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New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War
New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War
New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War
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New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War

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Upon leaving the Illuminati Satanist sacrifice camp utterly destroyed, Carter and his load of rescued young girls follow backroads as much as possible to avoid the black-uniformed police. Carter can barely comprehend that in just a few days America has been turned upside down. The police stop them just twice. Once in a small Kansas town where they witness people being dragged out of a gun store and arrested, with a nearby National Guard officer with a clipboard listing registered gun owners and sellers. Seven-year-old Jocelyn--who is taking over Carter's heart and replacing the missing Dodie--nearly gets abducted.
The second time they get stopped is at the state line with Nebraska. They hope conditions in Nebraska are different, and can see about 500 yards ahead a second group of people at the actual state line.
They are ordered to get out of the pickup but are pretty sure that's a bad idea so Carter floors it and they leave under a hail of gunfire. The second group of people at the actual line is a militia, who returns fire and they escape. Western Nebraska is free, and they soon arrive at Carter's sister;'s farm in North Dakota.
The Illuminati's plan had been for the gun confiscation to happen quickly. It didn't. North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have formed Free America. The militias that quickly rose soon blocked the super-soldiers that joined the black-uniformed police.
The super soldiers had been in suspension (hibernation, sometimes for a hundred years) quietly hidden in FEMA camps. But those just out of hibernation are awkward and somewhat like cyborgs. During the first attack on the farm they are easy to kill. By the second attack they have learned and are not so easy to kill: head shots only!
In Book 2 seven-year-old Jocelyn by proxy takes the place of the missing six-year-old Dodie, and brings new life to the heartbroken Carter and Chantal, and begins sharing the viewpoint. (Readers, this little girl will win your heart.)

Release dateNov 4, 2015
New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War

James W. Nelson

James W. Nelson was born in a farmhouse in eastern North Dakota in 1944. Some doctors made house calls back in those days. He was living in that same house on the land originally homesteaded by his great grandfather, when a savage tornado hit in 1955 and destroyed everything. But they rebuilt and his family remained on that land until the early nineteen-seventies when diversified farming began changing to industrial agribusiness. James spent four years in the US Navy, worked many jobs and has finally has settled on a few acres of land exactly two and one half miles straight west of the original farmstead, ironically likely the very spot where the 1955 tornado first struck, which sometimes gives him a spooky feeling.He lives among goldfinches, chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, crows, cottontails, squirrels, deer, mink, badgers, coyotes, wallflowers, spiderworts, sunflowers, goldenrod, big and little bluestem, switchgrass, needle & thread grass, June berries, chokecherries, oaks, willows, boxelders and cottonwoods, in the outback of eastern North Dakota.

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    Book preview

    New World Order Rising (Book 2) The New Civil War - James W. Nelson

    New World Order Rising

    Book 2

    The New Civil War


    James W Nelson

    Published by James W. Nelson at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013, by James W. Nelson

