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She's heard the rumors, the stories that other authors told about how the Bishops attended the author events hoping to find someone to play with all weekend. Cassie wanted to be that someone. She wanted Kristi Bishop to teach her, not only how to be successful as a writer, but also about the polyamorous relationships she wrote about in her novels. She wanted to know if they were real, needed to know if they were real. Cassie receives more than she bargained for as fantasies turn into reality and the stories leave the safety of the pages between the covers.

Release dateJan 20, 2016

R.C. Wynne

Basking along the beaches of Central Florida, R. C. Wynne is a romantic at heart. R.C. loves writing heart-throbbing stories with strong, but sassy heroines, hunky heroes who love their women to have an inner fire, plenty of sexy times to melt your panties and keep your heart racing, romantic happily-ever-afters, and an abundance of emotions to keep you laughing, crying, and even sometimes screaming.When not writing, R.C. is often found on his back porch enjoying a cigar, a scotch, and some Dean Martin tunes. He derives pleasure from his large family and his crazy group of friends who provide the inspiration for his blog, The Mess that Is Me.His series include, The Rutherford Series, Fangirls, The Best of Both Worlds, and the popular The Harper Twins. For more information about his new releases, upcoming events, and sneak peeks into his crazy world, visit R.C. at

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    Cassie - R.C. Wynne

    Chapter One

    Cassandra Mason couldn ’t believe how tongue-tied her mother became when she ran into her favorite author, Jack Sutherland. Her mother lost all capability of forming a complete sentence and almost jumped out of her skin when Cassie nudged her. Cassie had to fight to keep from busting out with laughter. Her mother was already mortified enough, due to the encounter, so Cassie selected to refrain from razzing her until they were at least out of Jack’s sight. Of course, then she would let loose with everything she was holding inside and that was a storehouse full of remarks.

    For lunch, her mother, Lily, picked a small barbecue place along St. George Street with outdoor seating and giant fans placed strategically along the wall against the ceiling. While it was September, it was still hot and humid, making being outdoors for any length of time almost unbearable. Still, her mom was ready to eat and picked the first available seat they could find. Cassie couldn’t really blame her. They had been walking for over two hours, stopping at every store they passed. A seat and a cold drink sounded perfect right then.

    Of course, once the waiter—a young kid in a bright yellow T-shirt and khaki shorts—took their drink order, it was open season on the teasing. So, I never knew your fascination with Jack Sutherland went as deep as it does. I’ve never seen someone so speechless since Becky Wallace sneaked backstage at a One Direction concert and finally met the band. She just stood there, mouth open, gawking, until security came and dragged her away. It was painful to watch, about as painful as watching you just then. She laughed as she opened the menu. How long has this crush been going on?

    You know, just because you’re twenty-five, doesn’t mean you can’t be punished. Her mother’s eyes stayed focused on the menu, but the redness in her cheeks told Cassie that her teasing was having the desired effect.

    It’s worth it, Cassie said with a chuckle. To be honest, I’m jealous. I wish I had a fan as big as you. I’m sure he’s just beaming at having met one of his readers. Of course, the fact that you couldn’t speak may have him a little concerned at the quality of his fans.

    I’m thinking of getting the mushroom and Swiss burger. What are you going to have? Lily looked at her with a blank expression, hoping to change the subject, Cassie knew. The choice now was whether Cassie was going to allow her to get away with it or not. Her mother just stared at her, daring her to continue.

    Cassie decided to give her mother a break—for now. Well, since you brought us to a barbecue place, I think I’ll have a pulled pork combo platter. As she finished talking, the waiter showed up with their drinks—water for her mother and a Samuel Adams for her. They placed their lunch orders and then the topic turned to the people they witnessed on St. George Street, purposefully avoiding the discussion of the one person they both wanted to talk about—Jack Sutherland.

    If Cassie was honest with herself, she would admit she was a little serious when she told her mother she was jealous. While she only had two books out and was still pretty much unknown, she longed for the day people went bonkers over her because of what she wrote. She wanted readers to love her work the way her mother loved Jack’s.

    Furthermore, even though she teased her mother about fangirling, there were a few authors Cassie would absolutely lose control around. Kristi Bishop, who was supposed to be there that weekend, was one of them. She had over a dozen novels out, dealing with very deep and dark contemporary issues. They were also hot as hell and Cassie had spent many nights with her hand inside her panties as she read Kristi’s passionate scenes. Cassie just had to meet the woman whose mind was as lustful as her own. There were so many questions she wanted to ask the other author, many quite personal in nature, the first of which would be how much of her stories are true life adventures.

    From the moment she read the author’s first novel, Kristi’s fictional love triangles fascinated Cassie. That was just before Cassie turned twenty-one and was thinking of becoming a writer herself. The stories she discovered within the pages of Kristi’s novels also enticed her. Well, if she was honest, it was all of the stories she read in her romance books, which is one of the reasons she started writing; she wanted to act out her fantasies and on paper was the only way she saw it happening. Oh, she had tried, of course. She gave her cherry to the pastor’s son on a youth trip her senior year. It was awkward and unsatisfying, but being her first time and only seventeen, she didn’t know any better. It wasn’t until she headed to college with a stack of her mother’s romance novels in tow that it dawned on her that sex could be so much better than what she was experiencing. And she wanted to experience it.

    You want me to what? Joshua Hendricks stared at her, eyes wide with confused disbelief. He was

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