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The Blithedale Romance
The Blithedale Romance
The Blithedale Romance
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The Blithedale Romance

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Trajectory presents classics of world literature with 21st century features! Our original-text editions include the following visual enhancements to foster a deeper understanding of the work: Word Clouds at the start of each chapter highlight important words. Word, sentence, paragraph counts, and reading time help readers and teachers determine chapter complexity. Co-occurrence graphs depict character-to-character interactions as well character to place interactions. Sentiment indexes identify positive and negative trends in mood within each chapter. Frequency graphs help display the impact this book has had on popular culture since its original date of publication. Use Trajectory analytics to deepen comprehension, to provide a focus for discussions and writing assignments, and to engage new readers with some of the greatest stories ever told.

"The Blithedale Romance" is a classic romantic tale from the 19th century set in Colonial New England. It is based on George Ripley's Brook Farm socialistic experiment in 1841.

Release dateOct 1, 2014

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) was an American author whose works are notable for their psychological complexity, dark romanticism, and themes of sin and retribution. Born in Salem, Massachusetts, Hawthorne was a descendant of the earliest Puritan settlers, including one of the judges in the Salem witch trials. In addition to The Scarlet Letter, his well-known works include the novel The House of the Seven Gables and the story collection Twice-Told Tales.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyable romance with tragic elements.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was chosen while trying to complete a LT Challenge.It was listed as a satire, yet there was barely enough information presented about the daily lives of the people who joined to form the experimental Blithedale community to satirize. The plot ranged from faux mysteries to goofy, with good venue and character physical descriptions interspersed: "He had a good forehead, with a particularly large development just above the eyebrows; fine intellectual gifts, no doubt, which he had educated to this profitable end; being famous for nothing but gin-cocktails, and commanding a fair salary by his one accomplishment."The physical beauty of the women was way over-emphasized and, what was revealed by their actions, might make one wonder if they were worthy of the equal rights pursued.I felt no connection with any of the characters and only the slightest interest in solving the mystery of The Veiled Lady, certainly a discordant plot entry.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book and found that The Blithedale Romance was full of mystery and intriguing characters.The book was based upon Hawthorne's experiences at Brook Farm, a short-lived utopian community. It's not a work of social criticism but it does touch on women's suffrage, prison reform, spiritualism and other economic, political and cultural issues of the time. The beginning of the book is a little slow but the end chapters are full of drama and tragedy as the friends turn to foes. I highly recommend the Blithedale Romance especially if you like character-driven tragedies.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    These intellectuals found that theory doesn't always work out in practice. An increase of work lead to decreased intellectual growth and stimulation, and they couldn't handle it. If you can't sit around and discuss ideals, are they really in utopia at all?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was tempted to give this four stars. If three and a half feels ungenerous, it's because the prose so often gleams with wonderful imagery and ideas. Unless you are completely out of step with 19th century literature, I think it's impossible to read this and not see Hawthorne as a first rate writer. Yet I can't think I'll read this again or hold this up as the epitome of his art, and I think that it doesn't quite all cohere for me.Blithedale is the name of a commune in which this story takes place. But it's only backdrop, not really the subject, and that disappointed me. Why bother having that as your setting if it's not tightly woven into your plot and theme? It's supposedly based on Hawthorne's own experiences on Brook Farm, a utopian commune. I've read that Hawthorne was suspicious of utopianism, and one would think that was fed by his own experiences, but I felt it got short shrift here. Yes, I can see aspects of the novel that are critical. Coverdale, the first person narrator, has all these puffed-up aspirations that seem to drain away once he meets anyone with dirt on his hands--let alone gets his own hands dirty. Hollingsworth is a portrait of the dangerous monomaniac you meet among a lot of those with utopian schemes. And then there's Zenobia. What a waste of a character. She's the patron of the place, a feminist before her time easily toppled over by love of a not very worthy man. In the end it's all a just a love triangle that I can't really see tying well into a theme about the impossibility of the perfectibility of man. (Of course the point might have been the imperfectness of women, and the impossibility of feminism, but you can't expect me to give Hawthorne points for that.) The ending to me seemed melodramatic and the last line made me roll my eyes.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Before 200 channels of TV, radio, computers, and journalism, writers could write the way Hawthorne wrote. Readers had the patience to make their way through sentences so dense that you could chew them, description so vivid you could taste them. This is not to say that there hasn't been quantities of fine writing since the electronic age, but there sure hasn't been another Hawthorne or James, his literary heir. Some readers may be glad of that. Not me. I love the richness of 19th century prose. When I sit down with Melville, James, Trollope, G. Eliot or Hawthorne, I know I am going to be quite pleasurably lost in a sea of words.