    To the rise of America’s Minutemen

    Know where your children are, and keep them free

    Table of Contents

    Chapter Introduction

    Chapter 1 Home to North Dakota

    Chapter 2 A Hundred Miles

    Chapter 3 Olivia

    Chapter 4 Last Town before Nebraska

    Chapter 5 State Line

    Chapter 6 Approaching Storybook Farm

    Chapter 7 I’m not Dodie

    Chapter 8 Little Sister/Militia Leader

    Chapter 9 Mommy & A Grandpa

    Chapter 10 Harley’s Apartment

    Chapter 11 Behind the Face Shield

    Chapter 12 Mason’s Visit

    Chapter 13 Militia Meeting

    Chapter 14 Chantal

    Chapter 15 Jocelyn

    Chapter 16 Promise to Jocelyn

    Chapter 17 Second Meeting

    Chapter 18 Jocelyn’s Orientation

    Chapter 19 Introductions

    Chapter 20 Mavis

    Chapter 21 Amber

    Chapter 22 Their Stories

    Chapter 23 Jocelyn’s Earlier Childhood

    Chapter 24 Breakfast

    Chapter 25 Ambush

    Chapter 26 The President Speaks

    Chapter 27 Einar Mitchell, a Man of Good Sense

    Chapter 28 Training

    Chapter 29 Jocelyn’s Counsel

    Chapter 30 Overwhelming Force

    Chapter 31 Killer from the Sky

    Chapter 32 The Child Warrior

    Chapter 33 What Happened

    Chapter 34 Wesman’s Memory

    Chapter Synopsis for Book 3

    Chapter New Characters, book 2

    Chapter Books by James W. Nelson

    Chapter Descriptions of Books

    Chapter Biography

    Chapter Contact

    Chapter Introduction

    New World Order Rising is about a future war that is very likely to happen. As always, wars begin because the rich and powerful wish to become richer and more powerful. But of course it won’t be the rich and powerful doing the fighting. The most powerful cartel ever to exist, the Illuminati, after hundreds of years, now—thanks hugely to electronic technology—have their people in all positions of power, politicians, teachers, ministers, generals, CEOs, law enforcement, and are finally ready to take over the world, create a one-world government, religion, army, and to eliminate 85% of the world’s population. They have an army of super-soldiers—viciously-trained from toddlers to adults who will follow any order—based and hidden for years in the many FEMA camps spread throughout America.

    This war will begin in America. The American Minuteman—with the 2nd Amendment—must be defeated, for if America remains free she will continue to set the example for the rest of the world to fight and to keep fighting. The battlefield won’t be far away in some distant land, it will be fought right here among our homes and farms and businesses. It will be fought by people who carry their families with them, people who love their families and will die for them.

    The American military won’t be involved, but much of their massive armament will be.

    New World Order Rising

    Book 2

    The New Civil War


    Chapter Home to North Dakota

    From Beth’s house in Maston, Kansas, first stop from the Illuminati Satanist camp, Carter and his new family of six young women plus his daughter, Chantal, were able to pick up US 183, which would take them straight up toward North Dakota, and keep them mostly off the interstates and away from the bigger cities. He had given the maps to Beth to pick the best roads.

    He couldn’t help remembering his hitchhiking days that took him through some of their route, Been thinking back to the eighties, ladies, when I got caught down in Tucson, Arizona. I had sold my car in order to rent an apartment and get a job, worked for a few months as janitor in a twenty-four-hour restaurant and bar, and decided I really hated that job and then decided to hitchhike home.

    I never knew that, Dad, came the quiet comment from Chantal, who had finally begun talking a bit since the abduction of Dodie and the end of her ordeal with the Satanist Illuminati.

    Guess I just never thought it important enough to mention, sweetheart, but that town we just passed was one of the towns I went through.

    Bet there weren't any black uniforms back then, Beth commented.

    You are right, Beth. Times were quite a bit simpler.

    Every town, large or small, that they unavoidably had to pass through, had a large police force of mostly black uniforms with the dark face shields. Also, in almost every town, they witnessed what appeared to be law-abiding citizens getting pulled from their homes and hauled away to who knew where?

    What else happened to you back then, Carter? Noni, the twenty-three-year-old knockout model-looking woman, with the black hair and blue eyes, asked. He was glad to hear her talking more too. Also picked up in Beth’s town, Noni’s whole-life ordeal as an Illuminati prostitute, and surviving a Satanist sacrifice, was bad enough. Then to get dumped into that small house in Maston, to sexually service the Illuminati old-geezer bigwigs…he didn’t really want to think about it.

    "Well, my first ride was from a cop. I didn’t want to hitchhike through Tucson, so I had enough money to buy a bus ticket clear to Las Cruces, New Mexico, and that’s where I got out and started walking. It was the middle of the night when I arrived, and first thing you know a city cop pulled up beside me and wanted to know what I was doing and where I was going. So, I told him and he said ‘Jump in, I’ll give you a ride to the edge of town.’ So, I did, and he did. Kind of reminds me of the first Rambo movie, ‘First Blood,’ except my cop was a good guy."

    He felt glad the girls were talking, as it kind of lifted the spirits of everyone.

    Did you get many more rides, Grandpa? Jocelyn asked.

    Carter glanced at the little seven-year-old girl—who, like Noni, and maybe some of the other girls, had spent most of her life with the Illuminati—still riding in the center of the front seat on Genevieve’s lap. He grinned at her and felt glad she was talking too, although was still surprised when she called him ‘Grandpa'.

    She grinned back.

    Yes, Jocelyn, I got several rides from many nice people, and every ride helped, long as I got a bit closer to home. The first one after the cop was a businessman. I don’t remember where he was going but, with him, I remember passing through the White Sands National Monument.

    Wow, Jocelyn said, What’s that?

