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The Citizen Army
The Citizen Army
The Citizen Army
Ebook427 pages6 hours

The Citizen Army

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About this ebook

The Citizen Army is a collection of contributions by members of the online Illuminist community who were brave enough to take part in Project Spartacus. Their work is accompanied by an extensive commentary by the AC/GS team.

This book shows that the online Illuminist community has enough talent and energy to form the vanguard of a genuine Citizen Army to carry forward the great cause of bringing about a Second and Final meritocratic Enlightenment, a true Age of Reason, based on the Principle of Sufficient Reason, expressed through ontological mathematics.

PublisherMike Hockney
Release dateMay 2, 2016
The Citizen Army

Brother Spartacus

Brother Spartacus is an Illuminatus.

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    The Citizen Army - Brother Spartacus


    Abraham Pleads for Sodom

    Genesis 18:16-33

    "When the men got up to leave, they looked down toward Sodom, and Abraham walked along with them to see them on their way. Then the Lord said, ‘Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.’

    Then the Lord said, ‘The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.’

    "The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord. Then Abraham approached him and said: ‘Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing – to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?’

    The Lord said, ‘If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.’

    "Then Abraham spoke up again: ‘Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?’

    "‘If I find forty-five there,’ he said, ‘I will not destroy it.’

    "Once again he spoke to him, ‘What if only forty are found there?’

    He said, ‘For the sake of forty, I will not do it.’

    "Then he said, ‘May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?’

    "He answered, ‘I will not do it if I find thirty there.’

    "Abraham said, ‘Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?’

    "He said, ‘For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.’

    "Then he said, ‘May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?’

    "He answered, ‘For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.’

    When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.


    As it turned out, not even ten righteous people were found, so Sodom was destroyed.

    We were reminded of this story in October and November of 2015 when online Illuminism came under concerted attack from a weird group of trolls who, surreally, had been trying to organize a conference on Illuminism. The response of the online Illuminist community was so feeble, so pathetic, so characteristic of Ignavi and Last Men, that we concluded that online Illuminism was a total write-off, hence we ought to waste no more time on it and leave it to be destroyed by its mentally disturbed enemies. At least the psychos had energy, passion and motivation, unlike our so-called supporters.

    The psychos were driven by sheer hate, perversion, and the desire to destroy anything that displeased them. What was driving those supposedly on our side? Well, nothing much, apparently.

    However, we didn’t want to abandon any authentic Illuminists out there, so we devised a test – dubbed Project Spartacus – to see if online Illuminism had produced any worthwhile, meritorious individuals...

    Project Spartacus

    People say, I’m very talented, just give me a chance. Very well, here’s your chance. We have identified the simplest way to get rid of all the dead wood, all the people who can’t do anything (who are the those who inevitably turn to destruction and sabotage).

    Next year, we shall be bringing out a final book associated with the AC Project ... by our audience. It will be called The Citizen Army, and the author name will be Brother Spartacus. This was Adam Weishaupt’s adopted name within the Illuminati.

    The task is simple. We want you to write a few hundred words regarding anything that you think would make a worthwhile addition to the books by Adam Weishaupt, Michael Faust and Mike Hockney. To accomplish this task, you will obviously have to be creative, intelligent, talented and have something worthwhile to say.

    If you want to show your support for the AC project, and your detestation of the Cypher Gang of trolls and their machinations, we would like you to set up a Facebook page, Twitter page or something similar, and post a picture of yourself with a caption underneath saying, I am Adam Weishaupt, or I am Michael Faust, or I am Mike Hockney as a tribute to the famous I am Spartacus show of solidarity.

    We don’t care what age, race, sex or sexuality you are. All we care about is whether you have any talent or not. And definitely don’t supply your own name. The name of the page or account should be the name of the author you have chosen: Adam Weishaupt, Michael Faust or Mike Hockney.

    Dare we say that Ayn Rand fans have used the same tactic by encouraging people to say, I am John Galt to honor the hero of Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged.

    Then add the content that you would like us to include in the book. If you wish, you can post three messages, one for each author. By 31 December, 2015, notify the Gnostic Legion or Pythagorean Illuminati sites of the page you have set up. They will collate all the different pages and send us the results. If we get enough contributions of sufficient quality, we shall proceed with the book. Otherwise, there will be no final book, and no say from our audience.

    We do not expect to have many contributors. If you ask people to put in any creative effort, and say anything considered and thoughtful, you automatically rule out about 90% of the population. However, given that the only people we want to have associated with our project are those who can create, we don’t care if no one’s up to the task. Then we don’t have to waste any time on the non-creators.

