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Tales of Life and Beyond
Tales of Life and Beyond
Tales of Life and Beyond
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Tales of Life and Beyond

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About this ebook

"Tales of Life and Beyond" is the début collection of four short stories by writer, Bradley Atkins. The stories range from the streets of South London circa the 1980's, through to more spiritual works exploring death and religion.

Behind the Scenes: explores the relationship between an estranged daughter and her well-to-do mother.
Bonnington Square Cafè: Gives us a glimpse into the squatting scene in South London during the 1980's. The story, originally written for a short story competition, is a snapshot of a few moments that culminate in an personal epiphany.
The Grave: Takes a poignant look at the aftermath of personal loss.
The Choir: An examination of hypocrisy and disordered thought from an unexpected viewpoint...

At the end of the book, we catch a glimpse of the exciting new mystery novel due for completion later this year. A dark and comic look at the world of The church and The Sex Trade, through the exploits of an engaging Afro-Caribbean Church of England priest named, Victory DeMonick. A work rich in lively characters enjoying a bronco ride of a plot.

Release dateMay 3, 2015
Tales of Life and Beyond

Bradley Atkins

I love to write fiction, it's a glorious escape from the routine of my work as an IT engineer.To be able to immerse yourself in realities of your own creation. Well... ‘It don’t get no better than that!’I like to mix up my genres, I think it keeps me fresh as a writer and broadens the scope for learning something new.As for novels, I have two on the go — one is science fiction and the other a mystery, set around the Church and the Sex Trade. I’ve set myself the goal of completing the latter book this year and publishing it via the Smashwords site.I have just pulled together a collection of short stories and compiled them for publication as an eBook. This is now available for free from this site and will remain free. I am leaving it available at that price as a way of introducing myself to the reading public prior to the release of my début novel later in the year.

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    Tales of Life and Beyond - Bradley Atkins

    Tales of Life and Beyond


    Bradley Atkins

    Published by Bradley Atkins at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Bradley Atkins

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Behind the Scenes

    Bonnington Square Café

    The Grave

    The Choir

    The forest

    About the Author

    Contact Me

    Coming Soon

    The Passion of Lettice Treadwell


    The Dungeon

    Estelle: The Divine and the Dead

    Sid: Mrs Whitehouse

    Behind the Scenes

    Thanks to the Bank-Holiday exodus, the pavements were clear of pedestrians. The normal denizens of these Hampstead streets, the well-heeled with their Volvo 4x4’s and Subaru Foresters, had fled for the coast and other points outbound, their tailgates burdened with racked bicycles and other sporting equipment.

    Beretta exploited the extra space by flipping her skateboard from pavement to tarmac and back again as she slalomed down the Chalk Farm Road. There was an animalistic, almost predatory quickness about her navigation of the street furniture, her fluid, sinewy movements exhibiting a feline and sensual grace.

    The way she left it to the last second before swinging around some obstacle, as though toying with an imaginary audience that gasped and marvelled at her daring, hinted at the frustrated exhibitionist within the gothic façade.

    In keeping with the theatrical performance, her appearance was striking, not just the loudness of her cosmetics, but also the dramatic appearance of her clothing. Her long black trench coat flapped and danced in the air around her and the sheen on her tight black leggings caught the sun, adding attractive highlights to the muscle-play beneath. The stainless steel grommets and aglets of her black satin basque flashed bright in the sun.

    Beretta flipped the board onto the road to avoid a woman walking a fluffy white puppy. Startled by her rapid approach, it danced and boxed on the end of its leash, yelping excitedly. Beretta smiled and waved she passed, then shifted her stance and ground the brake pad into the road surface to slow for the junction with Regents Park Road. The rumble of the wheels was replaced by the loud dragging noise as the gritty road surface bit into the plastic brake pad. The pup darted behind its owner’s legs and peered out from behind her ankles, frightened by the aggressive sound.

    Oh. Sorry, darling! Beretta laughed and cast an apologetic glance at its mistress, who returned a bemused smile.

    The lights turned from green to amber as she approached, she jumped them, skimming through the chequered yellow boxes and leaning into a tight left turn into Crogsland Road.

