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Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2: The Unholy Inferno Plan/The Saintly Training
Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2: The Unholy Inferno Plan/The Saintly Training
Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2: The Unholy Inferno Plan/The Saintly Training
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Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2: The Unholy Inferno Plan/The Saintly Training

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The Captains come back, after the terrible fight against their fiendish enemies, from the first volume, and are picking up the pieces, as they have the children face the spiritual and metaphysical trials of the "Baptism", to prepare for the upcoming games that's coming their way & face their new opponents, while the Commanders deal with the terrorist organization, who's movements have shifted faster pace than ever, around certain regions around the Saint Heaven, the most dangerous criminal in all of the "Saint Heaven World", is freed from his imprisonment, to wreak havoc to the world once again; The Royalties from all of the "Five Great Republics", are preparing for the summit, that's coming their way; Bastet travels towards the Country of the Felidae, her birthplace, in order to confront the new Queen, who's after her head, as well as face her past once again.

Release dateJan 22, 2017
Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2: The Unholy Inferno Plan/The Saintly Training

Ellison Baldwin

"Ellison Wright Baldwin" is the pen name of the author of the "Celestial/Terrestrial Warriors" (Tentai/ Chijō no Senshi) and "Saintly/Angelic Warriors" (Seijin/ Tenshi no Senshi) series, Garland J. Bennett, III, who's old writing nickname was "Garbo, The Diverse Writer". Adopted the pen name based on the various writing styles, many literary tropes, as well as with it's characters as well, paying much homage, admiration, and respect to the literary giants of the 20th Century such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, who were his main inspiration for his second masterpiece, the "Saintly/Angelic Warriors" series. This is considered to be Garland's first and foremost pen name. In honor of three great literary Black Authors who came before him; Ralph "Ellison", Richard "Wright", and James "Baldwin".For more information of the Author, check out his website at

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    Saintly/Angelic Warriors, Vol.2 - Ellison Baldwin

    The Hellish Plan of Unholy Inferno/ The Saintly Training (Volume#2 of Saintly/Angelic Warriors)

    The Training of Hell; Stopping the Operation of Hellish Fire; Preparing for the upcoming games...

    Garland J. Bennett, III {‘Garbo, The Diverse Writer’}


    Tuesday April 12th, 2005

    Author’s Final Grade: 8/10=Very Good😃


    This is the second volume as and the continuation of the previous volume; picking up where the last chapter of The Commencement of the Mystical Souls of Templar left and the amount of intensity that has been brought upon with it as well, due to the previous event that has happened, that’s caused such a horrifying pandemic as well. The Commanders are coming back after an intense battle against their enemies, only to find out that the union has been attacked and assaulted and a certain someone has been kidnapped as well. They are picking up the pieces of the broken stuff, and now they’re trying to make sure that they get everything prepared for the trial that the children will face as well. As well as the upcoming games as well, since they’ll be showcasing what they’d got as well and represent they’re very union that their a part of, and make sure that all falls into place as well. Knowing that it’s now the time to do and make sure that they’d reached the fullest potential that they needed to reach. As well as the upcoming festival or competition that they’ll be a part of, that’ll involve a great deal of competition that lies before them...Meaning that a lot is at stake with their upcoming match-up, and who they’ll be facing as well. Trying to have fun and make sure that they have one of the greatest competitions coming around as well.

    Meanwhile, the diabolical, mysterious woman who claims the name Tia-mat, is making plans in order to bring the dimensions together and finally make the world under her rule and make sure that all is to bow to her and see to it that she’s the ruler of them all as well. All while freeing someone from his imprisonment and it’s to be the most classified SS war criminal that once brought great fear and horror to the Saint Heavenly World around him. What is her diabolical plan to conquer the various dimensions and what kind of horrifying results will it have once it’s fully unleashed? Who is this SS war criminal that once shook the lands of horror; the same way the Sugaars did a long time ago? What kind of secrets and abilities did he possess that made him as dangerous as a SS criminal?

    Now things are heating up since now the children are being sent to the Baptism of the Saints in order to activate the powers of their pendants. Each and every one of them are taking their own test and are doing the best they can to pass the incredibly large test that is presented in front of them. Will they pass the test and activate their powers? Let alone get the sufficient training they need in order to be up there? 

    Just when things are already intense, the remaining commanders go on an S class mission involving capturing the traitorous General Typhous and bringing him to justice; learning that he’s causing massive riots around the world of the Saint, and trying to breed rebellion once again, to throw the world into chaos once again. Will they succeed in their task? And just when things aren’t getting anymore scary, another one of the "Four Dracgonic Sugaars" shows up, in order to finish a pressing score with Amadeus. Who is he, and what did Amadeus do to him in order to finish a pressing score with him?

