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Reiki Between Myth and Reality
Reiki Between Myth and Reality
Reiki Between Myth and Reality
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Reiki Between Myth and Reality

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About this ebook

I saw people having done Reiki and becoming better, more tolerant, honest and upright, quieter and more confident in tomorrow. Some have returned to Orthodoxy and began to fasting, to confess and pray after making Reiki. And as a therapist, I had results that with other systems I have had after weeks.
I believe that Reiki is the most beautiful form of therapy permitted by God on Earth, because it is addressed to Christians and non-Christians, believers and atheists, plants and animals. From my point of view, it is more beautiful than orthodoxy, because it is not limited to the baptized ones, more beautiful than radiesthesy because it is not directed only at Christians with EBF over 81 and those who do their cross, and superior as vibration to Chi Kung.

Release dateDec 24, 2015
Reiki Between Myth and Reality

Ovidiu Dragos Argesanu

M-am nascut pe data de 8 dec 1968 la Belgrad, in Serbia. Tatal meu era diplomat si fusese detasat cu familia la ambasada romana din orasul meu natal. Mama a fost economist iar tatal spion, asa ca am mostenit dorinta de a afla de la unul si inclinatia spre stiintele exacte de la celalalt.Nu am avut tangente in copilarie cu biserica, nici cu paranormalul, singura mea experienta ezoterica fiind descantecul pe fire de par de lup facut de o bunica prin alianta cu ocazia unei sperireturi cauzate de pasirea peste un sarpe.Primii ani de liceu i-am facut la Liceul de matematica si fizica nr.4 de pe platforma de fizica atomica de la Magurele. Ultimii la Liceul Matei Basarab din Bucuresti, tot sectia de matematica fizica.Am intrat la facultatea de constructii din Timisoara, unde am facut primii doi ani.In studentie am continuat calea artelor martiale. La inceput judo, apoi karate shotokan, jet kune do, wu shu, box.Am inceput sa studiez Biblia multumita unui pastor penticostal si am mers impreuna cu alti studenti crestini la adunarile baptiste sau adventiste.Am decoperit medicina in 1989, cand am avut ocazia sa paticip la cursurile Facultatii de Medicina din Timisoara. Am renuntat la constructii si am inceput Facultatea de Medicina Athenaeum din Bucuresti. Studiile medicale le-am terminat la Facultatea de Medicina Vasile Goldis din Arad.In timpul perioadei ca student medicinist din Bucuresti, impreuna cu un grup de studenti din asociata studentilor crestini din Timisoara am ajuns la parintele Argatu de la manastirea Cernica. Era recunoscut ca exorcist. Marturisesc, nu vazusem niciodata o exorcizare, nici macar in filme la acea data, asa ca am crezut sincer ca este un teatru ieftin. Experientele traite in acea perioada se regasesc in romanul "Devenirea", aparut in anul 2000.Timp de 5 ani am mers regulat in preajma parintelui Argatu, pana am inteles ce se intampla si mi-am luat cunostintele necesare exorcizarilor.Dupa facultate am facut psihoterapie-psihanaliza, ca sa inteleg punctul de vedere al medicinii alopate asupra bolii psihice. Apoi am descoperit diferite forme de terapie si cai spirituale, cum ar fi Reiki, Karuna Reiki si alte sisteme. Am urmat cursuri de radiestezie si de chi kung, pentru a-mi imbunatati perceptia despre lume si viata."Atacul PSI", a doua dintre cartile mele, am inceput prin a o scrie ca si lucrare de doctorat. Din pacate sau mai degraba din fericire, profesorul care mi-o acceptase dupa un timp, m-a anuntat ca nu ma mai poate coordona in acest demers al meu, intrucat titlul lucrarii mele sperie.Atunci am decis sa o public. Am semnat contractul cu o renumita editura din tara, care insa mi-a publicat-o dupa un an si jumatate.Dupa aparitia cartii, care se ocupa mult de magie, de efectul ei asupra oamenilor, din punct de vedere stiintific, psihic, medical si spiritual, am inceput sa fiu cautat de tot mai multi oameni. Drept urmare, experienta mea s-a imbunatatit. Concluziile desprinse din relatiile cu pacientii le-am publicat, in continuare, in "Arta Razboiului PSI" si "Arta Razboiului PSI – Protectia".De fapt, fiecare carte este o consecinta fireasca a studiilor mele in ceea ce priveste contactul cu oamenii, problemele lor, boala, magia si viata. Fiecare carte reprezinta o etapa din viata mea, crezul meu la acel moment, intrebarile si raspunsurile mele.Daca cred ca merita citite cartile mele? Categoric da. De catre cine? De catre oricine este preocupat sa inteleaga ca este ceva dincolo, ce este dincolo, pentru ca pana la urma pasii mei in lumea spiritului sunt pasii fiecarui om. Si fiecare isi va ragasi din trairile lui in cartile mele.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The way it is presented makes the book easy to read and understand. Hope other books will follow this one for those who want to practice or already begun practising this method of using the light to the benefit of everyone. Thank you for all the effort that was put into making this book.

