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The Other Side Of The Flame
The Other Side Of The Flame
The Other Side Of The Flame
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The Other Side Of The Flame

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Ten thousand years ago the Guides arrived and led man into the stars. Jock is the son of John, a man from Earth who joined the Guides and was instrumental in preparing humans for the challenges that were awaiting them among the waiting worlds and peoples. He was born on the planet Goth, a hellish world with a gravity double that of his father's home planet and an atmosphere so thick one could almost swim in it. Jock has learned his father's lessons well and is able to maintain calm in virtually any situation, but his father hasn't chosen any situation for his son's next lessons for he has sent him to the planet Pell to become a Dragon Rider and learn the ways of men in an environment that will open his mind as his father had never been able to do before. If Jock succeeds in bonding with a Dragon his mind will be open completely to another being, something he has fought with every fiber of his being.
Almost two years go by on the planet Pell with no more than minor incidents and many pranks taken and given, for which Jock earned the nickname of Jock the Joker. The time of Bonding was at hand which is where we find Jock at the beginning of the book.
Follow along with Jock as he adopts Pell as his home world and bonds with the Dragon Kull. Follow as they enter the flame and across the world as Jock become the man he was destined to become, led only by his new connection with the world and the signs it leaves for him. He must find his way among the deserts of Pell, to rewrite himself into a new person through challenges and quests until he is finally ready to fly through the skies once more.
Along the way he collects friends that have their roles and quests to set out upon. Each quest, each friend is tied intricately to his destiny. Peter is an android from Earth that will lead his people into the world of men. Chad is part man part android and a Healer's apprentice in whose hands rest the fate of more than one race of people, but most of all a friend that will guide Jock backs into the sky where he belongs. The Dragon Tell, that holds the future of worlds within his genes if only he can survive.
The Planet Klatz where young Jon, a youth born wingless on a world of winged men, will lead his people not into the skies but beyond them and Jeda a winged man that must accept his death before he can start his new life.
The Planet Avata where Devin, whose intent is to enslave a world, leads him to have his heart and loyalty won by those he would have enslaved and the child who becomes The Kohm whose quest is to free their world from the prison it is locked in.
Bonding occurs between two species when both open their minds and allow one another to enter their thoughts and mind. A complete sharing of memories is exchanged and a permanent bond is created between the two minds.
Joining occurs between a couple, a true joining of mind and body. Two people unite mind to mind and a blending of beings occurs sharing all that each is and, once the joining is complete, they separate back into two individuals sharing not only all knowledge and memories but also all talents that each possess.

PublisherAl Brunet
Release dateNov 27, 2014
The Other Side Of The Flame

Al Brunet

When I reached the age of forty two I decided to take a hobby of mine and make a career of it. I quit my job, that paid well and had what was considered to be a good pension, and went back to college entering into a computer degree program. Friends questioned my sanity citing that I would be up against eighteen year olds that had grown up around computers. They referred to them as Computer Geniuses and declared that I would never be able to compete with them. What if? I thought. What if I not only competed but held my own. What if I was able to give them a run for their money. What if my determination and hard work would help me to challenge their so called superior computer abilities. I dove in with the belief that my what if’s were not only possible but attainable.Many times my data analyst instructor advised me to reconsider and find another field. She informed me repeatedly that sixty percent would fail and there was no shame in accepting defeat and changing to another less demanding course. I stressed and struggled through the ceaseless tests and focused my detail oriented mind on the problems. Pure determination carried me through some of the most gruelling, and challenging tests. When the final exam came I stood outside the hall and a sense of relaxation came over me. I met my instructor outside the hall and she asked how I was. Fine I calmly replied. “You do realize that this stands for thirty five percent of your total mark do you not?” I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “I guess I will find out if I know it or not. If not then it’s too late to worry about what I don’t know.” She shook her head and I entered the hall. I could see from her expression that she considered my future doomed. What if she were wrong? She was. Not only did I pass the exam but did so with a mark that surprised her. I advanced.I entered this course with many opinions of what is ringing in my ears but walked out having accomplished all of my what ifs.So I ask you to examine what you believe is and ask instead what if .. and see where it might lead you.And now I enter a new phase in my life. Writing the books that have grown within my mind. Where might this lead me?Al Brunet

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    The Other Side Of The Flame - Al Brunet


    Ten thousand years ago the Guides arrived and led man into the stars. Jock is the son of John, a man from Earth who joined the Guides and was instrumental in preparing humans for the challenges that were awaiting them among the waiting worlds and peoples. He was born on the planet Goth, a hellish world with a gravity double that of his father's home planet and an atmosphere so thick one could almost swim in it. Jock has learned his father's lessons well and is able to maintain calm in virtually any situation, but his father hasn't chosen any situation for his son's next lessons for he has sent him to the planet Pell to become a Dragon Rider and learn the ways of men in an environment that will open his mind as his father had never been able to do before. If Jock succeeds in bonding with a Dragon his mind will be open completely to another being, something he has fought with every fiber of his being. Not even Chandra, the head of the Guides had been able to penetrate his barriers.

    John ensured that no other off-world candidates would be accepted for the next bonding two years hence, so that his son would have to fight for the right among the Pell residents to bond. And so Jock enters his fathers latest task with his customary vigilant skepticism mixed with an excitement to finally go beyond the world of his birth with a determination to take control of his own destiny. But is our destiny ever completely in our hands?

    Almost two years go by on the planet Pell with no more than minor incidents and many pranks taken and given, for which Jock earned the nickname of Jock the Joker.

    The time of Bonding is at hand which is where we find Jock at the beginning of this book.



    The Day started like every other day on the Red Planet. The blazing red sun peeked over the horizon and the clouds raced across the sky as though they wanted to be as far away from the giant orb as they could before it rose. The winds would soon follow spreading outwards from the horizon and the blue leaves of the plants would bend and sway like waves across the land and then as the sun advanced across the sky the plants below would pull beneath the surface to protect their delicate leaves from the burning sun above, giving the appearance of a giant canvas where the blue of moments before was being covered in ever widening brush strokes morphing the vibrant blue landscape into a sun parched red one.

