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Date Night
Date Night
Date Night
Ebook216 pages3 hours

Date Night

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About this ebook

Fourteen-years of marriage, two-children - and Dan and Lauren were now on the rocks.  

'Date Night,' his mother-in-law suggested. Only problem was, Dan would have to wing it as he didn't have a clue how to date his wife?

He wanted to ignite the spark back into their marriage, however, Lauren wasn't as keen.

Lauren was devastated and confused by the sudden interest Dan was now showing her. Was he playing away from home? That would certainly account for the weird hours he'd been keeping 'at work'. 

Was Dan's guilty conscience the reason he was now trying to get her into bed at every opportunity?  Or was he just toying with her?

A new day was coming. Hopefully, Dan was ready for her? Because, by the end of the week - her marriage would either be back on track or over and heading for the Divorce Courts. 

PublisherJF Holland
Release dateMay 15, 2017
Date Night

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    Date Night - JF Holland

    Also by JF Holland

    Contemporary Romance

    Dennison Property Story Series:

    The Only One 

    This Time 

    Second Chance 

    Single Titles

    Blue Christmas

    Date Night

    A Wolf is not Just for Christmas (Paranormal)

    Dennison Security Services

    Outranked in Love

    Help to Move on (Feb 2020)

    When the Ink Dries Series.

    Blindsided (end May 2019)

    It Takes Two (2020)

    The Players Handbook Series

    Would I Lie to You? (2020)

    Paranormal Romance

    The Bound Series:

    Moon Sworn June

    Bound by The Moon

    Fire in the Moon

    Light up The Moon

    Magic in The Moon

    New Moon

    Fae Moon

    Blue Moon (2020)

    Eternal Mates (The Bound Series Spin off)

    Immortal Flame

    Taming the Beast

    Fae Lover (December 2019)


    I’d like to thank my children who have once again been patient while I've finished yet another story that took over my mind. I love them more than life, and it means the world to me that they understand that some things I just, must do.

    Thanks guys.

    To my long-suffering husband, I’d also like to say how much I appreciate how much of the slack he takes up after a long day at work.

    I'd also like to thank my new friends the Bards, you know who you are ladies. And my very good friends from 'The Sexy Team,' you’re always around as sounding boards and cheer leaders, love you guys. Then of course there is Maria Lazarou who puts up with all my insecurities.

    Table of Contents

    Also by JF Holland   ii

    Acknowledgements   iii

    Dedication   v

    Goodreads 5-star review   vi

    About Date Night.   viii

    Introduction From Blue Christmas   1

    Introduction   3

    Chapter One   8

    Chapter Two   20

    Chapter Three   29

    Chapter Four   36

    Chapter Five   47

    Chapter Six   57

    Chapter Seven   66

    Chapter Eight   77

    Chapter Nine   87

    Chapter Ten   96

    Chapter Eleven   105

    Chapter Twelve   118

    Chapter Thirteen   126

    Chapter Fourteen   130

    Chapter Fifteen   133

    Chapter Sixteen   140

    Chapter Seventeen   149

    Chapter Eighteen   160

    Epilogue   167

    Ending From Blue Christmas   173

    About the author   179

    Special note   180

    Message from the Author   181

    Fire in The Moon   183


    To my Daughter Lucy, who always encourages me to write, and reads everything I produce.

    This one is for you baby.

    Goodreads 5-star review

    First off this story actually applies to so many marriages, life happens, and things slide, and you forget what made you a couple. Dan has been working long hours seven days a week and his family are strangers to him. Lauren has become indifferent to their marriage just trying to do the best for her children Rudy and Darcy. When Dan wakes up one day he realizes what he has done and has no idea how to fix it, he goes to see his mother in law because she will set him straight. What she suggests is for him to Date his wife but he has to learn his wife all over again. This story deals with the couples loss but the feelings ring true for a lot of people in their daily lives. Great story and I just loved the ending.

    About Date Night.

    In this book, I’ve covered a topic that although rare, does affect a small percentage of women in pregnancy. I hope, in some small way that I’ve helped to bring the subject to light and handled it with the sensitivity and compassion it deserves.

    I myself have lost four babies due to miscarriage (one being ectopic). My mum also had twin boys born sleeping at full term, so I do have some small understanding of the devastation and long term effects caused.

    We don’t forget, ever.

