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TideBreakers: Prize Seven
TideBreakers: Prize Seven
TideBreakers: Prize Seven
Ebook17 pages13 minutes

TideBreakers: Prize Seven

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A self contained short story in the TideBreakers universe: an unescorted freighter proves too great a temptation for submarine pirates Leif Schreiber and Jaarko Jansson. Venturing into the dangerous waters of the Pearson Trench, they encounter a terrifying threat that Schreiber must delve into his past to overcome.

Release dateApr 12, 2015
TideBreakers: Prize Seven

Duncan Stockwell

When I was very little, I used to wear three or four hats at the same time; I couldn’t decide which was best, so I just wore all of my favourites. As soon as I could hold a pen and a plectrum, I was exactly the same with telling stories. I completed two degrees in creative and professional writing, but even then a project was never just one thing; I’d write it, draw it, sometimes even compose soundtrack-music for it as if it was a film. For me, it was just a natural extension of the story-creation process.My TideBreakers project started as a world I could tell stories in. Very soon it became a world that I wanted to give to people so they could make their own awesome stories in as well. Having already worked on artwork and graphics, a TideBreakers card game was an easy step to make and the story series and card-game have been inter-connected almost from the project’s first inception.I started TideBreakers when I was about fourteen, and there have been challenges and changes since then, but the project has held firm in my imagination. I’ve kept writing, I’ve kept drawing and I’ve kept composing music. The TideBreakers world is as strong as it ever was and I want to share my story and let other people play the game to tell their own. If you'd like more information about the game, you can download the rules and free samples at If you'd like to start a crew and embark on your own TideBreakers adventure, you can support me on for access to exclusive card game components.It'd be great if you'd like to join me on this adventure and hopefully many more story adventures in the future. Rest assured that I will never stop creating, in one form or another!I also still wear hats, though nowadays it’s one at a time.Usually.

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    Book preview

    TideBreakers - Duncan Stockwell

    TideBreakers Prologue Story:

    Prize Seven

    By Duncan Stockwell

    Copyright 2015 Duncan Stockwell

    Smashwords Edition, License notes

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favourite authorised retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Two subs powered southwards wing-to-wing under a gloomy wind-rocked subside. They were a mismatched pair: one was the small and bulky shape of a Thresher, custom fitted with racks of harpoons and a drop-core under the fuselage. The other was the longer frame of an old-model Zaratan outfitted with additional canons and brand-new hacking units under its wings – their untarnished gleam made them stand-out against the tired appearance of the rest of the sub.

    Both crafts had paintjobs faded by time and lacklustre maintenance. The only thing uniform about them were the bubble trails they cut through the water, the orange glow of

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