    Jock stood looking across the land admiring its beauty, knowing that it wouldn’t be wise to be out without protective clothing when the sun reached its pinnacle. He loved this world, he was lucky enough to have adopted, and pulled back from the ledge and entered the dwelling cut into the rock face behind him. The day appeared to be no different than the last but Jock knew that it was not to be like any other, for today he would find out if he were to become a Dragon Rider. He paused momentarily in his preparations, calming the rising tide of excitement that threatened to overwhelm him and returned his breath to a deep controlled one and consciously slowed his movements so that no one would suspect the raging turmoil that churned within. When he entered the great hall he seemed to be, by all outward appearances, totally in control and at ease and Tess smiled across the room in greeting. She beaconed for him to join her and he casually crossed the room and took a place at her side. He noted that her hands shook as she set her pack behind her and then rested her delicate long fingers on her legs. He liked her hands and the way they felt and forced him self to put aside the feelings and thoughts they raised in him.

    I don’t know how you can remain so calm. My head is spinning and my breakfast threatens to explode back the way it entered. She said laughing nervously.

    Jock had warned her not to eat breakfast before the choosing but Tess was always resistant to following anyone’s advice, especially from a fellow candidate. It was as though she feared that they were somehow plotting against her to lessen her chance of being chosen. He’d tried to tell her that their wishes and plotting would have no impact on the choosing for the choice remained, as it always had, the Dragon’s responsibility and duty.

    Silence spread across the hall as Kreem raised a hand. He glared at one candidate who faced away from him still conversing with a girl until the youth realized that he was the only one speaking and faced forward. He saw the leaders glare and seemed to withdraw inwards for a fraction of a second but then the spark that all candidates must possess surfaced and he glared back at the leader who smiled at the boys challenge and then dismissed him as though undeserving of further attention.

    Complete silence will ensue from this moment forward. Selections will be made by the Dragon’s ability, he paused to lend power to his next words, or inability to connect with your minds. More than one candidate swallowed and prayed that they wouldn’t be one of those passed over for it would be two full seasons to the next choosing. Any who break silence will forfeit their right to remain.

    Jock smiled for he had no intention of forfeiting his right or being one of those passed over. He’d been born to be a rider and today he would meet his destiny. He glanced around the room at the other candidates knowing that he was the only one who didn’t come from a long line of Pell riders and vowed that they’d eat their snide remarks questioning his right to attend. He dimmed the flame that burned within for he knew that it could stand between him and his being chosen. He regained control of his breathing and relaxed, watching and waiting. He knew that twenty Dragons would choose their Riders today while forty sat in wait and that it might be a while before he was chosen.

    Eleven Dragons passed and selected Riders and left through the outer passage. The twelfth Dragon to enter the Choosing Ground was a small Dragon and seemed to be unusually agitated as she scanned the candidates surrounding her. Jock was the first to realize that Tess would be her Rider for he noticed that each time Tess’s hands fluttered the Dragon seemed to twitch, already partially connected to her. He nudged Tess and she rose and stood before the Dragon and moments later she stood hugging the Dragon’s neck, her shoulders shaking from the force of her sobs. Dragon and Rider moved from the Ground and another Dragon entered.

    This was no small Dragon! Jock watched as the Dragon scanned the crowd with more of a challenge than a seeking and felt its eyes bore into his. It felt like a giant hook reached out and anchored behind his eyes and he moved forward. Him? he heard from his greatest critic as he passed and even though Kull held most of his mind, he heard the lad being escorted from the Choosing Chamber and felt the hatred that he shot Jock’s way. They approached the launching ledge and Jock, not waiting for Kull to be fitted with a harness, climbed onto his back and launched skyward. Without a harness Jock had only his connection to Kull’s mind to remain mounted and additional connections were created between their minds than would otherwise have existed. In time, word of his unusual talents would spread outward and flying without harness would become the new norm but, for now, their bond was unique.

    I chose wisely.’ Kull said simply within his bonded’s mind, reveling in the mind and the information now at his disposal.

    And I could have chosen no better.’ Jock returned and hugged the huge neck before him.

    An hour later Kull chuckled saying, ‘Shall we have some fun?’

    Jock received the impulsive message and admitted that it would be fun to do something no other had done before and they dropped from the sky gaining speed and raced for the now empty Choosing Ground and Chamber. At the last moment Kull snapped his wings close to his body and they shot through the Chamber and out through the other side of the mountain. Kull unfolded his wings and they shot skyward once again.

    Their daring escapade didn’t go unnoticed for high above Kreem watched and made note. ‘They will have to be watched and their impulses controlled.’ He suggested to his bonded who pondered the suggestion and the incident carefully before replying to his more impulsive Rider.

    They are strong and it might be better to win their loyalty through support than their resentment through constraint and criticism. Remember he who spoke in resentment of him at the hatching.’

    Jock is only a man.’ Kreem suggested.

    Who has greatness within and a mind and will that could bring his greatness to its full potential. Have you considered the odds against his having become a candidate let alone a rider? If destiny has played a hand in his rise then might it not be better to stand with him than against?’

    Kreem smiled and rubbed the neck of his bonded. ‘I respect your far-sight and will support young Jock.’

    A strange feeling passed over Keal. ‘Our support must never falter even when everything suggests otherwise.’

    What have you seen?’

    It is beyond sight.’ Keal said trying to grasp the memory but it danced just beyond his reach. He watched the receding Dragon and Rider with a feeling of sorrow and shook his great head.

    I suspect that supporting the two shall not be easy.’ Again a feeling spread through Keal and Kreem felt the Dragon shiver beneath him.

    I give you my vow to support them.’ He said more in an attempt to calm his bonded than conviction.

    It must not be broken!’ Keal warned as he watched the pair disappear from sight. They spun about and watched the other new Riders below struggling to adjust to their new reality. Keal once again found himself thinking of Jock and Kull trying to grasp the thought that was nagging for his attention when Kreem brought it into perspective.

    They don’t seem to be grasping flying as easily as Jock, do they?’

    An image snapped into focus. ‘Do you think we could pull off the stunt they just did?’ he said looking toward the cliff and the Choosing Ground entrance.

    Not in a million years.’ Kreem said laughing.

