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The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3: The Kelsey Abroad Series
The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3: The Kelsey Abroad Series
The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3: The Kelsey Abroad Series
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The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3: The Kelsey Abroad Series

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About this ebook

Meet Kelsey: born a military brat and bred to serve her country. After excelling in school, she graduated from a prestigious language arts program at an ivy league university and became a translator for the State Department. Her luggage-style life was fueled by frequent trips abroad to translate at summits and conferences for politicians and foreign dignitaries. She led a perfect yet still flawed and lonely existence.

Her track record of perfection was shattered by a moment of indiscretion while working abroad. Before long, Kelsey found herself navigating a new world of deceit and lust. Driven by her unexplainable love for a foreign President that should have been out of reach, Kelsey's initial dilemma of choosing between her career and love becomes instead choosing between sides in an ever-changing game of international roulette. 

In this compilation, you will get the first three episodes of the Kelsey Abroad Series, an erotic romance with a twist on espionage's classic honey trap. 

PublisherC Jackson
Release dateDec 29, 2015
The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3: The Kelsey Abroad Series

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    Book preview

    The Kelsey Abroad Series Episodes 1-3 - C Jackson


    Chapter 1:  The Party

    Kelsey loved old buildings. The intricate details in the woodworking, the centuries-old designs etched into the chair rails. Everything overseas was so full of character and history. Even the wine being served tonight was aged. She was attending a celebratory party from this morning's summit. The party was being held at the official residence of the President of Russia.

    This was by far the best part of her job.  Anytime a trade agreement, cooperation agreement, or whatever they want to call it this time was signed, the staff from each country got to celebrate together. Fine wine, exotic foods... and a room full of aristocrats and politicians. This was the only opportunity a translator like Kelsey got to experience the high life. She certainly didn't party hard in college. She attended an Ivy League school and kept her head buried in books so that she could get a position with the State Department. After a few years of working behind a desk, she was finally transferred to the field.

    She loved the travel, but she didn't see her job as glamorous. Translators were trained to be invisible. It was her job to meld into the background, becoming as seamless and inconspicuous as possible, so the parties could concentrate on each other.  She didn’t even feel as if she existed in her personal life. She wasn’t partying with the other staffers or sightseeing. Kelsey was standing alone on the foyer, working on her third glass of wine. 

    Excuse me. She was pushed aside by a diplomat as he assisted his master in making his way through the crowded room. Typical, she thought as she stared at her glass.  Why do they need so much help in doing simple things? They can't even talk to each other without help.

    I'm sorry. I'm sure he didn't mean to shove you. 

    Kelsey looked up and saw the President of Russia staring back at her. He was older and balding but still trim and fit. His suit was ironically German-made.  It was shiny and well-tailored but a little large for his frame. 

    Oh, it's no problem. I wasn't paying attention and was just caught by surprise is all. 

    I appreciated your service earlier today, Ms. Pearl.  You are an excellent translator.

    Thank you, sir.

    He straightened his suit, nodded, and disappeared into a crowd of security and aides.  Kelsey drifted back to her wine. 

    She had translated between him and the Vice-President of the United States of America just a few hours ago. Translating could be tricky. The innuendos that were hurled from one politician to the next had to be carefully crafted to remove its offensive character, and this guy was particularly nasty to his opponents.

    The Vice-President was a friendly affable guy but hard for some people to take seriously in the political circuit. They were in a conference room together.  Tea and cookies had been served.  At one point, the VP dropped a few crumbs. He brushed them off and then grabbed a larger one off of his tie and ate it.

    If you are that hungry, you also dropped a lot of crumbs on the floor, said the President of Russia with a smirk on his face. He was notorious for these quips, and Kelsey was prepared. She leaned over to the VP.

    You must not be hungry, you dropped as many crumbs as you ate, she translated. Kelsey looked around the room, wondering if anyone noticed her misstep. 

    Kelsey tried not to make eye contact with the President. He had dark, piercing eyes, and his expression never changed. She wondered how he behaved in his personal life. The rumor in the political circles was that he had secretly divorced. She wasn't surprised. As part of her preparation for the trip with the State Department, Kelsey had read a few interviews his wife had given over the years. 

    In one interview, she stated that her husband showered their two children with gifts when they were young, but allowed her nothing because he didn't want to spoil me. He described her in an interview once as, the mother of my children...but they are grown now. He had certainly lived up to his reputation. Kelsey threw back the rest of her wine and left.

    Chapter 2:  The Job

    If the good thing about visiting foreign dignitaries was the party and history, the bad thing was the next morning. Years ago, when she began translating for the State Department, she had been warned that one drink in America was two drinks in certain overseas countries. Stuff was just made differently, labeled differently, and certainly affected your body differently. She had no sooner taken some pain relievers and made some coffee that her phone rang. She recognized the number- it was work. 

    Kelsey speaking.

    Kelsey, we have a special request for you.


    The President of Russia is having dinner tonight with the Prime Minister of China. There's been a mix-up, and no one is capable of translating. 

    "Really? That

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