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Cashflowpreneur: Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom & Massive Wealth Through Real Estate
Cashflowpreneur: Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom & Massive Wealth Through Real Estate
Cashflowpreneur: Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom & Massive Wealth Through Real Estate
Ebook181 pages3 hours

Cashflowpreneur: Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom & Massive Wealth Through Real Estate

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If you are looking for a way to become totally financially free in only five years, CASHFLOWPRENEUR is the book that is going to get you there. Packed with solid and proven information and advice on how to make money in real estate, it explains wholesaling, rehabbing, and renting in a way that paves the path to financial success. Written by two of Miami's most successful real estate investors, CASHFLOWPRENEUR is not only a book that guides you through the real estate process, but it also is an invaluable reference tool to be used and referred to over and over again.
Release dateJul 12, 2017
Cashflowpreneur: Secrets to Achieving Financial Freedom & Massive Wealth Through Real Estate

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    Book preview

    Cashflowpreneur - Camilo Palacio

    | Introduction |

    Born in Colombia but having moved to Miami as young teenagers, Michelle and Camilo are the products of highly entrepreneurial families. As such, they knew they didn’t want the typical American nine-to-five job for every day of their working life, with only the hope of a retirement fund being available to help them survive into their twilight years. They wanted much more than that for themselves. They wanted to create not only wealth but, more importantly, a life-long enjoyment of freedom.

    This search led Camilo into wholesales (at which point Michelle came into the business). They made wholesales the brunt of their business, focusing on that for the past eight years and never looking back. They started with no money, no credit, and no experience but were totally open to being coached and mentored.

    Camilo and Michelle have done hundreds of real estate transactions over the last eight years and they say they won’t be stopping any time soon. As investors, they are active with rehab projects all year long, and own multiple rental properties, all of which enables them to be financially free. The two entrepreneurs went from no money to being financially free in less than five years, and they teach others how to do the same thing in the same time frame.

    Their business as wholesalers is to help investors find real estate properties below market value so that they can buy, fix, and sell the property, or buy, fix, and rent it out. They own two real estate businesses and have an academy where they teach others how to get their start in real estate and climb the ladder all the way up to financial freedom and ultimate wealth.

    They have designed a step-by-step guide to get you from zero to financially free without having any experience, good credit, or even money. All you need is the drive and energy to be committed and persistent in reaching your goals. Their Cash Maker Program™ is the introductory course, which is accessible twenty-four/seven through an online portal once you register for the program. So, why not take the first step in starting your real estate career? Let Camilo and Michelle help you reach your goals of total financial freedom from a steady and firm foundation in real estate investing …



    | Chapter 1 ‐  The Cashflow Game |

    | Mentors |

    In any type of business, you learn the processes and procedures from other people who have gone before you and who have gotten to the same point you want to reach in your business. They have made all the mistakes you would have made and have found all the ways to get around or avoid these mistakes. They have done the hard work for you and have paved the way in a more direct path towards your own goals. These people are what we like to call Mentors.

    They are the people you learn from, from the authors of books, the creators of programs and seminars, to the friends and family members whose help, advice, and guidance you trust and rely on. They are your go-to people who you use a resource for building your business and achieving your goals.

    You need to use them as a shortcut to your goals and desires and to help you achieve the results you are looking for. They are a source of both information and inspiration that keeps you on a proven path to success. And they come in many guises. Parents can talk about and give advice from their own life experiences, and it can be invaluable to you because they are the best people to pass down what they have learned about how to avoid the same mistakes they made. They can teach you how to be polite and kind to people, how to deal with people in business and how to take precious family values and turn them into values you can apply in your business dealings.

    Authors of books in the area or industry you want to be successful in provide not only their own experiences in making it in that industry but also provide instructions and resources for you to succeed as well. They can advise you on the tips and tricks they used to get where they are today (that you can use yourself). Many of these books include further resources you can seek out. Others mentors include course creators and seminar presenters. These people provide even more in-depth information and guidance in selected industries or businesses, such as real estate.

    For example, one of our biggest mentors has been Jim Van Dyke who, in our many conversations and talks, told us how to start our business, how to wholesale, and introduced us to key people who have helped us to achieve our success. He still helps us out as we continue to do deals with him and make a lot of money together. We talk on a daily basis about the market, our monthly and yearly goals, and we’d like to thank Jim for all his help and advice.

    T. Harv Eker does not know us but we know him very well through attending his courses held by New Peaks and Peak Potentials. We’ve learned much from him, such as essential financial education, the business of giving seminars and creating courses, producing podcasts, street-smart negotiating skills, the dance between the warrior and the wizard that lives within each of us and to always finish everything that we start and do it with a passion.

    Most people have heard of Tony Robbins, the great life coach and motivational speaker. He is another person we have learned so much from. Jim Rohn is another who taught us how to influence people, and Zig Ziglar taught us sales strategies.

    A good friend of ours, William Priddy, has taught us how to purchase rental properties, use a system to buy up properties that need repairs with hard money loans or creative financing, get them rented, and once the cash flow is there, how to refinance with a bank loan at a much lower interest rate and build wealth through rental properties. His lessons were so valuable that we still follow them every single day and today we have the privilege to teach others how to do the same.