    And yet they succeeded moments after bonding.’

    Kreem sat in silence and looked toward the entrance and an expletive escaped involuntarily from between his clenched teeth. Koth!

    My thought exactly.’

    It was Kreem’s turn to feel a shiver shake his body. ‘We must watch them closely for I suspect much shall be learned by doing so.’

    We both know how resistant Council is to learning new things.’

    Kreem felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach. ‘We might be in for a rough ride.’

    Keal looked toward the now empty horizon and added. ‘But not as rough as the one they might face.’ He pondered the possibilities for he had seen others stand behind those who had tried to bring change and the consequences they had suffered as a result. ‘Our support might be better to remain hidden even as it is given.’

    One Rider seemed to be having particular difficulty blending with her Dragon and the pair moved to her side. ‘Don’t try to control the harness for it doesn’t steer your Dragon. Your mind guides her!’ He watched as she continued to fight the restraints and remembered that Jock hadn’t used a harness and an idea started to form. Kreem signaled for Tess and Blaze to land and moved to their side disconnecting the harness and letting it drop to the ground. ‘Now mount but remain close to the ground for now.’ Tess nervously mounted and clung to Blaze’s neck and they launched into the air. ‘Now connect with Blaze’s mind.’

    Tess did as instructed and twice almost fell from the Dragon’s back but suddenly a look of rapture spread over her face and they rose higher.

    Kreem watched the pair spiral into the sky and wondered. ‘Think an old Rider and Dragon can learn a new trick?’

    Keal grunted and returned to the ground and Kreem hastily removed the harness. He remounted and they launched into the air. After a short time of flying they returned for the harness. ‘We can fly as Jock does through the connection in our minds but we will never match the ease and complete connection that he possesses for I cannot maintain it for long.’

    But the girl’s connection, although not as good as Jock’s is still superior to ours and might have been stronger had she flown without a harness immediately.’

    Keal felt that Kreem’s logic, although sound, still fell short of explaining the connection between Jock and Kull. ‘Jock’s mind is somehow different. It seems to be more flexible and therefore more open to bonding with a Dragon.’

    That’s impossible. In bonding all is shared.’

    And yet his connections are stronger and deeper as though his mind is closer to a Dragon’s than a man’s’.

    Kreem laughed and then realized that his bonded was serious. He reviewed what he knew of Jock and realized that he knew nothing of his lineage or where he came from. ‘He had to be sponsored. Who vouched for him?’

    Keal mentally reviewed the file and recalled the name he had skipped over when he had reviewed it. ‘Chandra.’

    When Kreem recovered he asked, ‘Who seconded it?’

    Father John.’

    Kreem reviewed his history and sat in silence. ‘You don’t suppose Father John could mean Father: John.’

    That was how it was written.’

    Koth.’ Kreem swore and sent the information to his bonded. He saw the irony that they had both sworn using the same swear word coined from the hellhole of a world called Koth where Teacher John of Earth had settled. ‘How does he still live?’

    A part of Chandra exists within the guides which carries with it long life.’

    Very long indeed.’

    It is small recompense for what they give.’

    Kreem thought of the very long lifetime of servitude they accepted and sent agreement. ‘I wonder if it flows in young Jock as well.’

    It might explain the fire within him that I see when I contemplate his future.’

    I heard that they glow from within fuelled by the star that shines through Chandra and Atona. But enough conjecture! We have new riders to integrate into our system and that will be challenge enough.’


    Blue Perch

    This is home, or will be when it is done.’ Kull said landing atop a blue topped Perch. Jock dismounted and Kull launched. ‘Supplies will be arriving over the next few weeks and it will be for you to oversee their receipt and placement. The floor below this is yours. The Building Foreman will show you the rest.’

    Lucky reviewed the memories he had inherited from Bonding and realized that Kull knew even less than he of setting up or running a Perch. He looked into the distance and reviewed what he had seen as they had flown over the city. The outer parts of the city held small perches widely spaced around the perimeter. As they had moved toward the center, the Perches became larger one inner ring at a time until they had reached the tallest Perches. Each new Perch had been built on the site of a previous Perch, the materials of the old one completely removed save for its foundation that was repaired and reinforced before large slabs of marble were brought in to build the new one. The old materials were salvaged and used to build new small Perches outside the city creating a new ring of outer perches.

    Greetings Lord. A small stocky man said as he stepped out to greet Jock. He shook his shoulders and a fine layer of marble dust floated in the air. Don’t worry about the dust Lord, the Perch will be spick in span within the week.

    Jock reached out a hand and the man stood looking at it with a confused expression. It’s good to meet you, he said waiting for both the hand and the man’s name to be given.

    Terry, my Lord. He said and took Jock’s hand gently within his, surprised to feel the strength in the grip that met his.

    I’ve been called Jock much longer than Lord and I’d prefer that you address me by my name.

    It is not done Lord.

    Jock smiled. That’s right, calling me Lord is not to be done. He insisted still holding Terry’s hand tightly in his. My home. My rules. Is this understood? He softened his tone. After all, I am to be your student for the next few weeks. You wouldn’t call a student Lord now would you? He noticed a slight rise in the man’s lips. By the time I’m done asking you questions I guarantee you won’t think of me as Lord, but will have other things you would prefer to call me.

    The smile increased as Terry remembered other Lord’s he had taught and how nicknames had been whispered when they were sure the new Lord wasn’t in earshot. I wouldn’t think of it. Jock.

    Jock rocked back on his heels and roared. I’m sure I’ll have several for you before we are through.

    When the tour ended Terry reviewed what he had told the new Lord and realized that his tour had been more thorough than it had been with any other new Lord and shook his head realizing that either Jock was an extremely clever man or a genuinely nice person. By the end of his three weeks he would realize that both were true and that he had gained a new friend in Jock and that he had indeed created a nick name for him, Jock the Joker, for the New Lord never failed to see humor in a situation or to take advantage of it, much to the embarrassment of many of the workers, some of whom, himself included, chose to remain after the work was done.

