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Exiled: Autumn's Peril: Chronicles of Caleath
Exiled: Autumn's Peril: Chronicles of Caleath
Exiled: Autumn's Peril: Chronicles of Caleath
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Exiled: Autumn's Peril: Chronicles of Caleath

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Exiled and driven by guilt and vengeance, Caleath, adept in virtual reality games, finds himself on a world where magic rules. Assassins hunt him, ghosts haunt his nights, a sorcerer covets his knowledge and a beautiful hostage complicates his escape.Washed ashore from the wreck of the Albatross, tortured in mind and body, Caleath uses his dreaded nanobots in order to survive and reluctantly befriends the young Gwilt Their search for the survey satellite, which could lead Caleath home, unveils the terrifying world of 'a dark soul, black magic and a bloody sword'.On this perilous journey, an assassin destroys Caleath's healing nanobots, and exiles from his home planet follow his every move. He takes the beautiful Nasith, of the Ferran clan, hostage to keep the assassins at bay, but her presence endangers him more. A sorcerer forces Caleath to aid the Council of Mages when he discovers Caleath carries vital knowledge that could save the Sharyac people from the invading Tarack, a species of giant ants.
Release dateSep 7, 2011
Exiled: Autumn's Peril: Chronicles of Caleath

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    Book preview

    Exiled - Rosalie Skinner

    Back Cover

    Sci-Fi Fantasy by Rosalie Skinner

    Exiled and driven by guilt and vengeance, Caleath, adept in virtual reality games, finds himself on a world where magic rules. Assassins hunt him, ghosts haunt his nights, a sorcerer covets his knowledge and a beautiful hostage complicates his escape.

    Washed ashore from the wreck of the Albatross, tortured in mind and body, Caleath uses his dreaded nanobots in order to survive and reluctantly befriends the young Gwilt. Their search for the survey satellite, which could lead Caleath home, unveils the terrifying world of ‘a dark soul, black magic and a bloody sword’.

    On this perilous journey, an assassin destroys Caleath’s healing nanobots, and exiles from his home planet follow his every move. He takes the beautiful Nasith, of the Ferran clan, hostage to keep the assassins at bay, but her presence endangers him more. A sorcerer forces Caleath to aid the Council of Mages when he discovers Caleath carries vital knowledge that could save the Sharyac people from the invading Tarack, a species of giant ants.

    Exiled: Autumn’s Peril © 2011 by Rosalie Skinner

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    MuseItUp Publishing

    14878 James, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada, H9H 1P5

    Cover Art © 2011 by Delilah K. Stephans

    Edited by Lea Schizas

    Copyedited by Christine I. Speakman

    Layout and Book Production by Lea Schizas

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-927085-52-3

    First eBook Edition * September 2011

    The Chronicles of Caleath

    Exiled: Autumn’s Peril

    Exiled: Winter’s Curse

    Exiled: The Legacy of Lathraine’s Pledge

    Exiled: The Battle for Enderseer Hold

    Invaded: The Darkest Day

    Underground: The Day of the Sun

    Adrift: In Search of Memory

    Adrift: The Fragile Sun


    The Chronicles of Caleath Series: Book One


    MuseItUp Publishing


    Dedicated to Trisha, whose smile in the face of adversity has been my inspiration.


    So many people have supported my writing. Thanks must go to Fiona Irving for starting the dream, Ruth Williams and Wendy Laharnar for continued support; my family for their patience and enthusiasm; Mick Pollock, Tim StClair, and Trisha, for my website; and of course Lea Schizas for believing in the story, and the team at MuseItUp Publishing for making a dream come true.

    Chapter One

    Around him, floating debris stood testament to the death throes of The Albatross and her battle with Nature’s spite.

    Balls of a hairy goat! The oath came with a surge of elation. Salvation lay beyond a final line of breakers. Caleath’s determination returned when he saw the fractured spar of the mizzen mast dumped on a narrow beach. He renewed his hold on a waterlogged barrel and struggled against the storm’s spent fury.

    He gulped air before the next wave struck. The crashing foam tore the barrel from his grasp. Without support, the weight of his companion’s body dragged him underwater. After keeping the blacksmith alive for so long, Caleath refused to lose him within sight of land.

    Panic drove adrenaline through pulsing veins and gave him the strength to heave his burden to the surface. Despite salt water trying to fill his lungs, he remained afloat until the maelstrom dumped him onto solid ground.