    It’s up to you. This is a sure means to rule out the kind of people who will subsequently betray us and sabotage us, and who have already ruined the Movement. The Movement must die now, or get rid of everyone who has sided with Cypher and his plotters.

    We are glad a crisis has come. It allows us the chance to start again, and get rid of all the people who previously held us back.


    Just as God could not find ten worthy people and thus annihilated Sodom, we did not anticipate finding anyone worthy, and we expected to have to leave online Illuminism to its destruction.

    However, the 31st of December came and the results of the Spartacus Project duly arrived. Although several entries did not make the cut, we discovered that there was a core of decent Illuminists out there, enough to provide the vital, precious seeds for a viable movement. We have therefore decided not to walk away from online Illuminism. The URL of the AC site will be maintained, as will the Pythagorean Illuminati Facebook page. However, it’s our intention to do little or nothing with them until 2017. If the online Illuminism community has managed to stay strong and prosper, we shall come back in some capacity. Otherwise, online Illuminism will vanish into the wind like Echo’s plaintive cries. Clearly, online Illuminism needs to be able to survive without our direct involvement if it’s to grow and have any future. It needs to be self-expanding, via the enthusiasm of its members, just as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism all were.

    Things have no right to survive. They shouldn’t prosper merely because they are right, because they support reason and logic. We live in an overwhelmingly hostile world, a world of irrationalists. The rational Truth has to be fought for if we want a rational world. Otherwise, the insane will go on running the asylum; the psychopaths will remain at the top of the pyramid, enslaving and torturing the rest of us.


    The higher we soar, the smaller we seem to those who cannot fly. – Nietzsche

    In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. – George Orwell

    A new dawn is coming... the birth of Hyperreason. It’s time to enter Hyperreality.

    The Universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers if you are not tuned to the right station. Illuminism is the right station. Reason is how you tune in. Everything else is static.


    What follows is a combination of material supplied by members of online Illuminism (with an extensive commentary provided by us), plus some new content by us. Some of the submitted entries have been heavily edited for clarity ... sorry if you feel the edits have misrepresented your views in any way.

    The brave souls who took up our challenge have provided a high standard of contributions, and we thank and congratulate them all. (We especially honor those who actually supplied their own pictures, as requested; this was designed to weed out troublemakers, but, in the event, there was no trouble).

    Solidarity, brothers and sisters ... We are all Spartacus!!!


    We have been humbled by the great contributions, kind words and expressions of support we have received. We feared that we hadn’t been understood at all, but it’s clear that there are heroes out there who totally get it. We thank you all, and we salute you all. The trolls are your Shadows – those who don’t get it at all, and remain mired in irrationalism, emotionalism and mysticism. You can’t reason with people estranged from reason. That’s why the world has all the problems we see around us every day.


    MB: This is an excellent Idea, and an endeavor I shall surely try my hand to undertake. I’m completely heartbroken at the loss of the AC site. Nowhere else was there a collection of such knowledge, wisdom, and truth compiled online. I wish to do my part, and I won’t stop till I see this movement come to fruition in my lifetime. I will go door to door like the Jehovah’s witnesses with a petition if it comes down to it. Don’t give up on Humanity yet!! We need you !!!

    Our Comment: Thank you. It is indeed true that our patience has been sorely tested. Nevertheless, people such as yourself allow us to retain some degree of optimism despite the harsh winds that buffet our project.