    Jock assigned Terry the ground floor that he promptly put to use for his hobby of raising Desert Hoppers or, as he called them Desert Steeds, and a room on the second for his living quarters. The Steeds would become highly sought after by the Walkers, a strange reptilian humanoid that lived in the barren lands to the south but Jock would later become entrenched in his life as a rider and too busy to follow Terry’s thriving business below.

    Might I have a word with you Jock? Terry said leading him to one side. I notice that you haven’t hired an administrator. Might I be so bold as to ask why you failed to do so?

    I’ve been so busy here I hadn’t given it much thought but, now that you mention it, where do I get one and how do I get around while Kull is away?

    You can call upon any of the lesser Dragons to carry you. Terry looked hard at Jock for a moment. Didn’t they give you any training?

    Who was to train and when?

    A cloud seemed to pass behind Terry’s eyes and the muscles of his jaw clenched. He looked around sheepishly before continuing. No one knows and you mustn’t tell anyone but I can communicate mind-to-mind.

    Why shouldn’t I tell anyone?

    I’m just a marble smith and am not supposed to be able to communicate this way. The one that opened my mind would be in trouble with council if they were to find out.’

    Jock stared at him in disbelief but then realized that the leaders would have an advantage over those below by their ability to mind-talk and that they must want to maintain that superiority. He hadn’t considered it as he and the other rider candidates had communicated openly. ‘They won’t learn from me but rest assured, if I have any say that will change!’

    Terry licked his lips and looked around to ensure they weren’t being watched or heard and showed Jock how to make the mental call for a Dragon. ‘I recommend that you fly to the west and look at the Perches. One will catch your eye for it’s well kept with extra attention to detail. The Administrator that runs the Perch is especially adept and respected.’

    We can acquire trained Perch Administrators?’ Terry nodded smiling. ‘What would be the best way to get him to accept a position in my Perch?’

    Terry grinned. ‘He hasn’t been poached yet because no one understands that he isn’t driven by personal greed. Offer him double the money, not for himself mind you, but to use to run and hire help and he’ll jump at it.’ He looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping and added. ‘If he doesn’t jump then tell him that your bonded has just been voted into council.’ He looked at Jock and realized that Jock didn’t understand what that meant. ‘Kull sits in power and the respect that comes with the position will flow down through all levels of the Perch. As Kull’s Perch Administer he will be shown the respect he deserves.’

    Jock smiled and Terry recognized his mischievous grin. ‘I need you to help me with something.’ He led Terry upstairs where two Dragons stood waiting on the Perch and Jock waved at the pale blue one. ‘His name is True and has agreed to carry you.’

    Terry stood there his knees locked looking at the Dragon. ‘It isn’t done!’ He said using what had become his most used phrase of late.

    My house, my rules, so get on, we have a Perch to visit.’

    At first he moved slowly towards the Dragon but then hastened his approach when he realized that his lifetime dream was about to become a reality. He was about to ride on a Dragon! ‘Thank you for permitting to ride with you.’ He said forgetting to hide his talent.

    Trues head turned and regarded Terry as he boarded and felt the tenure of the man’s mind and liked the purity of his thoughts. He felt his rising excitement and found himself charged by the emotion and allowed Terry to share his night vision. Terry would have fallen off had he not banked slightly, for all of Terry’s attention was riveted to the shared vision. ‘Why the land is beautiful at night!’

    True connected with Jock. ‘This man is a rider, why has he not bonded?’


    It’s not our Custom!’ True snorted in disgust. ‘It is not wise to waste such a man based solely upon position.’

    It’s not wise to waste any man.’

    Agreed. We shall discuss this further.’ True said, once again adjusting for Terry’s benefit. ‘Try holding the image like this so that it overlays the vision you receive from your eyes.’ He suggested and Terry altered his view and marveled anew at the beauty of the land below under the three moons.

    Thank you for sharing this with me, I will never forget this evening.’

    I’ll make sure you don’t! True swore silently.

    Jock chuckled under his breath knowing his plan had met with success. Some would call it subterfuge while others would consider it a needed change. ‘Which Perch is it?’

    Terry concentrated on the pattern of Perches below and pointed. ‘It is the one with the orange lights marking the Perch.’

    Jock noted how it to stood out from the others by bathing the top of the perch in a soft orange light. He visualized his perch with faint blue lights and added it to his rapidly growing list of changes to be made. He had been following some of Kull’s dealings with council and had some suggestions to make there as well. He didn’t realize yet that, as Kull’s bonded, he would hold a seat on the human counterpart of the council and thereby a degree of say in Rider’s issues, for Kull had been too busy over the past fourteen days learning his new roles and responsibilities on Council to share his findings with Jock.

    They landed on the roof of the perch and Terry reluctantly dismounted then stopped looking longingly at the spot the Dragon had vacated. ‘We still have to get home.’ Jock reminded him and Terry’s spirits rose in anticipation.

    He turned and smiled. ‘Flair knows of our arrival and is waiting for us in his offices.’ He announced and moved toward the main stairs. Jock looked at the stairway and realized that they were identical to his tower expect for being smaller, until he stepped onto the first step for the step below suddenly shone with a soft orange glow. He moved down the stairs amused to find that with each step the next step would light up. The corner of his lips rose and he raced down the stairs two at a time believing that he would advance faster than the lights could change but was surprised to note that only the step he would land on lit up. He slowed and admired the cleverness behind its design.

    Flair designed the lighting system himself. It tracks your movements and analyses where you will next step ignoring all steps but the next you shall need.’ Jock laughed and changed his mind about trying for three at a time. He danced up and down the steps in a rhythmical pattern and created a musical piece created with light and considered adding sound to the mix and tabled it along with his other many ideas and admitted that the man’s name suited him for the stairs added a touch of flair to an otherwise dimly lit stairway.

    Jock signaled the doorway off the second landing and Jock reached out with his hand but instead of finding a handle a plate glowed to the right of the doorway. He scratched his head and then reached toward the plate but before his hand touched it the door swung open revealing a reception room where a young lad sat at a desk. His head rose and he smiled as they entered.

    He stood, circled the desk and held out his hand in greeting. Good evening Rider Jock, Mr. Terry. He said shaking their offered hands. Mr. Flair is expecting you. This way Sirs. He said and led them to a door behind his desk. The door slid open at their approach and he stepped inside and then to one side. Misters Jock and Terry, Sir. He announced and stepped back out through the door that slid soundlessly closed behind them.