    Bastet continues her ‘S’ mission to her home country, to stop a certain someone from causing more strife in the world, and settling a personal score with the Queen who has put a price on her head for her capture. Just when she was getting further towards the Country of the Felidae, she gets attacked by the very people who know about her great sin? Who are they and what do they know about Bastet’s great sin? How are some of the remaining Hugertars still alive, and why are they coming after hear head?

    This is the second volume of the seven volume series, as now the mysterious woman  who claims the name Tia-mat, unleashes her most diabolical plan yet, and unless she is stopped, she’ll unleash a hell like none other an all of the nations in the Saint World will get swallowed up in a vortex of destruction and pain. And to makes things more anti-climactic, the leader of the terrorist organization finally reveals himself, as well as the mastermind behind the whole organization as well. 


    The Captains come back, after the terrible fight against their fiendish enemies, from the first volume, and are picking up the pieces, as they have the children face the spiritual and metaphysical trials of the Baptism, to prepare for the upcoming games that’s coming their way & face their new opponents, while the Commanders deal with the terrorist organization, who’s movements have shifted in faster pace than ever, around certain regions around the Saint Heaven, the most dangerous criminal in all of the Saint Heaven World, is freed from his imprisonment, to wreak havoc to the world once again; The Royalties from all of the Five Great Republics, are preparing for the summit, that’s coming their way; Bastet travels towards the Country of the Felidae, her birthplace, in order to confront the new Queen, who’s after her head, as well as face her past once again.

    ई-1  Table of Contents



    Table of Contents.....................................................................................................

    Chapter#1; The Horrid Aftermath......................................................................

    Chapter#2; The Diabolical Plan; Trial and Error...........................................

    Chapter#3; The Transcendent Meditation.......................................................

    Chapter#4; Rebellion..............................................................................................

    Chapter#5; The Rescue Mission..................................................................


    [Chapter] Chapter#1; The Horrid aftermath...................................................

    Chapter#2; The Baptizing of the Saints............................................................

    Chapter#10; The Meditation................................................................................

    Chapter#11; Rebellion, the Children's Awakening........................................

    Chapter#12; The Rescue Mission.......................................................................

    Chapter#13: Operation F.T.D!!...........................................................................

    Chapter#14: Severe Showdown!.........................................................................

    Chapter#15: Bitter Aftermath..............................................................................

    Chapter#1; The Horrid Aftermath

    Yes...everything is going according to plan...just like I hope it would be...and to think that it took this much time for us to get to this destination as well., said the same mysterious figure that has claimed the name known as Tia-mat, who was still wearing her mask underneath it all. She was lurking and watching the three Commanders and one captain, make it back to the union. She continued to look yonder to see the Commanders continue to run back towards the union, in order to find out the kind of horrible damage that’s been done and what needs to be done from there. Those fools didn’t know that this was all part of the plan to make sure that we’d fooled them into thinking that this was our strongest front-hold, and yet, my precious ace-in-the-hole, managed to break down the barrier and kidnap a certain someone that is going to make of great use to us all, and make sure that things are going the way that I want them to.’ She said, as she loved hearing herself talk and show much she truly wants to make great use of this plan and every-thing about it as well. And now we’d got the ball rolling into our favor and court, and it’s only a matter of time, before we’re able to put our full plan into motion.," She said, as he was enjoying the succession of the plan, and what came of it as well.

    ..., suddenly, someone from the same race as her came towards her with the unconscious, sensual Aria with her. He was still wearing a crimson, heavy-draped cloak with a hoodie covering over his face. His robe is golden, silver like detailed, as it showed a lot of signs that symbolized the pride of the Red Dragons, of the Sugaar race. It was shining brightly with such crimson like flare, that was showing his and hatred for the Daemon-Ligers who have ruined his family’s lineage, and he won’t rest until he defeats and kills the remaining two Daemon-Ligers, who are at their peak and will be able to give him a challenge, like he would hope he would get from the two of them. His wings were large and were beating like a heartbeat, and his blade was a crimson, blood red with a shining color spectrum sheath, that came along with it. He was looking towards his superior, as he was wondering if there was anything else that she wanted him to do for the time being. There was a great surge of energy that was going through his body, as he felt very irritated about what he had to do to the poor girl. Not enjoying with what and how he did it as well. The sheer amount of annoyance was beginning to bug him more and more, as he couldn’t stand the idea that this is what has had to happen for the time being. The mysterious woman, who claims the name Tia-mat, looks at him with a delighted expression on her face and all.

    ...Ah, I see you’d succeeded in breaking the barrier, and kidnapping her as I requested. Very good indeed..., She said with such a glee in her heart.

    ...I don’t want to hear it. All I’m doing is just carrying out you said, so that I can be with Helena...just as you’d promised that I can be with her...., The mysterious man on her, since he doesn’t fully trust her, and thinks that she might pull a one up on him.