    Slumped on a beach beneath driving rain, he could not relax. With each successive wave, he lugged his companion’s body higher onto the shore. A greedy undertow dissolved the sand beneath his feet, but Caleath held ground against Nature’s fickle temper. Dragging air into tortured lungs, he waited for the next incoming surge.

    Having survived the shipwreck, he hoped saving the life of his companion might serve toward providing redemption for the dark morass of his past.

    A tumble of rocks offered protection from the wind. In their care, Caleath examined his shipmate. He cleaned a calloused finger, gritty with sand, and searched for a pulse or the telltale warmth of living flesh. Life pumped beneath clammy skin, and the smith still breathed in ragged spurts. With a sigh of satisfaction, Caleath relaxed.

    Eyes closed. Fatigue plagued every cell of his body. To succumb to dreams before dawn meant facing the ghosts that haunted his nights. Instead, he mulled over the task ahead, concentrating on how he would escape this accursed planet. Only then could he focus on revenge.

    With a curse, he vowed to punish the man who abducted him and left him stranded on this world where sorcerers and slavery existed.

    Anger warmed his blood while he contemplated how Ephraim would die.

    * * * *

    Despite his determination, sleep overwhelmed him but offered no peace of mind. Scrutinized by the sightless eyes of drowned men, panic plagued his dreams. Hungry for vengeance and corrupted by the stench of watery decay, their angry spirits sought to destroy his sanity.

    In his vision, strands of hair washed like seaweed across the disintegrating flesh of dead sailors. Tides of marine scavengers reduced humanity to bare bone and memory. Ghostly accusations spread on the current to drown him in guilt. Lifeless skulls and partially devoured corpses of the recently drowned whispered curses. They laid the blame for their demise on his shoulders. Fleshless fingers reached through the depths to draw him into Death’s grasp while parasitic wraiths gnawed at his soul and his lungs filled with the fetor of a carnivore’s breath.

    Caleath woke from the nightmare. Daylight drove barbs into his eyes, forcing him to blink before he could focus on the muzzle of a salivating wolf.

    Fangs gleamed inches from his face and amber eyes regarded him without blinking.

    Hunger, thirst, and the will to survive overcame any fear a wolf might evoke. Terror dissolved before a snarl. Caleath lifted an arm to fend off the creature’s curious approach. When the wolf backed away, hackle and tail raised, he knew the beast would not hinder his escape from this planet. Nothing would ruin his chance of escape. Not an angry wolf, nor reoccurring nightmares, nor Death herself could stop him while nanobots flowed in his bloodstream.

    Two things struck him as unfortunate. The arm he tried to lift remained bound to his companion’s unconscious body. Sodden rope limited movement and brought the present situation into focus. Memories roused. He managed to survive the shipwreck, spent days adrift in a storm-ridden ocean and succeeded in keeping the smith alive. Being one handed, now, was a minor problem. A new menace needed sorting.

    Stilling his racing heartbeat, Caleath focused on the weight of cold steel against the flesh of his neck. Heavy enough to draw blood the blade glinted in the sunlight. Caleath could see white knuckles strangling the sword’s hilt.

    Riante tol? The voice of a young man trembled, but pressure applied to the blade emphasized each word. Caleath half closed his eyes. As if drifting off for a few seconds, he maneuvered his other hand to ensure nothing hampered its movement.

    While the wolf stood close enough to share warmth, Caleath accessed data stored on microchips in his brain.

    These implanted discs, the size of a single cell, carried information he collected during his lifetime. Able to download and utilize knowledge in an instant, he accessed languages, culture, or geography from across a dozen galaxies. Technology from his home world stood him in good stead when he extracted the youth’s language from stored data. He drew on souvenirs of another galaxy, collected during his previous career as a surveyor of unexplored planets.

    You can call me…Caleath. He survived the shipwreck, now he deserved a fresh start. His new persona tried to swallow, but a parched throat made the simple task difficult. Blistered lips bled from days in salt and sun. Coarse words drew a snarl from the wolf. Call off your dog. I will not hurt you.

    The youth’s gaze flicked from the horizon to the cliffs. He seemed to want time to think. The sword weighed heavy on Caleath’s neck while lines of anxiety creased the flesh around the boy’s eyes.

