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Moon Love
Moon Love
Moon Love
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Moon Love

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After being stuck on earth when the door to the realm of the gods and goddesses slams shut, Luna, Moon Goddess, indulges in sexual frolicking with neither care nor consequences. Until the night she is abducted, forced to use her erotic skills to line the pockets of four friends.

She meets a beautiful young Mereling—a mortal man like her captors, but alluringly different—and for the first time in her very long life begins to understand the difference between lust and love. Her newfound ability to love Merelings gives her the capacity to feel grief and awakens not only her own compassion, but that of her abductors.

How will she deal with the inevitable? She is immortal, and they must each die? What happens when she follows them to the Underworld? And how does she get to where she lives today, shining her light on all lovers?

Release dateMay 16, 2015
Moon Love

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    Moon Love - Hester St. Jean

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Moon Love

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2015 by Hester St. Jean

    ISBN: 978-1-61333-842-1

    Cover art by Syneca Featherstone

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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    My Seattle sisters in writing

    Moon Love


    Hester St. Jean

    A Beyond Fairytales

    Adaptation of Grimms’ The Moon

    Chapter One

    Lust and Light

    This is the story of how I learned to love. My brother and I had come down to the surface to explore the world of Merelings when the cosmic brawl broke out. You may have heard of it. Titans and Olympians, each side determined to obliterate the other in spite of their family ties, or perhaps even because of them. When the first thunderbolt tore the sky, I climbed a young oak tree and pulled a cloud around myself to hide my light. Instinct told me to avoid taking sides. My brother hurried back to his chariot parked at the edge of the sky, urging me to follow, but I cowered, clinging to the tree branch. Then came the boulders, a frightful noise. The earth shuddered and shook from the violent combat; the sky itself moaned and sobbed. In Mereling terms, the carnage continued for a decade, during which I huddled and my brother tried in vain to call me out. He would not leave me there alone; I would not expose myself to the fury of our parents and grandparents to dare join him. My brother was calling to me from his far horizon when it happened: a great rending of the fabric, so sudden and awful, and then a crack and a scream. I could see my twin look down from his distant chariot. Then we both turned eyes upward and looked at the sky just in time to see it slam shut.

    Oh, yes, I can tell you a story worth your coin, old man. And I’m full aware you will profit from it. This suits me well. I’ve lost my fondness for long conversation so am happy to speak it just one more time in its entirety. If you make a fortune on it, I will be content. If you find no one to pay you to tell it, well, it’s the risk a bard like you takes, isn’t it?

    I think you will find, though, it is a tale worth telling. An important tale, first of bawdiness then of theft and betrayal. Yet it will lead, I promise you, to the conclusion you say your audiences crave.

    Tell them this, Ancient One. Once upon a time, I ruled the night sky, and do again. My brother the sun and I were born of love. Not all can make such a claim, whether Immortal or Mereling. But because we dallied, curious about this land of Merelings, preferring play here over the weighty and tedious violence of the goings on among the Immortals, we came to be lodged in this place of Life and Death.

    Someday, perhaps we will find our way home. If we should someday wish to return. Or some night. In either case, if we do, it will leave the world where we take turns bestowing light in near total darkness, with only the stars to see in the sky.

    And while I ached for many long eons to see the land from whence I came once more, I’ve come to know peace, and yes, happiness ever after—or as close to it as any Mereling can measure—in my current circumstances.

    Stay a while, friend. Settle your bones on my favorite beach here under my light, stoke your pipe, and listen to my tale.

    When the door of the heavens shut on us, we found we were stuck, my twin and I, on opposite sides of the sky. I made my home by day in a hut built into the side of a hill, a cave of comfort for my sleeping hours, for I’ve always slept by day. By night, while my brother slept, I lived in an old oak tree in a land called Hedon—a place of laughter and pleasure taking. Every evening I climbed up the boards nailed to the trunk of the oak tree and settled into the crook of the lowest bough. I liked having my back to the branches. It gave me a perch from which to view the young people of the town, and them an opportunity to study me, a study they undertook quite frequently. I glowed, vibrant and round, and my beauty compelled the attention not only of the young men and women, but everyone who raised eyes to the night sky from the youngest child to the most ancient and infirm.

    We all had appetites, and I made my living in that time and place in a way which satisfied my own. My sexual hungers tended toward the excessive—for I was, as I’ve said, and still am an Immortal. I sold my hungers, and while I slaked my thirst for sex, my lust sated that of my customers. Each of them declared his, and occasionally her, happiness to pay for the pleasure of my company.

    The mayor of our village, Old Fishbreath,

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