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Reiki Between Myth and Reality - Ovidiu Dragos Argesanu

Ovidiu-Dragoş Argeşanu


Between Myth and Reality

International Edition

Pro Dao



Reiki Reiki Between Myth and Reality

Text copyright ©2015 by Ovidiu-Dragoş Argeşanu

Illustrations copyright © 2015 by Pro Dao

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Dedicated to Jesus


Heavenly Height to Jesus Christ and thanks to Mikao Usui for having created a system which allows to anyone to access Divinity, Heaven and Light, without passing through the filter of an institution, church, religion, dogma or belief.


to the third edition

Since the second edition, I have thought of a trick. What would it be to make my books initiation ones? This means, the more people read one of my books, the more they will get the gift to do something with Reiki. Honestly, the idea is not new. It has been applied by a Ki Gong master whose book will maybe be translated into Romanian.

In brief, once with the book, for the ones who wish, the Light entities shall also come in order the readers should be able to use them, according to the level to which they reach. It will happen the same way as with Pif magazines from our childhood.

Each of my books will include a previous initiation. The more I write, the more I realize that all my books will represent an initiation in a way or another.

Coming back to Reiki I am thinking to the ones who are very far away from me and it is more difficult for them to arrive to my medical office. They will be the most rewarded. The ones who will wish to see me and to listen to my courses they will be able to do in this way, but at least they will have a spiritual starting point. These being said: God, help!

In faraway future the Devil will preach from the doorstep of the altar and then there will be people who will replace priests and other people who will replace bishops, preaching faith and truth, and in the other world they will live in Heaven where there are the priests and bishops and they will wear white clothes replacing the ones who haven’t been redeemed themselves!

Priest Ilarion Argatu

At that time when I heard priest Argatu speaking in this way, I didn’t understand the essence of his message. More than seven years have passed since his death, a year since his exhumation and they didn’t find him rotten and I have understood. I had to face the Orthodox heavenly fathers’ insanity, the bishops and priests’ soul misery in order to understand him. The church is very proud that we are an Orthodox people. So we declare ourselves. It is false. 90% go to the church three times in their lives, when they are baptized, when they get marry and when they die! The knowledge of the Romanian Christianity is reduced to this.

Mason bishops, priests keen on fortunes, who bind the people’s spirits in the altar, under the churches, in order to keep them closer to them, not respecting their free will. And all above these, our present patriarch is also mason and specialized in NLP.

A synod made up of bishops with pure souls but poor in spirit and very cunning mason bishops, meaning more specifically made up of Johnny men and suckers, end the whole picture of those who lead the Romanian people from the spiritual point of view.

I am still shocked by a happening from the monastery Poiana Mărului, where there are the holy relics of Saint Basil the Great. It was the parish feast of the church and also the saint’s day. I went over there. I was curious to feel him.

From the vibration point of view, compared to the Saint Anton of Padova, who has 66, Saint Basil has 100! A little- big difference!

I arrived in the evening, passing unexpected events, and the next day I attended the Liturgy service, then the lunch. Many people, little food, portions are prepared. The ugly part starts from now on. The invited priests had been prepared a separate lunch! It was shameful. I refused eating over there. I wanted to leave at once. Only the abbot, only him, came out with the plate to offer food to the people. A poor monastery – I talked to the children from the monastery and many times the food could hardly be enough from one day to another. In the evening, after the evening service, the monks shared the pieces of bread with me and my girlfriend. It wasn’t their fault for the anomaly happened the next day, but of the ones from the city. There were a few priests whom I liked and because of this I recommend this monastery to the ones who search for spirituality, but to the ones who caused this anomaly, to separate priests from people, I say:


As priests, you must serve to people and not the people to you. You must wash their feet, not the people to you! You should be in the middle of them and not separated from them.

And as if it weren’t enough, lately I have encountered the priests’ and bishops’ curses, more and more often. We don’t have enough problems with the wizards and with the ones, who are so black in their soul, more recently we have to clean after the so called servants of Light. Honestly in this life the most and the greatest problems I have had were caused by Orthodox monks, priests and bishops, not because of gipsy, Jews or Arabs who practiced magic!