    The Contributions


    I am Mike Hockney

    I MONAD: I have discovered that the lifelong, burning desire in my innermost core – to know what is behind visible reality – is actually Absolute Mind wanting to understand Itself. I have discovered the language that most perfectly describes every intricate aspect of Reality, both seen and unseen ... Ontological Mathematics. I have discovered that behind the worst horrors and the most violent chaos in the world is the dialectical, mathematical process of life struggling towards the Symmetry of the Omega Point. I have discovered that I exist in an ecstatic, living, vibrating, evolving Mathematical Hologram. And that I am an ecstatic, living, vibrating, evolving Mathematical Hologram. And that YOU are an ecstatic living, vibrating, evolving Mathematical Hologram. [You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. – Rumi.] I have discovered that every nano-particle of existence is dancing to the Music of Living Mathematics. I have discovered that Absolute Rationality and Higher Reasoning is the path to a New Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, as well as the key to our individual understanding of reality. I have discovered that Ontological Mathematics is Complete Mathematics, and includes Zero, Infinity and Imaginary Numbers and that for some strange reason those numbers terrify most scientists and mathematicians. I have discovered that there are only two domains in Reality: the Dimensionless Frequency Domain of Mind, and the Dimensional Domain of Space and Time. They are connected via Fourier Mathematics which is naturally, unconsciously, utilized by everyone every day. I have discovered that Nature is Mathematical and that the beauty of the fantastical patterns in the tiniest creatures all the way up to gigantic galaxies is mind boggling and staggeringly beautiful: [Truth is Beauty, and Beauty Truth. – John Keats.] As an artist, I now understand the Secret of the Creative Geniuses throughout history: their innermost Self broke through the mental prison of the Ego into full conscious awareness. I have discovered that Full Mind Orgasms can be triggered by Absolute Truths and Rational Information entering a truly Open Mind. I have discovered that LOVE must come as a Result of REASON, or it creates the pain and terrible suffering we see now in the world. I have discovered that there is no death, only the Transformation of Energy from one form into another. I have discovered that our fears are only Misperceptions of Reality: there is literally nothing to fear. There are rational solutions to EVERY problem humanity faces, both individually and collectively. I have discovered that the Living Mathematics that surrounds us and is the very fabric of our nature, is Mind. I have discovered that we humans are the dimensional, material, dialectical culmination of the Evolution of Mathematical Mind and we are about to explode into the God Minds that we are all in the process of Becoming. I have discovered that no one can stop me or anyone else from evolving into who we are Mathematically and Dialectically Becoming. This Universal Process cannot be halted. It is Inevitable. We can ALWAYS choose to rise again from the ashes of who we were because of our FREE WILL. I have discovered that as MIND I can travel anywhere in the Universe. I am Mind, you are Mind, the Universe is Mind. The dimensional realm of Time and Space that we humans find ourselves in is only one aspect of reality. The other dimensionless aspect is totally undetectable by our senses. Pure Reason and Rational Intuition however, allows access to that realm. I have discovered that Mind = Light = Frequency = Information = Energy. I have discovered that every day I can learn a little more. I have discovered that it is OK to be wrong and to make MANY mistakes. There is no sin. It is the nature of the evolving, self-optimizing Mind to err and then correct itself. I have discovered that there is One Equation that controls Reality, the most beautiful Equation in the world. It is called Euler’s Formula. It is the ultimate and simplest possible mathematical, absolutely rational explanation and TOE demanded by Occam’s Razor. This God Equation CREATES, through complex mathematical functions, the incredible Reality of Time and Space that we experience as humans. We humans have the freedom to explore and participate in it because we are the Embodiment of Free Will. I have discovered that the Law of Sufficient Reason is fully, completely and continually expressing itself through Euler’s Formula. I have discovered that Monads are Windowed, which means that we humans are all in communication with each other in the dimensionless domain of Absolute Mind. Therefore, Mental Telepathy has a reasonable and rational explanation. I have discovered that each one of us, at the ultimate level of our identity, as a Mathematical Monad, contains Complete Mathematics. We are each Infinity walking around on two legs. We are each Nothing and Everything. We are Mathematical Monadic Creators in the process of discovering the Absolute Orgasmic Fire at our Center. To push with every fiber of our being beyond what we think is possible, is the key to unleashing our Full Creative Potential. To birth the Hero, the HyperHuman, the God within each one of us, is the Supreme and most important Undertaking and Purpose of this Lifetime. We will find that there is Infinitely More to be discovered. You and I have only just begun...

    Our Comment: Brilliant!

    Balanced Mind

    Mike Hockney

    In some esoteric thinking, one will find a lot of parallels between male mind and female mind, left hemisphere and right hemisphere, respectively. Could sensing be low frequency male mind, while thinking is high frequency male mind? Could feeling be low frequency female mind, and intuition its high frequency counterpart? Could INTs have the most balance between male and female mind? Do they exchange between the frequency and spacetime domains more than other Myers Briggs types? Would STs manifest complete male mind, and NFs complete female mind? If we hypothetically say that woman is represented by real numbers and man by imaginary numbers, woman by positive numbers and man by negative numbers – with all of these contributions always balancing overall to zero – could that be a way to give esoteric thinking a mathematical underpinning? [Our Comment: Any esoteric thinking without a mathematical underpinning is just belief, opinion and speculation.]

