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The Pirate Witch
The Pirate Witch
The Pirate Witch
Ebook35 pages31 minutes

The Pirate Witch

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Maeve Tierney, the pirate witch, must escape from Captain Coyle, who wants her head, because she knows where the Queen's Ransom treasure is buried.

Release dateJan 14, 2011
The Pirate Witch

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    Book preview

    The Pirate Witch - Paul Genesse

    The Pirate Witch

    by Paul Genesse

    Copyright 2011 Paul Genesse

    Published by Iron Dragon Books

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents:

    The Pirate Witch

    About the Author

    The Pirate Witch

    Maeve pushed the dead man off the floating walkway with the heel of her boot. He slid from her rapier and splashed into fish-gut-smelling water where a swarm of hungry offal sharks tore into his flesh. Locking her eyes onto the next pirate in line, Maeve pointed her bloodied sword at his tattooed chest.

    The pirate held up his notched cutlass as the eight hard-looking men behind him tensed for a fight. Cap’n Coyle warned us that you were prickly.

    Coyle? Maeve’s angry visage faded. She flashed a questioning glance over her shoulder at Baxter. The tall man’s pockmarked and sword-scarred face scrunched up in confusion. She turned back to the pirates blocking their way, knowing firsthand about Coyle’s cruel tactics and the black-hearted men who followed him. Never heard of him. Maeve stepped toward the tattooed man, who bumped into one of his mates.

    You’re just as Cap’n Coyle said, the pirate challenged, curly black hair down to your arse, hazel eyes and a fiery temper. You’re Maeve Tierney, wife of the dead Cap’n Bull Tierney, and you’re coming with us.

    Got the wrong woman, you do. Maeve wiped the blood off her sword with a frilly white handkerchief. She shook her head at the stain then pretended to curse under her breath—instead speaking the secret words of power her mother had taught her. Maeve used the raw power in the fresh blood to cast her spell and felt the magic rising in her throat. I’m Lace Connelly and my business is running punch houses for freebooters like you lot.

    The pirates blinked with surprise as Maeve’s words hung in the air, blocking out the splashing of the sharks feeding in the water. The blood on the handkerchief disappeared, utterly consumed by the mind-controlling spell that had been powered by the dead man’s blood. Maeve held her breath, knowing that if her

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