    Of course...You’d done your part quite well. Now, rest for now, for I have other matters to attend to, and you’d done well in your part as well..., she said, as she had such a cheery glee in her heart that everything was coming into place.

    Also, will there be any more unnecessary blood shed...just like how I’m sure that you’re the one that summoned Ba’al Hadad to attack everyone in his own jest as well?’ The mysterious man was on her about it, since he noticed a great deal of the blood-shed that was created by none other than his partner, known as Ba’al Hadad. The mysterious woman, who claimed the name Tia-mat", looks at with him with irritation, as she feels as though the distrust towards her was rather annoying, and she didn’t like that he didn’t trust her this much. The tension between the both of them, was so strong, it was a though, a knife could cut through the both of them, and there was more intensity and hatred, that was seething through the both of them as well; energy was shooting out from the whole place, as there was much more tension, that was being created from the both of them, that made them cautious at once another, and it wasn’t getting any better between the both of them, as they’d kept looking at each other in such a way. 

    ...Look, as far as I’m concern, Ba’al Hadad attacked them on his own accord. I’d told him not to do what he did, and he did it anyways. So he’s to blame for causing that unnecessary bloodshed. Anything you take it up, you take it up with him..., Tia-mat, the woman who’s in charge of it all, was telling him about the current plight.

    ‘....I see...,’ the Mysterious man was now angered to hear that Ba’al Hadad has broken the sacred code, not to attack other people and use them in any means to get his point across. He felt angered that Ba’al Hadad was the one that has broken the sacred code and now, he was going to make him pay for what he’s done.

    ‘Whelp, I’d better get going now. Just make sure that you carry the girl with you. For I’d got some serious plans with her, and I’m in need of her powers as well, with that in mind, there’s one more person that I need to free and then we can truly get the ball rolling in our court and make things into the way that I know it was meant to be,’ Tia-mat said, as he was leaving away in order to carry out what she said she would do. Tia-mat disappeared, as she was ready to free another important person to her plan, and make sure that she would get further and win it all for herself. She grew more getty at the idea, that she would be able to finally put it all together.

    ...Helena...I’m sorry for making you wait this long for me..., The mysterious man said, as he was thinking deeply at Helena, and how much she means to him. How much he wants and desires her for the sake of her elegance, beauty, and personality as well. He could remember the time when she was in a very revealing, sexy, and lewd lingerie, and showing off her voluptuous, bosomy, busty, well-proportioned, and curvaceous body. He could remember the child-like, bubbly personality that she had, and how much she desires him greatly.

    { Helena will wait for you, for your the leader, your very powerful; Helena knows that you’ll lead the world to true paradise, with no more sufferings anymore...Helena will wait back in the room for her Champion and Future King as well...cause Helena loves you dearly for saving her life, and making her happy as well,} was what Helena said when she went back to her room to await her man. The mysterious man, named Cicatrix, smiles at the thought of being with her. Helena kept on bouncing her voluptuous, curvaceous, bosomy body up and down, as she was getting sexually excited to be with her lover at long last. Cicatrix makes a smile, as he’s happy to know, that Helena cares for him deeply, and that he’s found meaning and love in life, through her. This made him remember the last few words, his mother told him, before she passed away through unknown means that he didn’t know of.

    Soon, I’m going to be with you, and we’re going to make sweet, passionate love together. So wait for me until then, Helena. I’m going to become the great King of this world, and then...only then...will I be able to finally at long last, make you happy...until then, stay still for me and wait for me to get there until then, Cicatrix said, as he was looking forward to making sure that he would make her happy and becoming the King of the Saint Heavenly World that he said he would be. He beat up his wings and starts to fly off and carry with him the unconscious Aria as well. He’s angered at the thought that this is all happening to him. Baal Hadad, I’m going to rip your ass a new one. And this time’re not going to like it one bit...not-at-all..., Cicatrix said, as he was angered at the thought that this is all happening to him and Ba’al Hadad broke the sacred code as well.