    Date Night

    The book from Blue Christmas

    Author JF Holland

    Editor Maria Lazarou

    Introduction From Blue Christmas

    Dane sat in his office before his computer, coffee by his elbow. He’d managed to talk Lorie into letting him read her newly restructured manuscript and as she’d gone home with Sam and Dudley, he could now get around to having a proper look at the changes she’d made.

    Putting his feet up on his desk, he took a sip of his coffee and opened the document. He was curious to see what Lorie had done with the story; especially how she’d used their experiences to feed the characters’ personalities and chemistry.

    Feeling self-conscious, he peeked over his shoulder and then laughed.

    Who the hell was there to see him reading a romance novel?

    Rolling his eyes, he began reading.

    After reading the first line he grinned – hopeful now for the box presently burning a hole in his trouser pocket. Lorie had changed the names of her characters, and they seemed awfully like his and Lorie’s.

    Fingers crossed, he was now hoping that when he picked Lorie up later - after Lawrence – her ex-husband and best friend had taken Sam for the evening - he’d be able to talk her around to accepting his offer.


    Fourteen-years of marriage and it was on the rocks.

    Lauren was unhappy, and, in turn, so was he. However, Dan did not have a clue how to get them back on track?  The only thing he was absolutely positive of - he did not want them to end up as a divorce statistic. He really didn’t think it would come to that, well, he fervently hoped not. 

    They had been in a slump for a while now - what with him working long hours and everyday family life.  Lauren put all her time and effort into their home and their two children; which was he knew was important. The only problem was that he himself had begun to feel a little neglected, and in turn, had begun neglecting Lauren.

    They were both tired, so a lot of the time they could be in the same room and no longer talk. When he looked at her, he still saw the woman he loved, however, she was no longer his best friend. 

    How the hell had it happened?

    How had they gotten so lost along the way?

    If he didn’t bring the spark and closeness back to their marriage it was heading for disaster. Dan swallowed at the thought. He could not imagine a life where Lauren was no longer a part of it as she’d been in it for as long as he could remember.

    He lay in bed at the side of a sleeping Lauren, their youngest child; four-year old Darcy, lay curled between them.  She’d had another nightmare and Lauren had let her into their bed, yet again. 

    No wonder their sex life had all but died - what with a living, breathing bolster between them.

    Six months it had been.

    Six months.

    He couldn’t believe that they’d let it go that long, and sighing, turned over.

    He was on an early shift, and at two in the morning, was still wide awake. His mind was running in circles and he’d been lay there trying to work on their problems as he’d watched them sleep.

    Thinking over their last argument he groaned.

    ‘You need to cut back on the hours Dan.’

    ‘No, it’s fine. It’s busy at work and there are too many in that damn place that don’t know their heads from their arses.’

    ‘But why is it your job to always be the one to go in and sort it out?  You’re not the one in charge and they don’t pay you to be.’

    ‘At least if I go in I know it’ll get sorted out properly.’

    ‘But what about us? The children hardly see you. You’re gone before they get up and they are in bed before you get home.’

    ‘Look, they’ll be fine; someone has to put food on the table.’ 

    Just thinking about it now made him slam his head back into his pillow. Lauren had deflated like a balloon at his response, the fight leaving her, but what was most telling was that she’d just walked away. She hadn’t even argued with him.

    Shit, he was making a mess of his marriage.

    He’d started to live to work, just as she’d accused. The only problem, he’d never seen it. Now there was no longer a spark in Laure’s eyes when she looked at him, it was as if she’d already written them off. 

    He felt sweat bead on his forehead at the thought because he didn’t want to lose his family. He was also reasonably sure that it was his own pig-headedness which had caused the rift between them to begin with. Lauren had argued with him in the early years about his long working hours, but it had become less and less over the time. Recently, her replies had become less argumentative and more monosyllabic. He was lucky if he got a ‘fine’ or ‘do what you want.’ out of her these days. He was pretty sure she’d given up; therefore, he didn’t think an apology was going to work this time. Especially as he’d tried that in the past only to turn around within a week or two and start again. He needed to get his work and home life balance sorted, otherwise his home life was going to be a frozen dinner for one on his knee in a flat somewhere, and weekend visitation rights with his children. This time he’d need to do more than just apologise, he’d have to back it up with action. He needed to prove to her that he was serious this time and make damn sure Lauren understood that she and the kids were the most important part of his life.

    Punching the pillow, Dan turned over and tucked his arm beneath his head, closing his eyes. Maybe, he’d enlist his mother-in-law’s help. He winced at the thought because she’d probably enjoy saying ‘I told you so,’ but she’d still help.