    Before the youth made a decision, Caleath moved. His fist smashed against the wolf’s jaw. The creature recoiled with a yelp. When the young man’s attention faltered, Caleath twisted one arm around the flat of the blade that rested across his neck. His hand grasped the haft of the sword, while he used his bodyweight to lever the weapon free of the youth’s hand. Before he slammed the blade into the sand, out of harm’s way, Caleath used the sword to free himself from the rough hemp rope.

    You won’t need that. You’re likely to get hurt. He brushed sand from his hands. This man needs help.

    Recovering its dignity, the wolf growled and remained out of reach. The youth’s eyes widened and sweat beaded on his brow. His gaze dropped to his empty hands before he wiped them on his leggings.

    What is your name? Caleath prompted conversation while he struggled to lift his companion. With a grunt, he managed to hoist the older man’s arm across his shoulder. Only then did he take stock of the youth’s homespun garments and ingeniously tailored skins.

    From bare feet to his head of sandy hair the boy exuded health and vitality. His expression seemed honest and unused to the shadow of fear that haunted his brow.

    Green eyes glinted in the dawn light while the youth watched Caleath.

    Gwilt. My name is Gwilt.

    Glancing at the boy’s bare feet Caleath nodded.

    You live near here. Help me get this man to shelter and you can have any of the bounty we can salvage.

    I could have killed you. Gwilt shaded his eyes as he scanned the strewn wreckage. So this could all have been mine anyhow.

    Caleath perused the storm torn headland where he crawled ashore. Wooden chests, barrels, and shattered wreckage from The Albatross littered the beach.

    With a smile, he hoisted his burden higher. The boy might have been right, only Caleath did not intend to die, nor would he allow his companion to come to harm.

    You might find my death a little hard to arrange. You missed the opportunity, Gwilt. Caleath took a tentative step. I take your point though. I shall rely on your generosity. As he shifted his weight, pain ripped across his back and cramps from starvation made him stagger. The older man slid from his grasp and Caleath doubled over fighting the pain. The startled wolf lunged forward, drawing a curse from Caleath’s cracked lips.

    Cyd. No! Before the creature connected with flesh, Gwilt grabbed its thick fur. Caleath took a moment to recover. He lifted himself, trying to make light his weakness by scuffing the soft sand and debris snagging his feet.

    The youth seemed to appraise every movement. When Gwilt released the animal, he cast his gaze over Caleath’s clothing. Feeling naked before such scrutiny, Caleath brushed accumulated sand from his attire. He tugged the sleeve of his shirt and coat to cover an implant lying beneath the skin of his forearm.

    If the boy shared the wolf’s distrust… No, the idea did not bear thinking about. On a good day, he knew he appeared unkempt and he had heard the intensity of his gaze, alone, could be frightening.

    Sand shifted beneath his bare feet as he adjusted tattered leggings dragged awry when the smith slumped against him. He shrugged the coarse hemp shirt he wore higher onto his shoulders. Days in the water reduced the garment to little more than rags and his coat had seen better days. Salt encrusted the clothes he wore. Stained, torn, and too large for his slight frame, they told a sorry tale.

    Matted blond hair fell across eyes, once described as the color of an ocean on a sultry day. Exposed flesh on Caleath’s ankles and wrists showed recent injury and caused the youth’s expression to narrow while tight creases tugged at the corners of his eyes. Caleath tried to appear unconcerned. He could not afford the youth reneging on his offer of aid. A sudden impatient energy spurred him into action.

    Come on, Chesney. Caleath identified his companion, negating the need for introductions. Again, he struggled to lift the other man.

    Chesney, in contrast to Caleath’s ragged garb, dressed well. He wore a linen shirt, embroidered waistcoat and leather leggings. Brass buttons decorated his shirt and a tooled belt complimented his fancy vest. Gwilt’s soft intake of breath showed he appreciated the quality of Chesney’s garments. The old man’s boots alone would fetch, with a little restoration, more than a full-grown boar.

    A much larger man, older, with a rotund gut, his clothes bore days in the ocean without serious damage. Gray hair contrasted with skin burnt bright red from the sun. On exposed extremities sunburned blisters wept. A coarse beard coated in dried salt obscured cracked and bleeding lips. The only sign of life from the smith, apart from the occasional groan, was a snail trail of dribble running across the man’s chin.

    Here, I’ll help you, the boy offered, as if reaching a decision. It’s a fair way. Will you make it?

    Needs must. Caleath accepted the boy’s help with unspoken relief. Adder’s spit! He fought to keep his feet. I need food. He spoke as a mantra to himself rather than for Gwilt’s benefit.