    Jock stood looking at Flair and his eyes travelled from the well-groomed hair past the immaculately pressed suit to the spotless shining black shoes and then returned to his face once again. The lopsided grin spread across Jock’s face and Terry moaned silently beside him while wondering what Jock would say. Hot date tonight? He asked his eyes sparkling with mischief.

    A slow blush spread across Flair’s face. Wish I did but unfortunately no. I thought that I should look my best during an interview with a potential new boss.

    Your Perch, offices and junior administrator made you look your best. Your clothing is completely secondary and I would always prefer to see you dressed comfortably than in your best.

    Flair relaxed noticeably. As would I. Would you like to go over my books? He said waving his arm toward the ledger that sat on his desk.

    Again Terry saw the mischievous look cross Jock’s face and remained silent, curious to see what was coming. Not really. He said and noted Flair’s look of surprise. May I speak frankly? He asked and saw Flair’s slow nod of agreement. This is a small perch with limited funds available for the daily operational expenditures and yet everything is spotless and well organized. I highly doubt that the owner has added monies to your budget for the hiring and paying of a Junior Administrator let alone the additional features you have added to the perch to make it more comfortable. I further surmise that the necessary funds have come from your wage and endeavors. Am I accurate so far? He asked and waited for the slight nod to proceed. You like your surroundings and enjoy the challenge of accomplishing what you have with the meager means you have been provided with but find yourself more and more restricted by your lack of resources, not for your self but for what you want to do. He noted the blinking of Flairs eyes with each new statement and knew he had assessed the man correctly. You seek a position that will afford you to expand your responsibilities while increasing not your salary but the monies needed to run your perch the way you believe it should be run, for you see the perch as yours. Jock had been appraising the Perch as they had approached and everything he had seen as they moved through the perch and realized that regardless of what had been accomplished he would have doubled what he believed was the operational budget to make it run at its optimum efficiency and noted that, although the night was already one quarter gone Flair remained at his desk working to accomplish all that was required.

    Let me start by telling you that our perch, and I strongly believe that a perch belongs not just to the owning Dragon and Rider but to all that live and work within it, is about six times the size of this perch and to match the present operating efficiency of this perch would require a budget of eight times the budget that you currently receive for running this one. Would you not agree? Again Flair only nodded. I admire how efficiently you run this place, especially with the abysmally small budget you are allotted, and would not expect you to continue operating without additional support staff. If you will hire on with us I will pay you double your current salary. He held up his hand seeing that Flair was about to refute the additional pay and continued. Your salary is non negotiable. Again the lopsided grin slid into place. Unless you wish to renegotiate for a higher one when you see what will be expected of you. The budget that I will endorse, and my bonded has agreed with my decision, will be sixteen times what you receive here, double what it would take to run to our perch to this level of efficiency. Don’t think I am offering you this budget to simply win you over, although I certainly do hope you will manage our perch, but because we will demand that it is operated with minimal input from Kull or myself. You will not only have complete operational control but you will also be held solely responsible for the administration of the perch, its staffing and maintenance. You may take and hire whomever you wish for the day-to-day operation of the Perch will be yours. There will be one additional condition. He said and focused on Flair’s eyes. You will hire night staff and train a sub-Administrator that will handle the night time operation of the perch for I will not have you operating below your peak performance. These round the clock schedules are to be eliminated except in extreme cases of emergency. This is also nonnegotiable. He stressed looking at the obvious exhaustion the man was exhibiting. Agreed?

    Flair leaned back against the edge of the table. I will have to see that someone is hired to replace me and train him. He started but Jock held up a hand.

    You and whomever you choose will pack this evening. The owner of this perch has been notified and the cost to replace and train any staff you bring has been agreed to. You may bring any belongings that you personally purchased but this is your chance to get what you really want for the setup budget will cover any and all expenditures that you need or would like. Remember one rule when you purchase. I will not accept spending based upon the concept of penny-wise pound-foolish. Don’t buy to save pennies but with the intention of your purchases lasting a lifetime.

    Flair noticed the smirk on Jock’s face and asked. And?

    And you will visit the Tigre Col this evening.


    Yes he will open your mind. I cannot run to you when I need to talk.

    But I am only an Administrator and it is not done.

    I hear that a lot. Jock said looking at Terry. Be forewarned, things change or die in stagnant waters. I don’t plan on fermenting in pond scum.

    Flair considered all that had been said and offered and realized that he had chosen to accept long ago but also knew that even if he hadn’t, Jock’s last statement alone would have won him over for he had fought against the bonds placed upon him by what was not permitted long enough and welcomed the possibility of playing even a small part in stretching those restrictions outwards. He stepped forward and grasped Jock’s hand. Agreed. He said enthusiastically. He looked at Jock’s crooked smile and swallowed at his next statement.

    Good. Your ride awaits.

    Terry laughed at Flair’s expression. You look just as I did when he suggested I was to ride on Dragon Back but now I can’t wait to climb back on another! He leaned into Flair and whispered into his ear. Welcome to our family, and continued when he saw Flair’s confused expression. He treats his staff like family and friends and not as hirelings. It’s partly why I stayed on after my old job ended.

    And what is your new job?

    Terry looked across the room at Jock who stood outside the door talking with the Junior Administrator who sat nodding eagerly up at him. I asked once and he gave me one of his lopsided grins and said that time would tell.

    And that was enough for you?

    Terry laughed. The way I see it, anything Jock has in mind for me will be greater than anything I could have imagined or hoped for on my own. I love and trust the man.

    Flair looked across at the happy expression on his Aides face and admitted that Jock had won both his respect and loyalty. He glanced at Terry once again and nodded. He’s like a mischievous child that one either loves or can’t stand. He will make many friends but also some powerful enemies and will need our loyalty and support. He chuckled and answered Terry’s questioning glance. I like mischievous children and respect men that have retained a strong connection with their childlike, uncluttered view of life while being intelligent enough to remain completely aware of the reality of the world about them. He has great dreams and I am proud to join him in working to fulfill them, he paused reflectively for a moment before continuing. And some of mine as well.

