

    Python install location

    Unix-like operating systems

    Windows OS

    Verifying Python installation

    Installing pip

    Installing IPython

    Choosing an IDE

    The theme of the book

    Meet the characters

    Simple script – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

    The game – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

    Problem statement

    Pseudo code – version 0.0.1

    Reviewing the code

    Running Attack of the Orcs v0.0.1

    Using functions – Attack of the Orcs v0.0.5

    Revisiting the previous version

    Pseudo code with attack feature – Version 0.0.5

    Reviewing the code

    Running Attack of the Orcs v0.0.5

    Using OOP – Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

    Prioritize the feature requests

    Problem statement

    Redesigning the code

    Painting the big picture

    Pseudo UML representation

    Understanding the pseudo UML diagram

    Reviewing the code

    Running Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

    Abstract base classes in Python



    Very important note for e-book readers

    2. Dealing with Exceptions

    Revisiting Attack of the Orcs v1.0.0

    Debugging the problem

    Fixing the bugs…


    What is an exception?

    Most common exceptions

    Exception handling

    Raising and re-raising an exception

    The else block of try…except

    finally...clean it up!

    Back to the game – Attack of the Orcs v1.1.0

    Preparatory work

    Adding the exception handling code

    Running Attack of the Orcs v1.1.0

    Defining custom exceptions

    Preparatory work

    Custom exception – The problem

    Writing a new exception class

    Expanding the exception class

    Inheriting from the exception class



    3. Modularize, Package, Deploy!

    Selecting a versioning convention

    Serial increments

    Using a date format

    Semantic versioning scheme

    Modularizing the code

    Attack of the Orcs v2.0.0

    Creating a package

    Importing from the package

    Releasing the package on PyPI

    Prepare the distribution

    Step 1 – Setting up the package directory

    Step 2 – Writing the file

    Step 3 – Updating the README and LICENSE.txt files

    Step 4 – Updating the file

    Step 5 – Build a deployment-ready distribution

    Uploading the distribution

    Step 1 – Creating an account on PyPI test website

    Step 2 – Creating a .pypirc file

    Step 3 – Register your project

    Step 4 – Uploading the package

    A single command to do it all

    Installing your own distribution

    Using a private PyPI repository

    Step 1 – Installing pypiserver

    Step 2 – Building a new source distribution

    Step 3 – Starting a local server

    Step 4 – Installing the private distribution

    Making an incremental release

    Packaging and uploading the new version

    Upgrading the installed version

    Version controlling the code

    Git resources

    Installing Git

    Configuring your identity

    Basic Git terminology

    Creating and using a Git repository

    Creating a bare remote repository

    Clone the repository

    Copying the code to the cloned repository

    Staging the code and committing

    Pushing the changes to the central repository

    Using GUI clients for Git



    4. Documentation and Best Practices

    Documenting the code


    Introduction to reStructuredText

    Section headings


    Text styles

    Code snippets

    Mathematical equations

    Bullets and numbering

    Dosctrings using RST

    Docstring formatting styles

    Automatically creating docstring stubs

    Generating documentation with Sphinx

    Step 1 – Installing Sphinx using pip

    Step 2 – cd to the source directory

    Step 3 – Running sphinx-quickstart

    Step 4 – Updating

    Step 5 – Running sphinx-apidoc

    Step 6 – Building the documentation

    Using sphinx-build

    Using Makefile

    Python coding standards

    Code analysis – How well are we doing?

    Code analysis using IDE


    Pylint in action

    PEP8 and AutoPEP8



    5. Unit Testing and Refactoring

    This is how the chapter is organized

    Important housekeeping notes

    Why test?

    A new feature was requested

    You implemented this feature

    But something wasn't right...

    It required thorough testing

    Unit testing

    Python unittest framework

    Basic terminology

    Creating tests with unittest.TestCase

    Controlling test execution

    Using unittest.TestSuite

    Writing unit tests for the application

    Setting up a test package

    Creating a new class for unit testing

    First unit test – Injured unit selection

    Running the first unit test

    Second unit test – Acquiring the hut

    Running only the second test

    Creating individual test modules

    Batch executing unit tests

    Unit tests using mock library

    Quick introduction to mock

    Let's mock!