    We have plenty of food. Gwilt wrinkled his nose. Hot and filling.

    Measuring the boy in a glance, Caleath decided hunger did not create problems for the strapping youth. Nor did malnutrition ever give Chesney much grief, judging from the man’s weight grinding into his shoulder.

    The wolf circled the strange trio as they started onto the beach. Although each step demanded resolve, Caleath took his share of Chesney’s weight. He dragged his companion in silence.

    Blood from recent wounds spread warmth inside his shirt. Caleath’s bare feet squelched through damp sand where Gwilt guided them past piles of kelp strewn across the beach. Negotiating through rocks and soft sand left Caleath breathless beyond caring.

    Chesney groaned once and Caleath paused to adjust the man’s weight. He took a moment to catch his breath and survey the beach. A fickle wind brought the scent of damp earth, salt, kelp, and the rank stench of rotting flesh.

    Two bodies lay wasted on the sand. A third floated like a bloated tick in the eddy of each wave. Distended flesh bubbled where maggots writhed beneath translucent skin. Jagged rocks flayed open wounds. The fetid stench of decomposing bowel ebbed and flowed with the tide. Caleath gagged and made a silent vow to see the men buried before he rested.

    At the end of the sweeping beach, a track wound around a rugged headland. Caleath met Gwilt’s unspoken question with a resigned shrug. With no other choice, he needed to face the cliff. The climb took longer and seemed more dangerous than it appeared from the beach. Caleath struggled to keep on his feet. The wolf followed close, but he could find no extra energy to waste on cursing the creature.

    With a final effort, he reached the summit. While Gwilt lowered Chesney to the ground, Caleath sank to his knees. A cold wind pummeled the headland, turning Chesney’s lips a shade of blue and the smith’s hands felt as cold as death. Caleath removed his coat; no longer concerned if Gwilt realized recent injuries came from a flogging.

    If the young man still accepted his presence without feeling threatened, the future boded well. He wrapped the tattered fabric of his jacket around Chesney and shivered when the gale tried to tear the shirt from his back. He could see good sense in Gwilt’s already dry skins. The boy seemed not to feel the cold.

    How far now? Caleath could not stop his teeth chattering. Gwilt scrambled to his feet, grabbed Chesney and lifted him without effort. He gestured with his chin to a hut snuggled into the lee of the cliff.

    You go on ahead. I can manage your friend. Gwilt started forward. You obviously need your strength.

    With a nod, Caleath accepted the youth’s help. He did not have the energy to question the boy’s hospitality. He would cope with whatever motivated the youth later.

    * * * *

    He decided the old stone hut had seen better days. When it provided instant shelter from the wind, he relished the reprieve. While Gwilt maneuvered Chesney inside, Caleath leaned against the doorway. Relief from constant cold gave him a moment to evaluate his surroundings.

    It would take a few days to recover. During that time, would Gwilt’s family support the youth’s offer of shelter? If they did, how would the local villagers welcome survivors of the shipwreck? Caleath didn’t want to think of the problems others of The Albatross’ crew could cause him if they survived. He looked around the small farm, assessing how difficult it would be to defend.

    The cottage nestled into the side of a hill. Sloping away from the cliff face, open ground spread to the edge of a eucalypt forest.

    A path meandered around small patches of garden where a milking goat browsed. The doe seemed untroubled by the wind sweeping across the last of the summer crops and the start of winter planting. A lean-to crowded the end of the hut, where occupants undertook repairs too often without skill. One door opened into the hut and a single window offered a view of anyone approaching. The simple design seemed to indicate the boy had no serious need to defend his home. Nor, from the number of sleeping pallets Caleath counted, did he share the space with a large family. Able to relax a little, Caleath entered the cluttered room.

    Chesney lay on a straw pallet near the fireplace. Gwilt spread a musty bearskin across the sleeping figure. He stoked glowing coals and hunted chickens away from a pot of stew simmering above the embers. Caleath’s gaze rested on the table where another hen explored the remains of a loaf of bread.

    Sudden hunger overwhelmed him. He crossed the room, brushed the chicken aside and snatched at the bread. While he gnawed on a chunk of crust, Caleath found a plate of porridge and started to shovel gruel into his mouth.

    Caleath hesitated, embarrassed by his need. He felt no obligation to explain his condition to the youth. How could he? An explanation would involve dredging through memories of his home planet.

