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Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance)
Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance)
Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance)
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Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance)

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Octavia Martin keeps life simple writing music reviews for Edson College’s infamous blog. But in one dramatic moment her simple life is flipped upside down by one legendary man, Nev Kellerton, the lead singer of a rock band she negatively reviewed. His playful arrogance irritates her. His pale beauty annoys her. His pull with her editor totally infuriates her. But his erotic touch and whispered promises melts all her defenses.

Nev has no time for negative music reviews, especially from an opinionated human female who doesn’t know the difference between old school and new school rock. But her curvaceous figure intrigues him. Her mocha skin and full lips excites him. And her outspoken nature and strange humor totally turns him on.

But Octavia isn’t what she appears to be—and neither is he.

PublisherKasey Moone
Release dateMar 2, 2015
Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance)

Kasey Moone

Kasey is an All Romance and Phaze bestselling interracial romance author whose writing career began at twelve with the publication of the much beloved "Trouble in Rainbow Land". Her stories have been described as funny, erotic interracial romances with a lot of heart. She lives in the beautiful state of North Carolina, and enjoys critiquing movies, hiking, dancing, and daydreaming. Stay inform about new releases and free giveaways from Kasey by signing up for her mailing list at her website or by emailing her directly at She loves hearing from readers.

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    Campus Kiss (An Edson College Romance) - Kasey Moone

    Campus Kiss

    An Edson College Romance

    Book Three

    By Kasey Moone

    This book is dedicated to Cathy for your encouragement.

    Other Titles by Kasey Moone

    Campus Touch {Edson College Series}

    Campus Prowl {Edson College Series}

    Nighttime at Willow Bay

    Watch Me, Watch You

    Her Snowbound Knight

    Overtime Play

    The Wolf Who Loved Her

    Bubble Bath Delight

    Campus Kiss {Edson College Series}

    Coming soon

    Campus Heat {book 4, Edson College Series}

    All Rights Reserved

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    Cover by Kasey Moone

    Copyright© February 2015 Kasey Moone

    Chapter One

    It always left a bad taste in his mouth. Particularly when he knew that it wasn’t true. Sitting at his computer desk at home, Nev Kellerton reread the music review and sank lower in his chair, letting every negative word and phrase sink in.

    Words and phrases like not promising and unoriginal and hack of a band. Language that was seriously affecting his mood! Then he sucked in a calming breath and cracked his knuckles. At the top of the review, the author’s name loomed like a dark sky. Ms. Keepin’ It Real was what she called herself. Ball buster!

    She wrote music reviews for the arts and lifestyle section of Edson College’s campus blog, and she had it out for him! Why else the negative reviews? And how could a reviewer who didn’t know the difference between old school and new school rock call herself Ms. Keepin’ It Real. More like Ms. I Don’t Know Shit About The Musical Talent Greatness That Is The Rat Patrol, which was the name of his rock band.

    He’d been lead guitarist and singer of the indie rock band The Rat Patrol for five years. It had taken one year to put the band together. Two years to garner an impressive reputation in Detroit’s competitive band scene. One additional year to market and brand the band fittingly. And several months to make headway with the local record labels. But all of his progress was in jeopardy because of the woman’s reviews, and that bothered the shit out of him. Some people were even starting to quote her—his cousins included!

    This Ms. Keepin’ It Real, this reviewer, was accusing The Rat Patrol of being unoriginal! Of being…an untalented techno beat wannabe hack of a band! What the fuck! He reread that last line, and took another deep breath. That was a low blow there, but he had to congratulate her for phrasing. She was a clever female—good with words and shit.

    Snarling a little, he scrolled down the review once more as his mind exploded with questions. Who was she? Music major? English major? Bullshit major? A fellow student at Edson College? She had to be, for she only published articles in the college’s popular campus blog, and he was pretty sure they only hired students to do that job, so she had to be a student. But what was her real name? What did she look like? Had he known her before? Had he bruised her ego and now she sought revenge, taking it out on his awesome band? The only damn thing he truly cared about? He took a deep breath, somewhat mollified by the idea.

    Yeah, that had to be it. She was out for revenge. Had to be.

    Despite his foul mood, he chuckled, relieved by the possibility.