    Using Mock objects in a unit test

    Working with patches

    Using patch in a unit test

    Third unit test – The play method

    Is your code covered?

    Resolving import errors, if any

    Other unit testing tools




    Refactoring preamble

    Take a detour – Refactor for testability


    What is refactoring?

    Why refactor?

    When to refactor?

    How to refactor?




    Pushing down

    Pulling up

    Refactoring tools for Python

    Unit testing revisited

    Refactoring for testability

    Fourth unit test – setup_game_scenario


    Refactoring and redesign exercise


    6. Design Patterns

    Introduction to design patterns

    Classification of patterns

    Behavioral patterns

    Creational patterns

    Structural patterns

    Concurrency patterns

    Python language and design patterns

    First-class functions

    Classes as first-class objects


    Miscellaneous features

    Class method

    Abstract method

    The __getattr__ method

    Duck typing

    Structure of the rest of the chapter

    Fast forward – Attack of the Orcs v6.0.0

    Strategy pattern

    Strategy scenario – The jump feature

    Strategy – The problem

    Strategy – Attempted solution

    Strategy – Rethinking the design

    Strategy solution 1 – Traditional approach

    Strategy solution 2 – Pythonic approach

    Simple factory

    Simple factory scenario – The recruit feature

    Simple factory – The problem

    Simple factory – Rethinking the design

    Simple factory solution 1 – Traditional approach

    Simple factory solution 2 – Pythonic approach

    Abstract factory pattern

    Abstract factory scenario – An accessory store

    Abstract factory – The problem

    Abstract factory – Rethinking the design

    Simplifying the design further

    Abstract factory solution – Pythonic approach

    Advanced topic – enforcing an interface

    Adapter pattern

    Adapter scenario – Elf's distant cousin

    Adapter – The problem

    Adapter – Attempted solution

    Adapter solution – Pythonic approach

    Adapter – Multiple adapter methods


    7. Performance – Identifying Bottlenecks

    Overview of three performance chapters

    More focus on the runtime performance

    The first performance chapter

    The second performance chapter

    The third performance chapter

    Sneak peek at the upcoming application speedup

    Scenario – The Gold Hunt

    High-level algorithm

    Reviewing the initial code

    Running the code

    The problem

    Identifying the bottlenecks

    Measuring the execution time

    Measuring the runtime of small code snippets

    Code profiling

    The cProfile module

    The pstats module

    The line_profiler package

    Memory profiling

    The memory_profiler package

    Algorithm efficiency and complexity

    Algorithm efficiency

    Algorithm complexity

    Big O notation

    Big O complexity classes

    O(1) – constant time

    O(log n) – logarithmic

    O(n) – Linear time

    O(n log n) – Log linear

    O(n2) – Quadratic

    O(n3) – cubic

    Upper bound of the complexity

    Complexity for common data structures and algorithms

    Wrapping up the big O discussion


    8. Improving Performance – Part One

    Prerequisite for the chapter

    This is how the chapter is organized

    Revisiting the Gold Hunt scenario

    Selecting a problem size

    Profiling the initial code

    Optimizing Gold Hunt – Part one

    Tweaking the algorithm – The square root

    Gold Hunt optimization – Pass one

    Skipping the dots

    Gold Hunt optimization – Pass two

    Using local scope

    Gold Hunt optimization – Pass three

    Performance improvement goodies

    List comprehension

    Recording execution time

    Dictionary comprehension

    Swapping conditional block and for loops

    'try' it out in a loop

    Choosing the right data structures

    The collections module

    The deque class

    The defaultdict class

    Generators and generator expressions

    Generator expressions

    Comparing the memory efficiency

    Generator expressions or list comprehensions?