    We’ll work together to watch his back. Terry vowed.

    Agreed friend. Flair said surprising Terry and they shook in agreement. I wonder what it is like, talking mind-to-mind, that is. Flair mused.

    Much easier, faster and more accurate than by word of mouth. Terry said and nodded at Flair’s unasked question. And speaking with Dragons is very enlightening.

    Flair missed a step for he hadn’t realized that he’d also be able to talk with Dragons. He moved behind the desk and pulled two bags that had been stored below the desk and opened one. He pulled a small glass enclosed computer from the drawer and placed it in one of the bags and secured it carefully inside. This is the brain behind the Perch lighting systems. It took two years to arrive and my employer tried to force me to remove it but reversed his decision when I started to pack.

    You were packed already?

    Jock was right. This place represented stagnation and I needed to grow so when I received your call, I packed. He smiled. Just in case. Everything else can be replaced he said looking around the office. He reached out and removed a small picture and carefully packed it with the computer. Terry noticed the face of a young woman but decided not to inquire.

    Terry hefted the larger sack over his shoulder leaving Flair to carry the bag that was clutched protectively to his chest. ‘There is one he holds special.’ He sent coupled with an image of the face in the picture.

    Jock chuckled, his smirk dropping naturally into place. He sent the woman’s image and request for information to the Dragons that were circling above who then forwarded it outward. The data started coming in immediately and a straight line slowly replaced the smirk and the Dragons above sensed the clouds building behind Jock’s additional requests as he dug deeper for additional information.

    Kull picked up his mood and queried the cause of his distress. Jock shared the information and advised his bonded not to concern himself with it for he would handle the situation. ‘How could he keep such behavior hidden?’

    It’s not the custom to question the raising of one’s child.’ Jock sent, his teeth now tightly clenched together. ‘Flair knows only that she stopped writing and doesn’t know that she is being held prisoner.’ He gave Flair an appraising look. ‘I think it best he not be told until after the matter has been taken care of. I will attend to the situation while he is being opened.’

    Kull received the news of Jock’s intention to open Flair’s mind with surprise. ‘Making waves already Jock?’

    Where would we be without the beaches that waves produce?’ Jock replied with a taste of the humor that always lay beneath the surface. It was that underlying current of happiness, coupled with the deep intelligence he had sensed that had led him to choose Jock and he accepted all that he was and could become. ‘Don’t worry, her father won’t know I am rescuing her.’ He studied the man’s weaknesses and underlying greed and decided on the best course of action. ‘I’ll make an offer he can’t refuse.’

    The council looked questioningly at Kull as a deep rumble of amusement started in his chest and threatened to burst uncontrolled into the room. ‘My humor is in no manner a reflection on your words councilor, but to a matter that my bonded is attending to in my absence.’ He said by way of apology to the Senior Councilman and received a snort of dismissal in answer. More than a few of the Council Members noted the small burst of anger that flashed in Kull’s eyes in response to the dismissal and looked everywhere but in his direction for fear that they would find themselves the recipients of his anger while Kull made a mental note of those who took offense to the Dragon’s dismissive form of leadership.


    Flair & Clarissa

    In the end seven Dragons were called to take Flair’s people to their new home. Terry smiled and affectionately hugged the Dragon that once again landed and gave him permission to mount.

    We go to Con.’ Jock informed the Dragon who rolled one eye to regard him.

    I won’t tell if you don’t.’

    It will be known soon enough for I won’t hide my decisions or actions.’

    The Dragon considered how Terry had hugged her mate and set her resolve. ‘He will.’ She sent ensuring that her transmission contained no evidence of what she knew her mate had decided, counting only on Jock’s grasp of the situation.

    Jock didn’t reply but the Dragon noticed the slight upturn of his lips and knew that an understanding had been reached. They landed by the gate where Col had his abode and Jock motioned for Flair to enter alone. He launched leaving the Dragon to wait for Flair and moved toward a small tower that stood in darkness and seclusion in the distance.

    Permission to land.’ He sent to the Perch knowing full well that he had roused the owner from sleep. The man opened the door and stood on the inner edge of the Perch still rubbing sleep from his eyes when Jock dismounted and moved toward him.

    Do you realize what time it is? he growled toward Jock as he approached.

    It’s Dragon time. He snapped back reminding him that a Dragon had every right to call at any time, night or day and demand an audience.

    He licked his lips. I meant no disrespect Rider.

    And yet offense has been given. Jock said and stood watching him until he started to squirm under his gaze. I have come on Perch business.

    I understand Rider and apologize for my words. Why do you come seeking me?

    Again Jock held his eyes until the man squirmed under his challenging stare and then spoke softly to the man. Why would you assume that it is you that I have come to see? Are there not others within?

    Again the man realized that he had assumed too much and ran his hand nervously through his hair. I give you my apologies once again, Sir.

    The honorific title had been what Jock had been waiting for and pressed onward, daring the man to refuse his request. I come in search of your daughter with intentions of marriage. He carefully avoided saying who sought her hand leaving it for the man to assume that it was he that sought her out for his mate.

    The astounded man thought furiously. He considered all that he would gain in power and prestige when his daughter became the life mate of a Dragon Rider and started dreaming of what he’d do with the riches he would gain. Of course Sir, I will call her at once so that you may meet her.

    It is not necessary for me to interview her for she is already chosen.

    Even better, he will not be able to change his mind after he had taken her. He thought and rushed inside forgetting to extend his hospitality. Jock stood waiting on the Perch knowing that he didn’t want to set one foot in this fool’s perch. He heard a commotion on the stairs and overheard them arguing. You will do as you are told or return to your room and I will come and deal with you later.

    I love another.

    Enough of these talks of love. You will do as I command. He said and almost shoved her through the door onto the perch.

    Jock rushed forward lending her his hand in support and leaned forward. He knew he had but a moment to say something unheard to her and whispered into her ear. Flair. He stepped back as though appraising her and turned to her expectant father. I agree to the choice that has been made. He said and moved to the Dragon pulling her up behind him and launched.