    NDE Flavors

    When it comes to reported and documented Near Death Experiences (NDEs), there are several different types of account. Some see Jesus, Buddha, or lost family members. There’s a myriad of different visions. Isn’t it peculiar that whatever the individual believed in during their life has a strong probability of manifesting during a NDE? A typically reported NDE for Christians is a vision of Jesus, usually followed by him proclaiming, You have more work to do (which they do!). Eastern religious types will see eastern religious gods, or visuals from Eastern religious mythos. Atheist types typically see their lost loved ones.

    Mind is the cause of these spiritual experiences and mind is 100% mathematical. What would someone with knowledge of ontological mathematics see? What if one knew that the NDE is an integration function between the frequency and spacetime domains? What possibilities can occur if one has conscious awareness of this? It would never occur to most that what they see is of their own making. Would they give up control to these functions? Would this in turn put them back into the reincarnation cycle, which is another mathematical function?

    When you face your own soul, only the truth will suffice. Mysticism, Abrahamism, and materialistic science will not give you truth. Only ontological mathematics defined by the God Equation can do that.

    Show your soul – the monad – what you really are.

    Archetypes as Functions

    How would we link Jungian Archetypes with mathematics? Minds have the ability to imagine. Imagining is intimately tied to Fourier mathematics. Any image is merely the sum of specific sinusoidal waves. Minds subjectively assign these images a story, meaning and significance. If these images are held in the Collective Monadic Mind rather than in an individual monadic mind then they are available to every mind, and thus fulfill the role of Jungian Archetypes into which we can all tune, and then tailor individually for our specific needs, according to our own worldview.

    Archetypal information does not vanish. It may change and evolve, but it’s always available to all minds.

    We are all information interpreting itself. We interpret information both individually (in terms of our own mind = the internal, subjective world) and collectively (in terms of the Collective Mind = the external, objective world).

    Jungian Archetypes are complex functions that reside in the Collective Unconscious of the Collective Monadic Mind. Individual minds can actively link to them and make them dynamic and personal. They can instantiate them, give them an individual form.

    A Reason To Get Up

    "Stand up!

    There’s always someone dreaming of some unknown meaning to their every day

    Or stay down!

    Afraid of losing sight of your all you’re about to know and wish you never knew

    Everybody’s praying,

    Everybody’s trying to get back to where they started

    I can see what they’re all about now

    Everybody’s gambling trying to find a reason to get up in the

    morning" – Kid Astray

    I don’t pray!


    Riddle me this Batman! What has no value and infinite value simultaneously? It’s the soul, the monad, the mathematical mind, defined by the God Equation.


    Just because that’s the way it has always been done doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly stupid and immune from amendment.

    Holos and Hollows

    The Holos are the brilliant, the creatives, the holographic minds, the wholes, the light, those who are phasing to ontological mathematics.

    The Hollows are the listless, the manipulative, the uncreative, the trolls, the materialists, the blind, the tormented, the dull, those who are phasing toward meaninglessness.

    Potential of the Fourier mind

    "In 1947, Dennis Gabor formulated the mathematical theories out of which would come the development of the hologram. At the time, he was working on improving the electron microscope. The mathematical equations that he was using were based on a type of calculus invented by an eighteenth-century Frenchman by the name of Jean Fourier. The equations he had developed were called Fourier transforms.

    A Fourier transform is a mathematical way of converting or transforming any simple or complex pattern into a language of simple waves. To get an idea of how this works, let’s take the example of a television set and the camera in the studio. The television camera in the studio takes an image and converts it into electromagnetic frequencies. Those frequencies are then broadcast or sent via cable to your television set at home. There your TV converts those frequencies back into the images you see on your screen. And the Fourier transforms do the same thing. His equations convert images into waveforms and back again into patterns or images. – Gary Moring

    The frequency domain (a photonic domain; a Singularity) is outside space and time, and thus everywhere at once. [Our Comment: If you rewound the universe to the instant before the Big Bang, you would arrive at the pure mathematical Singularity, from which everything comes. If you had a magical microscope with infinite resolution and you used it on any part of spacetime to study the microscopic world in greater and greater detail, you would arrive at the dimensionless domain of the Singularity ... the domain of zero. You can’t escape from the Singularity. Every road takes you back there. It’s always there, behind everything. It’s the Cosmic Mind, controlling the Cosmic Body = the Universe.] The frequency domain is instantly connected to everything in the spacetime domain. It’s an indestructible domain of eternal motion.