    Her Bluetooth earpiece chirruped and shivered.

    Straightening her stance, she let the board slow as she reached up and touched the switch on its side. She began a gentle weave from side to side to check her pace while she answered the call.

    You’ve reached Berretta’s voicemail. You know what to do. Beeeep.

    The line was quiet for a few seconds, the only sound the rumble of the wheels against the road.

    So you recorded this message while you were on your board? Princess, you’re so nimble, so agile; - I’m envious.

    She grinned, That’s right you clever bastard, so leave a bleeding message.

    Ha ha ha… I’m too sharp for you, B.

    So it seems, Guido. What you doing still awake at this hour? Last time I saw you it was three in the morning and you’d just dropped an E.

    Still on fire, B. Still on fire…

    Truth to tell he sounded shattered but Beretta didn’t argue.

    I was wondering where you’d got to. One minute you were dancing with that gorgeous hunk of manhood, the next you’d disappeared. No goodbyes for Guido. Just poof and you were gone.

    Beretta laughed, Crap. You were so shitfaced you didn’t even notice me say goodbye.

    Guido moderated the guilt, Yeah. I was pretty wrecked….

    I’ll say. Last time I spoke to you, you were drooling over poor Jezz like a dog with a bone.

    A dog! Really, dear. You’re the one who’s being bitchy….

    She boosted the board up onto the kerb to get out of the way of a car that had pulled out in front of her of her.

    ‘Fucking arsehole!’

    She gave the driver the finger as he drove off. He must have been checking her out in the mirror because he returned the gesture.

    Guido yawned audibly, Look, that gorgeous guy who was all over you last night, did you get his number?

    For fuck’s sake, G. He’s straight! She was annoyed now and it sounded in her voice.

    Easy, Guido sounded hurt, "just calling to see if you’re safe. Why are you always so touchy when you’re coming down?

    Anyway, he wouldn’t be the first straight boy I’ve rescued from hetero-hell.

    He might be the last if you’re not careful. He was built like a tank. Remember - some of these straight boys get a little over-excited when you come onto them. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen you do a runner. Anyway, I didn’t get his number, he’s not my type.

    B! What happened to solidarity sister? If I hadn’t wanted him I’d have been happy to pass him onto you…

    Sure. She was chuckling, Like I’ve ever seen you turn away a piece of ass.

    Easy, easy! I do have standards you know. His tone became sly, Just cause they happen to be extremely low standards, doesn’t mean you can stoop to abuse.

    Beretta laughed again and braked for the Prince of Wales Road. She looked up and down the street before leaning right and rolling down the hill toward Kentish Town.

    What’cha want, G? I’m busy.

    Busy? It’s Sunday fucking morning, Precious. Haven’t you heard? It’s a day of rest for God’s sake. Says it in the Bible and everythin’.

    Beretta grimaced, I’m not working... Just on my way to see my mum, that’s all.

    Your mum, I thought you hated her?

    She jumped the board off the pavement and swung recklessly across to the other side of the road, boosting it over the kerb with a flick of her toes and narrowly avoiding the projecting edge of a broken paving slab.

    She recovered her equilibrium, I don’t hate her. She’s too pathetic to hate.

    Yeah… You gotta watch that raging indifference, Honeybun. It can take over if you ain’t careful.

    Oh ha-fucking-ha. That’s just so fucking deep, Guido

    Beretta stopped at the end of the road. She ground the brake pad into the paving, the nose of the board held high. She paused there for a few moments, one hand grasping a street lamp.

    What you going to see her for at this time of the morning?

    I dunno… Thought she might be good for a few quid. She’s in town today and wanted to meet up. What do you care anyway? This your business all of a sudden?

    For God’s sake, B. You should listen to yourself when you’re coming down. You’re like a bear with a sore crack.

    Well if it wasn’t for you and for her, I’d be curled up in my bed like any civilised party girl on a Sunday morning.

    Beretta looked down the hill, her destination was within sight.

    G. I gotta go guy. Her tone clipped and final.

    "Alright, babe. Take care and tried not to get into

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