    As if these fools can possibly stop me in my endeavors in what I’m trying to accomplish...what fools, the mysterious woman who claimed the name Tia-mat, got done choking a great deal of Special Ops, who dare try to get in her way. She was using her special energy that she’s inherited from the one known as Tia-mat, and has choked those who were getting her way, to death. She wanted to make sure, that nobody got in her way of freeing the one person she needed to free, and make sure that she would get him to join his ranks...him and his other men as well. She was slowly and steadily reaching the Maximum Security Prison, that resides in the Empyreal Kingdom, of the Saint Heavenly World, in order to free a very dangerous war criminal, which was ranked SS; the highest threat that’s ever been considered since the threat of the Sugaars, and what they’d brought to the world as well; due to the crimson bloodshed that the Red Dragons brought into the world once before. According to the data that I currently have since the start of the whole thing, the man that I need to free possesses powers of the esoteric, or known as the Special/Rare" kind...he’ll be a great, wonderful edition to the organization as well. I must have him in there, for his powers alone can create a force like none other and I’ll finally bring chaos and fear to the world of the Saint World once again...cause with that kind of power, he could even destroy an entire continent that could basically cause a worldwide panic from all around the entire world of the Saints., she said, as she was ready to free him, to bring about the darkness in the world once again. Knowing that she’s got it all prepared and planned for. Yet that man resides in Mt. Etna, where it’s near the Amethyst Country; where if I remember correctly was under the territorial rule of the Noble Sugaars, from back in the day...right near the Country of the Basque...what an interesting world we live in.", She said, as she was more and more interested to know how much more devious she’s going to get with her idea and how she’s going to raise serious hell to the world of the Saint, when she manages to release the man known to the world as a ‘War Criminal’ that once shook the lands around him. But also another secret, that’s also part of something much bigger, than they’d kept from him.

    Halt! Stop right there!!!, more of the Special Ops, were charging towards her with energy-induced blades. They were ready to strike at her with whatever force is necessary, while increasing a great deal of energy into their blades, and getting ready to strike her down, so that they can capture her. They knew that they couldn’t come in and let her do as she pleases, and not expect that they would be fine with it as well. They still tried anyways to stop her, from trying to reach the place in the prison that she was trying to reach. Determined to stop her, and make sure that she didn’t carry out her malicious plan, of them all. if you fools will be able to stop me in my ambition and making sure that I’ll succeed in what I need to do...I’d guess deep down, your just looking for an immediate death wish for your graves now, aren’t you? She grins, as they’re charging at her in order to stop her and her wicked goals as well. The men stood firm, as they weren’t going to cow-tow to her, and wanted to capture her, in order to get information, and make sure that they would defeat her. Stop her at all cost men! She’s the incarnate of Tia-mat!! We’d can’t let her get out of here without capture! the Captain of the Special Ops said to his men. They were charging at her and striking their blades at her.

    This is this is what we’re dealing with here...I don’t like where this is going...

    What’re we supposed to do, against a power like that?! one of the others said, as they were afraid, that this was the essence of her strength and such; thus feeling more scared, about what their dealing with.

    What fools you truly are! You can’t hope to stop me!!, the mysterious woman who claimed the named Tia-mat, released a combination of blue/red energy, and it was creating a turbulent force of fire/ice that’s coming towards them. The men were standing back, as they were feeling the freeze and burn that was done to them. They were falling back, as they could feel such a terrible force that was coming down on them.

    "Argh!’ they were down on the ground, as they know they were under severe and extreme amount of pain from the amount of attack that’s been done to them.

    You worms are done for...say goodbye., Tia-mat released nothing but pure red energy, and it turned into a large colossal amount of flames that were swallowing around them. They were being burned alive as they speak. That takes care of time to free that certain main from his imprisonment and make sure that I carry out what I needed to carry out...and that was to shake the lands around me...alright, let’s get to it., said the mysterious woman who claimed the name Tia-mat said with glee, as she was continuing down the hall.

    ...heh..., grins someone in his very padded cell. He was described to having a lot of elf-like features, very broad-shouldered, muscular, and very well-built for his age as well. He was sitting in his chamber with chains around him. He was considered to be the dangerous SS criminal that was so dangerous, that they had to contain him in the maximum security, with no chance of ever seeing the day of light ever again. He continues to sit where he’s at...Feeling ready to be free once again.

    "What’s so funny, you fiend?!’ One of the Special Op. Said to him...

    The jokes going to be on on you..., said the fiendish man who was waiting the time to be free from his chamber. Suddenly, there was a huge, loud explosion that came through, and the guards were wondering what caused it. As soon as they looked through the smoke, they were slashed real hard and were killed on the spot. The fiendish man grins, as he feels as though he’s about to be free and real soon. So, I’d get free this kind of way...interesting...this day just keeps on getting more and more interesting, as time passes on by...wonder what else might happen that I don’t know about, the fiendish man, looks up to see that it was the mysterious woman who claimed the name Tia-mat, that was standing in front of him. So, you’re the one that freed me and a few others...the one they call Tia-mat, from the scary legends I’d heard about...quite interesting indeed how this is all going to be played out then...quite interesting indeed., the fiendish man said, as he grins further from all of this, and what he expects to see further of this as well.

    ‘I see that you’d heard of me...’

    ‘Of course, these fools never shut up about the mysterious woman who not only has a portion of the power of the legendary five-headed dragon, but also has

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