    The itertools module

    The itertools.chain iterator



    9. Improving Performance – Part Two, NumPy and Parallelization

    Prerequisites for this chapter

    This is how the chapter is organized

    Introduction to NumPy

    Installing NumPy

    Creating array objects

    Simple array operations

    Array slicing and indexing




    Miscellaneous functions






    Computing distance square with einsum

    Where to get more information on NumPy?

    Optimizing Gold Hunt – Part two

    Gold Hunt optimization – pass four

    Gold Hunt optimization – pass five

    Parallelization with the multiprocessing module

    Introduction to parallelization

    Shared memory parallelization

    Distributed memory parallelization

    Global interpreter lock

    The multiprocessing module

    The Pool class

    Parallelizing the Gold Hunt program

    Revisiting the gold field

    Gold Hunt optimization – Pass six, parallelization

    Other methods for parallelization

    Further reading

    JIT compilers

    GPU accelerated computing


    10. Simple GUI Applications

    Overview of GUI frameworks






    GUI programming design considerations

    Understanding user requirements

    Developing a user story

    Simplicity and accessibility


    Predictability and familiarity

    Miscellaneous design considerations

    Event-driven programming


    Event handling

    Event loop

    GUI programming with Tkinter

    Tkinter documentation links

    The mainloop() in Tkinter

    Simple GUI application – Take 1

    Simple GUI application – Take 2

    GUI Widgets in Tkinter

    Geometry management

    Grid geometry manager

    Pack geometry manager

    Place geometry manager

    Events in Tkinter

    Event types

    Event descriptors

    Event object attributes

    Event handling in Tkinter

    Command callback (Button widget)

    The bind() method

    The bind_class() method

    The bind_all() method

    Project-1 – Attack of the Orcs V10.0.0

    Background scenario

    Problem statement

    Writing the code

    Overview of the class HutGame

    The __init__ method

    The occupy_huts method

    The create_widgets method

    The setup_layout method

    The radio_btn_pressed and enter_hut methods

    The announce_winner method

    Running the application

    MVC architecture




    Advantages of MVC

    Project 2 – Attack of the Orcs v10.1.0

    Revisiting the HutGame class

    Creating MVC classes

    Communication between MVC objects

    Controller to Model or View communication

    Model to Controller communication

    Using method assignment

    Using a publish-subscribe pattern

    PyPubSub package

    View to Controller communication

    Communication between View and Model

    Reviewing the code

    The Controller class

    The Model class

    The View class

    Running the application

    Testing GUI applications

    Testing considerations

    Unit testing and MVC

    Manual testing

    Automated GUI testing


    Further reading



    Learning Python Application Development

    Learning Python Application Development

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: August 2016

    Production reference: 1290816

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78588-919-6



    Ninad Sathaye


    Will Ware

    Commissioning Editor

    Priya Singh

    Acquisition Editor

    Kevin Colaco

    Content Development Editor

    Deepti Thore

    Technical Editors

    Kunal Chaudhari

    Sunith Shetty

    Copy Editor

    Zainab Bootwala

    Project Coordinator

    Shweta H Birwatkar


    Safis Editing


    Tejal Daruwale Soni


    Abhinash Sahu

    Production Coordinator

    Melwyn Dsa

    Cover Work

    Melwyn Dsa


    The names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents mentioned in this book are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    The views and opinions expressed in this book are solely of the author and do not reflect those of author's employer or its clients.

    For this book, the cartoons representing imaginary game characters, such as the Dwarf, Knight, Orc, Fairy, Elf, and so on, are created and copyrighted by Packt Publishing.

    About the Author

    Ninad Sathaye has spent several years of his professional career designing and developing performance-critical engineering applications written in a variety of languages, including Python and C++. He has worked as a software architect in the semiconductor industry, and more recently in the domain of Internet of Things. He holds a master's degree in mechanical engineering.