    The owner stood dumbfounded, slowly realizing that nothing had been discussed as to dowry and stared with confusion into the night sky.

    You spoke of Flair? she inquired leaning in to call over the wind passing by. I am confused. Father said that I had been chosen to become the wife of a Rider.

    Your father assumed that it was I that offered to Wed you.

    But Flair asked for my hand in marriage and my Father refused.

    I told him only that I came with intensions of marriage. He did not ask if it was I that had those intentions.

    Flair asked you to do this for him?

    A friend does not have to ask or let his wishes be known. I took it upon myself to come and present Flair’s offer of marriage on his behalf knowing that he so wished it.

    I am Clarissa and am forever in your debt Rider. She said laughing in happiness into the wind and hugging him tightly. Jock liked the sound of her laughter and knew that she would be a pleasant addition to the Perch. "We have another stop to make before we meet Flair. Are you up to it?’

    I’m up for anything! She yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks. Jock felt her shiver behind him and sent a request for warm flying garments along with a picture of her size and received a reply immediately from a building just off to his right. He dropped toward the building, landing carefully in the narrow street below. ‘Nice landing.’ He praised the Dragon.

    We’ve broken so many rules this night that this small one won’t matter.’ The Dragon responded happily.

    They slipped off the Dragon and moved toward the door in the darkness and quietly opened it and entered. The shop owner turned up the flame and regarded the Flyer and the woman. She hasn’t flown in that light clothing has she? He demanded, concern written clearly on his face.

    There was no other choice. Jock replied adding just a little of the reasons that precipitated the action.

    The owner met Jock’s eyes and nodded once slowly then turned and called into the shop. Wife. I have need of your assistance.

    A woman came into the shop and glanced at their guests and saw the disheveled nightclothes the girl wore and rushed to her side giving Jock an angry look as she passed. Imagine taking a lady outside dressed thusly. You should be ashamed of yourself young man.

    Jock smiled widely. I have rescued her from her abusive father and she is to be wed this evening.

    The woman stared at Jock and her features softened. She will need a wedding dress?

    She needs flying clothes and a full wardrobe of clothes befitting a lady and yes, a lovely gown to be Wed in. They are to be charged to Kull’s Perch.

    The new council member? she asked.

    Joan! It is not your place to ask.

    It is. I need to know what attire is appropriate. She said glaring at her husband but her gaze softened immediately.

    She will be accompanying her husband and will be meeting and entertaining our guests.

    The best of materials then. Come dear. She said and then turned with an after thought. How extensive a wardrobe?

    Whatever she asks for. Jock hesitated and then added winking at the woman. Correct that, whatever you think she will need and more. We will take enough clothing with us to last her until the rest of her order arrives.

    The two women nodded and left for the back rooms. ‘I know my wife. It will be an extensive wardrobe.’ He glanced at the doorway and then winked at Jock. ‘Nothing will be said of your arrival Sir.’

    I’m sure plenty will be said but I am grateful that it won’t be you that does the saying. Shall we look at clothing as befits my position?’

    But I am not authorized to supply Riders.’

    You are authorized to provide clothing to Perch Administrators, is this not so?’ He continued when he saw his slight nod. ‘Then, as my visit did not officially happen, who is to know that more than clothing for my Administrator and his wife was ordered?’ Jock looked at the quality and cut of the clothing and remembered the limited selection of clothing that was offered in the Rider’s shops and smiled. ‘After all, I cannot have my Administrator dressed in nicer clothing than I. Do you have a tailor that can come to my perch to measure myself and my Administrator in privacy?’

    I would be honored to do so in person, Sir.’

    Jock reached out his hand. ‘My name is Jock. My father earned the title of Sir and I don’t feel that I have yet earned the right to the title.’

    It’s protocol Sir.’

    You speak to me directly and no other when we talk mind-to-mind. Is this not so?’ Again a slight nod and he continued. ‘When we speak in private, or in present company, it is between friends and my protocol is that you address me as Jock. Do you have aspirations of becoming a Rider’s Tailor?’

    No. I prefer to work with the nicer materials that business customer’s request.’

    Good then the way we will bypass protocol is that you are tailoring my business attire for me and not Rider’s clothing.’

    Yes Jock that should do it.’

    Then as my business tailor it would be totally acceptable to call you by your first name?’

    It’s Alex.’

    Very well Alex, from this day forward you are hired to tailor my business suits and will be paid by myself and not through the Perch.’ He pulled a small sack from his jacket and tossed it to Alex.

    Alex opened the sack and looked within at the gold coins inside and gasped. ‘It is more than I could hope to earn in a year.’

    Then consider yourself paid for one year of service and remember that you are still open for business for your other clients. I ask only that you take care of any that I send your way.’

    Agreed.’ Alex said and held his hand out sealing the deal.

    Clarissa exited the rear room dressed in flying garments and carrying a large travel bag packed with clothing. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed and she threatened to start crying again when she saw Jock watching. How can I ever thank you Sir?

    By calling me Jock. He said and moved over to hug her. Friends don’t need to ask, only express a need, nor to thank for kindness exchanged for it is freely given.

    The shop owner’s wife stood looking at her husband with love for, when the call for assistance had been heard, he had responded without hesitation or consideration for that was the kind of man he was. He returned her look knowing full well that she was ever as generous with her time and assistance as he. She gasped as he spoke with the Rider.

    Thank you Jock. I will be up tomorrow to take the necessary measurements.

    He motioned for the light to be lowered and they slipped outside and hurriedly mounted the waiting Dragon and launched skyward, the only witness a young lad who sat looking out his window at the Dragon rising from the street. He heard his father and mother talking below and moved to listen at the bottom of the stairs. Jock’s generosity has saved us. This money is enough to pay off our debt and keep our business so that we will be able to turn it over to our son when he is of age. I swear that if he is ever in need we must do all that we can to help him.

    We will dear.

    The lad heard the tears of joy that replaced the tears of worry of just two nights before and added his vow to theirs and then turned and quietly returned to his room above.