Their curses followed me many times, because I often come out, many times, of their normal and natural, of their typical behaviour. They have their brains pre-programmed in dogmas and they don’t see beyond them. They are so convinced by their own truth that they are not able to judge anymore. I have also had the chance to have good priests by my side, who were reading untying prayers for the priests’ curses, and so I could reach the age when I do not care of them or of their curses anymore, I don’t care of the little pieces of bread taken out during the Liturgy.

Not for a few times I have met priests boasting with what their curse means. This meant to obey them, because they were priests, you had to do how they wanted, otherwise they cursed you! One of them used to say something of this kind: If your food spoils in the fridge, have no appetite! It happens to remember this with no intention. It was a kind of a curse. God creates both the rich and the poor, both the satiated and the hungry ones, and there are things clearly delimitated by the karmic laws. No matter how correctly you do things, you can’t transcend without payments. According to your payments your divine right raises from the financial point of view, in fact from the material wealth point of view.

I consider the most correct that every curse should come back from the place it left and so the priests should pay their towards people. I do this: I send them back in a parcel towards the ones who sent them. It isn’t nice at all. Having the programs emitted by the respective persons they immediately manifest because of their resonance.

And I have decided to do one thing. Because no one has the courage I will choose as a personal mission purifying of the Orthodox Church of its dry elements. Its spiritual impotence, of its bishops and priests, is annoying – a vice for this country and an offence for the ones from this people who have reached saints.

The interference of the malefic occult forces in the leadership of the church is not to be allowed.

I myself love the truth, because the truth is Jesus Christ. But the truth is not only the Orthodox one, but everything means knowledge, either spiritual or scientific, either it comes from Christianity, Jewish culture or from the Eastern area.

I am also going to show them that they are stupid and not even Jesus Christ defends them.

Going to a literary evening where I have presented my books, I have been shocked to notice that people over there were afraid of how I could use my knowledge – not to use it in an evil way. Yes, I also used it in an evil way, but I immediately pay for every thing I do. I have no time to express regrets. I admitted that I hit the ones from UNA, but if they didn’t want to learn willingly, what could I do? Besides I explained to them what it would be and they accepted the war, assuming through this all risks. I will do the same with the Orthodox priests. I see that they have no intention to open to knowledge. Being shepherds, they don’t belong to themselves anymore, they belong to Jesus Christ, I will educate them no more than He will allow to them. So, when I hear about one, so intelligent, denying the spiritual values of other peoples, I will take care of him personally. If he says there is no magic, I will help him to find out what it is. He thinks nothing can touch him because he has the stole. I will show him it isn’t so. And honestly, I will enjoy it.

I don’t know if I have said at a certain time, I have arrived to The Association of the Free Psychiatrists from Romania. A lady teacher didn’t agree my presence over there, although honestly, I myself don’t have and I didn’t have anything to learn from them. At that moment I have promised to her, at the mental level, that in one week I will convince her that I know what I mean and especially what I can do. At certain times I have sung her manele in her ears. Honestly? I have enjoyed doing this. I met her a week later and I looked into her eyes. She was frightened. Now I am sorry. But I would do the same with all the psychiatrists all over the world if through this I could convince them that there is something else more beyond Kaplan.

I know that many times my reaction of self-defence (or counter attack) is not proportioned.

And these are the most insignificant nonsense I have done. There is no priest on the earth who could offer redemption for all the things I have done using my knowledge – many of these things he wouldn’t understand. Maybe I will be allowed to make a public confession, through a book in which I could tell everything, and I hope there will be somebody who could lit a candle for me and to utter Our Father as a forgiveness prayer. My intention was purely didactical. When a psychiatrist considered me crazy when I asserted that there is quick silver and I sent it to him do you consider I was wrong? He will succeed to unbind himself and he will learn it exists. The quicksilver causes impotence. This will affect him enough in order to search himself. He will discover that he has a higher concentration of mercury than normal and he will think to me. If he is smart, he will thank to me, if not, he will hate me all his life.

I will use programs at subliminal level for the ones who are in charge with governing this people and who are against the truth. It is not acceptable to have problems caused by the priests’ or the Reiki masters’ ignorance or another spiritual leaders. I refer here to the ones who don’t recognize the existence of magic and charms (although there are untying prayers in the religious books!), the existence of the purgatory, to what happens with the aborted kids, with the killers and criminals, to the existence of the reincarnation! At least for the last one, I rise with my entire knowledge and I tell them, if there is one who will dare to contest it publicly, to be aware that he is against Truth, he commits mistakes against the Holly Spirit and he will pay.

By the way, I have studied metempsychosis and I have faced the case when you can go down from man to animal. I have followed a monk’s sister who became a drunken after she had cancer and she died as an alcoholic! She has reincarnated in a dog and she enters all pubs, being attracted by the smell of alcohol! It is the single case I have met in the spiritual practice. The problem of Orthodoxy is how they approach their own Self.