    Another good friend of ours is multimillionaire, real estate investor, media personality, and best-selling author Robert Shemin. He has guided us and helped us start in this business. We’ve bought his course, The 51 Most Costly Mistakes Every Real Estate Investor Makes and How to Avoid Them and his best-selling book, How Come That Idiot’s Rich and I’m Not? Because of his constant traveling we connect with him mostly via Facebook and have met him in person two or three times if we happen to be at the same city. He has been giving us some great advice as our business grows.

    David Dweck is a very influential real estate investor and hard moneylender in South Florida. His lessons on creative financing and hard money loans have allowed us to leverage our investments and buy more properties.

    We enjoy the results we have today because of all these people. These key motivators in the business are rich, wealthy, and financially free, and you need to learn from people like these so you can attain financial freedom of your own.

    So any spare time you have, driving in your car, sitting at the doctor’s office and such, should be used to connect to and learn from these types of people. Utilize any audio media that they provide. Instead of listening to music in your car, listen to a podcast show, audio file or audio book about the business you’re interested in doing, or motivational programs that keep you focused on your tasks. Listen to or read courses & seminar materials at lunch, while waiting for clients, or at the doctor’s office. Any spare time you have not doing your business or creating your real estate empire should be used effectively to learn from your mentors.

    It’s extremely important that you seek out and find mentors for whatever it is that you are doing in business. You need to model yourself on somebody that knows exactly how to get to the point in life you want to get to yourself.

    Mentors are a crucial part of success and we don’t know where we would be today ourselves if it wasn’t for them. They are a big key factor in any business. You need to stay committed even if you don’t know them personally. You need to find the best and learn from the best. Whatever business you are interested in, find out who the key mentors in your area are and build your relationship with them. Learn from them and apply the same processes and principals they employed. Use their experience, mistakes, and advice to reach your own financial goals. Remember mentor = shortcut!



    | Chapter 2 ‐  Your Mind Determines Your Reality |

    | Why! |

    In preparing to take control of developing a highly successful real estate empire, you need to ask yourself the exact reason or reasons you want to become financially independent and successful in real estate. You need to find out and understand what your WHY is. WHY are you reading this book? WHY are you interested in real estate? WHY do you want to become financially secure? These questions form the basis of your own personal, WHY, which is the thing, the motivator that drives you to reach your goal.

    Whether you are a newcomer to the real estate business or have already built some success in it, that personal WHY is going to drive you and motivate you and pick you up when things might seem unclear or uncertain. Your WHY will drive you straight to your goals.

    To discover your real WHY you should find a quiet spot to work in and really internalize and listen to your inner voice. Get a pen and some paper and write down what you really want and why you really want it. For example, you could write, Why do I want to make a lot of money in real estate? Now under that, list the reasons for that why. Because I don’t want to have to worry about the bills anymore. Because I want to have my perfect dream home and dream car. Because I want to be able take trips and vacations with my family. Because I want to be financially independent in all aspects of my life.

    Another question you could ask yourself might be, Why do I want to build a successful real estate empire? Some answers might be, Because I have a great interest in real estate and feel it is the perfect vehicle for me. Because the mentors I’ve found have paved an effective and proven path to my goal. Because real estate investing has always proven to be a good way to become financially wealthy and secure.

    You can even go deeper into your personal WHY. Why am I ready to do this? Why is this the right time for me to dive into real estate? Because I’m tired of living from pay check to pay check. Because I and my family deserve better. Because my parents are getting older and I want to be able to take care of them in their old age.

    What you are trying to find here is the real, exact reason you want these things for yourself. Look at your question and read over your answers. What you will discover is the motivator that is going to push you towards going after your goals and ambitions. This WHY is going to be the one big motivator for you. This motivation will give you the drive and desire to make it happen.

    And it really doesn’t matter what your WHY actually is or what it is centered around in your life. Your own personal WHY as to your interest in real estate, reading this book, learning from our experience and building your real estate empire is the driving force and motivation to attaining your goals and creating your dreams. So the clearer your WHY is, the more direct your path and motivation will be to those goals and dreams.

    So remember, if you have a very clear WHY, you will be motivated to use real estate as your HOW. Real estate will be the vehicle you will drive to getting to your goals.

    | Vision Board |

    It has been said that your mind determines your reality. If you think negative thoughts then negative things will happen to you. Conversely, if you think positive thoughts, then positive things will happen to you. This is referred to as the Law of Attraction. It means that like thoughts attracts like results.

    For example, if you worry about the bills, they will never be caught up. If you stop worrying about them, the resources will come into your life to deal with them. If you are always thinking that things never work out for you, then they never will. If you have a positive outlook that things will get better, then they will. I never have enough money means you’ll never have enough money. I have enough money to get by creates only enough resources that let you get by. It may seem like this is a silly or fictional concept but it actually does work, and has been the subject of multiple books and videos. It has been proven by science that our minds actually do expose vibrational signals into the world and those vibrations attract what we think and feel, and ultimately our results.

    One of the best tools you can use to take advantage of the Law of Attraction is the Vision Board. It is

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