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Always and Forever
Always and Forever
Always and Forever
Ebook112 pages

Always and Forever

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Happily ever after is not a fairy tale, it’s a choice you make, and I’m so glad I made mine.”
Lust is what I felt when I first laid my eyes on Quill.
Desire is what stared back at me through his piercing blue eyes.
Love is what I feel for the man that brought me back to life, and handed me my future.

Today is the day I say I do. I have said these words before, but somehow, this time, there's no comparison to how I feel about saying them today. I’m getting married to a man that owns me body and soul, a man who taught me that sometimes we need to take a leap of faith, and that if we fall, we do so knowing we did it with our hearts.
Standing before him, our child in my womb nestled between us, I have never felt so much happiness as I do on this day. Life is perfect. I’m getting married to a man who loves me such a fierceness, he literally takes my breath away. A man that is a leader, would put his life on the line for those he loves, and who has made us his family.

So today I’m going to put my faith in Quill, and know that when I say I do, I will be his, and he will be mine. Always, and forever.

PublisherJ.A. Collard
Release dateSep 30, 2017
Always and Forever

J.A. Collard

J.A. COLLARD lives in Melbourne Australia and is a busy mum by day and a saucy writer by night. Her first book in the Blood Brothers MC Series was published in October 2016.As a child, she always had a passion for reading and that continued through to her adult years. It had always been a dream for her to write her own story, but all that was, was a dream. So one day with the kids tucked away in bed and her hubby left to his own devices, she decided to open up her laptop and make her dream a reality. Her characters had finally been given a chance to be in their own story. When not writing, J.A. Collard enjoys reading, dancing and spending time with her family and friends. J.A. Collard would love to hear from you, so please contact her through the following links.Facebook:

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    Always and Forever - J.A. Collard

    Copyright 2017 by J.A. Collard

    All rights reserved. ©

    ISBN-13: 978-1976080944

    ISBN-10: 1976080940

    This e-Book is for your personal enjoyment only. This e-Book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-Book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to event, places, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges all song titles, film titles, and film characters mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owner.

    Editor, Corrine Harris.

    Proofreader, Pinny’s Proofreading

    Interior Formatting, Allusion Graphics, LLC/Publishing & Book Formatting

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    Author's Note

    Other Books by J.A. Collard

    This book is for my husband, Aaron, who has given me my Happily Ever After. For being my best friend and for always being there for me no matter what. Aaron you mean the world to me and I couldn’t be living this dream without you by my side. I love you to the moon and back xx.

    To my readers, this is for you, for wanting more of Jasmine and Quill. Thank you for loving them as much as I do. Your enthusiasm and love of my stories is what pushes me on and enables me to continue in my passion of writing. Thank you.

    Corrine Harris, my editor and advisor, you have been amazing. Your work is truly amazing and I love that we have created a team together. I couldn’t have done this without you. Xx

    My friends and family. Thank you. Thank you for your support and believing in me.

    Luisa, thank you for being my shoulder to cry on every time. Thank you for being my BETA reader and supporting me on this journey.

    Danielle Taylor, thank you for being there and supporting me and offering help whenever I needed it. Your friendship means a lot to me.

    And for all my author friends thank you for your advice and guidance.

    Keep smiling and shining.

    J.A. Collard

    Always and Forever: A Novella

    The continuation into Quill & Jasmine’s Happily Ever After

    Is this a dream, or is this my reality?

    I’m getting married. To a man who owns my body and soul. A man who taught me to love again, and to take a chance on forever.

    I stare at myself in the full-length mirror in my parents’ bedroom and run my hands down the organza material of my wedding dress. I’ve chosen an off the shoulder, full-skirt dress in ivory, the bodice covered in sparkling crystals. You can see my baby bump and I run my hands over it, loving the way I can feel my baby kick. This feels so right. My hair is left down, and red roses are pinned in my curls. I had originally chosen to wear a veil but when I came to Tennessee, and my father came home with roses for me, I had to have them in my hair, along with a bouquet of them to hold.

    You look gorgeous, honey. I look at my mother through the mirror. Tears are rolling down her face, and my vision gets blurry with my own.

    I turn to face her. Oh, Mom, I’m so happy. She embraces me and I begin to cry tears of pure joy and happiness in her familiar arms.

    How’s my favorite daughter?

    I look over to the bedroom door and see my dad, wearing a black tuxedo, a rose pinned to his jacket.

    Dad! I’m your only daughter, I reply, laughing at the same time.

    You are a sight, baby girl. As for your future husband, I think he needs a bag. Man looks like he’s going to be sick from all his nerves.

    Poor Quill. I forget I’ve been married before, and that this is a first for him. He never thought he would get married. That was until he met me, that is. And I thank God every day that fate stepped in and had Quill and I meet that day at the hotel. If I had allowed Luisa to organize the flower arrangement that morning, our paths would have never crossed.

    Baby girl, you are beautiful, my dad says, and I see his eyes are shiny with unshed tears. I love you, Jasmine, I’m so very proud of you.

    Oh, Daddy, I cry. I love you so much. I hug him closely and weep on his shoulder.

    Shush, sweetheart, this is a happy day. Now, let’s get down there, your future husband is waiting. And I don’t want to piss any of those bikers off. Are you sure you’ve met them all? my dad asks, frowning as he holds me at arm’s length.

    I giggle and pull back to look up at my handsome father. Yes, Dad, they are family to me. You’ll get used to them.

    Something tells me that’s not very likely, sweetheart.

    He wipes my tears away and I blow out a breath. I’m getting married, I say excitedly, and then see Luisa walk in.

    Here, dry your eyes, you’re going to ruin your makeup if you keep crying like that, she says holding out a tissue to me.

    I can’t help it, it’s the hormones, I reply, blaming the baby for me being so emotional.

    I look up into Luisa’s eyes and see tears starting to fall there as well. Don’t you dare cry, Lu. If you cry, then I’ll cry again, and then we’ll both have to fix our makeup.

    I’m sorry, she says, her chin quivering.

    Get it together, Lu, I tease, and we both gently dab our eyes.

    I love you like my own sister, Luisa says, and brings me in for a hug.

    I hug her in return, then pull back. "I love you too, Lu. You’ve always been here for me. We may not be related through blood, but to me you are my sister. Leaning in I kiss her left cheek. Now, let’s do this," I state, glancing at myself in the mirror one last time.

    Butterflies begin to erupt in my stomach when my father holds his arm out to me, smiling. I gladly accept it and link my arm through his. My mother’s lip quivers and I look away, not wanting to ruin my makeup any further. She grabs my other arm, and Luisa quickly lifts the train of my dress off the floor.

    Walking out into the hallway, Hailey and Tess are there waiting on me, wearing the sliver silk gowns designed for them. They hug in all the right places, flowing at their feet, with a small trail. They look stunning on them, as do the girls. Each of them has their hair up in a knot, and gorgeous silver jewellery gracing their necks, ears, and wrists. A friend of my mother’s owns a hair and beauty salon and came over to do our hair and makeup earlier. I absolutely love the natural colors she applied to all of us. I’m wearing a subtle pink gloss, silver eyeshadow and black liner, with bronzer.

    Just as I reach them, I say excitedly, It’s happening, ladies. I’m getting married.

    Hailey and Tess both laugh, and kiss me on the cheek. Yes, you are. And you make a gorgeous bride, Tess adds.

    Thank you, Tess.

    Hailey and Tess walk ahead of me down the stairs, and as we reach the bottom Tess turns to face me. Good luck out there, girl.

    I reply, Thank you.

    My mother gives me one last kiss, then

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