They identify themselves with their guarding angel and they consider the kundalini snake as their demon, which they make it hungry, they fast and they make prostrations making it worn out. Till a certain point it is correct, we are demons, fallen angels transformed in snakes, obliged to live as larva, in order to regain the status of man and wings of angels. They don’t understand that the demon represents them and everything is reduced to the education of the Self.

I have considered necessary the apparition of this guide in order to be of help to any Reiki practitioner – useful for the daily life. I have read a few books dedicated to Reiki and I have come to the conclusion that they are too complicated and they don’t offer what the ordinary man needs, every one of us: simple solutions to the surrounding problems. I will rely on the cases I have met in my therapist’s practice, but also in the daily life, in order everything should be more obvious. I know that what counts for every Reiki therapist it is his personal experience and the real and the greatest master is life itself. Although some of us think that they represent Light itself, I hope that through my books, I will make them to come down on the earth.

In this book I am going to say some things which usually can hardly be said in the Reiki books, not to spoil in any way our power and knowledge, but because many times we are so proud of what we know that we can’t go farther. I have measured different Reiki masters and I have noticed they have become flat. They haven’t evolved anymore. Why? They haven’t evolved being self-sufficient and we haven’t understood a simple Christian truth: The one who doesn’t climb always, he will fall down! Revealing the secrets of Reiki, I force them to go farther. I don’t lose anything, Reiki doesn’t lose anything, but the simple man wins, the one who searches the truth. Maybe some Reiki masters will lose, the ones who from the material point of view depend only on Reiki, courses and therapy, but this interests me less, meaning not at all.

For the ones who think themselves, the leaders of the truth, leaders of God’s secrets, no matter if I refer to Orthodox priests, Reiki masters, info-energy masters or clairvoyance ones, I say to them: The heaven doesn’t mean Reiki symbols, or the Light swords of the radiesthesists, or the priest’s prayers or the patriarch’s walking stick. Heaven doesn’t need us to defeat the evil – if this were His will. He doesn’t do it yet, because God is a good man who loves everyone and considers that we all have the right of redemption and always offers to us the last chance. Which is that one? Only He knows!

Later I have noticed something during my courses: the fact that people forget, no matter what you do. That’s why, following the Latin saying: Verba Volant, scripta manent!, I have decided to write this book for my students, at least not to happen what has happened with the secrets of the Christianity which, not being written, they have been forgotten.

I endlessly repeat the same things about Reiki in the courses I teach. A lot has been written and I have thought there is no use to write one more. One day I have allowed three Reiki masters taught by me to explain the first degree of Reiki to a new initiated one. I was following them from a distance and I was hearing very amazed three different opinions, which weren’t similar to mine. Then, I understood that somehow they hadn’t understood me. Mea culpa! The problem was that I wouldn’t have liked to have the same story with another Reiki master who wrote a book and one of his friends told him: I have bought it because it was yours! I wouldn’t like to be told that I haven’t brought anything new or it wasn’t worth buying it. My books are expensive, but everyone told me that the information included in them is worth more. I would like to be so with this book about Reiki, a field enough searched from the publicity point of view.

Something else happens, which caught all of us unprepared, meaning the speeding of time, of the karmic payments, implicitly the diminishing of the necessary training time of a master, what causes gaps in his knowledge.

I have measured more Reiki masters and I have come to a pathetic conclusion. We are pathetic. A single one, who is enough known, reaches to more than 80% from the power and the knowledge of a true MASTER OF LIGHT! Why? This happened because in time information was lost, new one has been added, but not important one in fact, because they have departed from the initial aim of the system created by Divinity through Mikao Usui: the one of helping the spiritual evolution of man.

Systems over systems have been created, with precious names, many times for the masters’ ego to see their names written somewhere. The only good thing would be that their writings prevent the loss of information, but a lot of printer’s waste appears, which a common man, without knowledge, can hardly select. Maybe this would be one of Reiki exams – that the man should learn to use his intuition and through it to access the truth, no matter where this would be.

ANYONE CAN PRACTISE REIKI because this therapeutic system is an intuitive one, not a rational one, what makes it widely accessible. It is true that the juxtaposition of the knowledge from Qi-Gong, yoga, Falun Gong, radiesthesy, bio-energy, Silva method and Christianity determines, besides the practitioner’s understanding, an increasing of his ability of self- healing or of treating the others, the capacity of energetic emission and personal protection. But these don’t represent Reiki. Reiki is a therapy through placing the palms and that is all! Later it has evolved in order to reach to what we know today. Is it right? I think it is. A system of evolution discovers new things. Christianity has lost a lot on its way…

I for myself, the more I learn, the more I feel obliged towards people,

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