    It’s a place with really big sandy hills, and the sand is almost pure white. I’ll never forget it. They had been passing signs advertising the next town for awhile, but then houses began to appear, Okay, ladies, we’re getting close to the last towns before we cross into Nebraska. They passed a green sign with white lettering: Hays, Population 20,510 Everything is the same. Jocelyn, honey, you should get down on the floor again now, okay?

    She obeyed immediately and got on the floor between Genevieve and Kelly, then glanced back and smiled. The little girl had a charming smile that he was beginning to live to see, though it made him feel somewhat guilty. Both he and Chantal were dying inside from the nearly guaranteed loss of little six-year-old Dodie, his granddaughter and Chantal’s daughter, but he knew that Jocelyn—through no fault of hers—was taking the place of that dear child. He saw nothing wrong with that. He and Chantal both needed the love they had experienced from Dodie, and, himself at least, was allowing Jocelyn to come in and fill that enormous emotional void in his chest.

    Whether Chantal would allow it he didn’t know. But little Jocelyn had already made the request, and he remembered it well, ‘Can I have Chantal for a mommy?’

    So he would hope.

    Businesses and more houses began appearing…and the black-uniformed police, God, if we can just get through this last bigger town. Maybe they aren’t in Nebraska yet.

    He would hope that too.


    Chapter A Hundred Miles

    I’m hungry, came an announcement from Jocelyn, which was promptly repeated by several others.

    We haven’t eaten since noon yesterday, Dad, Chantal said, We have food but it’s mostly chips and cheese, and everybody would like something hot too. Plus we’re getting short of water.

    All Carter could think about was the dubious possibility that Nebraska would still be black uniform-free. And they were getting close. But it was quite a gambol that there would be no black uniforms in Nebraska.

    Up ahead appeared a Burger King, with even a couple cars in the parking lot. They were still on the southern edge of the town.

    Beth, you got the Kansas map? He began slowing.


    He heard her opening the map, How far to the Nebraska line?

    Just a few seconds passed, Less than a hundred miles, Carter.

    He turned in, Might be our last chance for a hot meal, ladies, so each of you order an extra sandwich. Noni, would you see to it our water jugs get filled?

    Will do, Carter.

    He pulled into a parking spot and shut off the engine. The place was so quiet. Too damn quiet, but, they were there, Okay, ladies, we’ll leave the doors unlocked, and we’ll all go in together.

    Do you think that’s wise, Carter? Beth asked.

    Beth, if there’s trouble inside, that is, black uniforms, we would look plenty suspicious if I went in first and just turned around and left. No, we’ll all go in. If there’s black uniforms in there, well, just ignore them.

    That’ll be hard to do, Beth added.

    "Okay, fine, you can look at them, but don’t gawk and stare, and for God’s sake don’t say ‘Hi!’ Okay, everybody?"

    He received several positive responses, and he wondered why Beth was…whatever it was she was doing. She hadn’t questioned him before. There was room for only one dictator in the vehicle and he was it. Maybe she was just getting sick of this shit. As they all were. He opened his door and stepped out, then turned back, Jocelyn, when we go in you stay right beside me and hang onto my hand.

    Okay, Grandpa.

    And if my hand isn’t free you hang onto my belt.

    Okay, Grandpa.

    Okay, ladies, let’s go.

    All the doors opened and everybody got out. He immediately went around the front of the pickup, found Jocelyn and she came right over and grabbed his hand. He looked down at her and nodded. She smiled back. Her eyes were wide but her smile was toned down.

    He started out, Beth, please bring up the rear, and count all the heads before you and when we leave.

    Got’cha, Carter.

    Thanks. They reached the door. Plenty of glass but the angle of the sun was giving them nothing but reflections. He grasped the door handle and a jolt went through him, just the same as if it would have been live electricity, but, they were committed to enter. He pulled the door open and stepped back, and saw at least three seated black uniforms, and they all looked up. He barely noticed but all three flipped down their face shields.

    Keep going, kids, he said quietly, Just ignore them. And I will order for everybody. He hoped at least some of them heard that.

    Everybody kept filing through but he sensed a slight pause from each as they saw the black uniforms. Beth was last. She glanced at him and kept going. He kept a grip on Jocelyn and finally stepped through too, and went immediately to the counter.

    A young girl with fiery red hair, maybe mid-teens, stood by the till, May I help you, Sir? Her voice was fine, but he could see fear behind her eyes, so she evidently was hiding her fear well.

