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Boy (The Training House Book 2)
Boy (The Training House Book 2)
Boy (The Training House Book 2)
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Boy (The Training House Book 2)

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Being broken has never been such beautiful torture...

I am Christopher. I am most specifically not called Boy in this exclusive slave training arena where every submissive male is known as ‘Boy’. They don’t let me retain my identity—they make me. They keep me in my head, in my body, no matter what they’re doing to me, because they know I require it. They call me brat. They call me rebel. These terms are far too bland to describe what I really am. I am anger in chains. I am seething animal. I am the worst kind of f*ck-up.

The Master loves me. Maybe only because the level of my misbehavior challenges him to come up with new and terrible punishments. Do I sound proud? I am. I also love him, in my way. It’s a strange dynamic, one that has never been disrupted by anyone. Until I saw the new Girl.

Fresh-faced and indescribably lovely. Burning alchemical reaction that threatened to consume me the moment I saw her. I will call her Aimee. I refuse to play the Master’s games. Because for reasons I don’t understand, she is instantly more to me than any of the other Girls. What will she think of me? The ultimate anarchist. The keeper of secrets. The unbreakable one. Why do I even care? All I know is that I do. And that this Girl could ultimately be the one who finally breaks me.

WARNING: These books contain material that may be difficult to read about and/or cause triggers for some readers, including high protocol Master/slave dynamics and very rough pain scenes that often include humiliation, with very few boundaries. I highly recommend reading the slave contract in the beginning of each book. Do NOT try this at home!

PublisherEden Bradley
Release dateJan 26, 2016
Boy (The Training House Book 2)

Eden Bradley

Eden Bradley is the award-winning author of numerous novels and novellas, both in print and electronic format, and her work has appeared in several erotic anthologies. Eden appears regularly on Playboy Radio and conducts workshops on the writing craft and writing about sex. A psychology major, she’s fascinated with how the human mind responds to intimacy, especially when sex and romance collide. Eden lives in Hollywood. You can visit her at

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    Boy (The Training House Book 2) - Eden Bradley



    Eden Bradley


    Copyright 2016 Eden Bradley

    Cover Design by Scott Carpenter

    Editing by D.S. Editing

    Formatted by IRONHORSE Formatting

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    The jumping off point for this book was the real Christopher from my past—my Christopher—and I have to thank him for what he brought into my life, the tragedy and the beauty, the poetry and the pain. I must also thank my dear friend and play partner, Dawn, for inspiring me to write more pony play—just for you!

    A BIG thank you to one of my editors, the amazing Christa Desir, for suggesting I write BOY in his POV, which is exactly what needed to be done for this book. You are brilliant, as always!

    I must also send a huge hug out to my wonderful readers, who loved Book One, GIRL, and who continue to enthusiastically support this series. I adore you all!

    Table of Contents

    Contract and Terms of Agreement for Servitude

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Kinky Excerpts

    About Eden

    More from Eden Bradley

    The Smutketeers!

    Contract and Terms of Agreement for Servitude

    I, ______________________, being of sound mind and body, do hereby agree and pledge myself in entirety as personal slave and property to The Training House as the Master of the House sees fit to use for a period of one year, to commence on _________ and to end on _________. I do this without reservations or stipulations, and without recourse or right of revocation. I have been informed and understand that I will not be harmed or have any permanent damage done to my body or mental well-being, nor shall any of my personal property be subject to ownership or use by The Training House, its Master, or any associates. I pledge under the terms of this contract my body, my obedience and my deep desire to serve.

    I understand and agree to all terms within this contract. Terms are as follows:

    1.) I will remain naked while within The Training House or other outside facilities the Master of the House may visit or send me to.

    2.) I may be sent to outside locations and/or lent to other Masters, Mistresses or Trainers at the Master’s discretion. I pledge the same obedience to them as I do to The Training House under the terms of this contract.

    3.) I will be collared, cuffed, shackled or bound by any variety of means as the Master of the House or his associates see fit. Restraints will always be used in a safe manner.

    4.) I may be subject to piercings of the nipples and/or genitalia, to be performed only by a licensed piercer, including the Master himself.

    5.) I will be subject to branding with the house crest only if it is agreed upon by both parties at the term of this contract or any future existing contract that I remain in permanent service to The Training House.

    6.) I will be subject to sadomasochistic activities at the discretion of the Master and his associates, including various types of impact, impalement and use of any orifice for pain or pleasure, electrical stimulation, canes, whips, and implements which may scratch and/or open the skin. Any bleeding, open wounds or heavy bruising will receive appropriate medical attention by the House nurse or attending EMT.