    Now he survived in exile, marooned on a world where his enemy placed assassins to hunt him. Could he explain how the implant alerted him to the proximity of those hunters? Who from this world would understand his ability to heal himself using nanobots, or their demand for a constant energy source? Alternatively, he mused, how could he explain that without access to food, the nanobots began to consume his tissue and left his flesh scarred.

    Gwilt offered him a spoon. How long since you ate? There is stew here. It’s still warm.

    I’m sorry. Licking his fingers, he watched Gwilt heap food into a wooden bowl. Caleath scoffed the warm stew. Before he drew breath, he accepted and proceeded to devour a second helping.

    Is there enough for the old man and you? He wiped the bowl clean with the remains of the bread and quaffed water from a pottery flask. His concern came a little late.

    There is plenty. Gai will bring supplies. Do you want more? Gwilt stirred the pot.


    My sister and her betrothed have been to the village for supplies. Eat what you need.

    The youth’s intense green eyes seemed to hunt for a clue to his behavior. Caleath found the young man showed enough good sense not to ask questions too painful to answer. After wiping his mouth, Caleath straightened. He would pay the price for his appetite. Spasms began when his body reacted to an influx of food. The reaction came as more than just an adjustment after starvation. With hunger quelled, the nanobots would extract a price for their healing.

    Recovery took its toll and he must suffer the pain as he had done so many times before. The nanobots acquired energy from the food he consumed but failed to do so without causing discomfort. When he could not supply enough food, healing continued, but hunger magnified the pain and the scarring.

    The need to keep moving despite the discomfort drove Caleath to his feet. The dead needed burying and he wanted to salvage weapons and chests before the next high tide.

    Keep an eye on the old man. He should look more alive once he warms up. Caleath retrieved his coat. After checking Chesney’s breathing and the condition of sunburned extremities, he shrugged the damp jacket over his shirt, left the hut and headed toward the cliff path. Perhaps if he laid the dead to rest with respect, he would no longer see Death in every shadow.

    Chapter Two

    Throwing back the bearskin Chesney struggled upright. Wherre am I? His outcry caused Gwilt to recoil. Dark eyes glanced around the small hut. His brow lowered and Gwilt watched a disgruntled frown settle into place. "Wherre arre dhe oddthers?" His coarse demand disturbed the wolf. Using the wall for support the older man struggled to his feet. Cyd started to growl and placed himself between Gwilt and the stranger.

    Without understanding the speech, Gwilt grabbed a bowl of stew.

    Relax. You’re safe now. Here. There is plenty of food. Gwilt offered the bowl. He spoke with calm he did not feel.

    Chesney rubbed sunburned hands over stubble and lifted hooded eyes to meet Gwilt’s gaze. With a glance around the room, the stranger exhaled. His shoulders lowered and the tension in his expression began to fade. Raising bushy eyebrows, the older man accepted the bowl and spoon.

    Thank you. Chesney spoke in Gwilt’s dialect. Where are we? Who governs here? The old man seemed less than enthusiastic about the food. Nothing suggested he suffered from starvation. Water would be good. He handed Gwilt the untouched stew.

    Water? Gwilt moved to comply. He hid his own confusion, deciding to answer the question. He wanted answers himself. We’re north of Riversend. In Allorn, the Council of Mages governs. If that’s what you call their method of keeping order.

    Allorn? One eyebrow rose even higher. Taut flesh around aged eyes relaxed. The older man sighed and took a greater interest in his surroundings. Allorn? I’ve never heard of such a place. After a thoughtful grunt, Chesney chuckled. By the Blade, perhaps he was telling the truth after all. He smiled but his expression of delight didn’t impress Gwilt. Sunburned skin stretched tight when the smith’s smile expanded into a broad grin. I tell you, boy, for once in my life I took a risk, and I think my actions have paid off! Adder’s spit! I am glad I speak your language, my boy.

    How do you know our language? You’re not from around here.

    When Chesney looked up, his eyes reflected the morning light. "I have traveled a great deal in my life. Strangely, your speech is not so different from my native tongue. I am alive and that’s a miracle. I need my story told. What happened to the Albatross must not pass from memory! Where are the others? "

    The others? Gwilt hesitated. One other survived. There are three dead on the rocks.

    What! Chesney gasped. Truly, boy?

    Gwilt watched the older man’s color drain as his expression flickered from despair to calm.

    Fools. Chesney sipped his water and licked cracked lips. I could’ve been one of them. He straightened as if worried by inner turmoil. What if he was right? How? How did he know?

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