    Clarissa and Jock landed by the gate beside the waiting Dragon and a third landed. He helped Clarrisa onto the new arrival and showed her how to lock her knees in the harness and instructed the Dragon to bring her to Kull’s Perch and to then to take care of the other business they had discussed and watched as the Dragon launched into the air. I entered the dwelling in time to hear the Tigre cursing mentally at Flair who stood before him. ‘Damned headstrong human! He won’t let me connect.’ He fired at me.

    I smiled and turned toward Flair. Do you trust me? I asked.

    Flair blinked twice and then nodded. Do you feel this? I said probing his mind. Again Flair nodded. Let it wash over you like a warm breeze and open yourself to its feel. I instructed. Do you feel it? Again a slight nod but this time I felt the resistance lessen. Imagine a blue sky. I saw the nod. I am going to place a small dragon far away just visible in the distance in the middle of the blue. Flair smiled. ‘Now.’ He sent to Col who slid in through the opening and unlocked the doors to his mind. Now reach out and bring the image closer. I watched as the image was picked up by Flair and slowly changed it into the Tigre Col.

    Flair looked at the Tigre and thought, it’s him, and was surprised to see the affirmative response in Col’s mind. ‘It is I.’

    Information flowed so fast that his head spun and he adjusted his stance for stability. ‘Like this?’ He thought and sent the data back to Col who nodded his great head. ‘It leaves little room for misunderstanding.’ He said in surprise.

    Especially when you learn how to feel it as well.’ I said and shared the technique with Flair.

    Why hadn’t I been taught to do this before? It would have simplified things tremendously.’

    Tradition.’ Col snorted in disgust.

    Flair considered the full meaning behind the word and turned slowly to me. ‘There will be repercussions to going against traditions.’

    Not when they see the advantages you have over their Administrators for ultimately most traditions can be overlooked or changed when there is sufficient personal gain to be attained by those in power.’

    I have dealt with them longer and know you must tread carefully.’

    ‘’I’m use to walking upon a narrow fence.’

    More like along a razors edge, watch that you don’t get split in two.’ Col reminded Jock. He studied him for a moment longer. ‘No charge for this one as it might be better to keep it off the records.’

    Col considered the pair long after they left and contacted his friend Port. ‘It is more like he travels along a laser beam and I fear he might get burned.’

    Port considered the statement but kept his vague insights private for now, for their very vagueness suggested that alternative futures might exist.

    Terry had just finished settling the new people when he received the call to come up to the perch. He smiled as climbed the stairs for he knew that Clarissa was hanging her clothes in the Administrators living quarters and couldn’t wait to witness Flair’s reaction. He stepped out in time to see the two Dragons dropping toward him and watched the Dragon’s with open admiration. Jock and Flair dismounted and moved toward Terry and one of the two Dragon’s launched skyward. He recognized the male Dragon that remained as the one that had carried him and sent a warm thought of friendship to the Dragon who received the thought and maintained the connection between them. He looked at the Dragon confused at its ongoing connection and was about to demand an explanation but the connection solidified and information started to flow back and forth, gaining momentum until Terry’s entire mind was engrossed in the sharing of data and suddenly the connection became complete and the pair bonded. He rushed over to the Dragon and threw his arms around his neck and sent back to the two witnesses. ‘His name is True.’

    It is done and irreversible.’ True sent to the others.

    How do we. I mean, where will he stay?’ Terry asked.

    Jock had arranged to have changes made to the tenth level adding a large balcony on both sides and had them open one wall of each room so that a Dragon could land and enter both sides before they had left.

    Flair glanced at Jock. ‘A perch within a perch.’ He scratched his head, vague ideas forming.

    Jock laughed at the image of a Perch Hotel and then reconsidered its plausibility. ‘It could work.’

    It would.’ Flair said with certainty and then altered his concept as he scanned the city and focused on an empty hill. ‘I was thinking of a learning facility where Dragons could land; house the Dragons, their Flyers and students. It would encompass teaching halls and facilities to care for them.’

    Jock considered the concept and agreed that the facility would make a perfect school for new Flyers teaching them the rudimentary skills of managing a Perch so they would be better prepared for their new roles. ‘Long term plan.’ He filed the idea for future consideration.

    Agreed. I’d like to see my offices now.’ Flair suggested and they moved toward the stairs. Terry surprised him when he tore himself away from True and rushed to catch up with them. He winked at Jock indicating that all was in readiness and they moved down the stairs.

    I thought about your lighting system and came up with a small request. Is it possible to add musical notes to the steps as though walking on a huge keyboard? I thought that there would be children in time and that they might enjoy it.’

    A huge smile spread across Flair’s face. ‘I had suggested it to the owner of the old perch but he had refused to incorporate it into the stairs. The programs are already written.’

    Great. I have just one more thing that needs to be attended to and I have a favor to ask. Could you dress in your best suit? There is a Joining that I wish you to attend.’

    I would be honored.’ They entered the offices and his eyes travelled appreciatively across the room. ‘The office is amazing.’

    Jock smiled and led him across to the rear wall and motioned for him to enter. ‘The outer offices are for your assistants. This is your reception room.’ He moved again to the back wall and the door slid aside. ‘And this is your private office.’

    Flair stood just inside the door his mouth agape. ‘It is larger than all of my old offices combined.’

    That door leads to the boardroom and that one to your personal facilities. I took the liberty of having your clothes for the Joining put out for you. Now, if you will excuse us, we need to go to our rooms to shower and change.’

    He led Terry back to the outer offices and turned to the Junior Administrator. All is in readiness?

    Yes Sir.

    Then why have you not changed?

    I’m invited?

    Everyone is. Inform them and ensure they have all they need. If not let me know and I will see that it is made available.

    But forms need to be filled out, acquisitions requested and approved.

    Do you need to write it down or can you remember to write it at a later time?

    I can remember Sir.

    Then do so. If the occasion calls for the use of an honorific then I would suggest Rider, otherwise I am to be addressed as Jock.

    Understood Rider Jock.

    Terry winked. ‘It is important for him to recognize your position for it follows that he is thereby the Junior Administrator to Rider Jock which meets his need for recognition of his status.’

    So if he chooses to call me Sir I should accept it.’

    Yes. You made the offer and it is a sign of respect and acceptance for you to have done so, but the choice to address you with an honorific must

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