    There is no such thing as time in the way it’s usually thought of. There’s only eternal motion through the mathematical domain of imaginary and real space, the complex space. There’s only the present moment. The future hasn’t been actualized yet, and the past is gone. The present is wherever a moving point is currently located on its trajectory.

    What being outside of spacetime indicates is that you are always connected to everything presently being actualized instant by instant in spacetime, i.e. your mind is connected to everything that’s happening in the physical universe. If it hasn’t been actualized in spacetime, you won’t be connected to it outside of spacetime because it hasn’t happened. There is no block time in Illuminism. There’s nothing but the power and motion of monads.

    There is no matter in the scientific sense, just mathematical forces concerning the interaction of dimensionless (mental) and dimensional (material) domains.

    The frequency domain is mental. The spacetime domain is material. What could be simpler? The universe has a mind and a body ... exactly as we do. As Above, So Below.

    You are light, a mind, a soul, energy, a star, a black hole, everything and nothing. You are mathematics.

    I Am Mike Hockney

    Let’s say it clearly, the Internet is full of useful information, but also tons of bullshit. If there’s a hidden, special truth that the Powers-that-Be know and we don’t, certainly we won’t find it on the Internet.

    The AC and the GS are exceptions without precedents.

    So, with this in mind, over time I’ve developed the following rule of thumb. If I look for something on the internet and I don’t find tons of information about it there are two options:

    Option A: I’m searching for something really absurd.

    Option B: I’ve hit a hot spot. Some knowledge of reality that the Powers-that-Be try to conceal.

    I’ll illustrate this with some examples:

    - When you try to find a specific law of your country on the Internet, it is hard to find (at least here in Spain).

    - When you try to find where the really rich people live, it is hard to find.

    - When you look for reliable esoteric knowledge, it is hard to find.

    - Even Mathematics is purposely taught in a boring way to keep us dumb and with zero interest in it!

    So, when reading the AC Website and the books, I find one of those Mythos elements they put in; the kind of element such as the Phoster and Archon game, elements that unlike Ontological Mathematics, you cannot be sure of what they mean, why the authors put them there. Are they truth or just decoration, etc? And what about Simon Magus?

    According to AC/GS, Simon Magus is the Abraxas of our planet – the first consciousness to achieve gnosis, and the highest Illuminati degrees are about him. So when I first read this, I went to Google and I typed Simon Magus. And guess what. Zero useful information: just Bible mythos telling that he was a baddie, and some esoteric websites telling that he’s the father of all heresies and Abraxas... But nothing worthy of interest. Well, guess what? Bingo. I’ve hit a hotspot.

    When you dig deeper into the Mystery of Simon Magus, you find some interesting things:

    1) There’s a church in Savyetskaya St, Minsk, Bielorrusia called Church of Saints Simon and Helena. It is told that Helena was the wife of Simon Magus. In theory, this church has nothing to do with our Simon and Helena but it is a notorious coincidence at least. Another notorious example is the Island of San Simón in Galicia, Spain. Templars lived there and also the religious order of St. Simon, which ironically was excommunicated. A lot of documents were burnt on that island during Spanish Civil War. Galicia is a place historically related to witches, druids, Celtic religion... It is said that Simon Magus had contact with the druids at some point of his life too.

    2) In León, Spain, there’s one cathedral with a particular stained glass window. Here we see Simon Magus represented not as a heretic baddie but as a sage, healing sick people.

    3) There are artistic depictions of Simon Magus in various religious buildings, telling the typical Bible story of Simon flying vs Peter praying, in which Simon loses the battle and ends up falling from on high and dying. But there are other representations of him also with symbology I cannot grasp... The hands gesture and the meaning of Simon Mag9. Why Mag9. Why 9?

    4) In some popular representations (popular theater), in the myth of Simon Magus, Simon faked his death and put the head of a goat in his place in the moment of his decapitation – hence the Baphomet is a symbol of Abraxas on earth = Simon Magus?

    And there’s more. Almost all the places with John the Baptist or Simon on its name are somehow related to the Templars, the Nazis, the druids, or weird stuff...

    The question is... If Simon was a historical figure comparable to Yehoshua Ben Yosef, John the Baptist, the apostles, etc., where is the information about him? Is it pure Mythos and I am wasting my time, or there is some Logos on all this? To be honest I don’t know, but we should be able to know the story of our planet – the true story of our planet.


    "The Simonians were a Gnostic sect of the 2nd century which regarded Simon Magus as its founder and traced its doctrines, known as Simonianism, back to him. The sect flourished in Syria, in various districts of Asia Minor and at Rome. In the 3rd century remnants of it still existed, which survived until the 4th century.