    The Blithedale Romance to some extent follows the pattern of The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun; strong independent woman with a secret in her past and a shadowy maleficent man from whose hold she cannot break free. However, this novel of the founding of a Utopian community takes several new paths both in tone and narrative. As with all of Hawthorne's work there is a mysterious aspect to the narrative and the relationships of the characters, but in Blithedale the sense of other-worldliness is immediate and lasting. Another difference is that despite the tragic nature of the tale, the tone is more buoyant than in any other work that I have read by him. And, also not typical, with the use of the cynical Miles Coverdale who is willing to laugh at his own play at idealism as narrator, the book is often very funny. Thematically there is a great deal to chew on with the most important or interesting themes being, I suppose, the question of whether or not we can really better mankind as a whole and the paradox of the philanthropist, a man or woman who begins with a genuine concern for their cause but in the end becomes dehumanized by it.

    Fanciful, funny, rich in sympathy, sobering and thought provoking... The Blithedale Romance deserves a wider readership than it has had. It is in not the great work that The Scarlet Letter is, but is very wise in its own way, a great tale, and probably more fun.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So, "The Blithesdale Romance" certainly isn't Nathaniel Hawthorne's best work but I still found it interesting nonetheless. It had an odd way of getting at the story -- in a sort of meandering way, but I thought the overall story was interesting once the book finally got to it.Our narrator Myles Coverdale joins a communal farm named Blithesdale, which is populated by some quirky and interesting characters. There isn't really a ton of information about farm life, it's more about Coverdale's efforts to slowly uncover the lives of his fellow residents Zenobia and Priscilla.Sometimes the plot gets lost a bit in the poetic ramblings about the trees or the walls (or whatever) but I liked it enough to continue on to see what would happen. The ending also surprised me, so bonus points for that, too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After reading “The Scarlet Letter” years ago in school, and now “The House of Seven Gables” and “The Blithedale Romance” in relatively close conjunction, there seems to be a common theme running throughout much of Hawthorne’s longer fiction: namely, the deep and abiding mistrust in ideas of utopia, progress or perfectibility, especially of the human kind. Hawthorne came from a long line of Puritans, one of whom even presided over some of the Salem witch trials. Now writing on the cusp of the Civil War, he feels the renewed need for the kind of pragmatic skepticism which, one generation later, an entire generation of American philosophers will call for.Coverdale, the naïve narrator in search of an agrarian source of truth, discovers Blithedale (the name itself should set off bells of suspicion), a community built around the ideals of Fourier, the utopian French social theorist. Fourier thought that life could be optimized through a kind of rationalistic social engineering, the basic living unit of which he called the “phalanstere.” The hilarious (hilarious in that subtle, dowdy, Puritan way that was uniquely Hawthorne’s) part is that, once everyone in Blithedale is introduced into the mix, tensions, different ideas, passions, and ideologies start to bubble to the surface showing just what a pipedream Fourier’s utopia really is. Hawthorne’s point seems to be that holding rationality primary over contingency and human emotion is shortsighted and silly. Not only is Blithedale a folly, but the very idea of a utopia is a sheer impossibility. I’m sure that Hawthorne would have us remember the clever lesson from Thomas More’s “Utopia” – that it means, quite literally, “no place.” I’ll forego a lot of the plot details because I read this several months ago, and wouldn’t be able to do them justice without re-reading it. What I have unpacked here is just what jumped out at me the most. There is a strange woman named Zenobia who always wears a fresh flower in her hair, who turns out being the half-sister of a Blithedale foundling named Priscilla. The novel culminates in a set of philosophical disagreements between Coverdale and Hollingsworth, the ironically patriarchal figure whose presence hangs over Blithedale. I found the plot somewhat contrived and unrealistic, even for Hawthorne, but still very much worthwhile. The action is based on Hawthorne’s experiences at Brook Farm, a well-known utopian community in its own right, where he spent most of 1841, largely in an effort to save money for his marriage. He would marry Sophia Peabody (of the famous Peabody sisters) in July of the next year.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My favorite Hawthorne. A roman a clef about Brook Farm, the failed Transcendental communal experiment.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    857 The Blithedale Romance, by Nathaniel Hawthorne (read 4 June 1966) I did no post-reading note so all I can say is that I did not enjoy the book much, thinking it not very impressive. Wikipedia has an article on the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Story of a group of town men and women that decided to go work at a farm and live the simple life. Twist in the relationship of the leading women. Narrator seems to be a rather boring yet nosy poet. Surprise ending. Great last line.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this story. It has very interesting scenes of life at that time, both urban and rural. It shows the struggles one faces when trying to go one's own way. The women have excellent roles, and there is much honesty in the way the material is presented. This is some of Hawthorne's best work.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One of the worst novels I've read in a while- the plot is contrived, the prose is overdone, characters not as interesting as first appeared, etc. I expected the utopian community angle would make it intersting, but it doesn't play a very central part in the plot (or I didn't think so). At least it was short ...