    I would like to thank my wife, Arati, for her creative input on the book's game theme. This book wouldn't have been possible without her continued support. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Will Ware for technically reviewing this book. His feedback was valuable and really helped me take this book to the next level! Thank you Deepti, Kunal, Zainab, and the whole Packt Publishing team for your hard work and support. I owe a special thanks to Abhinash Sahu from Packt Publishing for creating the awesome graphics art for all the fictional characters in this book. My sincere thanks to Steve Furkay, Neeshma, and Kevin for their valuable feedback during the initial phase of this book. Finally, I would like to thank my whole family for their encouragement and support!

    About the Reviewer

    Will Ware is a software engineer in the Boston area. He has worked with embedded systems, mobile phones, and web development. He received degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from M.I.T. His interests include STEM education and 3D printing.

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    To my daughter, Anvita


    Python is one of the most widely used dynamic programming languages. It supports a rich set of libraries and frameworks that enable rapid development. Such fast-paced development often comes with its own baggage that can bring down the overall quality, performance, and extensibility of the application. This book will help you push your Python skill level by teaching you how to build and deploy interesting applications.

    Starting with a simple program, the book takes you all the way through designing and developing robust and efficient applications. It touches upon several important topics in an accessible and fun way.

    A fantasy theme is used as a vehicle to explain various concepts. During the course of this book, you will meet many fictional game characters. While you learn different topics, these imaginary characters will talk to you, ask questions, and request new features.

    Each chapter targets a different aspect of application development. A few initial ones focus on software robustness, packaging, and releasing the application code. The next few chapters are about improving the application's lifetime by making the code extensible, reusable, and readable. You will learn about refactoring, unit testing, design patterns, documentation, and best practices.

    Techniques for identifying bottlenecks and improving performance are covered in a series of three chapters devoted to performance. The last chapter introduces you to GUI development.

    Important things to note

    The book uses a fun, text-based game theme as a vehicle to explain various application development aspects. However, the book itself is not about developing game applications!

    Every chapter will have its own set of Python source files. Although we will talk through most of the code, you should keep the relevant files at hand. See the Downloading the example code section for more details.

    The following is relevant if you are reading the electronic version of this book. Most of the code illustrated in this book is created as images. Try to use 100% zoom for a better reading experience as these code snapshots should appear crisp at zoom level.

    The solutions to the exercises (if any) are generally not provided.

    This book provides several external links (URLs) for further reading. Over time, some of these links might end up being broken. If that ever happens, try searching the web with the appropriate search terms.

    Some experienced readers may find the code explanation a bit verbose. In this case, you can review the code provided in the supporting material for the book.

    Very important note for e-book readers

    The code illustrations that you see in this book are actually image files or code snapshots.

    The rendering quality of these images will vary depending on your PDF reader's page display resolution and the zoom level.

    If you have trouble clearly reading this code, you may try the following in your PDF or e-book reader:

    Set the zoom level to 100%

    Use the page display resolution of 96 pixels/inch or similar

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    How do you set this resolution? It will depend on your e-book reader. For example, if you are using Adobe Reader, go to Edit | Preferences and then select Page Display from the left panel. You will see Resolution as an option in the right panel. Select 96 pixels/inch or similar and see if that helps render the images better.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Developing Simple Applications, starts with installation prerequisites and the theme of the book. The first program is a fantasy text-based game presented as a script. An incremental version of this program with new features is then developed using functions. With more features added, the code becomes difficult to manage. To address this, the game application is redesigned using OOP concepts. This application now becomes the reference version for the next few chapters.

    Chapter 2, Dealing with Exceptions, will teach you how to fix the obvious issues that the code written in the previous chapter has. You will learn how to add exception handling code to make the application robust. You will also learn about the try…except…finally clause, raising and re-raising exceptions, creating and using custom exception classes, and so on.

    Chapter 3, Modularize, Package, Deploy!, will teach you how to modularize and package the code written in the earlier chapters. After preparing a package, it will show you how to deploy a source distribution, make incremental releases, set up a private Python package repository, and bring the code under version control.