    Shirley, Lauren’s mother was herself upset with him and had also been giving him single answer responses.

    Really icy ones.

    Lauren was her only child, so she was upset with him for upsetting her, which was understandable.

    It was now time for him to put up - or shut up.

    Finally, at around two thirty in the morning, Dan nodded off. He slept fitfully to be rudely woken by his alarm at five fifteen. Growling, he slapped a hand out and shut it up, as he threw his other arm over his face - covering his aching eyes. 

    He so wasn’t ready to face the day.

    Moving his arm away with a sigh, he squeezed his eyes shut in defeat, only to open them again and grin.

    Maybe he should start as he meant to go on?

    On that thought, Dan quietly eased himself out of the bed - so as not to wake Darcy or Lauren. Stealthily, he left their bedroom and tiptoed down the stairs. In the living room, he picked up the house phone and made a call to work.

    Today he was staying home. They could sort out their own mess as his home life was more important than his work one, and today was going to be the first day of their new life together.

    Chapter One

    A Hand slapped her in the face and Lauren woke with a start.

    Tutting, she shoved it off and turned her head to stare at Darcy, her five-year old daughter. She was flat on her back, arms flung out to the side and mouth slightly open as she quietly snored. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes darted behind her closed eyelids as she frowned in her sleep. Lorie felt a pang in her chest at the sight, because at that moment, Darcy looked just like Dan. He did exactly the same thing in his sleep when he had something on his mind. 

    God, what had gone wrong between them? 

    How had they come to be in this mess?

    Letting the thought go, Lauren turned over, squinting at the clock. Seven-fifteen, therefore, pointless lying back down as she was due to get up in fifteen minutes anyway. If she succumbed to slipping back to sleep, she’d end up with a headache.

    An even bigger one than her marriage already was.

    Snorting at the thought, she sobered as her bottom lip began to wobble as her eyes pricked uncomfortably. Her throat ached with unshed tears, as she’d not only lost her husband, but her best friend too. Sadness welled in her, a ball of loss that had become a crushing weight in the centre of her chest. 

    Dan had always been in her life. They’d been next door neighbours who played together in the mud as infants. They went through school together, high school, and then college.

    He’d been her first kiss, first love, first everything. 

    How had she lost him?

    Blowing out a breath, she ran her hands over her face, pushing her wild curls out of her way. Scrubbing an arm across her wet eyes, she sniffed up. It was no good feeling sorry for herself. She’d tried talking to him to no avail, so, maybe it was time she gave action a shot.

    Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, Lauren stood up, padding out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. After taking care of business, she washed her hands, brushed her teeth and flushed the toilet.

    Opening the door again, she was assaulted by the smell of smoked bacon, and her stomach growled loudly at the tantalising aroma. Frowning, she looked towards the stairs just as her bedroom door opened and Darcy stumbled out; thumb in her mouth as she rubbed at her eyes. 

    Mmm, breakfast, she lisped around her thumb, and the gap in her front teeth. She’d lost a baby tooth, and Lauren mourned its loss, visible evidence that her baby was growing up. Darcy wobbled unsteadily into the bathroom still rubbing her eyes. Just as the door closed on her, the next door along opened and out loped her eleven-year-old son, Rudy, scratching his head and rapidly blinking.

    Oh man, I’m starving.’ On that epiphany, he moved towards the bathroom, banging on the wood. Come on Darcy, I need to pee," he shouted through the door, making Lauren roll her eyes. She needed to dress but was more curious about where the cooking smell was coming from.

    Wearing nothing but a pair of knickers and the T-shirt she’d slept, she tugged on the hem and padded downstairs, following her nose and growling stomach towards the kitchen. Once downstairs, she stopped, standing in the doorway and blinking in confusion at the sight that greeted her. Dan was stood before the cooker, barefoot, wearing nothing but a pair of snug denims, and whistling as he flipped bacon.

    The scene threw her back in time to when they’d first gotten married. In the early days Dan, had often come down first to make breakfast for her; normally after he’d kept her awake for hours the night before. Butterflies took flight in her stomach at the thought. Then she frowned because he’d worked late last night, and now, here he stood, whistling and cooking breakfast.

    Oh, god, was he seeing someone else? 

    Was that why he’d been out of the house so often in the last few months?

    He’d certainly not been keeping her awake

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