    7.) I will be subject to humiliation, degradation, loss of personal identity.

    8.) I will have no rights as an individual, or freedom to make decisions.

    9.) I will remain silent unless commanded to speak.

    10.) I will accept without question or resistance any and all punishments or discipline the Master of the House or his associates deems necessary or desirable.

    11.) I am charged to learn all the ways in which I may please the Master of the House and his associates.

    12.) I will have no control over my orgasms, which will be given or denied at the whim of the Master of the House or his associates. I agree to never pleasure myself, saving my pleasure for the Master’s use.

    I hereby certify that I am in excellent health, and had my last medical exam on ______. Paperwork to verify the state of my health will be supplied upon signing this contract. I furthermore agree that I may be subject to medical examination and treatment for my safety and for the safety of those I come into contact with, or purely for the Master’s pleasure. I also have supplied information regarding possible personal triggers any of the above activities might prompt. The Master agrees to ensure my body is kept in good health by means of diet, rest and exercise.

    If at any time before the end of the contracted period the Master of The Training House is not pleased with my performance, obedience, ability to give pleasure or to endure his preferred treatment of me, he may decide to revoke this agreement, at which time I am released from the terms of this contract.

    I affix my signature willingly and without any duress or under any threat of harm.

    Slave’s legal name ______________________________

    Slave’s signature _________________________________________

    Date _____________

    Master’s legal name ______________________________

    Master’s signature _________________________________________

    Date _____________

    Witness ______________________________

    Witness signature _________________________________________


    Chapter One

    Are you fucking kidding me, people?

    I kick hard and connect with a body—Gilby’s chest, I think. I know it’s him from how hard he’s breathing, the rasp more from the excitement of abducting me than from carrying me down the stairs with one of his henchman to help.

    They’re taking me away again, to the Pet Ranch in Carmel Valley. I've been there before. It’s not that I don't like it there. I do. I’m just fucking pissed that the Master is sending me away again. I love and hate the way they do it—grabbing me in the middle of the night, sliding a bag over my head, throwing me into the van. And now I know what’s coming even before I feel their hands grab me roughly and close the metal shackles around my ankles. I kick again, chains rattling, but all I hit is air—it whistles as he strikes my thigh with a leather strap. I barely feel it, but I kick again and he hits me again—it’s our same old dance. We both enjoy it.

    Fuck you, Gilby! You and whoever else is with you!

    Oh, you'll be fucked all right, he says with a low chuckle. Unless you can catch ’em and fuck ’em first, but I hear they have some new stock down there. Wish I was going to be there to see it—you being taken down by some slave Boy and pegged good and hard up the ass.

    You wish, Gilby, I mutter.

    Yeah, I do. I’d fuck you myself if the Master would allow it. I’d fuck that mouthiness right out of you. Enjoy the ride, Christopher.

    He hits me one more time across the chest before I hear the door to the van slam shut. And as soon as he does I become aware that someone else is in the back of the van with me. This is new. I inhale, and the minute I do I know it’s her. Her. The beautiful new slave Girl I saw a few weeks ago in the school room. The Girl with the long red hair and the innocent face, and the lush, pink mouth that makes me think of nothing but sex. I think about it a lot—those lips wrapped around my hard cock, green eyes looking up at me. I’ve been a little obsessed with her since the moment I saw her, that mouth making a perfect o—perfect to suck my cock with—when the Master was punishing me. And I know her scent because when Gilby and Patrick were dragging me out of the room after my beating, I pulled in a long breath as we passed her seat. She smells like clean, female skin and female desire. Even her skin smells like innocence. My pheromones went fucking crazy. They’re doing it again now.

    I wish I’d been the one to slip the black bag over her head and throw her over my shoulder. My dick is doing a mad, twitching dance just thinking about it.

    I inhale again and this time I smell fear. My cock stiffens even more.

    I wait for the van to start before saying anything, enjoying my little mental scenario and the smell of her flesh and her fear.

    Hey, I say quietly. No answer. I try again. You can talk to me, you know. They won’t hear you.

    I… You’re sure it’s okay?

    You’re her, aren’t you? The Master’s new favorite?

    There’s a long pause. I’m sorry, she says.

    No need to be. Not with me. I’m a favorite, too. Or, I was. Apparently I’m out of favor since he’s sending me off again.

    Sometimes I love the Master. And sometimes I hate him. And sometimes it sucks to be me. But maybe this isn’t one of those moments.

    I hear her sniff.

    Hey, you crying? I ask.

    "I just… Does this mean I’m out

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