    Chapter 4, Documentation and Best Practices, dives into coding standards, which are a set of guidelines that you should follow while developing the code. Complying with these standards can make a significant impact on code readability and the life of the code. In this chapter, you will learn about another important aspect of software development, code documentation, and best practices. It starts with an introduction to the reStructuredText format and uses it to write docstrings. You will create HTML documentation for the code using the Sphinx document generator. The chapter also talks about some important coding standards for writing a Python code and using PyLint to check the code quality.

    Chapter 5, Unit Testing and Refactoring, starts with an introduction to the unit testing framework in Python. You will write some unit tests for the game application developed so far. It covers many other topics, such as using Mock library in unit tests and measuring effectiveness of the unit tests with code coverage. The later part of the chapter talks about many code refactoring techniques. This is the last chapter that makes use of the code developed in the earlier chapters. The following chapters will have their own simplified examples tied to the same high-fantasy theme.

    Chapter 6, Design Patterns, tells you how, during development, you often encounter a recurring problem. Many times, a general solution or recipe exists, which just works for this problem. This is often referred to as a design pattern. This chapter introduces you to some commonly used design patterns. It covers the strategy, simple and abstract factory, and adapter patterns. For each pattern, a simple game scenario will demonstrate a practical problem. You will learn how the design pattern can help solve this problem. Each of these patterns will be implemented using a Pythonic approach.

    Chapter 7, Performance – Identifying Bottlenecks, is the first one in a series of three chapters on performance improvements. You will write a simple program called Gold Hunt that looks harmless until you tweak some parameters. The parameter tweaking reveals performance problems. In this chapter, you will identify the time-consuming blocks of the code. It covers the basic ways to clock the application runtime, profiling the code to identify performance bottlenecks, the basics of memory profiling, and using big-O notation to represent computational complexity.

    Chapter 8, Improving Performance – Part One, teaches you how to fix some of the performance bottlenecks identified in the previous chapter. Additionally, you will also learn about several techniques, such as algorithm changes, list comprehension, generator expressions, the right choice of data structures, and so on, to improve the application performance.

    Chapter 9, Improving Performance – Part Two, NumPy and Parallelization, is the final chapter on performance improvements, wherein you will drastically improve the performance of the gold hunt application. The chapter will introduce you to the NumPy package. It will also introduce you to parallel processing using Python.

    Chapter 10, Simple GUI Applications, is the final chapter and introduces you to simple GUI application development. The chapters so far covered several key aspects of application development using command-line programs. In this chapter, however, you will learn about the Tkinter module, MVC architecture, and develop a GUI version of the first application developed in Chapter 1, Developing Simple Applications.

    What you need for this book

    The code illustrated in this book is compatible with Python version 3.5. The supporting code bundles also provide files compatible with version 2.7.9; however, throughout the book, Python version 3.5 is assumed. See the Installation prerequisites section of Chapter 1, Developing Simple Applications, for details on the basic packages that need to be installed. Additionally, there are some Python package dependencies that need to be installed. Most of these packages can be installed using pip (Python package manager). These dependencies are mentioned in the chapters that require them.

    Who this book is for

    Do you know the basics of Python and object-oriented programming?

    Do you wish to go the extra mile and learn techniques to make your Python application robust, extensible, and efficient?

    This is the book for you if you answered yes to these questions. It is also for those with a different programming background (for instance, C++ or Java) and wish to get to grips with Python application development.

    This book is not for you if either of the following statements apply to you:

    You are completely new to Python or do not have any background in OOP. The first chapter covers some basics but further understanding will be required.

    You are looking for a reference on specific application domains, such as Web, GUI, database, or game applications. Except for GUI, this book does not cover such domain-specific topics. Nonetheless, the techniques you will learn in this book should provide a solid foundation to all such domains.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: There are some changes to the GoldHunt.find_coins method.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    results = pool.starmap_async(self.find_coins,




    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: As mentioned earlier, at the time of installation, you should select the Add Python 3.5 to PATH option.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

    Reader feedback

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book—what you liked or disliked. Reader feedback is important for us as it helps us develop titles that you will really get the most out of.

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