    They could be a vengeful bunch. A real handful as his kin liked to say. All it would take would be a little smooth talking and fucking to mellow the lady out, and who knew, maybe she’d reward him with a good review for once! Shit, he could only hope! He hadn’t received such negative feedback since his freshman Biology course four years ago—and even then, he’d passed!

    A snarl sounded from him.

    It just didn’t add-up.

    He was Nev Kellerton. All around golden boy on campus. He knew all the ladies, and all the ladies knew him. Everyone liked him. His family was one of the oldest, strongest werewolf packs in the metro Detroit area, though few knew about his true heritage on campus. And he ruled by his looks, his charisma, his devil-may-care attitude. He was the man, man. The quintessential alpha. He was Nev Kellerton!

    He just bet Ms. Keepin’ It Real was some fuck buddy gone bad. If he could convince her to give him another shot, he would keep them both howling all night.

    He grinned, amused by his thoughts. Sometimes he could be a real dick, but hey, it was in his genes he supposed. One thing for sure, his reputation as lead singer of The Rat Patrol was in serious jeopardy if he continued to let the reviewer, Ms. Keepin’ It Real, keep writing her ball busting reviews. His band was just starting to get noticed by the big record labels so he couldn’t have any bad publicity, especially from his own damn campus in a place like Detroit, where community respect mattered. Shit…she was giving him a bad fucking name! And word of mouth was a bitch. This was his second bad review from the woman in a month and they just kept getting worse by the minute.

    He couldn’t have some little human woman fuck up his reputation because she was tone deaf. Music was his passion. His love. His everything. He growled again. Wouldn’t hurt to pay Ms. Keepin’ It Real a visit. The Communications Building remained opened on Saturday afternoons, so the blog headquarters was bound to be open. Time to show Ms. Keepin’ It Real that she wasn’t the only who kept it real. Pissed off werewolves could keep it real, too.

    Chapter Two

    Octavia Martin rushed through the front doors of Edson College’s Communications Building that Saturday morning, stroking her forehead to soothe the beginning of a headache. She dug in her bag and withdrew a bottle of water, swallowing down its contents quickly, and then stopped in the lobby to catch her breath, her eyes roaming to the stairwell entry. The top floor of the brick building held the newspaper and English department’s main offices; the bottom floor, the sordid campus blog.

    Octavia tossed the water bottle in a nearby trashcan, and took the stairwell to the ground floor, wondering why the hell she was on campus on a Saturday morning. No one came in on Saturday mornings. No one with a life that is.

    Muttering incoherently to herself, she reached the bottom floor and walked down the winding hallway that led to the blog, glancing occasionally at the popular news stories that decorated the walls in shiny, black plaques. One of which was a story about Professor Sudan’s infamous plagiarism discovery last semester. Octavia grunted. The campus blog had officially broke the story, but the newspaper folks had snatched all the glory as usual. Traitorous bastards!

    At the entranceway to the blog’s main office, she hesitated, wondering how she was going to finish the workload in her bag. She had approximately two hours to finish her latest music review, and three hours to finish her literary criticism homework. Sometimes she wondered if receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Communications at Ridgehill College worth the workload she endured. Not only did she have to commute between Edson College and Ridgehill College because of her dual student status, but she also had to complete double the amount of work. Winter Break was a week old, and she was already swamped.


    Swallowing thickly, she entered the blog’s main office, pleased to see several familiar faces.

    At least she wasn’t the only one who didn’t have a life.

    Roughly ten to fifteen students worked in the office any given day. Most were seniors like herself or graduate students. Some were international students working the blog for class credit.

    Her friend Sabrina Tellers suddenly appeared by her side. Sabrina was in a similar Bachelor of Arts Communications program, though she actually attended Edson full-time, unlike her part-time status.

    Hey, girl, said Sabrina, running her hands through her long, blonde hair. What are you doing here?

    Octavia smirked. Sabrina was the only white girl she knew who looked like a Barbie doll and talked like a sista. They were total opposites—and best friends.

    You know girl, working like a slave like always!

    They laughed.

    Sabrina’s smile turned into a thoughtful frown. You know my ancestors were a part of the Abolitionist Movement, right?

    Brie, don’t start up with that nonsense again!

    But they were. My ancestors weren’t all racists.

    Octavia rolled her eyes. Will you shut up already? It’s too damn early in the morning for that white guilt of yours.

    "Okay, okay, but hey, you really shouldn’t be here. You’re always here. You’ll start

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