    Yes. He stepped up, We’re all together. His talk earlier had suggested they all could order exactly what they wanted, and now he realized how absolutely stupid that would have been, even if they would have had plenty of time and no black uniforms were there, We’d like eight plain hamburgers, eight small fries, and eight small soft drinks, for here.

    As the young girl began tapping in their order, he almost expected to hear some complaints, but there were none, And we would like that same order to go, minus the drinks. Is that possible?

    Yes, Sir. Again the girl’s voice sounded fine, but he still saw the fear in her eyes, They’re already working on your order in back. She then rang up the second order and said an amount. He handed it over. She took the money, made change, And now I will go help.

    Thank you. In turning he saw again the three black uniforms. They had their food but weren’t eating. All three still had their face shields down, how the hell can they eat that way?

    The girls had moved to a table large enough to seat them all. He looked away from the black uniforms and walked to join his family and hand out the soft drink cups. Through peripheral vision he noticed two of the uniforms look at each other, possibly say something, then all three lifted their shields part way and began eating, well, at least we know they’re flesh and blood, and need food, but human? Good question.

    When he reached the table he handed out the cups. Everybody got up to fill their own. Luckily, the soft drink dispenser was in a different direction from the black uniforms. But their water jugs were too large for the dispenser.

    At the table again, Noni handed the jugs to him. Her eyes were, well, he wasn’t sure, but obviously she wanted him to take care of their water. He didn’t blame her. He handed Jocelyn’s hand to, Beth, would you take care of Jocelyn, please?

    No. Jocelyn stepped back and hung tightly onto his hand, but didn’t say more.

    Beth looked surprised at Jocelyn’s reaction…but not hurt.

    Okay, honey, you stay with me. He grasped Noni’s water jugs, walked back to the counter, and tried to see into the kitchen area. The young girl from the till saw him and returned, Something else, Sir?

    Yes. Could you fill these two jugs with water, please?

    He heard the scrape of chair legs. The girl vaguely jerked toward the uniforms, then stepped back, but did grab the jugs. Her fear had left her eyes and gone to her face. Jocelyn had a hold of his right hand on his side facing the uniforms. She moved against him and gripped him with both hands. Very gently he moved her to his other side as the uniform approached, and stopped not three feet away, "A moment ago you made a large order of food, Sir, and now you are asking for extra water…?

    The uniform’s voice had a slight accent to it but he couldn’t place it. European for certain, maybe German…have the Nazis re-arisen?

    Yes, we’re traveling. A vague answer to a more-than-vague question.

    What is your destination?

    For the strangest reason he didn’t want to say North Dakota, and he had no idea why he didn’t, so, North Dakota. All the man—or whatever it was—had to do was look out the window and see the North Dakota license plates.

    Do you live there? The face shield sort of blocked the voice, making it sound…almost like a recording, or some other stupid thing—didn’t sound right, anyway!

    Why is he asking? But, Yes.

    Do you have… The man—or whatever it was—hesitated "…family there?" Wasn’t he sure what he wanted to ask?

    Olivia! came a voice from the kitchen, Your order’s up!

    The young girl spun and hurried away.

    The uniform didn’t seem exceedingly bright. Carter hoped the distraction would be enough, so faced him directly, So, can we have the water then, and maybe I can go join my family and eat.

    You have a large family, Sir.

    Yes, I do. So, may I join them?


    And get the water?

    …? The uniform appeared to lose his chain of thought, shook his head a bit, left to right, and again, left to right, Of course, Sir.

    The young girl from the till appeared with the food and heard the uniform, I’ll bring your water right away, Sir, and the cook is preparing your extra order.

    Thank you, young lady. He turned to join his adopted family, and didn’t look at the young girl again, or the black uniform.

    At the table he finally released Jocelyn’s hand and sat. She stayed right beside him and did not reach for something to eat. He looked at her. There definitely was something on her face he had not seen before, like she had seen something that frightened her. He reached around her waist, pulled her close, and leaned down, You’re okay, sweetheart, now you better eat. You’ll feel better.

    Okay, Grandpa. She did grasp a hamburger then, opened the package, took a small bite, chewed a bit and swallowed, and started to take a second bite, but seemed to gag, so it wasn’t going to happen. She looked back up at him.

    It’s okay, sweetie, just wrap your burger up again, I’ll hang onto it for you, and you can eat it later.

    "She smiled and did exactly that, then began on the fries. They were easier for her.

    Nobody was talking. He wished somebody would.

    Here’s your water, Sir, and I’ll bring the extra order as soon as it’s ready. The young girl

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