    Justin Martyr wrote in his Apology (152 AD) that the sect of the Simonians appeared to have been formidable, as he speaks four times of their founder, Simon. – Wikipedia


    One of the most difficult and interesting problems of apostolic and post-apostolic history is presented by Simon Magus, a Samaritan, who is described at once as a Christian, a Jew, and a pagan, a magician and a sorcerer, a Christian religious philosopher and an arch heretic, a pseudo-apostle and a pseudo-Messiah, the founder of a religion and an incarnation of God. – Philip Schaff

    Pythagorean Illuminism 101

    I am Mike Hockney

    The Law of Sufficient Reason is the Prime Directive of the Universe. It is the basic mathematical root of the Universe from which all other mathematical functions are derived.

    The Law of Sufficient Reason is exquisite in its coherence and simplicity. It is the One Law that can completely and succinctly describe the rational, ontological, epistemological and mathematical foundation of our Universe. It is the rational method by which every detail of reality may be examined and explained. It answers all of the philosophical, mathematical and scientific questions that have ever been asked and can ever be asked. It provides a coherent Theory of Everything. It provides Absolute Meaning and Purpose for our lives as humans. It is a complete source of inspiration for living life to the fullest. The Law of Sufficient Reason unveils the Great Mystery behind the Maya (illusion) that blinds us, and the Matrix that binds us. It is the Key for unlocking every secret in the Universe. It is the Solution for all those seeking absolute answers. It is the Music that guides the stars in their dance across the heavens. It is the Source of the rhythm of the cicada song and the mathematical perfection of the sunflower. It provides the explanation for Black Holes and Singularities. It perfectly describes the function of the human brain as the intermediary between the material and mental realms via Fourier Mathematics. It is the Foundation of a new psychology that can fully discern and describe universal sanity and insanity: it can identify the cause of both.

    It describes Meritocracy as the next stage in the dialectical evolution of human interaction, on both an individual and the societal level. It describes Meritocracy as the way forward to an Age of Reason and a New Enlightenment. As the Pinnacle of Rational Human Interaction, Meritocracy will bring about an era of positive liberty in which the people will finally be protected from the manipulations of selfish and psychopathic minds.

    Government will be the champion and protector of the public good. Every individual will be provided maximum opportunity for full life expression and self-actualization. Custom Education will be freely available to all and based on personality type, talent and individual direction.

    The Law of Sufficient Reason, as interpreted by the wisest, most intelligent and meritorious humans, will guide all decisions for the public good. All women and men will be freed from religious domination and subjugation. Children will be protected from all forms of brainwashing and abuse. The function of family and society will be redefined in order to bring about full human actualization. The master/slave paradigm as expressed by scientific materialism and economic tyranny will be eliminated. Every individual will be recognized as an indestructible, autonomous mathematical Monad of eternal value and unlimited potential, whose ultimate purpose is to Become God. The final goal and inevitable solution for life on the material plane is to create a Society of Gods: HyperHumanity seeking to express itself fully and completely until the Symmetry of the Omega Point has been attained.

    The Law of Sufficient Reason describes complete reality as Living Mathematical Mind. It describes physical reality as a Holographic Projection consisting of the mental creations of the Monadic Collective. The material and mental worlds are the two expressions of Ontological Mathematics. All is ultimately Mind. All is ultimately Light. The ultimate understanding of Reality can only be attained through Pure Reason and Rational Intuition. We are Causation embodied. We are the Prime Directive. We are the Law of Sufficient Reason in human form.

    Mike Hockney

    Watch this video before reading the article –

    This video clip shows the cult introduction to the movie Trainspotting, about addicts choosing heroin over all the other mind numbing shit out there. What Renton, the narrator, fails to mention is that heroin is simply the ultimate mind numbing substance. He says there are no reasons, yet cites a million reasons why he takes it in the first place, not realizing that all these meaningless things are the sole reason he takes heroin.

    People will do anything but confront reality. Some will become drug addicts, money addicts, workaholics, religious, egotists, trolls, gamblers, etc., ad infinitum. Renton, the main protagonist, conflates all these meaningless things with life, yet these things have nothing to do with true reality. These things are all just lesser versions of heroin, mindless pursuits that detract from true reality. Although some of these things are necessary in our world, e.g. working for a wage, how many of them are self-inflicted? How many are foisted upon us

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